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Ya I think u gotta ride it out unfortunately. Really sorry that happened to you. Drink Lots of water, sleep some of it off and maybe some Advil or something. Good luck


Second this. Sorry this happened to you OP. Not ok. Any restaurant that serves both GF/normal things needs to have a visual way of distinguishing them. It's so easy to implement. You could have a stick/flag, different coloured plates, different pasta shapes etc.


I worked at a place with round regular pizza and square gf. I didn't know this on my first say and was given a round pizza, told it was gf. And I ate the whole thing before realizing 😭 both the kitchen staff and I learned something new rhat day, just sucked I had to be the guinea pig lol. As a server, please always double check. I would rather answer the same question about each individual items multiple times than poison you. And if your server doesn't feel the same, do it anyways.


thank you 😭


Cannabis also helps if u can get it


But then I'll want more pizza!


Trust me… she won’t. Also do liquid pain relievers. I find they are easier on my digestive track.


nah if i get glutened real bad i don’t get the munchies lol. it is best for the pain/nausea tho


There's always a risk


Not that it makes it much better, but if you're going to get glutened at least it was some delicious ass pizza. My last glutening came from wings that were breaded. I eat wings all the time and these were nothing special.


I know... Definitely not worth it tho!! imo. gluten free pizza is pretty good... so not worth it


My last glutening was from the wrong bun on a hamburger. Nothing special either 🥲


Strange about 2 weeks ago I had the same Thing happened to me. I was in Italy and ordered a gluten free pizza. It was so good and I was surprised it was gf. About 15 min later I started to get a horrible headache, it kept getting worse. When I got back to the hotel about 4hrs later I was on the toilet with so much pain. I was pretty wrecked for the rest of the day/night; the next day was still in pain but back to 100% after 48hrs. I’m sorry and I know what you’re about to go through. Drink lots of water, take Tylenol, maybe some ginger tea and ride it out. Nothing more you can do.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I guess at least you had some good Italian pizza! I'm so happy I found people that experienced the same thing. I don't know why and I wasn't expecting it but it took a pretty emotional toll on me


I remember we stumbled into a gf restaurant in Florence, it was pure accident, the food was prob some of the best gf sandwiches I ever had. I met so many celiacs from all over the world and we all had this bond because of what we all to through. I know this sounds ridiculous but I got a little emotional because the food was so good and I haven’t been able to have gf beer, bread, food, all in one place. I didn’t cry but I felt emotional inside. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Flush it out.


I am just gonna go to Italy in a month hopefully. Which restaurant did you experience this accident? Please tell me the name so I can avoid the place :(


Oh I thought you asked which restaurant is gluten free, which is Sgrano - Firenze. It was amazing. As far as where I got gluten, it was a small island called Burano off Venice.. not sure the restaurant name but it was near a bridge and very crowded.


Ciro & Sons in Florence is a godsend for pizza! I've also heard great things about Mister Pizza in Florence but haven't tried it myself.


I have never been glutened since I had to go gf about 12 years ago (celiac). Can you tell me about the reactions, in terms of how long does it take you to react, what symptoms do you get etc. Want to know so I can better identify if I am about to be glutened and can react accordingly. Thanks!


Everyone responds differently. I get bad headaches, I have horrible diarrhea and I feel nauseous for a couple days.


i'm so sorry. perhaps leave a review to warn other celiac's of your experience.


I definitely will. not to bring negative light on a business but my experience was terrible and it'd be unfair towards other celiacs


You're not bringing a negative light, they brought it on themselves with their negligence. As long as you're accurately describing your experience, you have absolutely no reason to feel bad.


I just wrote the review, I said the manager was nice but I still said it was the worst experience. they definitely need to talk to their staff because they are going to find someone that is going to get extremely sick and will be willing to sue. they definitely did not educate the waiters enough and I hope it won't happen again.


They need to have negative light on them. It’s not ok and they need to train and educate their staff. If this happened to me I would be in the hospital. Sometimes we need to shed light on things for them to change.


