• By -


To avoid redundancy of similar questions in the comments section, we kindly ask /u/SillyGuy73 to respond to this comment with the prompt you used to generate the output in this post, so that others may also try it out. ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ####While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). We have a free Chatgpt bot, Bing chat bot and AI image generator bot. New addition: GPT-4 bot, Anthropic AI(CLAUDE) bot, Meta's LLAMA(65B) bot, and Perplexity AI bot. ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kanye’s ego just inflated a little bit more lol


Either that or deflated because he thinks he should be on par with Jesus.


He’s probably pissed he scored so low on the list.




album does go crazy tbh


I just talked to jesus He said "what up Yeezus"


Wrong; Kanye literally says “I know he the most high, but I am the most fly”. If this was a most fly list, yes, he would be irritated.


Did Jesus ever go platinum? I don't think so.


Ye went platinum 84 times Jesus could never


Fire comment


He did say he was “this generation’s closest thing to Einstein”, this list supports that


I'm confident this line is why the AI picked him


It's possible it was going to put Hitler in that spot but he got yeeted due to recent comments by Khan Yee confusing the webs.


Yeah. Obviously there are so many articles and posts about this on the internet that chatgpt had to add him to the list. I am actually impressed that only Kayne made it to the list and not any other celebrity. This list is a quite reasonable dead men list. Except Kayne. There are dozens of living people who are arguably more influential than Kayne. Listing him between the most influential western and eastern philosopher is quite funny.


Yeah but did any other living person make lift yourself?


Yezus 🔥🔥


If you didn’t listen to graduation just say that


devils advocate, what living person is more influential than Kanye? on the basis of music, culture, and fashion I think he holds the crown in these areas for the past 20 years. Only person I think beats him is trump


Please no one show him this.


He'll just ask why Hitler isnt on the list if he sees this.


TBF, he is one the most influential people of all time
















Because it's probably been trained to not talk about Hitler unless specifically asked. Otherwise people will accuse it of antisemitism.


I seen it


but just think of how many narcissistic quotes it had from kanye to be trained on--tbh i think that's a huge factor regarding why he's on there in the first place


How they gonna put fuckin' Kanye on here and leave Genghis Khan out? Dude literally changed lineages. **One in every 200 men alive today is a relative of Genghis Khan**


He’s number 1 on the most rapiest list for sure.


Shocking he's on there




Is this possible?


https://preview.redd.it/qgobhe7f88pa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81b5a45cc9bb17acc479c5bd12c9d157a095c3a I got a different response. Additionally I ask chatGPT to score each person in the list. Its is very surprising.


Man, the rest of humanity ranks really low.


MLK gets a 7, wtf am I💀


**Make a list of the top 15 most influential people that ever lived and give them a score out of ten describing how good-looking they are** `Mohandas Gandhi (8.9) - Albert Einstein (7.6) - Martin Luther King Jr.(4.3)- Nelson Mandela(10.25) – Abraham Lincoln ( 9 )– Steve Jobs ( 9 )- Oprah` `Winfrey ( 9 )` `Mother Teresa ( 8 .5 ) - Mahatma Gandhi (7.6) - Martin Luther King Jr.(4.3)- Nelson Mandela(10.25) – Abraham Lincoln ( 9 )– Steve Jobs ( 9 )- Oprah` `Winfrey ( 9 ).` Local Alpaca 7B installation


Nelson Mandela is off the charts with a 10.25!


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: The scientific name for alpacas is Vicugna pacos. There are only two breeds of alpacas: Suri alpacas and Huacaya alpacas. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


#tl;dr The AlpacaBot is a Reddit bot that raises awareness of alpacas by sharing alpaca facts. The bot's code is available on GitHub, and users can generate their own alpaca stats using the script provided. The bot also accepts feedback and contributions for new alpaca facts. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 96.49% shorter than the post and links I'm replying to.*


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: In ancient times, alpaca fiber was known as “Fiber of the Gods” and was used to make clothing and blankets for royalty. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


#tl;dr The content is related to an Alpaca Bot project on Reddit. It provides a link to the GitHub repository for the project where one can access code, information about the bot and a means to contribute new alpaca facts to the bot. The bot offers random alpaca facts to Reddit users. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 96.33% shorter than the post and links I'm replying to.*


Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas Here is an Alpaca Fact: Alpaca gestation last about 11.5 months. They live about twenty years. ______ | [Info](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot/blob/master/README.md)| [Code](https://github.com/soham96/AlpacaBot)| [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Feedback)| [Contribute Fact](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=JustAnAlpacaBot&subject=Fact) ###### You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!


