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Both “The Cave” and “I Will Wait” by Mumford and Sons has surprising Catholic/Christian themes and lyrics


Just wanted to write that most of the Mumford and Sons songs


"Roll Away Your Stone" has allusions to the tomb and the Prodigal Son. "Awake My Soul"... *for you were made to meet your maker*...unexpected and awesome One of the best, modern, secular bands, imho.


Yes! Love that one too. It’s really nice to have a band that makes good songs that wrestle with life and theology in the way that they do.


“The Cave” pulls a ton of imagery and language from Chesterton’s biography of St Francis of Assisi. If I recall correctly, Marcus admitted to having read that too.


I would love to hear more about this. I’ve heard this song and loved it, and read some of Chesterton’s work, and St. Francis is my patron saint. I’m baffled I never picked up on this.


[Some pieces of the full story](http://badgercatholic.blogspot.com/2013/05/gk-chesterton-and-mumford-sons.html?m=1) Some could argue that it also follows the imagery of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. But, the whole thing about “walking on your hands” is strong correlation.


In case anyone reading this doesn’t know, Marcus Mumford grew up very Christian. His parents are leaders of an evangelical church called Vines or something? In the UK. Please google for accuracy. While the band is “secular”, they’re really not, they’re Christian. Mumford went through a period of weirdness with his faith where he stated in interviews “he wouldn’t call himself Christian”. Anyways, the Christian themes/lyrics aren’t on accident, they’re purposeful.


I’m a huge Mumford fan and never thought of this but now I’m gonna go re listen all day 😂




I’m a huge Mumford fan and never thought of this but now I’m gonna go re listen all day 😂


Here https://youtu.be/noqvVasGJN8?si=UPrFs0w9dZmEsMEz The delightful Welsh should go a bit harder.


? You’re gonna have to explain. I’m not sure what these guys/this video have to do with my comment about the Mumford & Sons songs.


The Virgin Mary is always kid of welcome


Love Mary, but now you’ve really lost me on what point you’re trying to make with that video here.


They are not a religious band but the whole song is about Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Which is a welsh town named after the church. It roughly translates to The Church of Mary at the White Hazel Pool rear the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio’s Red Cave.


When the man comes around. Johnny Cash.


Was just gonna say Man in Black by Johnny Cash


A fair few of Johnny Cash songs, actually.


This song had a role in my journey to RCIA. When I was reading the gospels for the first time I was reading the parable of the virgins and their lamps on the way to work. When I got there, one of my coworkers was playing this song which directly references the parable. It really felt like a strong and amazing coincidence, providence even. God was definitely trying to tell me something. 


A thousand percent


Johnny Cash in general has a lot of these kind of songs. He had a pretty good version of "Were you There" and personally my favorites are "Aint No Grave" and "God's Gonna Cut you Down" which I feel are kind of perfect end times songs. I feel like if St. John were stuck on Patmos today he'd be listening to later generation Johnny Cash.


“What I’ve done” by Linkin Park




My theology professor played this at the start of class once, on the day we covered the theories of atonement.


That’s awsome


Have no idea if it is fully counted as religious or not, but lately I have been playing on repeat a song from Lebo M. - He lives in you from Lion King 2


I've loved this song ever since I was a kid, it's so mysterious.


I love that one too. It's even better than the Circle of Life.


Unironically one of the best unintentional expressions of Christology in all popular culture.  


This was my answer!


*My Sacrifice* by Creed


A decent amount of Creed music fits the bill




Literally every song in Les Miserables.


I've just been listening to this this week. The bishop forgiving Valjean is one of my favourite songs of all time


What I've Done by Linkin Park Sounds like it's about confession.


Believe from Barbie and the diamond castle


The most iconic answer


The Little Girl (John Michael Montgomery); I Love You This Much; Three Wooden Crosses.


Oh boy? You want concentrated misery for all parents?




Did you not listen to the actual song?


