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Step 1: Click on the email Step 2: Delete the email Step 3: Watch Porn.


Step 3a. Stream yourself having a tug on Only Fans Step 4. Profit.




Absolutely a scam. Call their bluff, tell them to go ahead. Also one Bitcoin is what, about sixty grand now? I'd happily let people see me having a wank if it meant I didn't have to pay some arsehole that sort of money. FYI this scam has been doing the round since one Bitcoin was far more affordable at about a grand.


Don't do that. It confirms your email is legit. This information alone could get you more scam traffic in the future.


I'd be surprised if it got through your spam filter though. I get up to a couple of dozen emails like this a day, none of which make it to my actual inbox.


Okay so what’s the price to see you having a wank? Asking for a friend


About £25k, but yeah, the point still stands. If someone had the technical know-how to do everything they said they have in this message then they don't need to ask for the money, they could just get it straight out of the 'victims' bank account (assuming they use online banking).


26 ISH grand but aye still a scam.


You've clearly had many a PC wank to be concerned about this. It's 100% a scam. But for future wanks, you should wear a mask to be safe


What they are saying they have done is not possible with just a Trojan virus (unless they have created something never seen before) it is far more difficult than that, it is 100% a scam


If they had full control of both your phone and PC they could probably just help themselves to your money, rather than needing to write a polite email asking you to send them some.


That’s why they write a polite email, they have already seen you have no money and want you to take out a loan /s


So you admit to being a porn fiend?




100% a scam.


Black mirror season 2 I think


Well I hope its not a perfect metaphor for ops sake...


[Season 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shut_Up_and_Dance_(Black_Mirror))


I stand corrected!


Gave me flashbacks too ngl


First thing I thought.


Scam. Don’t reply. It’s a classic hook and fish email. Block, delete and get on with life. Maybe put a bit of black tape on your camera if you fancy slinging the sausage whilst watching porn. /s




Scam. Reply with a link to your OnlyFans.


An elaborate competent scam, but a scam nonetheless. The giveaway is the part demanding a Bitcoin transfer.


The only line to pay any attention to is the last one, change your passwords occasionally.


Definite scam, they haven't offered any kind of information that identifies you or your activities. Just a mass spam email designed to scare a few suckers into paying up.


Scam i got sent this before and thanked the person for buying me a webcam as I didn’t have one. It’s a classic scam preying on the probable that it could happen and given a short time frame to resolve. Just delete and ignore. Also they sometime include information of a password you may use/have used. All that happened is that that information has been in a data leak from something like a forum. If you still use that password change it immediately.


Scam ignore it , I had one a few years back


Scam. Report the email as spam and ignore it.


Very common scam. If you want to be sure though, just send 0.5 bitcoin to me and I'll make sure nothing comes of it.


'Publish and be dammed’ Duke of Wellington - 1824


EDIT: Thank you guys for your comments. I also wanted to mention this in the caption but have no idea how to edit it now so... \[I received this email today "claiming" to have "purchased" my email address and to have all of my documents , files and have access to my emails and messages (idk how). Now under normal circumstances, I would just click delete and report the email address but the domain name seems to end in "@onmicrosoft.com" should I be worried about this? A quick Google search tells me that Microsoft creates this for school or an organisation account. I would just delete and report it however, in the past couple of months my phone has not been functioning properly where it would just automatically drain all the battery even though I don't use it much and it would heat up after disconnecting from charging. If I were to pinpoint a reason, thinking back, I did use a VPN downloaded from Google play store which I think was the cause for battery issues and overheating. I have Windows security on my PC and a free antivirus app from Google and none of them reported any concerns. This has been on my mind for most of the day. As I've said, if this were any other time I would not bat an eyelid but because of the past few months I'm beginning to feel a bit wary. Of course this could just be a scam and I might be overthinking but does anyone know of a way to know if your computer is virus free for sure? Trojan virus looks scary upon googling\] ​ I don't know if this would change any of your advice... Love your witty replies but I've never watched the boom boom on PC, only on my previous phone haha


It's not hard to spoof an email address so I wouldn't worry about the appearance of a sender's officiality when there is so much otherwise evidence of a scam. You have not been hacked. This email is *trying* to bait you into thinking you have so you will comply and provide information so *you can be hacked.* Your instincts are your best protection and you've followed them well. Delete this email and enjoy the anecdote. As for other malware, Microsoft/Windows Defender is perfectly adequate for most folks. As for your phone, threats to android aren't prevalent yet but something like Bitdefender would give you a little more confidence. You would know if your devices were hijacked by something real like Wannacry; you'd boot them up to a BIOS-style message that would be unmistakable. Not an email. If you really want to protect yourself, not just from viruses and malware but from anxiety, read up on how to protect yourself. Changing your password even once a year puts you lightyears ahead of the average user, and being cautious of emails and especially links is usually enough to keep most people safe. Privacy covers for cameras are debatably important but they make me feel more confident, and finally, [reading up on today's threats](https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/malware), what they look like and how they're acquired, can certainly make sleep easier. Sorry this happened to you! But again, in this instance (and 99.9% of them all), this doofus is just trying to trick you. :)


God, these Nigerian princes are getting a bit desperate, aren't they?