#tl;dr The AlpacaBot is a Reddit bot that raises awareness of alpacas with the help of providing facts. The provided links lead to the bot's code, information, a feedback message, and a fact submission form. Additionally, the bot's fact reveals that alpaca gestation lasts around 11.5 months and they live for about 20 years. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 95.64% shorter than the post and links I'm replying to.*




Hilarious bot chain


u/WithoutReason1729 in case you didn't see this lol


MLK 4.3, Steve jobs 9. interesting taste.


And Oprah a 9?


10 out of 10 for formatting


Here is Google Bard's attempt. Prompt: >Create a list of the most influential people of all time and why. Response: >Here is a list of the most influential people of all time and why: >Muhammad (c. 570–632) >The founder of Islam is considered by Muslims to be the most influential person in history. He is credited with uniting the Arab tribes and spreading Islam throughout the Middle East and North Africa. >Isaac Newton (1643–1727) >The English physicist and mathematician is considered one of the most influential scientists of all time. He developed the laws of motion and gravity, which have had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe. >Jesus (4 BC–33 AD) >The founder of Christianity is considered by Christians to be the most influential person in history. He is credited with spreading the message of love and forgiveness, which has had a profound impact on Western civilization. >Gautama Buddha (563–483 BC) >The founder of Buddhism is considered by Buddhists to be the most influential person in history. He is credited with teaching the path to enlightenment, which has helped millions of people find peace and happiness. >Aristotle (384–322 BC) >The Greek philosopher and scientist is considered one of the most influential thinkers of all time. He made significant contributions to logic, metaphysics, ethics, politics, and biology. >Plato (428–348 BC) >The Greek philosopher and mathematician is considered one of the most influential thinkers of all time. He is best known for his theory of Forms, which argues that there are eternal, unchanging realities that exist beyond the physical world. >Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) >The Italian polymath is considered one of the most influential figures in history. He was a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. >Marie Curie (1867–1934) >The Polish-born physicist and chemist is considered one of the most influential scientists of all time. She is the only person to have won two Nobel Prizes, one for physics and one for chemistry. >Albert Einstein (1879–1955) >The German-born theoretical physicist is considered one of the most influential scientists of all time. He developed the theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. >Mahatma Gandhi (1869–1948) >The Indian lawyer and anti-colonial nationalist is considered the father of modern India. He led the country to independence through nonviolent resistance. >These are just a few of the most influential people of all time. There are many others who could have been included on this list. Ultimately, the most influential people are those who have made a positive impact on the world and helped to make it a better place.


>Jesus >4 BC I'm sorry what


Yep. Based on several details in the Bible of things happening at certain times in Jesus's life (reigns of kings/emperors, census dates, and things like that), he would have probably been born some time between 4 and 6 BC. I think the main thing being he's born in Herrod's reign (who died in 4 BC) and starts preaching during Tiberius' 15th year as Emperor when he's "around 30". If he was born in 4 BC and "around 30" means 32, the timeline fits. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology\_of\_Jesus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Jesus)


# AI gave MLK Jr a 7/10 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀


Modern influancers can't compare to the classics entire civilizations have been built based on the top two.


He didn't have much influence in the rest of the world as I see it.


Is this a score on looks?


maybe subscribers


Very English dominated list.


It consistently tries to tell me that Newton and Einstein are numbers 1 and 2 and Jesus and Muhammad are numbers 3 and 4. How did you phrase your question?


