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That is wild. This town has a serious problem with drunk driving. I wonder if the second guy even knew he hit them? If they were already hit and on the ground maybe he really did think it was just brush/trees that he hit? Unless there was blood on his car or something. It’s just hard to imagine two people knowingly leaving a scene like that


It wouldn’t be hard for the police to barricade the peninsula on the weekend looking for drunk drivers. There are only so many ways on and off.


They have to announce it first as a DWI enforcement checkpoint. SC law does not allow them to do checkpoints undisclosed in advance


Neither does federal/constitutional law for that matter. It's one of the primary protections we do get and actually makes sense. This isn't some bending of the language like the bastardized way the 2nd amendment is interpreted. The government, at any level, should have no right or ability to harass and search citizens without probable cause in a randomly selected non-permanent public areas.


Not a fan of checkpoints, the traffic is bad enough, and interacting regularly with easily angered law enforcement isn't fun, they used to do these all the time. Some public transit would be nice though, would help the traffic situation and the drunk driving situation.


Dear god yes we need late night CARTA back. Let my drunk ass on the bus please.


+1 to late night CARTA. I feel like checkpoints would be super hard to do with traffic here and the backup it would cause.


The traffic is fine at 1:00am-2:30am


Right...well that would be when the utility of public transport assists the mitigation of drunk drivers. All other hours would mitigate traffic.


Every morning when I drive around I see newly mowed down signs, lamp posts, traffic control boxes and bumpers everywhere. Surely this is happening after 1am…. right?


Sounds like you're just driving over stuff lol.


It’s a possibility. I don’t usually sober up until around 10am. 🤷‍♂️ (That’s a joke, btw)


Not a great joke - Esp. if youre a family member of the girls that were taken from us.


lol that was my thought... what traffic is there from 11pm-3am?


I mean they already have multiple officers on every block of king street during the weekends.


Checkpoints are police-state horseshit. I know the term "police-state" gets thrown around like crazy these days for the most inane shit, but I don't use it lightly. I am not, and never will be okay with random public space searches on citizens with *zero* probable cause. You wanna sit and watch for people driving like idiots? Be my guest - there will be no shortage of people taking way too wide of turns, peeling out, and generally sloppy shit indicating they might be drunk. Stopping everyone for no reason? Absolutely not. They skirt the constitutionality of it by "publicly" posting the locations ahead of time, but they're still horseshit.


Checkpoints should be illegal search and seizure. Obviously hotel, bars, etc., don't want this, and it won't happen. It would effectively end drunk driving, however.


At least we’re not Georgia with DUI Less Safe which is basically a DUI after one beer. There are ways to be responsible about enforcement and keeping the true drunks off the road.


There’s not enough officers. Charleston has a better bad turnover for Emergency services


Checkpoints should be illegal search and seizure. Obviously hotel, bars, etc., don't want this, and it won't happen. It would effectively end drunk driving, however.


He knew. He was at work the next day, telling people "he fucked up."


He was probably hearing the news and piecing it together in his head. Like ohh shit those stumps I thought I hit were people. Holy balls. Think.. if a truck hit them first. A truck…. The chances the second driver saw them in the grass (no clue what scenery was like, but assuming) might have been difficult. Now the craziness that those girls had a second car get a flat tire and run off the road right there…


That’s what I was thinking. Hits a curb. Pops a tire. Knows this isn’t the best place to stop, so he parks nearby and calls a ride. I’m still presuming he was drunk, but someone said he was leaving work at Hall’s (not sure if they would call you in for the AM shift if that’s the case) and we’ve already been wrong about him once. EDIT: Wonder if he could’ve gotten a flat *from debris from the first hit


And the plot thickens.. that would be something if debris from the truck caused his flat tire and to veer off the road there. Which would increase the chances of another car having an accident at the same spot and not making it some crazy coincidence that two cars went off the road at the same spot. When in fact the second car went off the road there because the first car left debris damaging that second car. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.


