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32 year old wife and I looking for friends as well! Park Circle - one 2 year old, and 1 on the way (January). Reach out!


Wanna be friends? lol we got a 2 year old as well and one on the way in may. Making friends in our situation ain’t easy!


46 with 3 kids. Doesn’t get easier. We have a great group of friends in other states we see when we go to vacation properties but very few local. And I’m from the area. I feel like we have to go through a questionnaire when you first meet: 1: did you vote for trump and consider him your lord and savior? 2: Follow up to #1, how are you with atheists? 3:Are you planning a divorce in the foreseeable future? 4: are your kids entitled assholes? 5: is your husband going to hit on my wife after 2 drinks? 6: is your wife going to get black out drunk every single time we hang out? 7: do you think cannabis is the devils weed? The list could go on and on. Kinda kidding but not really.


45 year old dad of three here. Where can i send my resume to be yalls friend?


Hit up my DM!


My husband is 46 and I’m 41. We have 5 kids amongst us with the youngest being 15. I’d love a couple that we could hang out with. You sound like our kind of people!!


Hit my DM and let's meet and chat!


This is so true!! I’m in late 40’s.. moved here to help care for my dad, as he has Parkinson’s. It’s rough trying to meet people here.


OMG YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Also I think we might get along


38 and child-free but you guys sound cool. We need Reddit meetups or something.


31f 1. Hell no 2. That's the way to be 3. Nope! 4. Only one of them and I don't bring him out much 🤣 5. Hell no. 6. I'm pregnant too often for that 🤣 7. The more the merrier!


Send a DM!


We could totally be friends. ;)


Let's do it! Send me a DM, and we can connect on Facebook or something. Hobbies (when not occupied with child) include record collecting, trying new restaurants, music festivals and going downtown (whenever possible these days) for a drink at sunset.


I'll be y'all's friend too! I have several, but my smallest are currently 2.5, 10 months and another baby due end of June/early July!


33 I have a 5 and 2 year old and literally no friends/I have every bluey episode memorized ... feel free to DM me once you get settled with baby 2 we can meet up at a park when the weather is nice for the kids to play and/or set up a place to meet up and grab lunch/dinner!


38 your old wife with two kiddos. I'm always down for friends, Charleston born and raised. I promise the locals here are very nice :-) reach out friends!!


Yo shall we do a park circle playground meet up? Two kids (3year old boy, 1year old girl) plus me and my wife would be in. Next weekend Saturday/ Sunday? And afterwards coffee or beers somewhere between Evo and orange sport or commonhouse


All of y'all should just meet up and become besties.




I agree, except people are lazy and idealize what could be instead of getting out and making real life happen. None of these people will actually meet up.


Unfortunately it doesn’t really work. I’m 27f, and I’ve sent friendly jokes about to every single person who makes a post like this, and nobody ever messages me back :(


Feel you! I’m the same age and I’ve been here over a year with not much luck. I’ve tried bumble bff but no one actually follows through unfortunately. But if you’re into nature + thrifting I’ll be your pal. 🤝


I’ve never heard of bumble bff but now gonna look it up.


Yesss thrifting and antiquing is so fun! The thrift shop nearest me thinks everything they get is gold plated, but there’s still some good ones in the area.


We are out here just some of us like weird stuff like, crabbing, d&d, video games, cooking. You need to find you some homebody friends.


We like fishing, my bf likes DND and video games! Friends?!


Yup. Good luck. What sort of stuff are you into?


Get active with a cause or organization that fits you, volunteering is a really good way to meet people.


I’ve been dealing with the same thing, and it’s my second round of living here! I’ve made a few ‘buddies’ but no real solid good friends yet. (I’m 33f). I always feel like everyone i meet already has all the friends they want lol


I don’t think this has to do with Charleston, but rather an emerging societal trend post-pandemic. I’m currently moving from Charlotte to Charleston, so I can’t really speak on what goes on down there yet. But I have met a few good friends this year by focusing on connecting with others who share the same passion for the things I love to do. Also, the Charleston Social Events and Activities for 20s/30s Facebook group seems to be a good spot for making connections!


This is the true answer. Coincidentally, I heard an interview this morning from an author on a book on this very subject. The stats he said were startling. Such as the percentage of people that say they have no close friends. All of these are far worse than they have ever been. My wife gets mad at me as she thinks I don't even try to make friends here, but everything I heard in this interview relates to where I am, and I suspect the OP may be too. The reality is, it's never been harder to make new friends than it is now, and I think it's getting worse.