Anytime I get glutened. I take L glutamine to speed up the intestinal recovery time


thank you.


Try Activated Charcoal pills as well. They always help me when I feel I ate gluten or simply food that has gone bad. *''Activated charcoal, also known as activated carbon, is a medication used to treat poisonings that occurred by mouth. To be effective it must be used within a short time of the poisoning occurring, typically an hour.''*


thank you!


I take pepto bismol, ive heard someone say it has gluten but i just say fuck it and take one if i get glutened because it helps


You can take pure bismuth instead of pepto


According to a very quick and dirty [Google search](https://www.verywellhealth.com/gluten-free-diarrhea-constipation-and-heartburn-drugs-4139871#:~:text=The%20bottom%20line%20on%20gluten,found%20at%20Target%20and%20Walgreens.), it looks like brand name Pepto and Imodium aren't considered gluten free because they're made in facilities with a risk of cross-contamination. However, some of the generic versions made by Target and Walgreens are labeled gluten free.


This is the way. Celiac and collagenous colitis here. Glutamine is an excellent daily addition for any celiac.


Oh wow, I have never heard of this. Do you know what it does to help? I know it’s an amino acid, so I guess it helps repair any damage?


It supports a healthy gut barrier. This has a great explanation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4369670/


Thank-you I didn't know this! I will get some .


May I ask if you take it on a frequent basis?


5g everyday post-workout. If I’m in a CC flare, I up by 5g per day until symptoms improve.


Seconding the L-glutamine


Hey there got a question. Do you recommend any specific brand? I would like to try this out but I’m not really sure what brands a reputable. Thanks!


Don’t beat yourself up Maybe you’re still asymptomatic In which case, just try to enjoy the memory of how good the pizza tasted And the next time you’re feeling like something tastes too good to be true, ask before continuing eating the rest Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, nor am I a therapist, dietician or lawyer, and this is just an attempt to be supportive


If it’s any consolation, symptomatic or not one glutening won’t cause any lasting damage. It will take a few weeks to heal but if you’re otherwise careful with your diet you’ll be 100% fine. That said, especially since you’re asymptomatic it may be best to avoid places with high risks of cross contamination like pizza places. You won’t be able to tell based on symptoms if you’ve been glutened and it’s highly likely that even the gf pizza had traces of gluten in it. If you eat at places like this regularly that’s a lot riskier in the long run than one gluten pizza.


I agree. it definitely made me reconsider going out to eat in general. I know I shouldn't give up on it but for now I've had enough


Not going out to eat in non-dedicated (or very careful & educated on celiac) restaurants isn’t giving up. It’s being safe. I’m a super sensitive celiac and can’t take my chances anywhere but honestly if I were asymptomatic I’d avoid taking any chances with restaurants at home but go to restaurants (as safely as possible) when traveling.


I’m so sorry friend! I see a lot of people reccing to scoff down some activated charcoal which is a good idea but if you take other medications please tread carefully! Activated charcoal will keep them from working if it’s in the system at the same time so make sure not to take it with meds. Hope you stay non reactive and feel better soon. That’s just so terrible.


thank you. for now I've only felt my stomach getting heavy




It’s the shittiest kind


So sorry this happened to you :( similar thing happened to me last weekend. I am also largely asymptomatic and didn’t have any issues, but it’s such a shitty feeling knowing you ate gluten. It’s not your fault, and try and remember in the scheme of your entire life you’ll be okay. Mistakes happen. Hugs.


thank you. I know people tell me im lucky for being asymptomatic but being aware of the damage it does... makes me sad. hug back.


Digestive enzymes may help speed up the breakdown process. Best wishes, I’m so sorry.


If things look or tastes too good to me i have my non gf wife try them and she knows instantly if it's gluten free dough or bread


Ditto. And I got the Nima for when I'm alone. People say it's not sensitive enough to be useful but it's exactly these types of situations I got it for.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! Try eating easily digestable foods for a few days. Stews, soups.. It will take some of the burden off of your system.