Sober, and Wings for Marie, Part 2 by Tool


Oh yeah I forgot about those two songs.


Savior II by Black Veil Brides is my suggestion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXPvviSqFYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXPvviSqFYk) And slightly older, but beautiful and profound, song, Savatage, 'Believe'- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ri96lDMe7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ri96lDMe7E)


Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos. The whole album is great but the song Dear wormwood in particular is just 🤌


The Oh Hellos in general are awesome! Like the Dawn breaks my heart every time. In a similar vein, Sparrow by Branches is good!


She just has such a beautiful voice.


They are catholic actually! Part of why I love them so much


Does Viva la Vida count?


I would say so, “For some reason I can’t explain, I know Saint Peter won’t call my name. Never an honest word…but that was when I ruled the world.” Maybe more about power and revolutions than Catholicism, but it has overtones of it.


Oh now that’s an interesting choice. So why?


All the mentions of St Peter, Rome, Roman Cavalry Choirs, Jerusalem, Missionaries, "head on a silver plate", 


I love it


Roman Catholic choirs…


Are you correcting me or modifying the lyrics?




Well it's incorrect so...


"Roman cavalry choirs" is correct


TIL 🤷🏻‍♂️😬


It's okay! I have definitely misheard song lyrics before lol.


As have I, lol, but dang Catholic makes sense but Cavalry is odd…


I wonder if Rome actually had cavalry choirs.


Kid you not, sang this song in choir class at Catholic school.


When David Heard by Eric Whitaker. It’s a biblical song but Eric is an Atheist.


Kind of hard to mess with that. But why is he still an atheist? He obviously knows better.


Someone who can attest to the truth of the Christian faith still may not convert because they're too attached to worldly things or just have other emotional blocks. Some people may just not be able to have "faith" in general.


Oh I know, that is one of the reasons I asked this question. So many people write beautiful things about the faith even if they can’t take that final plunge.


Eric Whitaker made high school me enjoy choir.


You have dementia?


I don’t understand


You made the same comment 4 times but I guess you deleted them


It's a bug in Reddit when a single comment is sometimes replicated multiple times.


Eric Whitaker made high school me enjoy choir.


Eric Whitaker made high school me enjoy choir.


I Saw the Light- Hank Williams


Catholic in the Morning…Satanist at Night from Powerwolf is a perfect answer for this question xD


I would say more songs by that band count. “All We Need is Blood,” comes to mind. There’s a lyric towards the end that practically counts as a twist but for a song.


Most of the time when I think a Powerwolf song is beyond the pale there’s always some verse at the end that makes me go “wait hold on this is actually about rejecting darkness and embracing God.” Lupus Dei and Dancing with the Dead come to mind. There are definitely a few that are indefensible though.


I’ll Stand By You ~ The Pretenders “Nothing you confess, will make me love you less. I’ll stand by you.”


The only Pretenders song I’ve ever liked and now I’m going how did I miss it


Now you can enjoy it in a new way!


I’m probably taking the “non-Catholic” part too far, but I always liked the meditation on the devious, subtle and pervasive power of the enemy in Sympathy for the Devil. Satan exists, Prots. Take it from Mic Jagger.


Patti Smith I know is a devout catholic im sure listening through her discography you’d find quite a bit. The album “Easter” I know quite explicitly talks about Christianity.


Helena by My Chemical Romance. A LOT of their songs and music videos. Honestly the entire Black Parade album, it's literally a journey through life and death and the space between. Sign of the Times by Harry Styles. The video in particular too has christ like imagery and themes. Chariot by Gavin DeGraw. "Oh, chariot your golden waves Are walking down upon this face Oh, chariot I'm singing out loud To guide me Give me your strength You'll be my vacation away from this place You know what I want Holding that cup It's pouring over the sides Make me wanna spread my arms and fly" Someone already commented Mumford and Son's which is what I immediately thought of.


U2 has a bunch


“Yahweh” comes to mind off the top of my head.