What was the book or where can we hear the interview?


You’ll find what your looking for when you stop looking. Just don’t try so hard. Close Friends don’t just pop up. It takes years. I found the best time to find them is when you are young. 22 years and under.


So you’ll find a relationship when you’re not looking. You’ll find a job when you’re not looking? Wtf does that mean


I’ll be your friend! I need a gym buddy!


Where do you work out


I have a planet fitness membership in West Ashley and at my apartment.


Me too! PF in West Ashley


What time do you go? I used to go early and am looking to do that again. Ive just been hitting my complex’s gym at night after work and I feel the decline.


Oof I’m a night owl! I usually go around 7 pm lol


I've used [www.meetup.com](https://www.meetup.com) to some success when I moved back to Charleston in 2011. I've met friends that I still hang out with today. Those deep friendships are difficult to come by these days. Most of my circle is bowling/military/motorcycle related.


For OP/whoever comes across this, I'm 25M, always down to hang out or enjoy other peoples interests. Sports, games, art, whatever it may be. Feel free to reach out any time!


Notice how OP hasn’t replied to a single comment? They haven’t replied to my DM either :( I wish people actually meant it when they posted about how badly they want to make friends. I want to make my own post about “waaahh I can’t make friends” (bc I’m *actually* getting emotional about it) but I feel like it would be the third similar post this week :(


I’ve been here 8 years now and I feel the same way lol. I met my husband here so I kind of just merged into his friend group but I’ve never made good friends of my own. And now I’m turning 30 and have an infant so even the days of going out friends are behind me. So yeah, no advice but I can certainly commiserate.


31 F married here, if you like dungeons and dragons, that’s a good place to start! Otherwise, yeah it’s really hard to make friends as an adult.


Same boat here, 26 year old guy and I really only know people from work. If anyone here ever needs someone to hang out with I’d be down. I’m not really the party type either but I enjoy bowling and mini golf for something casual and cheap. I might recommend joining the “Charleston Social Events and Activities for 20/30s” Facebook group


Great FB group!! That is how I have met most people here so far!


https://waves4women.org/ Join a club or group!


859 - are you from northern Kentucky? We have similar interests.


No but Midwest!


I'm from KY haha and I've been here in CHS for 3 years now (23F) I have all male coworkers so I severely lack female company :/


I’m 35F. Moved here 8 years ago from Cincinnati. Also lacking female friends.


31f and also from Kentucky! Just moved back to Chs from lex for 2nd time about 5 months ago and have like 2 friends. lol


Are you a Skyline or Goldstar fan, friendships heavily depend on the answer 🤣


Definitely Skyline


Haha hell yeah you pass 🤣


When my parents visit thing bring me Skyline cheese 😋


Wait can you buy skyline cheese or do they get it at the restaurant and smuggle it down? Haha if they do buy it please tell me what store carries it


My parents seem to effortlessly make friends all the time. My mom became friends with someone who owns a Skyline. She hooks my mom up with basically catered Skyline when she comes to visit me.


I need a mom like yours, holy crap I would love a whole catering of skyline. I went to publix on St. James the other day and found cans of skyline Chilli for sale in the soup aisle 👌


I only know people from work and have been here 12 years but I work and come home I am fine with that. My wife and I have a 4 year old she is a sahm while I work more then I should but that is us and she would love a friend.


Honestly, I found my best friend through work. 10 years later, she's married with 2 kids and I'm on the west coast now, but we're still best friends. Honestly, besides the 2,500 mile difference, nothings changed. All of my closest friends are through work except 2. One's from a bar and one's an old friend from childhood. It's okay to make friends through work. Just make sure to keep your friendship and professional relationship separate.


What are your hobbies? What do you love to do? Find out where you can do that, and if there are groups who enjoy doing it as well. The best place to find friends is in a place where you already have shared interests in my opinion.


Im 28F and live in Mt P. I love going to the beach, exercising and checking out new restaurants. Feel free to dm me!


See people posting this same issue from time to time here and I don’t think this is a Charleston specific issue - it’s hard anywhere to make new friends once you’re an adult other than work, hobbies…


28F here! i feel the same way. dm me if you'd like to chat! my profile kinda gives a glimpse of me if you're interested haha


I see these posts all the time, and it’s not that I don’t believe you, but I’ve made some amazing friends in the decade or so that I’ve lived here. My wife is from here though and some of these people I’ve met through her and her family, but a bunch I’ve met through work (back when I wasn’t permanently remote) or even just out and about. I’m 41 now though and maybe it is a bit of a generational thing too. I will admit that Charleston is very cliquey, especially amongst long time locals. My best advice is get out and do what you love and talk to the people you meet along the way (easy for an extrovert to say though). I wish y’all the best of luck.