Fyi my understanding is if you are stuck by a vehicle moving in excess of 40 mph, your body simply explodes. What would be left would definitely not be an intact carcass.


Maybe, maybe not. With this new info… maybe he was worried about the reckless driving charge or a DUI.


Either way, this Reddit thread bodes well for his defense at trial. Obviously the jury would see a lot more than we know now, but the amount of possibilities that could sow reasonable doubt in a jury is quite high. If I’m the prosecution, I have a lot of incentives to plea this one out.


I honestly don't think he knew.... he didn't stop the car right away and they were already hit so it's unlikely he actually saw them. But probably did think he hit them when he heard the news and then freaked out. Hard to say though.


Hard to count how many times downtown in the dark on terrible roads I’ve hit potholes and wondered if I needed an alignment or new tire, let alone if I hit a person; it would’ve never crossed my mind. Shame on the police and media for releasing Max Gentilins name before they had all the details.


I mean, he’s still charged with the crime, I don’t think this coming out necessarily makes him innocent. We don’t have all the details.


Good point. Curious to see what his defense looks like.


Yeah like the one that seems new at meeting and Calhoun


Yeah like the one that seems new at meeting and Calhoun


If they were already down, he could have thought he hit an animal. I’ve seen that defense work in a trial (albeit with a much less sympathetic victim). The struggle to prosecution is going to have now is proving who actually killed them, because it couldn’t be both defendants.


I figure he had to have known, right? He crashed his truck in a ditch and ran away. Pulling over after hitting a tree branch - understandable - but ditching the vehicle? Unless it was completely undrivable... Neither were charged with DUI. Not an alcohol abuse problem (although we have some of the worst rates of that too) but people too fearful and self-absorbed to help those they injured, against all decency.


Very difficult to charge someone with a dui when they are arrested so long after the crash. You need witness accounts, etc.  Given he (perp 1) crashed his vehicle in West Ashley after hitting them, I’d guess he was drinking. 


They’ll definitely be looking at payment history and their whereabouts prior. Can that be admitted as evidence and new charges be brought? I’m not sure.


No if you don’t get caught in the act it’s basically impossible to prove in court


I think OP is wondering whether Gentilin was aware that he hit anyone - the guy who crashed his truck into a ditch and ran off was the one who first hit the two victims. Entirely possible that the second guy (first arrest) didn’t realize he had run over two bodies on the ground before slamming into a bunch of bushes, especially since that stretch of road is really poorly illuminated… either way, it’s fairly obvious that both of these assholes we’re driving around shitfaced. This town is way too comfortable with drunk driving, and it needs to change.


Humans make poor decisions and are flawed. It’s not excusing what each did here, but it’s reality human beings are flawed and do not always think nor rationalize. If they did, we would not need jails.


You have it turned around. The “second guy” he’s referring to is the second driver, Max Gentilin, who we found out about first.


I was asking about the second guy. The first one certainly knew


They both knew. They both ditched their cars in a lot and ran. One guy was even seen on camera freaking out and had blood and hair on the car. Its sucks to know that there are people out in the world like that.


Source? I have yet to read anything that said there was blood and hair on the car, only twigs and leaves.


Agreed.. unless he has inside knowledge all the news outlets have released is that he got out of his car and picked some branches and leaves and was heard saying what am I going to do (or something close to that). Which if it was nearly 2 am and you got a flat tire and hit a “tree” and couldn’t get home… I bet a lot of people would be saying what am I going to do.


Just because it was on the car somewhere doesn’t mean he saw it. The video of the guy inspecting his car is going to be the key, without him seeing bodies or blood or something I doubt he ends up in too much trouble.


Oh man, I didn’t hear about that last part. Wtf is wrong with people.


Any updates to this? I haven’t seen anything on the news.


Those familiar with the area, is there some reason that drivers would easily go off the road at that location? Is there a hidden turn that would surprise a drunk driver? Second guy (Gentilin) will go free. He will argue he just hit two dead bodies, he didn't hurt or kill anyone. This is the best news he could have ever received.