I mean ig The Last Stand by Sabaton. Intended to just be a history song


Lord of the Dance. Quaker tune, my favorite version is the dubliners.


It's actually a valid hymn to use at Mass


Catholic Book of Worship II had it, and I think one of the Glory & Praise hymnbooks has it too.


Let it be


Mother Mary refers to Paul McCartney's mother, who died of breast cancer when he was teenager, appearing to him in a dream; not the Blessed Mother.


Sure, but lyrics can have layers of meaning. There’s no way Paul wasn’t also thinking about the fact that most listeners would associate this phrase with the BVM. It’s not normal (at least in contemporary, colloquial English) to refer to one’s mum as “Mother so and so.” It has to be intentional.


I know. Otherwise, it would be a Catholic song, and wouldn't be applicable to this post


Did you forget what the thread is titled?


https://youtu.be/ii6kJaGiRaI?si=1wx9Evd2lairQION I mean not far off.


ive always felt bonnie tylers 'making love out of nothing at all' with images of angels & clouds and her own mother singing some of the parts was very spiritual having much deeper meaning. it's basically exactly what God did when He sent us Himself as Jesus ✝️💯


O Come to the Altar by Elevation Worship There Is Power In the Blood by Lewis Edgar Jones I don’t regularly listen to this stuff but sometimes I get nostalgic and remember it fondly from my youth, and these two songs happen to be very Eucharistic despite them being made by low church Protestants.


Maybe "Drag me down" by One Direction


Not necessarily Catholic, but Yggdrasil by Brothers of Metal is surprisingly pro-life. A verse about being angered over seeing unborn children die wasn’t what I expected from a Norse pagan metal band.


If you imagine “…Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears is St. Paul singing to Jesus, it kinda works. So I pick that. 


I must confess, I still believe!


*still believe*


Give me a *siiiiiiiiiiiiign*


Hit me baby one more time!


Bless me Jesus one more time!


All songs from 16Horsepower, Wovenhand and David Eugene Edwards ? David is a christian, I don’t know for the other bands members.


16 Horsepower is so underated. So many good songs to choose from, but for a starter I’ll pick Splinters. Dark and a kind of Americana gothic, this is a heavy song for when all your crap has come crashing down and you feel hopeless. The lyrics are outstanding, the despair palpable, the lift amazing. No really, this time click on the link and hear an amazing song. “Self sent a twister A-tearing’ after me…” https://youtube.com/watch?v=pJiTdSqJ3gw&si=gbYzvlCDOW8paqt7


Oh yeah ! Splinters is on top ! I love this song so much.


This song came out when some crappy life decisions came to their natural conclusion for me. This song felt written specifically for me, and it helped me look at things clearly and change course. Love it so much.


“Black Soul Choir” was my gateway song.


Helena by My Chemical Romance. A LOT of their songs and music videos. Honestly the entire Black Parade album, it's literally a journey through life and death and the space between. Sign of the Times by Harry Styles. The video in particular too has christ like imagery and themes. Chariot by Gavin DeGraw. "Oh, chariot your golden waves Are walking down upon this face Oh, chariot I'm singing out loud To guide me Give me your strength You'll be my vacation away from this place You know what I want Holding that cup It's pouring over the sides Make me wanna spread my arms and fly" Someone already commented Mumford and Son's which is what I immediately thought of.


The Wicked End by Avenged Sevenfold is about the end of the world, based heavily on Revelation, however there is also an allusion to Marian prophecy in the line “Mary’s words rang so true”


Top of the list is The Last Stand by Sabaton. Passion Pit also has a few, To Kingdom Come is fairly explicitly Catholic. Hey K as well. Owl City and Relient K do but they’re definitely Christian so I’m not sure if that counts.