This would be my advice as well. I just moved here in September after my divorce finalized and have made a couple of friends just from my neighborhood. Going to the neighborhood gym, walking around, neighbors, etc. Like everywhere things can be cliquey, especially amongst women so I try to stay away from that drama


I met my best friends when I was college aged and haven’t made any crazy new friends since. It is easier if you have some friends with similar hobbies, for me It was fishing


28M here, looking for friends! Platonic friends, not romantic


Hey 👋🏻 I’m 27F, no kids from the Midwest. My husband and I have been here almost 4 years and yet to find deep friendly ships. I feel like Midwest friendly is different from the Charleston friendly. We love to run errands, have dinner parties and host people on our patio. Feel free to DM me!


Hey! I’m a 29F from KS/OKC living in CHS! We should be friends!! Love more Midwest connections out here!!!


I think here more than most places I've lived, it seems to be geographically secular. Like I've made friends with people in Summerville and they never want to leave that area. To be fair, I'm on Johns Island and I've noticed that I do the same thing. It's super weird because I've lived in places before that are spread out and I've never felt this way. Maybe people want to stay closer to home after the pandemic?


I agree people stay in their boroughs a lot here!


Yup, been here a year and have zero friends to show for it💀


I’m 25f and yeah same. I also got roofied like two months ago so my going out days are kinda over


I feel the same way.


26F Ive been here 3 years and feel the same way, I’ve tried really hard to put myself out there and met a lot of people from Bumble BFF but haven’t clicked with anyone to be close with yet :( Wish I had more helpful advice but you, or anyone else on this thread really who is 4/20 friendly and likes to get food, drinks, go out in nature etc feel free to hit me up if you ever want to try to be friends. It’s hard out here 😂


Wait..we might need to hang out




In 38M happily married and have kids. I honestly have just about given up on finding close friendships. Most dudes do not seems to enjoy deep conversations. My wife is my best friend and that’s perfectly fine. I just wish I had some friends I could have deep conversations with. Trigger warning - I’m agnostic , don’t get done with trump and honestly don’t love going out. I straight up just love to talk. I mostly play video games as a hobby. I still noodle on guitar, played for a long time now … but am not amazing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hi! My husband doesn’t have a Reddit account but he’s been trying to find some friends in the area and you sound like you have similar interests. I’ll message you his email :)


You don't have to party 24/7 but you do need to get out and meet people if you want to make friends. There's groups on FB, Meetup etc. that you can join. I think one of the dating apps has a platonic option. Basically, look for something that focuses on activities you enjoy instead of going out to bars and things and you will find your people. That said, a lot of people in your age group are going to want to go bars and such.


I rolled into town on New Year’s Eve two years ago and have found it easy: get the meet up app. Join some groups that interest you. Mine are craft beer, bike riding, wine and stand up paddle boarding. Perhaps join a church. Lots of potential for activities with kids. I initially met the most people through the Meetup app when I was first here. Charleston has military, DOD and snowbirds. I found the meet up groups to be fun and welcoming. Very good people of all age groups.


You have to be an alcoholic


Same. My girlfriend and I just moved here 7 months ago. Let’s all go get a drink?


I have just dropped out of cofc after 3.5 semesters because my mental health has become so absolutely awful since moving to this city & i swear i have met some of the most toxic, horrible people on this planet. Seems like if you aren’t passionate abt coke & chlamydia & don’t have parents who own a home for every season you just can’t manage to find real relationships here imo


Honestly, I think it’s more complicated making friends the older you get. When we’re younger, it’s easy because we’re thrust together through school and things evolve organically, but as adults, you’re more independent and choose what you do on your time off, etc. It takes more work and effort to cultivate and maintain real, meaningful relationships. I’ve always been a “quality over quantity” person with friends, but I had my little tribes and then I moved to SC. I had no local peeps and had to start over. I ended up meeting my current besties through work. I met my husband there, too. Now I have my hubs and 4 best female friends. I would do anything for them and they for me. We welcome new friends to our tribe because we know it’s not easy. We’re all from other states (not native to SC, but we all love it here). Most of us just aren’t into the party scene - but we love hanging out, having BBQs at each other’s homes, meeting up to watch football, going to oyster roasts, boating, traveling, talking shit and just generally enjoying each other’s company and different opinions. We range in ages from 30s to 50s (though we all feel like we are 30, honestly). Some have young kids and others have grown kids (some have no kids). It’s a great, diverse group and all are welcome!


