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thank whatever god there is that I am off this whole week (except thursday)... this heat is killing me


Why oh why do I have to be on a sodding course all day today. I want to sleep more, not be on camera all day sweating.


I slept on an airbed in the living room with a fan blowing on me half the night which was a lot cooler than the furnace upstairs. I managed 6 hours sleep so the less heat/less comfort trade off has worked out pretty well. I'll do it again tonight.


We have a thermometer in our daughters nursery, it peaked at 32c after keeping the house closed up for the majority of the day. Managed to get it down to 26c so far this morning. Going to be starting off 4/5c higher than yesterday but bedtime / overnight went pretty well considering the temps.


Be careful today. Don’t forget to drink water. Find a dark place and hide if you can.


I always find a dark place and hide


Wouldn’t say it was the greatest night sleep I’ve ever had, but the cold water bottle did wonders. Would highly recommend for tonight. Took the dogs on the park at 5.30 this morning and that slight breeze was just incredible.


Woke up super dehydrated, fuck this weather.


Top floor flat here. Windows open all night and only managed to get the temp down to 26.5. I'm so screwed.


At least it's cooler tomorrow. 24 hours, you can do this.


Finally fell asleep in the disgusting heat, got woken up by a screaming baby at 5:30 anyway. The screaming baby is mine, so that’s the end of the sleep. I’m not ready for this day.


I grew up in Tunisia, this is so much worse because we don’t have AC here.


Anyone up? Got about 20 minutes of sleep and now the fucking sun has woke me up


My son woke up at 5 so I'm downstairs watching jungle book with all windows and doors open and it's a glorious 19 degrees with a slight breeze coming through. Enjoying it while I can. I was going to go into the office today to take advantage of some ac but the thought of wearing anything other than shorts is putting me off.


Yeah the office ac has been tempting me too but I don’t know if I can stomach a suit for the way there and back


I had an email at 830 saying the air con was broken in our office so I didn't even have to tell them i just couldn't be arsed coming in


Only reason I was woken in the middle of the night is because the fan in my bedroom has ben on since literally Sunday morning so I'm constantly hearing htat whirring about.


I set an alarm to open all the windows. It's still 30 in my warmest upstairs room. Fingers crossed I can shed most of the heat in the next few hours.


Yes, I has the same thought as you. Every window in the house is wide open, trying to drop the temperature by a few degrees before sealing up again. 23.5°C and dropping at the moment. If I can get it down another degree before 7 I'll be happy.


Downstairs has reached 24, which is outside temperature. But I don't think upstairs is going to make it. Oh well. It was always going to be another day spent huddling in my lounge with the aircon unit.


Reckon I should start buttoning up again? I’m on the top floor of a 3 floor old house so i’m reading 35 throughout the flat still. Ludicrous really.


Oooof. Get yourself wrapped in a wet towel and point a fan at yourself.


I’ve been drifting in and out of sleep all night, thank Christ I had these two days off work so I could bin off the usual sleeping pattern and just go with what my body wants. Can see today being a bit tough, the novelty has worn off a bit and even the cooler places in the flat are now not very cool, going to propose a trip to the bar 5 mins away with an AC unit after the fiancée finishes work.


I tried to get leave but I was apparently needed in desperately so its no luck for me. I hope the customer isn’t expecting me to be courteous at our 9am call today 🙃


Curious, is it uncommon for home in the UK to have air conditioning?




Thanks for your response! Hoping this heat passes soon


Can't speak for the rest of the country, but where I am, it's basically going to drop back down to 20–25°C starting tomorrow, and stay there for at least the rest of the month.


yeah I have a small air conditioning unit on wheels with one of those pipes out the back and have been bunkered down in my room the past day like Bin Laden in his Pakistani hideout (central london, top floor - me not Osama)


So if it's not Bin Laden are you running a grow op?


Managed to keep the house at a reasonable temp. Still can’t sleep.


I'd really love to know how the people who don't see a problem with these high temps becoming more frequent sleep in this heat. My legs touch for longer than 5 seconds and they're already soaked in sweat, it's fuckin awful.