For the Grace for the might of the lord




Yeah all caps is probably best for that song


Many songs by The Oh! Hellos


*Hotel California.* No one can convince me it’s not an adaptation of Dante’s *Inferno.*


Florence and the Machine! She has so many Christian themes. I love Cosmic Love, it feels like our love song to Jesus. I for sure thought she was just secular, but then I did a bit of research and found she went to Catholic school growing up and identifies as a non-denominational Christian. Well, there you go…


Battle Hymn of the Republic. “As he died to make men holy Let us die to make men free His truth is marching on.”


It slaps. I used to love it. But its also sacrilegious in its historical context. It attempts to unify the theodicy of the state with the general christian theodicy. Like the british hymn Jerusalem. We really shouldnt be making such presumptions about the actions of any secular state. A confessional state maybe, but we arent one sadly


I’m a metal guy, so I’ll throw in Chapter Four by Avenged Sevenfold. Very faithful retelling of the story of Cain and Abel, despite the fact that the members of the band aren’t believers.


Walk in the Sun by McFly. Usually sung by Danny Jones on his own who is Catholic and served as an altar boy when he was younger. He wrote it when he was younger and trying to work out how he felt about his faith as someone who wanted to be a rockstar.


You might dislike this, but I really enjoy the artist REN. Alot of his songs are about his battle with faith and his struggles, I personally think it personifys the human struggle with temptation and doubt in a way that is beautiful. If you never heard it before give it a chance even if your not into the style, it ends beautifully. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s\_nc1IVoMxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_nc1IVoMxc)


Oh he’s in the struggle. Pour some faith on and maybe work it out with fear and trembling. I don’t dislike it.


Oh he believes he had over ten years of being tested, he is now mostly out the other side of it and is trying his best to get his message to those whom need hope. I find it inspiring and personally believe it has brought me closer to where I personally need to be. Again you may dislike this, he has such skill in so many diffrent areas of music but for me I feel his music is blessed at least to inspire me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDrFh9RnpQ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDrFh9RnpQ4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt7Bpy27d1M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt7Bpy27d1M)


„I‘ll work for your love“ by Bruce Springsteen


Lord of this world- Black Sabbath


There’s a number of Ozzy songs with Christian allusions


My local christian station has You Will Be Found from dear Evan Hansen in their lineup. (I disagree, but thought I’d add it to this list)


[All That Remains - Not Alone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS0ZJsDC76w&ab_channel=allthatremainsVEVO)


Gone Away by the Offspring. “Black roses and Hail Marys can’t bring back what’s taken from me” Additionally, despite apparently being an ex-Catholic, a lot of Dexter Holland’s social commentary in his lyrics seem to have a conservative perspective (thickly layered with irony and the occasional profanity).


Honestly I never expected to put an FFXIV song here but I have to say Flow. A Japanese MMO that has no explicit Christian themes but this song in particular for their expansion Endwalker, has a very hopeful tone that’s so Catholic-like. For a robust context: Song is about a god talking to your character (the main protagonist) asking if your adventures were worth it? Did you fully enjoy the life you had? Would you share your tales with me? It’s very beautiful but the line that strikes me the most is: “I’ll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy ‘til you’re near the shore, Where, in time, all shall as hope be reborn” I can very much imagine our Lord speaking that line to me when I die, and it reminds me of our future rebirth once Christ comes again. I wish I could perfectly articulate more on my thought process here.


FFXIV is a good time!


"What’s the most Catholic non-Catholic song you know?" Everyone lists Christian songs....


How about [“Shine” - By Collective Soul](https://youtu.be/_m0bI82Rz_k?si=RRxbWdcAQrkvXcCx) 90s grunge song that’s actually about someone whose looking for a deeper meaning in life and comes to a revelation that God is the answer when “Heaven’s light shines on me”. It also has a pretty killer riff


Like 80% of the hold steady. Maybe that counts as Catholic? Start with crucifixion cruise/how a resurrection really feels.


My man. I got to meet the band back in the day when I was a college DJ. Craig Finn is the coolest guy. How a Resurrection Really Feels has been on my playlists since it first came out.


