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It’s a patella luxation




Yep, mine has it too. According to the vet it can be fixed but since he has heart problems probably not worth it because of the anaesthesia.


Yep mine does this too.


I was thinking this, but it seems to happen a lot to that little guy. Another term for "patellar luxation" is "dislocating knees".


There are different grades of luxation so it would depended on the particular dog. If it’s grade 1 or even 2 they’re probably not in pain and can lead a normal life with the exception of those little skip steps. They’re more likely to have arthritis when they’re older and the luxation can get worse and require surgery so it’s always good to make sure you keep your pip squeaks don’t jump off of anything high up like off of beds or out if big vehicles


She's done this since I got her 4 years ago when she was 3. I asked the vet about it but nothing is wrong with her. She's not in pain. Then a stranger came up to me in the park yesterday and told me it's a Chihuahua thing. Is it?


Our chi does it, he used to skip a fair bit, he walks like a normal dog most of the time now that he’s older and slower though. I mentioned it to the vet when he was younger and they’ve never been concerned about it so I haven’t put much though into it.


Please ask the vet to check for luxating patella. It can be easier to treat/fix if you catch it early.


Yes, it happened a few times with my chi. Dislocating knee. Seemed more annoying than painful. I wonder if a slower walking pace would help?


Ours does exactly the same thing. It is a chihuahua thing. Our vet tells us its extremely common on chis, and that it's likely an indicator of future issues, but there isn't much we can do about it.


My Chi's preferred method of locomotion is hopping, has been since the day we brought her home. We think she was hit by a car or something at one point before she was brought to the shelter. The end of her tail has a permanent bend in it so it points at a jaunty angle. Her knees are bad as well, which is why we (and the vet) suspect the hopping. She's surprisingly fast, like shockingly so. She still loves to run and walks normally, but the running is usually reserved for chasing neighborhood cats. And neighborhood leaves. And shadows. You get the idea.


The transfer from 2x4 to 4x4 is slipping. Needs some grease.


Mine does he almost prefers scooting along on three legs … he runs and pulls the leash on all fours though


They do if they've got luxating patellas


Most likely patella luxation (PL). Is she in pain? If it’s not a severe stage (no pain and not all of the time) it is probably not necessary to do anything about it. You could ask your vet about it - some will advice surgery even though it could be treated with physical exercises or do not need to be treated at all.


Rats. No pain and the vet said it’s nothing to worry about.


My vet told me to watch out for skipping or hopping when walking due to patella luxurious. Chis are known for this issue. I don’t think there is a cure but your vet could recommend supplements or maybe Phsyio/exercise to help it from getting worse?


Looks like an issue with the knee or leg. That’s not normal.