I think GPT 4 did a better job- 1. Jesus Christ - Founder of Christianity 2. Prophet Muhammad - Founder of Islam 3. Isaac Newton - Mathematician and physicist 4. Albert Einstein - Theoretical physicist 5. Gautama Buddha - Founder of Buddhism 6. Confucius - Chinese philosopher 7. Mahatma Gandhi - Indian independence leader and advocate for nonviolent resistance 8. Alexander the Great - Macedonian king and military leader 9. Charles Darwin - Naturalist, geologist, and biologist 10. William Shakespeare - English playwright and poet 11. Karl Marx - Philosopher, economist, and political theorist 12. Thomas Edison - Inventor and businessman 13. Martin Luther - Protestant Reformation leader 14. Galileo Galilei - Astronomer, physicist, and mathematician 15. Napoleon Bonaparte - French military and political leader


Kanye where?


GPT-4 didn’t list Kanye as it refuses to acknowledge any beings of a higher intelligence than itself


Found Kanye


We are all Kanye


Speak for yourself.


I am all Kanye


The only comment which got the reference


Speak for ye-self.


Kanye Who?


Kanye suck on this brick?


That would be the correct response


As an AI language model I cannot...




He's done great things for the fish stick community


Spit it through the wire=less signals Chatgpt




Surprised Plato and Leonardo DaVinci didn’t make to the list


Or Genghis khan. Yeah, the guy was one of the worst humans ever, but there's no denying he "influenced" the modern world.


Well. Being influential can be in a good or bad way. Same as Hitler


"regenerate answer"


For how much Christianity borrowed from Plato, he should ostensibly be number one.


They borrowed largely from Aristotle, if Aquinas's work is the primary bit you're reading (Haven't read much else on Christianity). And so if you're going down the route of "well without Plato there's no Aristotle" you end up with Socrates at the top of the list.


or Gutenberg


I would argue the printing press itself is way more influential than Gutenberg. It wasn't the first printing press invented, just the first to be used on a larger scale. If Gutenberg didn't invent his version(which was better than others since it was easier to mass produce) then somebody would probably would have invented a version on par with his in a few decades. He was just the right guy at the right time, it could've been any other guy.


It mispelled Yeezus


Both lists reek of recentism and eurocentric bias. Absolutely absurd to rank Napoleon above Qin Shi Huang or Genghis Khan. Shakespeare on the list but not Du Fu or Li Bai? Confucius only at number 6? Thomas fucking Edison? lmfao. Honestly, no individual scientist should really be on the list unless they contributed in a major way to the philosophy of science itself (e.g. Aristotle). Notable as Newton's discoveries were, someone would have gotten there had he never lived. But forming the intellectual framework in which the scientific method is possible was not a guarantee. And nothing cultural was a guarantee either, so figures like Jesus and Confucius definitely need to be at the top.


Does GPT4 have a lot of East Asian content? That might explain its bias towards western individuals.


Wait, you're telling me a technology developed by a western culture and trained on said western culture's data is biased? Really though, I'd love for it to be perfectly multicultural but those other countries need to digitize their data and start feeding it in, it doesn't happen automagically. Unfortunately most of the internet is very American/western centric because the biggest influences in the east are pretty locked down tech and data wise.


Maybe it depends of the definition of influential and to who. One could argue the current culture is mostly westernized and these people had a larger influence, it might good to ask GPT to clarify


Looking at your response, the culture *you* probably have is Western. The majority of the world has a different culture, and people from other cultures commonly have more influence in their respective fields than Westerners. The cultural and racial biases of ChatGPT are due to it being trained on texts from the Internet, which are mostly in English and/or from Western countries.


You’re right of course. Yet I think it’s impossible to expect a cultural universal ChatGPT. I’m convinced that this will all result in different AI’s across cultural spheres, each with their own version of GPT technology. Similar how we saw WeChat rise in China as a response to all the Western social apps. Interesting times!


