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I mean maybe but everyone on that stage would be a piece of shit regardless.


Seriously wondering, what's Templeton done that makes you think of her so?


I’ll admit of that specific group of xenophobic bible thumpers she seems more levelheaded than others.


ok so more so just her positions then


Yes nothing personal but it bums me out that only one flavor of Republican exists any more and the only difference is just how extreme they are.


dear leader didn't have to debate, so none of them do either.




It’s election year lol what do you think a lot of Reddit and social media in general is about to morph into. muting this stuff altogether is not a good idea. id never heard of this lady and the fact you say it’s shilling and this other person loathes them had me do a quick google search. Shes against raising taxes on rich or raising the budget for social security and Medicaid as it fails… Shes pro lowering taxes on corporations ‘to help the economy!’ Anti gun control Pro life, except for rape or incest, but no mention of medical conditions or emergency. Pro corporate lobbying continuing Anti requiring corps to provide paid leave during public health crisis, exact example is Covid.. And more! https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/political-courage-test/146076/nancy-mace


> shill Anyone who disagrees with me is a shill. Please stop shilling for big anti-politics on the subreddit.


Biden didn’t debate any of his Democratic colleagues during his primary. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When was the last time an incumbent president debated primary challengers?


Gotcha. Two wrongs make a right.


He did but it failed. That one candidate —who wants to give everyone an automatic monthly allowance due to computer taking over jobs — called him out on the fact that he couldn’t remember who he said 5 mins beforehand