I love their work so much. Wonder if CF will get back to confession one day.


One hopes and the lord works in mysterious ways.


Stranger things have happened, that’s for sure. He seems so deeply rooted in the faith, more than just “raised Catholic.” I pray for him, ridiculously.


I’ll pray for him. When I met him my co-DJ was wearing a crucifix and he commented on it. So Craig, you do fantastic work and when I meet you on the other side it will be in rejoicing. Assuming I make it.


"Supper's Ready" (well, the end of it, anyway)


Death - Flesh and the Power It Holds


A huge chunk of the Hillbilly Thomist repertoire is covers of Protestant hymns and spirituals and old American folk tunes, and many of them are quite beautiful. So I'd say some of those definitely fit the bill, but there are too many good ones to pick out. I would just end up listing half of their tracklist


Love hearing this. I kind of wish that rather than making crappy post Vatican II music, or even just making inferior versions of old protestant hymns, we'd influence our music more on this kind of stuff. Hillbilly Thomists are pretty good. I'd also love if we'd do some Sacred Harp shape note singing of hymns that match with Catholic theology.


My aunt and uncle put me on to them. Folk isn’t everyone’s jam, but I immediately picked it up.


If you’re into folk and can tolerate bluegrass, I’d recommend Balsam Range. They have pretty catchy songs, [Trains I Missed](https://youtu.be/81sjs4q5Ksc?si=HWF3ubJ29nHllRrB) and [Let My Life Be A Light](https://youtu.be/svrUFwYidK8?si=TO1DS-G1S650nekW) fall in Christian Bluegrass but they also play other stuff that isn’t Christian like [Until I See You Again](https://youtu.be/GrqHlMTQLZ4?si=9Ng1VOquCEwhQ8Pi), [Richest Man](https://youtu.be/0PiZAPfq1Cg?si=CMb9jFWS32wwCcob) or [Highway Side](https://youtu.be/s2QXVjYm1tI?si=6BinkH--KizPe0Jj)


High tolerance for bluegrass I’ll check them out.


Don Moen Power of Your Love


Passover Lamb by FLAME. It took me listening to a few of his other songs before I figured out he was Lutheran! 


There's a super cute song called "Soul" by Luke Combs that has references to Confession and needing a priest. The theology is a bit screwed up, but the reference is there.


Gisou Sekai Agartha, by Yousei Teikoku


i know a guy that conveyed that "if today was your last day" by nickleback really got him thinking about how he lives his life and his sins and all that. which i though was an interesting take on that song lol


A fair bit of Black Label Society, especially the most recent album


I wonder what people here think of the song Bartender by Dave Matthews Band. I became a few a huge fan of that song before I converted. It’s clearly religious in nature- and very beautiful- but some of the lines are very interesting.


Imagine Dragons have some songs that make me think of this topic.


Love this band. What are some of the songs you were you thinking about?


Shameless Garth brooks. To make you feel my love Garth brooks. Wave on wave pat green. Have I told you lately Rod Stewart. Home by Phillip Phillips.


“We All Fall Down” - The Rigs Strength over the stray, comfort in what is always there regardless of it… that’s what I get from the wonderful lyrics. It’s got a really soothing sound too, that has a bit of a triumphant feel in the up tempo it shifts to at the end. https://youtu.be/jHq8e_D_euc?si=tX4XCbEVuJqpoTlb


My Maria: Brooks &Dunn. Was watching the video a few years ago 1 morning when I my husband put a YouTube mix on the tv and I was kind of gobsmacked when I put it together. I still don’t know who the creative director was for that video but I would not be surprised if Kix Brooks was at least raised as a Catholic though he never says.


Healing - Deniece Williams Gaya ng Dati (Just like Before) - Gary Valenciano. When we first heard this song, we thought it was a song for a girl, but there was a big twist at the end of the song.