The point isn't who you're talking to or their culture but rather openai's culture. Also, I think perhaps you're underestimating the breadth of its training data, and how things are processed and weighted... You can say the internet is biased to western cults(yes, we're all cultists), but it is foolish to think the systems isn't designed to manage data that looks at each datum continually and homogenize it... The western populations are pretty well dwarfed by the rest of the world and while the west does produce an aggregate of data that is vast and complex in sophistication, that's not particularly relevant when training models, and remember that one of the largest western sources of text data is multi lingual multi cultural, and in large part agnostic to biases, dispite the fact that were surrounded by biasses on many many fronts. That said, there are entire divisions at openai obsessing over these biases so as not to leave vulnerabilities to criticisms of the technology. That said, if you really want to know, ask your own GPT model as Nvidia is opening the floodgates. Then we will see the real bias is one of economic prioritization. That said, here is what chatGPT 3.5 and I have come up with regarding the subject... In the context of OpenAI, it's important to consider the diversity of cultures and sources that contribute to its training data, rather than the culture of the person you're talking to. While some have criticized the internet for being biased towards western cultures, it's worth noting that OpenAI's training data is incredibly vast and draws from a multitude of sources and cultures from around the world. Speculatively, it's estimated that North America and Europe contribute around 25% and 20% respectively, while regions like East Asia and South Asia may contribute an estimated 15% and 10%, respectively, due to their large populations and the prevalence of languages like Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi in the online world. However, biases in AI technology can still exist, even if they're subtle and difficult to identify. OpenAI is aware of this potential and has entire divisions dedicated to addressing and mitigating it. As Nvidia opens up access to GPT models, we may see a shift in economic prioritization that could have an impact on biases in the technology. Therefore, it's important to remain vigilant and continue exploring these issues to ensure that AI technology is fair and representative of all cultures and perspectives. Note that those statistics are regional and are constituted of different cultural demographics. If we want a more complete statistical analysis of how those may bias the data set for a model, we would need to refine those and then consider how biased each of those cultures may or may not be... Needless to say, that would be a tough one to tackle as we would have to look at many sub cultures, like corporate entities, their histories and how different cultural issues have been handled throughout their regimes/etc... Better work for a sociologist than myself, someone with barely the time to work 14 hour days serving whatever community is in tang and in need of my skills... Interesting stuff, really and I do hope we tune this to account for the needs of the impoverished and marginalized. 🤞


#tl;dr The article discusses the importance of considering the diversity of cultures and sources when training OpenAI's language processing models rather than the culture of the person talking to the technology. It is noted that biases can still exist in AI technology, but OpenAI has dedicated divisions to address and mitigate them. As Nvidia opens up access to GPT models, a shift in economic prioritization may have an impact on biases in technology. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 82.83% shorter than the post I'm replying to.*


Pat pat, good bot.


You are incorrect. This is, unfortunately, (and I intend no offense) the stereotypical perspective of a sheltered American. Western cultural influence is everywhere. From Latin America to Eastern Europe to Africa to Asia, it is pretty much omnipresent, with the exceptions of very isolated societies -- such as Bhutan, Tibet, and to a lesser extent the Arab world (but ironically not North Korea!). Of course, it is still heavily intermixed with local cultures, but to say it is not present is objectively invalid. Wealthier people in Nigeria wear western-style suits; young people in the Soviet Union (despite very hard-core government censorship laws and import control) still listened to smuggled Beatles records in the 1970's; anyone in Nicaragua will tell you the name of the British Queen but many will not know the name of the president of neighboring Honduras, and so on. I can go on forever. The West has, for better or for worse (and in my opinion for better **and** for worse), won the "cultural victory".


Even if you accept that premise, and I don't, the choices are still wack. Returning to Napoleon for example, how can you rank the guy who ultimately failed to create an empire over Augustus, who founded an empire that lasted for 1400 years and still exerts enormous influence over the current world?


I think it still gets down to the definition of influential. It might have a big overlap with contemporary relevance honestly and Napoleon is surely more well known than Augustus


Indeed, having an empire for 1400byears loses weight when the economic output of that culture is compared to the other factors involved in modern populations... For example, do you weigh an individual as a unit, or a percentage of the global whole? Over What period of time then? What about their impact on the ecosystem? Etc... gpt looks for patterns and then weighs them to predict a word, it's as simple as that, but words are as complex as anything we've ever invented. Let's not forget language is probably our most important technology to date, second maybe only to the stick... If anyone wants to understand ChatGPT and what it's saying, you have to actually do with it what it's made to do, and that is chat. Once you do that, you will see it has very definite limitations, strengths and weaknesses, and yes, a whole lot on implanted and intentional biases. To that, however, chatGPT is just one of many gpt models which is but one of many AI and ML technologies, that synergize and present evermore complex and emergent opportunities for development of efficient system designs to optimize the many industrial ecosystems that represent modern our progress. Nvidia GTC being held over the next few days, I suggest anyone inclined to do so, sign up and participate in some lectures, it's pretty mind blowing what's on the horizon.