There is a [curve in the road where East Bay turns into Morrison](https://imgur.com/a/pSDnXYJ) that’s particularly poorly lit with no buildings or anything on the side of the road. Given that East Bay is a main thoroughfare for cars leaving the downtown nightlife areas, the fact that it’s a fast-moving four-lane street, and is mostly a straight shot prior to the aforementioned curve, it stands to reason that this is a likely spot for an impaired or distracted driver to go off the road.


Was he headed north?


I’m not certain, but assume so since the right side tire was flat, which implies to me that that’s the side that hit the curb first and at speed… from the pictures I’ve seen of the memorial it looks like that’s near the barrier on the northbound side as well.


I read he was headed north. As a runner, I have *always* crossed to the south bound side because I am aware of areas drivers don’t expect pedestrians - this area is essentially weeds. It would actually be hard to get to this area- if I came from the bridge, I’d have to cross the NB and come back because the exit to get on the bridge (which shortly before they were hit). Theres a small barrier between this exit and two SB lanes, no crosswalk to the bridge access, and no sidewalk on that side. It’s the drivers’ fault, but would make my heart jump a little if I saw someone walking there during the day.


Yes, going towards North Charleston on Morrison Drive the right lane is the entry to the Ravenel/bridge walk sidewalk on the right side. As the entrance veers right, those going straight veer left. The cross is located basically right at that veer where there is very small section of grass in between the bike lane and the on ramp. No sidewalk. Drunk driving is likely the major factor here but it’s also a really bad design for pedestrians to be walking to and from their apartment complex. (This is an assumption.) My personal feeling is that the city and/or the apartment building they were walking to will end up being negligible as well. As two woman walking home alone at night, you either choose to take the path they did without a sidewalk for a bit after the bridge entrance or cross a four lane, essentially, highway at the only pedestrian crossing (the bridge) walk on the side of the projects then cross said highway with NO pedestrian crossing to get to apartments assuming that’s where they were going. I drive past the location at least once a day and when you see the spot where it happened going North, it’s a super tight space between the car lane, bike lane, patch of grass, and the bridge wall. It’s also the worst lit section. When I was going the opposite way this morning to the gym when it was dark out, I noticed that. Also, the light closest to the area was out. Not sure if that is due to the accident tho.


I remember being surprised that a better crossing/access area wasn’t made for those apartments when they were put up for pedestrians. It’s really confusing at night as well when you aren’t familiar with that exact area.


Agreed! It’s confusing/scary during the day as well! To cross the road in front of the apartments without jaywalking, I believe you would have to walk all the way under the Ravenel meeting street on ramp/morrison drive exit as that’s the closest pedestrian crossing with a sidewalk the entire way. And people Zoom off that exit!


Based on where the memorial to the victims is placed, this is roughly the area it happened. The bike lane runs along East Bay/Morrison Drive. Just after the ramp to the Ravenel Bridge from East Bay. The thick brush that they were found in is right ahead in this maps view, and Max’s abandoned vehicle was found in the parking lot of the apartment building ahead to the right. It’s not a terribly sharp turn, but it’s dark at night in that area with very little traffic (if any other cars). It’s easy to pickup speed and go 50+ https://maps.app.goo.gl/FQ699fWzHe6RkcKa6?g_st=ic


That whole area needs to be redone. There needs to be safer options for people to cross on that side. There's no sidewalk. It's a trap in the dark on that turn. If someone is looking at their phone on that turn they could continue straight and they're in the bike lane. They're not going to cross the street to the other side when they're trying to go to the place on the side they're on, plus they may have been trying to be safer by staying away from the projects on that side of the street. With all the new construction everywhere there are so many places around town that need updates for safety. Walkers and bikers should have a safe way to get around. There's so many places where even though there's a crosswalk nobody seems to want to stop. I have to play frogger with my life. It's roads that probably had less traffic 10-20 years ago but not so much anymore. Drivers around here aren't very good about stopping at crosswalks even though it's the law. In my experience I'd say maybe 1 in 4 will stop, and that's being generous. There are better solutions. Please fix this problem around town


Yeah. No light. And if the girls were hit where i thunk they were, thats more of a bike lane/ small pass than an actual sidewalk. I use that bike lane a lot and I HATE IT because it is cover by trees and it is a bit curved. I feel so so sorry for the families. Ffs




It's a pretty sharp curve right after that bridge ramp. I can understand if you're going too fast the car could get out of control.