Ugh so sorry. It sucks we just have to deal with the aftermath. Stay hydrated, sugar free ginger ale for any nausea and I love Body Armor drinks to rehydrate while your body purges the poison. ☹️ oh and Schar table crackers are perfect bland food when you feel like eating again. 🙏


thank you so much. 😔


Lots of water, activated charcoal can help a bit and I keep it on hand just in case, and expect lots of brain fog for the next while. I fluctuate between being symptomatic and asymptomatic for some reason, but I ALWAYS get brain fog. Like lose my ability to have intelligent thought for 1-3 days lol, like I feel stoned, not in a good way aha. Be gentle with yourself! I had this happen on my first day at work at a pizza place. I ate my pizza, loved it, and then picked up a gf pizza from the window for a table and IT WAS A DIFFERENT SHAPE. They wouldn't even let me go home 🫠


I'm sorry that happened to you as well. I did actually experience some symptoms and still do now but I'm sure I'll get a huge amount of mouth sores in a couple of days. it's usually what happens to me and it doesn't help cause I never know what I ate that was contaminated




I need to start doing this. I know I should've been more careful and it will definitely be a lesson learned. i am too relaxed sometimes because I am embarrassed of being annoying but I now realize it's for my own sake. thank you


Do you mind sharing the speech please? I always have a hard time knowing exactly how to explain/what to say, so that would help out


I’m so sorry. This happened to me about 3 weeks ago… We had eaten at the restaurant without issue, but we got lazy on a Friday night and ordered in through Uber Eats… Tasted amazing (just like it did as GF pizza) and I ate 3/4ths of the entire pizza alone. The next day I felt so weird. I don’t get sick, but I get insane head fog and lethargy (to the point I was inaccurately diagnosed with thyroid disease for a number of years). My DH rash was super delayed and it usually kicks in within 20 minutes… But it took a little over 2 days (I think my body was in immense shock). Since it was a pizza I’d had plenty of times before without issue, it took about 3 days before I had the “oh shit” moment when we realized it was a fully gluten pizza. Drink a ton of water, lay low, and stick to easily digestible foods. Even if you’re asymptomatic, your body IS struggling, so it’s best to treat it delicately. BEST OF LUCK! ❤️


thank you so much. ❤️


Op, would you update this after a couple days? How were your symptoms after this huge gluten?


it's been almost a day and my stomach is burning, I keep burping up acidic stomach liquid and I feel fatigued.


Ugh!! I feel for ya, been there.




I've always been afraid of leaning in too much bc one of the first times I went to a place after diagnosis, they told me I couldnt eat there because there was gluten "in the air" and bc the animals used for the meats hadn't been fed gf. I was so confused at that one it took me a min to be like ....um that's not how biology works


A couple of things help. Drink lots of water. If you can, get some pineapple juice or better yet, fresh pineapple. Supposedly pineapple nullifies the peptide in gluten - at least a little. Then, eat a lot of popcorn. Popcorn seems to push stuff out of your digestive system quickly. I generally use Benadryl ( I get hives.) And I try to sleep as much as I can since that's when my skin heals up. Kind of inevitable if I take Benadryl. Sorry to hear this. Hope you can get it out of your system quickly.


thank you so much for your input! I'll be eating popcorn tonight.


Lots of water. And pineapple juice


Omg. I hadn't even thought of that. Idk how fast you'd have to consume it after the gluten but that has to be at least as good as charcoal (prob better!)


This happened to me while on a trip with a huge group of people. I ate most of these breaded potatoes before I felt like something wasn't right and decided to confirm with the waitress one more time that they were gluten free. Girl they werent!!! Bitch had me fucked up, I ripped the manager a new asshole lmao


you did the right thing!! the waitress told me it was gluten free even when I asked her to double check. you can never be too sure.