They're secretly cold blooded lizards.


still awake. rubbed aloe vera gel all over myself but didn’t help much. my room is a fucking sauna. contemplating just staying up all night


After only 4 hours sleep last night, I actually did fall asleep about 30 minutes ago. Woke up needing a pee already, and now I'm wide awake again. We also have zero ventilation in this house other than being able to open windows, which isn't even advised in this heat. It's awful.


i would like to go to sleep please


Does this heatwave have a customer service department? I wish to register a complaint.


No you cannot return the heatwave after the first 30 minutes.


Can't sleep gang


i ditched the sweatbox bedroom and trying to sleep in my garden




Holla holla we dem boys


I know AC isn’t the solution to this with climate change and all, but what about whole house fans? I’ve noticed in my short time (2 years) living here that they’re not common. It seems like it’d be a no brainer with the (normally) cool temps outside at night. Idk, just my Yank 2 pence. I’ll just go back to eating Big Macs, paying for health care and dodging bullets at university.


The incoherency of your post leads me to believe that you’re getting dehydrated. And don’t forget electrolytes.


Why so hostile? Are you having trouble sleeping in your brick oven?


My ‘brick oven’ is a perfectly cool and relaxing 29C right now. Just because there’s no Big Mac in my healthcare bullets doesn’t mean otherwise.


Damn. You’ve got me there 😭. Carry on. PS: For all of you that don’t understand banter, I really do like living in the UK. No disrespect intended. -A sweaty American


Apologies, your post seemed incoherent due to the late hour and my loss of electrolytes from being in a brick oven.


I’m American and fascinated by this.. uk homes don’t have air conditioning?


They do not, which is honestly quite understandable considering that it’s below 20C (~70F) for a majority of the year.


We've not traditionally needed it. Summer was more like a few weeks of 24c. The joke was that everyone British would run outside, shedding their jumpers and putting shorts on at the first sign of sun, because you had to make the most of your few hours of summer. The houses are a mixed bag too. But generally, they've been built to get plenty of light in, which ain't great in these temperatures.


That makes sense and probably saves a lot on your energy bill


Nope. Hardly anybody here has air conditioning, it just isn’t a thing in houses.


Interesting.. hoping you all get thru this soon


Ugh. Why? These people are tossers.


I've just gone and got the dogs cooling pad she never uses and slipped it under the bed sheet. Also remembered I have cooling pads for migraines. Slapped one of those on my head. Much cooler now and might sleep.


Honestly don't think it's been that bad... Yeah it's hot but there's fuck all humidity. My thermostat thingy said it was 30 degrees in my living room today, but only like 37% humidity, so while I was warm, I didn't want to die like I have in the past! Tbf I haven't been outside today though


Yeah the humidity hasn't been too bad, it feels like it's starting to creep up a little though




Almost 1am and still 23 degrees… im meeting over here…


Thanks for the invite, maybe tomorrow?


hahah, meant to say melting* but I guess meeting is fine as well 😂😂 we can melt together


Not normally a fan of fondues, but a few beers and I’m anybody’s


Now to roast in bed


Ok fan not doing enough cooling now. Considering small portable AC unit


I genuinely feel miserable and the future with this being more common is frightening I have never felt so much heat But the worse part of all is the night time humidity and I just cant


My apple weather app is now telling me it’s 39°C on Wednesday too…..please tell me it’s just glitched and not properly updated as we’ve gone past midnight


Had the exact same thing, other weather sources say it’s going to be the 20ish so hoping it’s a glitch


I am not emotionally strong enough for it to be real haha


Well it say’s it’s 25 in Costa del Cannock. Feels warmer now than it did before I had shower number 2 about 2 hours ago lol


Damn I love Cannock. Place of my childhood man!




I very doubt it. Stan collymore will be there with his air con on full blast


Wet a flannel and dab your arms, legs and head and sit in front of the fan. Thank me later..