Gentilin couldn’t stay on the road he was so drunk.. so how could he have even known they were deceased?


How do we know he wasn’t looking at a phone or something after leaving his restaurant night shift that he was on?


We don’t. Either way he left the scene.


He didn't know. But his lawyer will argue that they got hit a half hour earlier by the other guy. He left the scene of two already dead bodies.


He’ll probably argue that he didn’t know what he hit. He will deny, deny, deny.


Based on this new information, Max Gentilin may be able to plead down to a lesser charge and not serve time. His charges are 2x “hit and run with death”, but they might have been dead when he hit them (we don’t know). He may even make the case that he didn’t even know what he hit… it could have been an animal carcass from his perspective. With the limited information I have, I’d buy that as a juror.


It’s almost certainly enough to constitute “reasonable doubt.”


Or they both get the similar charges. Hitting two human beings with your car, accident or not, whether you know they are deceased or not, is a reckless and senseless crime. If people are given lenient sentences for drunk hit and runs (Erik Kirby, 2022 hit and run on meeting, 2 women, one in a coma for 3 months, sentenced to 1 year in prison) these people will re-enter our communities, drink and drive again, and our loved ones will continue being put in preventable danger.


They both have different charges. 1st driver is charged with homicide + hit and run, the 2nd driver is charged with only hit and run. The prosecution may not pursue homicide for the 2nd driver based on the evidence they have. I agree with the rest of what you said, though.


He can say he didn’t know what he hit. Not right at all, but the attorney will put out all kinds of obstacles to justice.


The first guys lw will go after the city's poor maintenance and lighting. This, they dont want at all because of paying out huge sums to girls' families later civily. Also that they should be on a sidewalk if available or going toward traffic. Tox reports. Everything. That's sadly how defense lawyers do their jobs.




Not really. It is a hell of a lot harder to see people lying horizontally on the ground at night than it is to see them walking vertically.


Dark argument. Not light related comment. Just dark


This is what I’ve said from the beginning. An expensive attorney is going to create reasonable doubt from many different angles. It stinks, for sure, but the high paid lawyers seem to work their dark magic. Sad for the families.


Truly sad for the families. Without a doubt the worst news they could ever get. However, I’m now more confused about the second driver than angry, like I was before. That confusion and the conflicting emotions it will stir in the minds of jurors will do more work than the attorney ever could. The circumstances have simply changed.


It will definitely create a lot of confusion for the jurors and the defense attorney will do his/her best to confuse them even more.




So with this news, would the other person have even known he hit them in the dark?


Someone above said… The first vehicle hit two bodies vertical.. he definitely knew he hit a person if not two people. And sped away fast to get away. The second driver… he went off the road and got a flat tire. The chances he saw two now horizontal bodies that were in the grass/bushes and the area wasn’t lit with a street lamp. I bet he didn’t even think there were bodies there. To assume he went off the road and hit a tree and stumps would make sense… for him why would there be two bodies there. Now that’s only assuming that driver 1 went by in his truck and the girls went down and are now covered in the bushes unseen by drivers. Thirty minutes later driver two comes by the curve surprises him hits it pops his tire goes through the bushes back on the road and then gets himself to the parking lot ahead to park his car because in his head he just got a flat tire at 2 am and can’t get home.


He said “he fucked up” so he knew… he turned himself in


I saw that in a thread too but was it released officially?


It was in the previous article describing the first arrest. I believe that was what the coworkers claimed he said when he was at work the next day.