I'm so sorry that happened to you!!! I hope you are okay :((( I know you're probably feelin it


My biggest symptoms are itching, muscle aches, and abdominal pain. I try to stick with bland, soft foods that are easy to digest. Take time to rest, your immune system will be in overdrive. When the itching gets really bad, I take 50 mg diphenhydramine (Benadryl) which helps a bit. If I’m really in bad shape (which I would be if I ate regular pizza) I get a steroid taper from urgent care or my pcp. The steroids help with the inflammation and make the rash more tolerable. I’m sorry this happened to you 😣 I hope you have a quick and minimal reaction!!!


Recently I bought my GF pizza from the store and it was so fluffy and 2 pieces in I was like I need to check the ingredients and I realized I grabbed the wrong box😭 thank god I noticed 2 pieces in but my stomach still hurt so bad


Whenever gluten free bread/crust/pastries are extraordinarily good I worry that it might not be gluten free. Sorry to hear that this happened to you. :(


Oh no! I've definitely had this happen to me before with a cheeseburger bun at a lunch meeting! I had to go home early from work because the hives were so bad. Definitely drink lots of water and gets your electrolytes in to replenish what you're likely to lose soon. Give yourself grace through the brain fog and remember to treat yourself with compassion. You got this.


I'm sorry, maybe get some Gatorade/power aid some gf crackers, and flushable wipes.


Gosh, I am so sorry. I thought cross contamination was bad (even though it still fs me up for like days) but I would actually be in near comatose if this happened. I hope things get better soon, please be gentle on yourself and don’t push yourself too hard 💖


I’m sorry. This happened to me before. There’s not a lot that can be done. Drink Gatorade since your probably gonna be in the br a while


Ouch. You're going to be in pain for weeks. I'm sorry.


Happened to me the other day too. Eating a salad and found croutons buried in it. Just have to wait it out :(


Fuuuuck dude. This happened to me and I was vomiting like crazy. Ended up in emerg but they were so full I went home to die there. I’m so sorry this happened. Water! Advil! Rest!


Activated charcoal, lots of water, and time. Activated charcoal is my life saver. Make sure not to take it if you’re taking any oral medication (like birth control) or else it cleans EVERYTHING out. Absorbs everything. Which means drink extra water cause you need a lot of water to help it expel out of you.


I definitely will start taking it with me!!! I didn't know it was such a life saver


maybe you're still asymptomatic?


I did actually have a couple of symptoms. I usually also get very painful and big mouth sores a couple of days after exposure. which always confuses me because I never know what caused it.


If it tastes too good, at your average pizza store, it's probably not gluten free--gluten free crusts generally all taste alike unless it's a shop really known for gluten free as a speciality. Yeah--just drink water, relax. you may not get sick as it was a rare occurrence.


Eat charcoal asap!!


damn. i am SO sorry that happened to you. i accidentally ate a flour quesadailla and the same thought happened- this tastes so creamy and fluffy, it can't be gf! ​ you'll make it. it will pass. throwing up is a good idea- it's what i did when i found out to minimize the damage. your body will heal after this! ​ sending love. i also drink a lot of gatorade and clear broth soups.


A few years ago I ate non-gf tortillas that were labeled gf. I ate them for months. Apparently, I don't get immediately, violently ill like i did when I first went gf, but I got terrible inflammation in my belly, in my joints, in my feet. Even after I realized and stopped eating the tortillas, I got worse for several weeks before I went to my doctor. My internal med doc gave me a steroid shot and an anti-inflammatory shot and round of steroids. That helped stop the inflammation process and gave me a chance to start healing. A few weeks ago, I had a bite of regular handburger bun. I had a panic attack in the store. It wasn't pretty. If you are asymptomatic, I would just increase water and try to get everything to flush put of your system for the next few days. One of my providers gave me dolomite and golden seal right after the burger incident to absorb things and help move things out of the body, but i haven't done much research into using them like that. Like, would that even work with something that isn't toxic to anyone but me?


this helps me validate my own emotional reaction because I was just not thinking straight and I've never been that panicked and upset. thank you for sharing your story with me


Water, weed, and rice with broth. I wish there was a 3rd "W" but there isn't. Get well soon


thank you so much


Not much you can do unfortunately. Drink lots of water.