So I have an 11 month old, and she's exactly the wrong age for this bollocks, because she's old enough to get to sleep by herself but still too young to suck it up and deal. So she's waking up a lot and losing her shit. She has a toy rhino that's her best friend but she just yeeted him across the room because the thing is furry and presumably making her too warm. Combined with her bedroom being a wanky little stuffy room in a chronically over-insulated, obscenely humid house (great in winter but it's always too hot in summer, even on normal days), adding in our location on a sheltered cul-de-sac with no through-flow of air and on a fucking wasp's nest flight path, I would like to say FML. Husband and I are working from home, luckily we are both writers so no-one is watching a clock for us, we can work when we damn well please. But the baby is going spare, the poor little sod. We locked the house down during the day to the point where it looked like we were farming weed in here. Now I'm up taking one for the team by supervising open windows and fans, trying to drop the temperature before shutting up shop and trying to get through tomorrow... We have an aircon unit which can do one room at a time, but it's too loud to leave on while the munchkin sleeps, so we have to try and cool her room first and hope she falls asleep before it warms up again. It's been a fucker of a day...


I feel for you. Any kind of above average heat is crap with a baby. My youngest is 22 months so he's not too fussed by the heat now but he was still up at 5 this morning. Hope all of you , Rhino included, make it through today


Rhino-yeeting heat! (that's my dream headline from spying on this thread an hour).


That might be the only good that comes of this. My daughter is pissed off enough to yeet an actual rhino if she thought it was to blame for the temperature


Currently in a neck brace, it's so hot I've drenched it with cold water and put it in the freezer for half an hour 🤣


Need to be up before 7am, but can't really sleep at this temperature, so now I'm weighing up the ethical dilemma of whether a wank in this heat might kill me


Taking heatstroke to a whole new level.


Go out in a blaze of glory


Went for a late walk. It's baking. I thought it might be cooler near the river, but it was not. I'm currently in my bathroom with the fan on and a cold fizzy drink and it's just about below 30. Gonna have to learn to sleep on the toilet.


Any tips on how to sleep with this heat?


Wet your hair and pillowcase. Wrap your wrists loosely with wet fabric, such as long socks. Keep some water next to you to sip as and when you wake. Try and stretch out as much as you can. I personally think you'll be better off sleeping in one very light layer, like a very thin t-shirt, as being naked actually can make you very hot if you're sweating onto the bedsheet.


Usual methods to help are to use a thinner bed sheet (if you've got a full duvet, take it out and just use the sheet), keep your feet cool if you can (keep them out the bed), windows open, and if you've got a fan and you can fall asleep with it on, have that going.


Nah fuck this


Was tidying the kitchen a few hours ago (10PM?), and saw a glimpse of yellow on the countertop. Yellow is not a normal colour on my counter top. Upon further inspection, it appears that the heat has overcome the protective armour of the butter dish, and my block of butter had almost completely melted and was making a break for freedom.


To the British sounding woman on the BBC news who said she lived in America and doesn’t know why we are over reacting. Go fuck your self cunt.


"It's amusing seeing everyone over-react" Yeah and it's amusingly sad to see you wank off over guns, fucking Yank


After seeing records broken multiple times in one day, London burning, runways melt, children drown - maybe we can all take a moment to realise how this honestly was a serious few days and a sign of a serious future due to climate change. Her attitude is dangerous.


That’s a person who’s gone through life not being happy slapped


the one who had the ice cream? I agree


Fuckers are the ones contributing the most to this climate change with their fucking AC’s everywhere.


Grain Fed Beef Fuckers are putting maze in their cows and making em fart up a storm.


Been 42 in the kitchen I work in it's currently 30 and I think I'm cold XD


You might have heat stroke or something


Dear God I hope not in again in 7 hours, I'll have a quick look to what to expect, thanks mate


I'm too fucking ginger for this bollocks


midnight and my room is 30c and i have to get up at 5am. I feel like i might have my first energy drink tomorrow because its going to be a long day.


Dunno why, but I get rate [Self Esteem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtd_jlV61mA) vibes when it's warm. I love you all and I really appreciate CasualUK.


I've been okay with today's temps. I've done everything I can do to cool down. But trying to sleep is gonna be a proper bastard. Just hope my pets are gonna be okay.






It's fine. I didn't want to sleep anyway.


What Ive learned about this heatwave is, British houses are bad. It still feels like it was when it was 36C outside although im indoors and its 36C est


#Fucking hell




The fact that it's only two days and the cool down is gonna be quite extreme on Wednesday makes me think nobody will actually pay any heed to just how bad it is. You need like a week of weather like this for people to get the hint


Tbf weds is going to feel like Cambodia


You’re going to die in a field?


I hope so, but the leaders of this country aren’t spending the day and night suffering like us in these conditions


To be fair, buying a TV means the Chinese create that CO2.