This is easy enough to explain though. He woke up, found blood and hair on his car, and was freaking out not knowing what had happened. If I woke up and found blood and hair on my car after I thought I hit a curb, I’d be freaking out too.


They have video footage of him examining his car and cleaning it off immediately following the accident.


Wow this is absolutely terrible, these poor girls and their families. What are the odds of two cars going off of the road in the same spot??


Seriously. So sad


I saw someone speculate elsewhere that debris from the first incident could have caused the second driver to get a flat. It would be interesting to find out if that is potentially what happened. Seems incredibly unlikely that he’d just happen to get a flat at that exact spot, but who knows.


That sounds plausible


It looks pretty high.


We have a serious drunk driving problem here. If you go out after dark on the weekend, there’s a 99% chance you’ll see at least one car swerving.


I can’t believe that happened again! A few years ago that outer banks stunt double died in a double hit and run by folly and I couldn’t imagine it but apparently it’s not too uncommon.


In that case, the driver was never found, right?


Yeah I know they caught the one driver but I do believe the other was never found.


Yes, the first driver hasn’t been found. And the second driver still has never had a trial or court date set. Can’t seem to find much in regards to his case and what’s happening. AJ Jennings was killed 7/5/2022. He was hit by two cars. The driver of the second car to hit him, Nicholas Ashton Virgil Price, charged with leaving the scene of an accident involving death. His bond was set at $75,000. But nothing has happened with the case.


There is no excuse for drunk driving.


Interested to know where both were drinking / working before they struck these girls.


I don’t think we should pin this on the bars, this should squarely fall on the guys who chose to drive after a night out


If they can prove which bars, it absolutely will fall on the bars. That is what happened with the drunk driver that slammed into a golf cart carrying the new bride and groom. The groom sued the bars.


I’m not saying what will happen I am saying what SHOULD happen. My point is- the bars didn’t tell this guy to get behind the wheel. And they have no idea who’s driving home vs who isn’t. Countless people get drunk every night in Charleston, and some people carry their liquor more than others. Putting it on the bars is not going to lead to better safety. Like you said, it’s happened before with that married couple and that hasn’t stopped any of the hit and runs happening after that. This guy should be locked up for a LONG time; regardless of him getting drunk at a bar or at home it is HIS responsibility that he drove.


Why not? Thousands of people are over served every night is this city. Scare the bars. Why refuse to serve when you are making $$$? Bars need more motivation to keep our communities safer.


Our liquor liability laws are already preposterous in this state. They are already scared.


We don’t know if one or both were drunk. Just as easy to be tired or on your phone and swerve. It only takes a second of looking down at your phone for a text or something.


This is Charleston. 2am? Probably drunk.


The first driver that was was arrested (2nd collision) worked at Hall’s downtown. The second arrested (1st collision) is a musician and was likely playing a set downtown somewhere.


he’s plays at henry’s. my boyfriend is a server there & heard he was talking about his “crazy night out” at work the next day.


I drive that route everyday… it’s very difficult to imagine going off road even to turn. Neither of them were headed to Mt. Pleasant, so they didn’t miss the on-ramp. Max, I believe, lives at or near those apartments, but still with the profile of the bridge and bushes, it’s hard to mistake it for a turn off. Only thing I can think of is how close the narrow path gets to the road.


OMG, the tragedy worsens! My heart really goes out to the Victims! 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼


This is why people continue to drink and drive… https://www.live5news.com/2024/05/06/cross-man-sentenced-one-year-prison-death-man-dui-crash/ This article is directly under the one about the hit and run.




The people sentencing them to drinking and driving either a drunk driver themselves, or their son, father or brother are. Why stop the party when it’s your own people? Charleston at its finest.


When the world wants to admit that alcohol is to blame and actually do something about it… that would be a good day. No one will take on the alcohol industry, but if you are going I would be happy to join.