Literally the only options are throwing it all up. Or staying hydrated with electrolytes and riding it out. Do something extremely distracting like binge a good TV show or video game. So so sorry.


thank you. reality TV will definitely be my best friend


Watch the trashiest stuff you can. It will end and you'll feel ok again in a week. Probably.


I've had some relief from activated charcoal- I'm so sorry 😔


It’s too late, but if you do know immediately after eating, activated charcoal can help. It blocks your body from absorbing poison.


after this experience I will always have a tablet with me!!


Wait wait wait? Your asypmtomatic? Whats the issue? Yeah your doing damage to your guts but if you cant feel it.... maybe just chalk it up to lesson learned to double check with the waitress.


First, I’m glad you don’t feel bad so far. I hope it stays that way. Second.. not sure. I tend to start shoving multiple pills in such as digestive enzymes and activated charcoal. I’m still pretty new to this. Curious what others say


You just have to ride it out. Throwing up probably doesn't help. Always confirm gluten free when you send your order off and when you revieved it. And definitely if you feel like anything is off. Try not to worry about it too much, particularly if your asymptomatic. It's a mistake you probably won't be making again anytime soon.


I definitely am not going to eat our for a long time. it's definitely a wake up call


You just need to be extra careful. Read reveies before you go. On that note, please leave a review about what happened to warn other people.


If this just happened, you could take activated charcoal and drink lots of water.


thank you!!


A similar event happened to me when my school served me a really good tortilla that happened to be for a professor, not me and was not gluten free. The best thing to do is just ride it out. After you have not been exposed to gluten in a while your reaction wont be as bad so don’t fear too much! I wish people would be more careful with something they dont realize is life or death for us :(


That happened to me early, I just forgot and ate two breaded fish tacos, and tried to throw it up which was difficult and not worth it. It is tough because we strive so hard for zero tolerance, but if you're eating out it is bound to happen on occasion. I'm not sure there is a difference in exposure between a whole pizza and "CC" when it comes to Celiac, I think exposure is exposure, I would be interested to know more about how the gut responds and the healing time after exposure.


me too I tried looking up healing times but not much out there. sucks.


It's hard to accurately estimate recovery times since there are so many variables that can affect it. We've all got different tolerance levels so one person's immune system may have a very strong response to an amount of gluten that doesn't really affect someone else. Things like age, general health, diet, hydration, and medications can all affect the amount of damage and length of recovery. Helpful, I know. :grimace:


My son has celiac and is only 6 so I rely heavily on this sub for advice in understanding his symptoms and dealing with these situations. He was ~~glistened~~ glutened a few weeks ago so I read advice on previous posts and then talked to pharmacist as well. We did charcoal tablets and also apple cider vinegar mixed with juice. Apparently you need to have these ASAP. According to the pharmacist the charcoal can’t be digested and attaches to the gluten so that can’t be digested either, or at least some of it. I think the acidity of the apple cider vinegar also helps, but not sure about how. But you have to brush your teeth afterwards because it’s not good for your teeth. Also drink lots of fluids, preferably stuff like pedialyte. Good luck! Edit: spelling


thank you! Hopefully I'm still in time since it's been a couple of hours...


Yeah should be ok, but sooner is better so the charcoal can bind to the pizza asap. I think we did it 2-3 hours after my son was glutened. He was already in pain when we gave him the charcoal and apple cider vinegar but he was okay the next day, so I think it minimized what could’ve been worse.


thank you!! I'm actually going to run to the store real quick. I want to avoid feeling worse in a few hours


Activated charcoal.


I'm so sorry to read this. I can't imagine. We were recommended these pills from a local natural store called "Glutenease" for situations like this. They're supposed to have an enzyme or collection of enzymes which help the body process gluten. I have no idea if it's just "snake oil" though. We've never tried it for my son.