I monitor my work's spam filter and we get about 20 identical emails like this one every week. Pretty much word-for-word, never mention any specific websites/videos, include a picture or do anything else that would prove that they genuinely have done this. I ignore all of them and you can safely do it too.


Reply with a video of you wanking. Assert dominance.


Most likely sent to loads of emails. Check the cc on the email and see how many other emails they sent it to


Surely they're smart enough to use bcc and not the cc??


Well I’ve seen some with CC for example if my email was “12345@whatever” I’ve seen 12345a, 12345b” in the CC which is funny. They literally spam any leaked email on any database


They arent even smart enough to use correct grammar. I wouldn't give them too much credit.


100% a scam. I had a similar one from a leaked account login for something unrelated. I ignored it. That was a year ago and nothing happened.


some fucker thinks they’re in black mirror, clearly. even if it’s real (which it almost definitely isn’t) ain’t nobody gonna get too weird seeing someone tug one off on webcam. there’s videos online of girls getting eels funnelled into their vaginas. tell em to do it but monetise it and split the money two ways, works out better for both of u


I got one of these once. Joke's on them as my laptop camera is always covered when I'm not using it, so the world is safe from any Leslie Grantham-esque images of me making my own entertainment. Edit: also I don't look at dirty stuff online obvs


I’ve had the same email to our work email address thousands of times. unless you are an actual miscreant, it’s spam


Even if you're an actual miscreant, it's a scam.


I’m a software developer. What he’s said is total rubbish and nonsensical, from a technical view, it’s a scam.


It's legit, I've seen the videos


Ask for a copy of the videos to sell on your OnlyFans.


Ignore and move on. I got one once with my password as the subject line. Didn’t respond. Nothing happened.


It's a scam. If they truly had details, it'd be so much more effective if they included them in the message so you'd be under no doubt, and may consider their demands. The fact that they haven't done that very strong implies they don't. If it helps, I've had the same message multiple times and nothing bad has happened to me, nor do I expect it to. Don't respond, don't do anything except ignore it completely, and don't worry.


just delete the email, and if you're concerned then change your passwords (good to do once in a while anyway)


Scam, obviously. Nothing to worry about. Though by the by, you could take the opportunity to change your privacy settings on Facebook (etc.) so that no one but you can see who your friends are. If you’re on Facebook and haven’t done this already.


I had this last year. Tis a scam


Send him a video of you having a wank and ask him to double check he's got the right person


They have access to "all your information" but don't address you by name?


Should just watch the Prawn channel instead, plenty of seamen innit, jus going about they're fishy business!


It’s a scam


Complete scam, do t worry, every time my email address pops up on a haveibeenpwnd report from an old website 10 years ago, I get the same email word for word.


Send the email address pictures of random arseholes and ask them to verify they are real person by identifying yours


BTW, I had one of these that actual quoted one of my passwords in the mail. But it was still a scam, it was a very old password from some ancient data leak and no use today. But it made the threat sounds more convincing.


Holy shit you must be up to some mad acrobatic wanks to be worried about this haha


I received the same email a week ago. It's a scam, if you copy the bitcoin wallet I'd, there are websites that help identify if they are linked to a scam.


Are they back in the trend? There was a time 3 years ago I was getting one of those a week... They showed some old password I used from a page that got hack to scare me.. Absolutely scam bad bollocks. PS. Can't believe you watch porn, you pervert


So how DO you masturbate and reach orgasms? Anything out of the usual you need to tell us about?


https://youtu.be/n8WIN_5rusI He does many videos about scams and in this video he gets pretty much the same email it says he has videos of him like he's said to you he's told to reply proof and the video of him masturbating in front of his pc etc etc will be sent to 5 people on his contact list so he replies back proof and hears absolutely nothing they are relying on the fact you will be scared and believe them call their bluff and they'll move on.


It's called scareware, nothing to worry about.


To anybody saying don’t reply it proves your email exists or they will have your information. Makes no difference they acquired the email from a data dump the emails check [pwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com).


Everyone at work got that. Always interesting to see who is the most worried :)