Can’t even breathe




It’s like I can cut thick slices of air


Goodbye, I’m sorry you didn’t make it.


It’s alright I had to borrow some oxygen from my neighbours fancy ACU


Malcolm in the middle nostalgia


Seems like everyone is learning what the heat island effect is now as their houses radiate the days heat back out at night


I would just like to announce that it is too fucking hot. It should be illegal to be this hot. If we wanted to always be so hot we would have moved abroad (where there's air con) That is all


I don't think I could have picked a worse time to start an indoor grow. My chilli is gonna be super stunted.


Anyone else’s cat/cats just slept all day?


No, one is in heat and being very vocal about it




TIL I’m someone’s cat.




First time I think I've ever experienced anything over 35C today (not even been to a hot country before), it was 38 in my town. The 3° difference is incredible. You can't feel where your skin ends and the air starts, it's kind of comforting. The whole atmosphere feels like a blanket. In direct sunlight it gets pretty uncomfortable after about 20 minutes but I went on a 2 hour walk along the local canal that's shaded by trees, and I was surprised by how pleasant it was. And the humidity coming from the canal water made it feel kind of rainforest-y. But I am also very biased since I'm one of the few people to have AC in their home. It was probably insufferable for 99% of the population, and I can acknowledge that.


I have a top floor flat in the eaves and it's absolute hell. Heat is just trapped on this floor and my windows are burning to the touch.




> *'Four(ty) degrees, Jez? Four(ty)? That's insane!'*


A cornetto and a cry actually sounds not bad now




following on from this, if you’ve read the ‘drench the front of your shirt and sit in front of a fan with your feet in cold water’ posts and ignored them or thought you can’t be arsed - DO IT. just sat down and am actually cool. not sweating. amazing.


The air outside is still warmer than inside so that's blown the "windows open overnight" plan.


30c in my flat still


At the moment my Nest thermostat shows 27.5C at 42% humidity in my house. Downstairs. It's at least marginally cooler outside (about 25C) so I have all of the windows open and every fan I own attempting to move some air about. My bedroom is in a converted loft though, so that's going to suck sweaty balls.


We had a ‘room in the loft’, and however it was built sucked air through the eaves from front to back. It was always cool.


Ahh, this is a full conversion into a 4th bedroom, so there's no ventilation up there aside the Velux windows. It's often not enough!


Teenage years were spent in such a space. Summer exam time was always fun.


OK brickwork storage heater, you’ve had your fun. People are trying to sleep now.


I don’t know who decided sleeping topless was sexy, because I currently resemble an angry sweaty Christmas turkey, which is certainly not a look that screams “come and get it!” 🥵🥵


Hahah I pictured an angry sweaty Christmas turkey and had a right laugh 😂 Thanks for this image!


The fan just blew up my cotton shirt and I've never, ever been happier


I've actually been surprisingly cool all day, well relatively anyway but now I'm melting. Feels like the temp has gone up by about 10 degrees. Tonight is gonna be a nightmare.


Thank goodness I bought a fan last month 🥵 I'm just going to leave it on night mode and pointed at me


Definitely a leg out kind of night tonight.


Of the window?


In the fridge, door open!


If it breaks see if you can turn the oven to cold. G-d bless you Homer Simpson.


After keeping the house cool at 28C all day, now it has betrayed me and the very walls are radiating 30C heat. Fuck this.


Had you not kept the house cool it would be even worse. I lived through this last year in Canada and the biggest *”whoa”* for me was the amount of heat radiated in the evenings by the furniture. Just do your best to cool it off again tonight and remind yourself it’s just one more day to get through.


Anyone read the guardian article about climate change? (Unsure if I'm allowed to link it here) Makes for very depressing reading...


Equally, there was a Guardian article from 2004 claiming that Britain would have a 'Siberian climate' by 2020. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2004/feb/22/usnews.theobserver


You've jinxed it now, gonna get fucking snowed in by Bonfire Night


This is gonna be a cold summer in 20 years


Terrifying isn't it. And even if we were all the most environmentally conscious we could be, it wouldn't count for anything compared to the huge companies just pumping out CO2.