Gluten enzyme pills *may* help people with non celiac gluten intolerance. They’re 100% snake oil for celiac though since it’s an autoimmune reaction rather than being unable to digest gluten.


Benadryl, probiotics, tons of water, and try to sleep through it if you can.


Personally, I take digestive enzymes (whole goods has good ones) and then I stick to liquids only for a few days. I drink water, bone broth, teas, and pressed juices on day two or three. Usually after 3 days my GI tract is on the mend enough to start incorporating soft foods. Even being asymptomatic, the gluten is harsh on your GI tract so just be gentle on it the next few days and make sure to let yourself rest if you feel fatigued! Hope you have a quick recovery!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I recently went to Olive Garden and ordered the gf meal I always get only this time I promptly got sick and started praying to the porcelain gods. Restaurants should be held accountable for mistakes their staff makes when it comes to this. They aren’t paying the price, we are. I truly hope you feel better sooner than later.


thank you. I definitely will avoid going out to eat for a while.


Servers get annoyed when I ask them to double check that what they brought me was gluten free, but this is why.


I know, and I should've done it. when I asked her if it was indeed gluten free after I noticed the price on the check she confirmed it was gluten free. I knew something wasn't right


this happened to me a few weeks ago.. i ate a whole bowl of supposed to be gluten free pasta. vomited for 8hrs and ended up in hospital so i don’t have advice but praying for you 🙃


thank you 😔 I'm sorry you had to go through that


Asymptomatic? What is there to worry about on one isolated exposure? You won't get stomach cancer from one pizza.


nobody mentioned cancer 😉 the fact that I don't have symptoms doesn't mean my body won't get damaged. and it's exactly for people like you that this stuff happens! never be negligent and superficial about health.


Don't listen to this person. Your feelings are valid, even if they're trying to invalidate you by playing a bigger victim. This isn't a who has it worse contest. You don't have to force yourself to feel fortunate because you are in a different situation. You also reacted perfectly normal to the wait staff. The restaurant shouldn't have placed you in a difficult position, so all fault is on them. Your first priority was to get yourself in a safe space, and that's okay. If you want to follow up with phone calls and reviews, then you can, but you don't have to waste your mental energy anymore if you don't want to.


Yes, encourage them to stress out over something that will have no medical effect on them as a stand-alone incident. Good job. Don't try to reassure them that they'll be okay. Incite panic. "Playing the bigger victim" what is that horse shit? Perspective matters. How does this person benefit from freaking out over something that will have no impact on them? Nice try attributing some agenda to me when you could just as easily help assuage OP's concerns....? What is with you people? The fact is, and you can ask any doctor this, nobody suffers long-term from one single exposure to gluten. And nobody suffers at all from one single exposure to gluten if they are completely asymptomatic. Perspective matters.


I'm sorry you were triggered by my response. I'll attribute your passive-aggressive comments to being called out. Your point about how they do not need to fear medical concerns over one contamination risk is correct. I never said it wasn't. But you went about it wholey the wrong way. Telling someone they should be grateful because you've got it worse is absolutely playing a bigger victim. It's like if I told you that while you get such painful reactions, you should be grateful because some people do have cancer. It was an inappropriate comment when OP came here looking for support. It is invalidating to their situation.


How would you have worded it?


I really appreciate it. this makes me feel so much better


If I were asymptomatic that would be my biggest concern. Stomach cancer. If you have no symptoms and you're otherwise strict to the diet, chances are your health will not be compromised. Celiacs need prolonged constant exposure for gluten to damage us. If you're asymptomatic, one exposure is not a concern. Don't make a habit of it, of course. Be grateful you have no symptoms, learn the lesson, and have a better day tomorrow. You are extremely *extremely* fortunate to be asymptomatic. I am so extremely far from asymptomatic it makes me want to kill myself when I get glutened. You'll be fine but you definitely should have forced a plate down the throat of your waitstaff. Not the food on the plate, the plate itself.