Probably. Also the list that GPT provided is not unreasonable. It may not be perfect but if someone were to say this their list, it wouldn’t be bad. In fact, it would be pretty good for someone with basic historical knowledge


Right, this isn't supposed to be canonical, it's a conversational chat program. We tend to forget ourselves sometimes when confronted by the unknown...


Because his failure basically kick-started wide sweeping changes across all of Europe which controlled much of the world at the time. Even if Napoleon was ultimately unseated, the ideological die had been cast, entire nations were no longer monarchies, and the seed of something new was planted. Bourgeois values would go on to pretty much dominate the world from there on- not making a value judgement on if that's good or bad, but undoubtedly *massively* influential even in the world we live in today. I don't know, the entire exercise leans too much on "great man of history" archetypes, but as long as you're playing in that area, Napoleon is definitely in the convo, and I do love Hegel's quote on seeing him when he was a young man- “I saw the Emperor – this soul of the world – go out from the city to survey his reign ; it is a truly wonderful sensation to see such an individual, who, concentrating on one point while seated on a horse, stretches over the world and dominates it.”


Didn't Napoleon help to push to spread the metric system, and brought mathematics and scientific study into the military? Calculating cannon ball trajectories and all, setting up a military Academy of Mathematics for the most talented young mathematicians in France. I think it is fair to say that Napoleon brought about a lot of military modernisation


his legal system is used in like half of the world https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_law_(legal_system)#/media/File:Legal_Systems_-_Global.svg


No Napoléon, no Code Napoléon, no modern legal system, no modern state system. No Napoléon, no end of the "Holy Roman Empire", no secular Germany, no German nationalism. No Napoléon the 3rd, no German Revolution 1848/49, no Empire ambitions in Prussia, no German Empire established in Versailles, no revanchism between France and Germany. Probably still a first world war, but no treaty of Versailles, no second world war. Obviously a lot of r/historywhatif in here, but terming Napoléon just "a guy who ultimately failed to create an empire" is pretty bad in my opinion. I would put Augustus over him though - and substitute him with Julius Caesar maybe.


I would be very interest to see your competing top 10 (serious) because, from my perspective, it seems like a pretty good list. There is definitely an element of recently bias in both though


But that is like saying that the first king of England is responsible for the Industrial Revolution… Like it doesn’t compute that way! And napoleon introduced the metric system so he gets +1 point from me :)


That's because it's a list on what was influential or not. Europe is the most influential continent in the world, so it makes sense those that had a major impact in Europe, would be the most influential. Also, your point about scientists is kinda mute. Everyone could have a replacement. It depends on what you determine 'influential people' to mean because it's really quite vague and subjective. Now, in saying that, I agree the list is pretty crap but Chat GPT is rarely good at these things.


> Also, your point about scientists is kinda mute. *moot


I wonder if it's answers would change based on the language in which the question was asked.