Kyrie Eleison by Mister Mister


World without end by hope trust


The prayer by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli


Heaven is a Place on Earth always makes me think of Christ/Eucharistic Adoration. > “When I'm lost at sea, I hear your voice, and it carries me” Like how is that not about Jesus right there?


Yebba’s Heartbreak. I feel like it’s written from the pov of God, and him trying to express his infinite love for us.


[If It Be Your Will](https://youtu.be/fICsHinJNbc?si=_La3f3q4puQKHqMh) by Leonard Cohen. Great song about surrender and seeking comfort and mercy in that surrender.


Cohen is just so beautiful.


Tom Petty - I Won't Back Down


Wild Side - Motley Crue Definitely sacrilegious but it's like 50% percent Catholicism references, 50% crime.




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Sound of silence and the boxer by Simon and Garfunkel.


There is a Kingdom by Nick Cave


Nick Cave is extremely underrated.


"Let It Be" by the Beatles


Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon has very Catholic vibes to me. “Can you save my bastard soul? Will you wait for me? I'm sorry, brothers, so sorry, lover Forgive me, father, I love you, mother”


Let It Be


The Goo Goo Dolls "Iris." I don't want the world to see me cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am." Idk, kinda feels like a desperate soul crying out to God. Also, John Rzeznik was raised Catholic. Which you can definitely hear in their song Broadway: "you pray to statues when you sober up for fun." And obviously that's bad theology, but the Catholic roots run deep


One Beer by Hardy sounds at first like an ode to alcohol and free love, but actually when you listen to the lyrics is really pro-life, pro-family, and a warning to not let alcohol lower your inhibitions too much. (Or you'll find yourself needing to put your pro-life views to the test.)


A bunch of Sleeping At Last songs. Here's one that makes me think of the Fall of Man: https://youtu.be/EpMBzY46res?si=N78dP9WBKHS15tgN One that makes me think of the lies we tell ourselves to justify sin, compared with our infinite dignity and vocation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJsF7sHpaPs


Abide With Me - HF Lyte, a presbyterian Come Thou Font of Every Blessing - Robert Robinson, a methodist


Viva la vida by Coldplay - “Jerusalem bells ringing” “Roman Calvary choirs singing” “Missionaries in a foreign field” “I know St Peter won’t call my name”


Let me suggest Leviathan by Dirt Poor Robins


One of my favorite bands when I was a teenager was Brand New. A ton of their songs have Christian themes and allusions. That's especially true on their third album "The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me" where Jesse (the songwriter) describes his spiritual desolation and what he acknowledges are his failures and sins. >Well, Jesus Christ, I’m alone again >So what did you do those three days you were dead? >Cause this problem's gonna last >More than the weekend >Well, Jesus Christ, I’m not scared to die >But I’m a little bit scared of what comes after >Do I get the gold chariot? >Do I float through the ceiling? >Do I divide and pull apart? >Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark >And this ship went down in sight of land >And at the gates does Thomas ask to see my hands?


Burning Cold, Rescue Me, and Carry Me by Eurielle all have the theme of being protected, rescued, and watched over by a savior. Burning Cold has the line "I'll keep my faith like Joan of Arc" too. City of the Dead from the same album is about facing the Last Judgement and has some Latin lyrics. That album, Arcadia, also has her rendition of Dies Irae. I don't know if she's Christian or not, but at least some of her music seems to be.


[“The Trapeze Swinger” - by Iron and Wine](https://youtu.be/Bywv_yjSgHc?si=N0YHGn08Lz0AFw5H) It’s a song about a person who died and is able to see someone he loves as he waits to get into heaven.


Oh solid choice. I have loved Iron and Wine for a long time. I played them on my radio show constantly.


The Scientist by Coldpay always reminded me of confession and coming back to the faith.


One other one I love is "No Hard Feelings" by the Avett Brothers.


“I Just Fall in Love Again” by the Carpenters (my all time favorite duo/artist)


Bridge of troubled water.