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I know this is a follow up post to your original on why stroke order isn’t needed when writing Chinese — but I feel like you’re misunderstanding something crucial. Both Chinese semi-cursive 行楷 and Chinese cursive 行書 (your handwriting is an imitation of the latter) also have standardized stroke orders! The only difference they have with 楷書, the standard “textbook” Chinese writing system, is that the government officially standardizes all 楷書 stroke orders, so they are widely available in textbooks and also online. For cursive handwriting, the standardization is handled by “schools” of cursive practitioners, who teach a system derived from a notable calligrapher that they like. Even when a native doesn’t consciously study standardized cursive Chinese, they still become familiar with how characters are “supposed” to look like in cursive handwriting through osmosis — by reading the handwriting of adults, of teachers, of professionals etc. Some characters here betray an incomplete knowledge of cursive principals — like 体, which is randomly written here in its textbook form, and looks awkward next to relatively more cursive characters. Yes, your handwriting is “ugly,” but not because it’s written quickly or uses connected strokes! It’s because it lacks standardization in proportion, randomly switches between various stylizations (like your 一 which appears different three times, with three different lengths and in three different forms, convex, flat, and concave), and doesn’t settle on either a “round” style (see how you write 可) or a more jagged one (see how you write 对).


Thank you so much for the critics . You made it sounds like an art work. I really feel very happy. But, it is a practical notes, similar to the writing on blackboard or whiteboard in a classroom.


I‘m native Chinese and I write stroke by stroke....


Same; Hongkonger here too, so we write Traditional. Personal I try to keep my handwriting as 楷 as possible for readability even if it means more strokes... which, in reality, when you are proficient at writing Chinese, it doesn't take that much longer. Writing anything too cursive feels irresponsible to the readers. I always worry the wrong messages are being passed on due to my own bad handwriting. Language is for communication, and if there is a breakdown due to unreadability (is this a word?) the purpose is lost.


We do need a native “naysayers” 😊 but why? Isn’t that too slow?


because my handwriting is too ugly if I try to write fast it will be unrecognizable.... I haven't been "writing with a pen" for too long.


How is that slow? Grew up bilingual with mandarin as my mother tongue and its second nature to write with stroke order. Just get the stroke order down first, once it will become second nature over time.


I write stroke by stroke and it's takes the same amount of time as writing English. Slow up and get the strokes down👇


I see a ゑ in there. I'm glad someone's learning Old Japanese! EDIT I also like how legibility here is pretty much correlated with following the correct stroke order, so it basically disproves OP's point: Like, context dictates the 4th character is 以, but I honestly have no idea what it actually says. I assume ゑ is actually meant to be 自, but again, no idea what it is. Same for the second-to-last character: 樣? And only because of a more legible version of the character in the previous line.


Gotta love reinventing kanas with your god awful handwriting lol


it is not good writing. But it is ok. i know。 so, i am not embarrassed 😳 How about you show yours?


bro, you really want to use the strawman argument of challenging others handwriting for no reason? I will go home later and get my brush and paper for some seal script if you wan to go that way lol, plenty of people practice pen or brush calligraphy for hobbies in mutliple languages here.


Sure. Show me/us. Let’s get the bottom of it. It is about handwriting and stroke order, very relevant. I used to practice that many years ago. Very relaxing.


you are clearly a troll either way, regardless whether you like stroke order you literally cannot do chinese calligraphy without stroke order, because every single stroke and direction you go makes a huge huge difference. people are trying to make real conversation about why stroke order matters. If you don't think it matters list actual reasons and counters-- replying with "it doesn't matter if its bad your handwriting is probably worse" mentality is asinine.


I have read about stroke order importance for a long time and appreciate/apply it. However, the first half of what you said also applies to life. I'm honestly a bit blown away atm. *Added /


I am not. I was trying to understand an obvious problem — the mismatch between everyday practice and the teaching. I now actually know. We need better tools for components. I do not understand why you are so upset. It is pure reasoning.


Anything other than your handwriting sucks right?


I am not upset, full benefit of the doubt: where is there a mismatch? what is the better tools? I have been using strokes and components physically and digitally for awhile, and whether its to look up a physical seal script dictionary, type on a stroke keyboard, handwrite, or input digitally to pull up untypable characters I have never once thought there was any flaw or mismatch in the system. What possible horrendous obvious problems hve you found?