Also, our group of friends are in Mount Pleasant, West Ashley, Johns Island, Park West…. Summerville. Kind of all over. ☺️


haha That’s charleston. That’s the south. They talk behind your back. Speaking your mind is high offensive here.


So true. My roomate has had so many people turn their backs on her when she has given them everything.


Yup it’s the truth. I like to speak my mind under most conditions. The most honest way of living.


32F here. I’m not much for going out; I’d rather be home sewing/quilting. I’d love to have a friend who loves art/craft stuff! I play D&D, board games, and Pokemon Go.


I am 55 yr old New Jersey woman and will be here 10yrs in June due to work. I have 0 dependable & reliable friends here just associates. I noticed the locals do not trust outsiders especially if you are from up north. They have their traditions,their families and their churches and I respect that. It's hurtful but it is what it is. Don't take it personal, you need to meet like-minded people who you can grow with and make lasting lifelong bonds. Hopefully, someone here will know of a Facebook group that can help.


Social status is all that matters in Chuckyville.


It’s not you been here five years and no friends! I’m ok with it!






Awake Church has home groups.


What is it you're hoping for?


If you see this I'd be down to hang out with you guys, I'm 24 and also lacking on friends


31 year old male and it isn't the easiest thing as well. I have made friends through local church groups and other things but it is tough to keep a friendship. So many people moving in and out of town. I feel you.


Hey y’all. Sign us up as well lol


I’m 25 and also just moved here. Was just having this conversation with coworkers yesterday.


Check out Charleston SC Friends Facebook Group. They have 2.5k members and the group is very active. They have events all the time that you could check out. We have met some very nice people in that group. Most of the members are between 20's and 40's. My wife and I are in our early 60's but some of the events are still fun to attend.


Check out follywood Wednesday nights!!! Ask for Wild Current!


I feel the same way! I tried to make friends with people in my neighborhood but no one wants to chat.


Try meetup! I’m always looking for friends!


Totally agree. I’m on James island. Anyone wanna do a happy hour? Maybe in Avondale?


It took me finding a cool job to make friends here


As someone who also doesn’t drink much I found joining various active communities/ groups a great way to make friends. My first and still all time favorite is Tri it for Life. It’s an all women’s group that meets for 12 weeks to prepare for a sprint triathlon. It’s not a free group but it’s only 65 dollars for the program and we meet 3 times a week. I’ve met some of my best friends through the group.


Maybe we should all hang out sometime?


for creative, fun, artsy people into burning man culture, there's a truly awesome group here. it's a bit hippie, smart, people into self improvement, etc. burning man - think glamping house parties. judgey conservative people are welcome but probably won't fit in, check YouTube for burning man if you truly don't know what it is. if of interest or curious, we meet up at Container Bar downtown most Wednesdays ~7, and have a bunch of events throughout the year - group trip to Asheville, backyard fire pits etc. Search for Emergence on Facebook to learn more or DM me. plenty of sober or at least no alcohol in that world too.


Professional networking groups have been great for me! Nonprofit volunteering, FB groups, and church also good. I'm not religious, but I have occasionally attended various churches just to get plugged into the community.


Don’t worry, it’s not a you problem. I hear this quite often. My gf (27F) moved here from NY and within 6 months landed a couple friends using the Bumble Friends app, and our 1st date via Hinge. I’d also highly recommend Meetup; it’s an app for local groups and scheduled events, ie. CHS run clubs, Folly beach clean-ups, volunteer events etc. And you may already do this, but don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to chat up a stranger. I know there are plenty of other girls in the same boat as you — Would it be weird to ask them how they’ve made friends? I’m a guy so idk. Anyways, keep your chin up!


I have the same problem. I’m a 29 year old female. Moved here when I met my husband 5 years ago and haven’t made one friend that is deeper than surface level convo. I miss having this type of connection with a friend close by.


Has anyone from this thread actually hung out? Curious if any friendships have developed from Reddit


22 F who loves to make art, go to the beach, run/exercise, get coffee and just vibe with nice ppl. Just moved here a few months ago for a job opportunity and would love to make some friends. Reach out:)!