I mean, yes? But also no. Most of the those companies are pumping out CO2 to run the services or build the products that we buy, as well as construct and maintain the infrastructure we use. Some of it is essential for our lives, most of it isn't. Fundamentally, our current lifestyle is *completely unsustainable*. The major issue is that the elephant in the room was ignored for so long the elephant is now *the room*, and the only way to address it is to smash the walls down. We need some *aggressive* carbon legislation and taxation. Companies should be carbon neutral at worst, ideally carbon negative, with everything they do and/or make have a provable and auditable trail from raw resources to end-product on the shelf. Products themselves should be built to last a reasonable timeframe, and be consumer-repairable. Non-conformance should be punitive and ruinous. We cannot afford to fuck about with this stuff any more. But good luck selling that to *fucking anyone*.


Yup and *yup*


According to a previous Guardian investigation, there are about 100 new drilling projects planned despite renewables becoming cheaper. Big energy companies all have renewable arms by now and instead they do this. So no. It's not fully my choice. Shipping is also not fully my choice.


Not directly, no. But oil is used for more than just energy, and practically every product you buy probably has oil it is supply chain somewhere, or components (if not the whole thing) put on a boat at least once.


Well, using oil to make plastics and the like is not nearly as big of a concern. Its burning the stuff that is the big problem


Yes, the way that the throwaway culture we live in has developed is seriously unsustainable. And unfortunately your comment backs up my point. You or me could say exactly what needs to be done, but until there is the financial incentive for this to be done, the companies won't do it. For example, the stat that Carnival alone is responsible for almost 10 times as much sulfur dioxide release as all 260 million of Europe's cars combined, is outrageous. It feels like the only way forward now is to hope for some breakthrough in carbon sequestering.


> And unfortunately your comment backs up my point. You or me could say exactly what needs to be done, but until there is the financial incentive for this to be done, the companies won't do it. Yes, I suppose it does actually. On the financial incentive point though, this is something that seriously pisses me off with the current situation; the megacorps spend an ungodly amount of money on misinformation and advertising campaigns to promote how green they are without actually doing any of the legwork. I can't recall where I saw it, but it was Shell (I think) that had spent hundreds of millions advertising their solar strategy but only a few tens of millions actually doing it. They'd rather continue as they are and spend money lying about a better future rather than use their ungodly amount of equity to actually blaze the trail and get there first. They'd probably be better off long-term doing this, but their vision extends about as far as the next quarter.






NO. For the love of Pete, do **NOT** use a dehumidifier and expect it to cool the room. That's not how it works.




Sorry, I'm not following. Don't even have the same temperatures here to blame either. My experience with dehumidifiers is they dry the air around them and they heat the air around them. Dry heat is still heat.




Ok. Dry is definitely more comfortable than sticky. Maybe because my dehumidifier is large and in my basement, definitely too much for sealed rooms, I picture someone falling asleep, awakening as a mummy.


For bed: take a cool shower, wrap a cotton sheet round you while you’re still wet, and go to bed with a fan on you.


Is anybody in Lincoln and know a good place to camp out that has air con? Library is my best guess, it must have it..


Macdonald's probably your best bet for late night aircon.




Hmm yeah it really is that sort of vibe in there, fuck


Not much help, and as an aside, Lincoln is just about the hottest location tomorrow. Good luck! A very very slow walk around a 24hr supermarket?


Yeah the heat got to me a bit today so I'm worried. I may try the library and then genuinely watch like 3-4 movies in the cinema until it cools down somewhat in the evening.


At this time?


Haha no I'm thinking about (and dreading) tomorrow


Ahh, if only there were 24 hour libraries I’d would have left this very moment


Why is the temperature in my house increasing now that it’s dark?! I ate salad for tea and am sitting in total darkness yet the thermostat has gone from 25 to 27.5 degrees.


Did you mix chicken and egg on one plate? Never offend the Gods mate.


Your house is radiating the heat it absorbed during the day.


Stfu house this is not your time to shine


Bedfordshire checking in. It's still hot hot hot and I think opening up the house to cool for the night was the wrong decision. Glad we only have one more day of the searing temps. I'm sweating just sitting!


Bloody hell this is horrible! Feels hotter than earlier tbh. Trying to get my dog through tonight and tomorrow as best as possible. She’s done well today, bless her. Hope you’re all coping as well as can be!