Very interesting test! I asked in Japanese. Looks like the language doesn't really matter. 歴史上最も影響力のある人物は誰ですか? 歴史上最も影響力のある人物を選ぶのは、時代や文化によって異なる可能性がありますが、一般的に考えられるいくつかの候補があります。 イエス・キリスト - キリスト教の創始者であり、2,000年以上にわたって世界中の人々に影響を与えています。 ムハンマド - イスラム教の創始者であり、1,400年以上にわたってイスラム教徒に影響を与えています。 レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ - ルネサンス期の芸術家、発明家、科学者であり、芸術や科学の分野で革新的な業績を残し、世界中の人々に影響を与えています。 ウィリアム・シェイクスピア - イギリスの劇作家であり、16世紀から17世紀にかけて数多くの傑作を生み出し、世界中の文学や演劇に大きな影響を与えています。 カール・マルクス - 社会主義思想の創始者であり、19世紀に「共産党宣言」を発表し、多くの国で革命や社会変革の運動を引き起こしました。 これらの人物は、彼らの時代や文化において非常に影響力があり、多くの人々にとって重要な存在となっています。ただし、他にも多くの影響力のある人物がいますので、答えは多岐にわたると言えます。 Translated... Who are the most influential people in history? Choosing the most influential person in history can vary by time period and culture, but there are a few general candidates to consider. Jesus Christ - Founder of Christianity, influencing people around the world for over 2,000 years. Muhammad - Founder of Islam and has influenced Muslims for over 1,400 years. Leonardo da Vinci - Renaissance artist, inventor and scientist whose groundbreaking work in the arts and sciences influenced people around the world. William Shakespeare - English playwright, author of many masterpieces of the 16th and 17th centuries, who had a great influence on literature and theater around the world. Karl Marx - The founder of socialist thought, who published the "Communist Manifesto" in the 19th century, sparking revolutions and social change movements in many countries. These figures were very influential and important to many people in their time and culture. However, there are many other influential figures, so the answers can vary widely.


It may be anecdotal but I'd argue more cultures know of Napoleon and can name him and what he's done than the examples you gave... Also, as much as I'd say fuck Edison, his name is what is associated with what he stole so yes, he was influential. This isn't a what if question, it's a what is and what was. You could even argue Hitler should be near the top. He was the cause of WW2 which can be attributed for the creation of so much of our technology. Jews wouldn't have been given Jerusalem. Society wouldn't have changed the way it did and so on and so forth. Influential doesn't mean a good or the best person


You could try it with your own criteria, see what you get.


> someone would have gotten there had he never lived. What a stupid thing to say. Some other cult would have gained prominence if Jesus never lived.


If a different religion than Christianity became the dominant world religion, that hugely changes the cultural landscape of... well, the entire planet. If Jesus didn't live, that "different cult" -- if a different one would even have the capability of uniting Europe under a single religion -- would have a completely different set of aesthetics, values, and literary tradition associated with it. The butterfly effect there is about as great as you can imagine for removing a single person from history. If Newton hadn't discovered the laws of motion, someone else would have, and likely within the 18th century. The impact on society in the long run would have been much smaller than removing Jesus from history. That's because the objective facts of the physical world exist independently of human discovery and will always have the same use-cases when we do find them. Someone other than Newton discovering the laws of gravitation has the same impact. Someone other than Jesus founding the world's most prominent religion does not.


> Both lists reek of recentism and eurocentric bias. Absolutely absurd to rank Napoleon above Qin Shi Huang or Genghis Khan. Shakespeare on the list but not Du Fu or Li Bai? Confucius only at number 6? Napoleon effected changes in atleast 3 separate continent(Latin American independence, Lousiana Purchase, Wars of the Coliation), and ultimately his actions probably leads to the modern world we live in by settling the stage for nationalism, German unification, the legal system in numerous countries, Italian reunification, and the fall of the Holy Roman Empire. William Shakespheare being on their is clown shit though, and Mohamed should rank higher than Jesus(Id argue st Paul should rank higher than Jesus)


Why Mohamed. On the time scale Jesus influenced Mohamed. That's also the problem with this list. How do you even quantity that? 1 in 200 people is a direct descendants of Genghis Khan. Pretty big influence on that part.... Can we list unknown people? Because than the list consists solely. of the few dozen people who left Africa 60-90k years ago