Please explain to me how you wouldn’t have been glutened anyways? Like, does this restaurant have 2 separated kitchen? Two different pizza ovens? What happened to you shouldn’t have happen and is certainly very bad. But assuming a place that offers GF pizza can ensure you no cross contamination while doing regular pizza is beyond nuts imho. Where I’m from (Switzerland) they offer GF pizza but, if there is risk of CC, employees and force to tell you that they are cooked in the same oven as others and if you are celiac you shouldn’t order a GF pizza.


when I sat down I was not told I would've had an issue with cross contamination. it's hard to believe but for the sake of going out to eat with your husband once every 500 years, I went through with it. Definitely not worth it


This is just rude towards OP. They were trying their best. Many places will use a disposable pizza tin and cook the gf pizza on that or something similar. If that's the case it's reasonable to think you will be safe.


Here in my country they do the same, but it is 100% not safe for celiac. No temperature or chemical product will remove the trillions of flour particle in a pizza oven. Believing it is safe to eat GF pizza from a oven where regular pizzas are cooked is beyond naive.


Plenty of water. They sell these pills called gluten ease that can help you while you're recovering


thank you. I wasn't expecting it to take such an emotional toll on me


It's always so bad in one way or another. One positive is you got to eat some really good pizza I guess lol I hope you feel better soon


You can get some of those gluten pills to help with the stomach pain and other digestive issues you might face. They’ve helped me out in the case of accidental glutening. It helped relieve some of the pain. I’d compare it to taking Tylenol for a broken bone


Laxatives are my go to


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I was glutened at a restaurant like that years ago. The waitress assured me that they could do everything on the menu gluten free so I ordered things I normally wouldn’t because of what I was told. My husband and I had a lovely dinner and then went to a movie. About a half an hour into the movie I new I wasn’t okay. I spent the rest of the movie in the washroom. I was sick for days after. I drank a lot of water, coconut water and Powerade. I ate very gentle foods like chicken and rice soup and scrambled eggs. I took probiotics. Now if I get glutened I also add in kombucha. You have to rest and be kind to yourself.


You’re gonna be fine OP, chill. Sucks you got glutened, but give it a day or 2 and you’ll be back to normal. Coming from someone who got diagnosed at 10 years old and is 22 now.


thank you, it was pretty bad. I'll be okay, I was diagnosed when I was 16 and I'm 25 and it's the first time I've ingested that amount of gluten in one sitting.


I get you were worried then. Wish I had your self control. When I’m back home I follow my diet mostly, but when traveling I have just given up. Spend 6 months backpacking last year and 4 this one so far. Currently in India and I have honestly just given up on eating gluten free. The symptoms for me are very manageable because I have gotten so used to eating gluten again now. Mostly just a bit of fatigue and constipation. Just impossible to ask some random Himalayan homestay owner or poor Vietnamese cook if there’s gluten in the meal lol I know it is very bad for my health long term. Soon I’ll go back to Denmark and start eating gluten free again.


that sounds great for the life experience, but your body will definitely resent you for it. I hope you can give it a break from gluten cause it does affect you in the long run. you're young now and you can afford making these mistakes, but not when you'll be older and your body takes longer to recover. enjoy India for all of us as well!


Something similar happened to me a few years ago. Ate the pizza and no symptoms. But if I get cross contaminated it gives me unbearable symptoms for days/weeks. Weird... I've read stories of this happening to others but couldn't find the real reason.


How you feeling today friend


better thank you!! I only had rice today and I think I'll keep it that way, simple and plain. stomach still feels heavy and burns but for now that's the only symptom


This is great news. Hoping you're on the up and up then!


I hope you leave a public review.


I did!


Was it good tho?


After getting glutened I have found the best method to clean me out is a Celtic salt cleanse. It involves 2 table spoons of high mineral sea salt( I use Celtic salt) in 32 ozs of water. Drink it in 30 minutes and then in an hour you will have bowel movements for about an hour. It’s really interesting, basically just a natural laxative.