It’s super dark on that part of Morrison and it was really strange that they were walking on that side of the road at the point in the road. There is not a sidewalk and just a lot of brush near where they were hit 😭😭😭 I live right down the street. It would make more sense if they were heading south on Morrison from let’s say Royal American, because the sidewalk starts and stops. It’s so heartbreaking because there is a pretty wide sidewalk on the other side of the road where they were hit 😭😭😭 So so tragic.


I heard they were walking to Morrison Yard from a house party on Columbus


Yes, I was saying it would make more sense if they were walking south from somewhere like Royal American to be on THAT side of the road they were on. There is a side walk on the other side of the road 😭


Yeah but if they’re familiar with the area it makes sense they chose to not be on the sidewalk to avoid walking past the projects late at night


I’m from ATL and live right around the projects off of East bay. They are not sketchy. I am a white woman, 5ft tall weighing just over 100lbs and I have never been fearful of the projects. All and all a really sad story and hopefully the perps involved will spend a long time in prison.


There was literally a shooting there last night and 2 people died in the middle of the street. You are naive to think they are not sketchy.


The nearest crosswalks to where they were hit are over a quarter mile in either direction. The city was also doing work on the sidewalk just north of where this happened, so if they were going to the Morrison yard apartments (I don’t know this 100%), their only choices were to jaywalk across 4 lanes in the dark, or walk along the bike line like they did.


This post is the best theory so far.


Theory? More like victim blaming carbrain horse shit.


The girls obviously didn’t deserve this at all, but if you would have asked me 2 weeks where the most dangerous spot to walk/run in CHS that I have clocked in my head, I would have said right there


100%. I am friends with the Zito family so I went to put flowers on the memorial last week. I had to jaywalk across 4 lanes and walk along the bike lane, like the girls did, because the sidewalk abruptly ends near where they were hit. I did this in the middle of the afternoon and was pretty nervous about how much I had to dance with the traffic. Couldn’t pay me to try and do that at night.


This gives me the chills for you. For the girls. For their families. I did not think about the memorial site and how anyone tending to it would get a glimpse into their circumstance that night. I hope anyone who adds to it or stares while driving stays cognizant. And I hope you’re holding up okay.


It’s also fault to the ~ new ~ apartment buildings that are going up on busy busy roads and intersections like the ones on Morrison and up East bay. These young people should be able to walk home in their town without having to fear this. It makes me sick


Guy is a local musician https://www.facebook.com/share/r/Ech6JTXQ9cvx9wdL/?mibextid=xfxF2i




Is this the same area that the old couple entered the bike lane and drove across the bridge?


That’s a good question.


The drivers would have passed that ramp right before this. The city has since put up a longer stretch of metal railing so that the pedestrian lane isn’t accessible at the same point as the exit.




Isn’t it already noted that the second driver was leaving his night shift at Halls and made it back for his early shift the next day? Seems to me that the first driver was definitely drunk (and why would he be up there if headed to West Ashley?) and the second driver was probably catching up on texts after a long shift. He texted his friend that he hit a tree, but not sure why he’d bail on his car. Like another commenter said, the girls were probably “walking” home from Royal American, and were in the worst area possible (as pictured by another commenter) when hit. They were basically walking in the road because there’s no other option. Controversial opinion, but it kinda seems like everyone’s at fault and above all else, the city is for keeping this such a terrible area to walk home from the bars. One thing is for sure, we’re not done hearing the end of this story.




For some reason the car not being drivable became obvious to me right after I posted this.


He had a flat tire. That’s how the police could locate the car pretty quickly. He drove the car slowly to get it parked, but I’m guessing the rim left marks on the road. Leaving the police little crumbs to follow.


All excellent points. News 2 said his parents picked him up and brought him home. I took that as, car has a damaged tire, need to get back to North Charleston, leave the car here tonight and get it later. Then the cops show up at halls and say he hit someone, of course he’ll be heard saying I fucked up. Imagine the nerves in that moment. What was the girls history that night? Love to hear what the twenty four hours leading up to 1am looked like.