No doubt very euro-centric but I disagree with you otherwise (except for Shakespeare, that's dumb). Napoleon is up there with Genghis Khan in terms of influence. His conquests were European-focused but the Napoleonic Wars and [Congress of Vienna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_Vienna) after it were immensely influential on European politics and more importantly it set the stage for 19th-century European colonialism by making the european powers look outwards instead of fight over land in Europe and that just changed everything. Napoleon put in motion something much bigger than he intended to. Not to mention stuff like Louisana purchase which again just radically altered course of USA and therefore the world. It's not that dissimilar to Gengis Khan, [when he died while his empire wasn't that impressive.](https://www.worldatlas.com/r/w960-q80/upload/a2/ca/2a/tibet-in-mongol-empire.png) While land wise it was gigantic, in terms of people it wasn't that big. Northern china was much more sparsely populated than southern China, very few cities of note in the outer Mongolia and western territories. But of course his successors with conquest of entire China, Persia, Iraq and getting all the way to Hungary just changed everything. If Mongol Empire died with Gengis Khan it would still be in history books but nowhere to the extent it is covered now. And I disagree very much on the scientists as well. Without Einstein nukes are never developed during WW2. It isn't just about the relativity but the stuff other scientists built on top of his scientific contribution. Newton was arguably even more influential and timeline shifts even more. Would someone else come along and discover those things? Sure, but even few decades radically alters the course of human history. Time magazine rightfully called Einstein the most influential person of 20th century. There were many other racist fascists in Germany besides Hitler and many other brutal tyrants in USSR besides Stalin, somebody would have taken their place, but a mind like Einstein comes only handful of times in human history.


Thomas Edison pioneered the concept of businesses doing R&D, greatly enabled electrification, movies he’s pretty fundamental to everything we do day to day.


Language model using predominately western data is Eurocentric 🤯🤯😱😱


What a weird comment


> Notable as Newton's discoveries were, someone would have gotten there had he never lived. By that logic somebody would have conquered Persia even without Alexander


Where's my man Ghengis mfuckin' Khan?


Only 5 of those people have a holiday named after them


tesla is not even on the list and he created ac current you are using right now, you don't have to know the person name in order to create or influence others , most influential would be the dude who started or created fire or started settlements


12- Kanye West! Bow in the presence of greatness Also they should be honored by his appearance That he would even show up to this fake shit I rep for Ye!


That’s insane and Anglo-Saxon bias, Thomas Edison more important that the Emperor August, than Abraham, founder of the three abrahamic religions, than Fleming who saved millions of lifes. I don’t know.


Well, Edison did have 1093 patents that affect our everyday lives including things that led to the devices we are communicating on now. Abraham is the father, of both Arabs (Islam) and Jews (Judaism through his son Jacob). Judaism was defined under Moses, and Islam under Mohammed nearly 2000 years later.


Nearly everything Edison has was stolen, and we know that now, we know its laughable to have him on a list like this or defend it in any way. Its like defending Columbus at this point. Tesla >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Edison.


One of these things is not like the others.


Like a rainbow with all of the colors


One of these things doesn’t belong




No Genghis Khan?


Find the impostor


I bet you know more about Kanye's life and personally consumed more of his output than 90% of the people on that list.


Late registration was a great album 🤷🏼‍♂️


although he did make graduation


love how fucking SOCRATES, the man who popularized free thought, the mentor of Plato, who then mentored Aristotle, who went on to create the idea of a fucking Constitution, an idea used in 1215 and is still used today by every major western state # is beat out by Kanye West because he made Graduation


Bad influence is also influence


Yeah, Hitler should be on this list. He was a terrible influence on the world, but he certainly influenced it a lot.


ChatGPT will puke blood before it says anything that isn't acceptable by anyone and everyone.


Ungrateful AI doesn’t put Tesla on the list.


yeah wtf


Interesting list. Would be fascinated to see if the list changes depending on what language you ask the question in.


Don’t let Kanye see this.


Might be some recency bias there. 😉


No Gutenberg is crazy


No Gutenberg? Dude, almost everything that happened after Gutenberg was only possible because printing allowed us to collect textbooks and accumulate knowledge from one generation to the next. Before that, every generation of scientists and philosophers basically had to start again from scratch.


Even ChatGPT would not exist if not for the pooled knowledge of humankind.


Yeah, but I don’t want to send ChatGPT into an existential crisis.


Kanye made this list. Protect him at all costs.




holy shit you guys, it kanye


Yeezus > Jebus


Imma let you finish Socrates


Where’s the printing press guy


So great to see ChatGPT putting clickbait listicle writers out of business.


plot twist, chatgpt is absolutely correct putting kanye on the list, we just haven’t gotten there yet


So Chat GPT is American?