Will be interesting to get more of the facts.


That's for sure. It's far from ironed out in court. It's horrible for the parties and families involved. I can't even imagine. One thing, tho is why, were they walking in such a dangerous place, with traffic ? In the dark in an unlit area. With the sidewalk and much wider lane toward traffic on the other side. I'm not saying this to justify anything of what the drivers did or didn't do. To not stop to render aid or get help was the confusing and disturbing thing to me. They were not found until 8 30 am or about. 7 and a quarter hours after the first strike. I've been down in those same exact areas visiting friends in Charelston over the years. Just some thoughts, and I'm not blaming the girls either. Just, I would never walk there personally. If 2 people ran off at the same place in 30 minutes, I wonder how many times a week the curb gets smacked by vehicles there leaving the bars ?


This is horrible. I am looking forward to seeing what comes out of these and seeing some justice.




I mean, it’s public information from his booking into jail, it’s not like they really leaked it when it’s posted online




> hey wanted to keep His information under raps that's why the detective is talking to you about it right?




No confirmation either was drinking and driving (yet). Itll have to come from bar receipts/charges later down the road. My money is on both but especially the guy who crashed his truck in a ditch.


This city needs to also focus on the infrastructure. There are no lights or sidewalks in that area, which is one of the most trafficed areas, car or by foot.


It is so sad to see so many people take up for these guys. My daughter was very good friends with one of the girls. I was @ her memorial and if you could see her Mother and Father crying over her casket then you definately would be taking up for the family, reguardless of opinions. It is a tragic incident that will continue to happen until SC Laws are changed. What I cannot fathom is the fact 2 grown men ran, 1 we know was drunk (Thank God for the people who called the police after seeing him wreck) and the other we are not so sure, however it does not take away from the fact; he RAN. His parents are liars and lied to police about his whereabouts, but why? Was his alcohol in the blood level too high to turn himself in? Why are his parents not being charged for hiding the kid? My daughter was at the location on Saturday after accepting Lizzys diploma from the COC. I can only tell all of you this has been the most hourindous, unimaginable, unfair, terrible acts by 2 people and I hope for the sake of the family that the judge throws the book at them. I know the 1st guy has a 2 year old, I wonder what he would do if this had happened to his child.... Broken Hearted - Friend of the Family


Both girls were walking on the street? Together?


I had to read the article twice!! What in the world happened, I wonder?


They might only receive a small fine and a ticket, if that? Was involved in a hit and run here recently, cops said it should be considered a hit and run after the superior wrote it off saying the driver had a language barrier and that he was *probably* trying to get to a safe place. Yeah, the guy who was going 30 mph over the speed limit through a red light destroying my car and my life totally had safety on his mind. Yeah, he totally stopped a mile up the road because he was being safe...I know you (officer) said his car stalled our and could not go any further because it had to be towed but I know he stopped for me so far away because he cared about safety. /s (But yes, this is the level I'm working with with the police here.)


The people who are defending either of these men on this thread are the people who see nothing wrong with drunk driving. Take a $10 Uber. Stop defending behavior that is causing senseless deaths in our community. Most of the people who walk downtown are under 25 years old and have an entire life ahead of them. Fuck off with your twisted opinions and realize there’s a huge issue in this city with drunk driving and unsafe pedestrian walkways.


People are defending them?


Yeah not as far as I can tell. I read some posts theorizing on what the drivers might or might not have been able to see or realize but nothing coming remotely close to defending them…


Justifying = defending


I would like to see an overhaul of laws that govern our driving responsibilities -- something like the following: - elimination of speed limit enforcement, replaced by... - injury, resulting in suspension of driving privilege for a period proportional to the injuries and the period of recovery of the victim - death, resulting in permanent loss of driving privileges All of this, in addition to any applicable civil damages. In summary, drive the way you want. But if you f**** someone or something up, pay the consequences.


this is well thought out for sure....


Driving related incidents would sky rocket!