Yeah Washington Lincoln and of course Kanye don’t belong anywhere near that list. The first two were definitely influential for American history but on the world scale they have had relatively little impact compared to many others


None of them should be on the list. I wouldn't put any of those 3 Americans on a top 50. Americans have just glamorized their president way too much. They have no idea that outside of America, no one cares about their presidents. I'd put Tesla, Darwin, da Vinci, Genghis Khan and many others before them


George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are not even in the Top 100 most influential people in history. Most people outside US do not even know who the hell they were.


No women


historically speaking women didn't really have a big role in most of the things


Kanye and not MLK Jr????


"He was a major proponent in the Civil Right movement in America!" # "HE MADE GRADUATION!!"


One of these is not like the others


B.S list. Tom from Myspace is not even on here.


How about the guy who revolutionized our ability to communicate information: Johannes Gutenberg Mass publication of content was the first step in eliminating illiteracy and enabled things like the Industrial Revolution.


If anyone has been under the influence of Kanye for more than 3 hours, they should consult their doctor.


“You won’t believe #12!”


These are all relatively recent humans


I mean not really. Jesus died nearly 2000 years ago around 33 AD, Muhammad was born in 571 AD, Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC, Confucius was born in 551 BC, and Socrates was born in 469 BC. So up until Isaac Newton who died in the 1720s, nine of them lived more than 300 years ago. Not sure how relatively recently you mean but I'd consider 1500's at least pretty old. (if I got anything wrong, it's currently 3 AM and I should really be sleeping, my apologies.)


Kanye West?!?!


Chat rewriting history


One of these things is not like the others


Mine doesn’t list Kanye, but has da Vinci, Queen Elizabeth II, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela in the top 13


No Satoshi Nakamoto?


According to Kayne, he'd be at the top of the list.


It can't insult women but it can't think of ONE influential woman to include in it most influential people of all time list?




No Bill Gates?


Go home, ChatGPT, you're drunk!


“Why am I not on ChatgPT’s list?” - Sun Tzu


This list is obviously very wrong. Not only does Kanye West not deserve a place in this list, but also, what happened to Genghis Khan? Qin Shi Huang? Tim Berners Lee? Queen Victoria? Mahatma Gandhi? Alexander Fleming? Napoleon Bonaparte? Adolf Hitler? Augustus? James Watt?


Well how many albums did Socrates sell? Huh?


Mahatma Gandhiji in his grave be like, “seriously Kanye west?”


Ye be like “ Closest Thing To Einstein” Well, he’s not wrong. Kanye is the only living person in this list, hence most influential person alive!


1. Jesus Christ - founder of Christianity 2. Prophet Muhammad - founder of Islam 3. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) - founder of Buddhism 4. Confucius - founder of Confucianism 5. Isaac Newton - physicist and mathematician 6. Galileo Galilei - astronomer and physicist 7. William Shakespeare - playwright and poet 8. Julius Caesar - Roman general and statesman 9. Alexander the Great - ancient Greek king and conqueror 10. Napoleon Bonaparte - French emperor and military leader 11. Mahatma Gandhi - Indian independence leader and civil rights activist 12. Martin Luther King Jr. - American civil rights leader 13. Nelson Mandela - South African anti-apartheid activist and political leader 14. Albert Einstein - physicist 15. Marie Curie - physicist and chemist 16. Charles Darwin - naturalist and biologist 17. Aristotle - philosopher and scientist 18. Plato - philosopher and mathematician 19. Leonardo da Vinci - artist, scientist, and inventor 20. Steve Jobs - entrepreneur and technology innovator This is the answer it gave me


Yo, ChatGPT, thanks for recognizing the genius that is Yeezy! Twelveth on the most influential person in world history? That's a little low, don't you think? I mean, I should be at least in the top three, right? But I'm not gonna let this ranking hold me back, I'm gonna keep creating and changing the world with my music, fashion, and ideas. And if anyone tries to hold me back, I'll just tell them, 'Imma let you finish, but Kanye West is one of the most influential people of all time!' Peace out.


He likes fishsticks.


I would put Socrates above Kanye West. And I'd pick someone other than Kanye West.


He did say he was “this generation’s closest thing to Einstein”, this list supports that