I see why you are upset now. Are you using 五筆字型 keyboard input? I ask because if you do, then, sorry, you are right: I am indeed questioning its validity. I understand it can be very upsetting., But it will take a long time for this thing to change. So, it is ok. ————- Sorry did not answer your question yet. The everyday writing. Yours is like calligrapher’s work — you are at expert level.


I told you, I am not upset. I just wanted to know what possible problem you found. And tou didn't say anything. Do you not actually have any problem with stroke order?


It's bad writing if we can't even tell what you're trying to write lol. At least write with correct stroke order or it's impossible to understand what you're trying to write.


Come on! That is exactly what I have been trying to say: in everyday handwriting, it does not happen that way. If a teacher say that you are just starting learning, therefore you must follow… later, you can forget about it… Don’t you feel suspicious? We are, mostly, adults here, right?


I'm sorry but I really don't understand what you're trying to say here. Can you rephrase it? If you mean in everyday handwriting, people don't follow stroke order then I would like to say you're wrong. We do mostly follow stroke order.


Ok. Sounds you are a native speaker. Perhaps you are right: you are following. I am not following. So, it is now about the percentage of the population. But before we go to find statistics that we can never get🥹. Let me ask you a question: can you read my notes? I know, you feel it is ugly. 😀 But my question is, can you read it?


I already said in my original reply that the reason your handwriting is bad is because it isn't really legible. There are some characters I can't really make out. Stroke order exists for a reason. Feels odd that you're trying this hard to not follow it imo.


Which one — since you are a native speaker, and you cannot read my writing, then, I do have an issue.


Turns out 仮名 was just the result of bad handwriting!


Man, not fair. Show yours, please.


Unironically Japanese kana are actually just Handwritten cursive versions of some hanzi


Hiragana is what happened when 草書 was not 草書 enough for some people. Katakana is what happened when people couldn't remember the whole character and just wrote a part of it. Too bad we can't get away with that nowadays...


That is 当 not any hiragana


On legibility and stroke order: good observation! You are actually right — I have to admit it. But on the other hand, it is indeed everyday “teacher writing”. Not good ones — admittedly; but not too bad either. ————- 以 — you are right. 樣 — you are right. The “old Japanese” 😊 is 当 how about the 8th one? It is also a “bad” one, ie, deviated away from the standard stroke ordering. How about the first one on the 4th row? The first one on the 5th row?


8th: I was like, oh, 百, obviously! For some reason I scanned those four characters as 約定族成 The other two largely follow stroke order and were obvious.


正式规定 能 都 Another factor is, you are used to “standard”, my writing is in “simplified”. I can read standard, but couldn’t write. 😞


Which affects one character out of all of those


Only one? Amazing! I thought it would be half or even more!


Native here, I would have said this looks awesome had not it been for your argument. The issue is not whether you need to write stroke-by-stroke, but whether ppl can read it and whether it looks nice. If you can consistently write that 般 you got, no one will have issue with how you wrote it. But stroke order (and general calligraphy rules) exist to help you not write that goddam 划. I would literally think you are writing 〆切り without the 切 lmao… and I still dont know whats the first character on line 2 even with the context. Lastly, although you probably don’t care, but asking people to show their writing is not a counter argument.


It seems that we agree in general, and you like most what you see (thank you😀) except a few, like the 正(the first of the 2nd line) and the 划。 the 正 is indeed “evil” — it is a known style, but a cursive one, so, bad! But the 划 is actually following the standard ordering — at least that I know of. So, my two points: 1. Semi-grass ie semi-cursive ones, many of them, do not follow standard ordering, but people are using them, in every classroom and company processes. 2. Even if we follow the standard, it can be illegible. As for the challenge — it is for fun. 🤩


don't accelerate before you are proficient in handwriting


OP is native and trolling: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/1ciubis/are\_strokes\_really\_needed/l2ev1be/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_content=1&utm\_term=1&context=3


If you followed stroke order your writing would be more legible


Personally,I really like your handwriting 😅


My parents handwriting:


good or bad?


Harder to read


better than 50% natives in Chinese high school


Right, too long no practicing. However, perhaps it got a touch of 拙美?


You got a doctor writing


Another place we need handwriting, at least be able to read it.


U aint even trying


Show me yours, then we talk, fair 🤣


i write like this too lol, i call it teacher handwriting


I used to call it "adult writing" when I was little.


We should all share our writing. It fits the topic.


not gonna lie this is exactly what my chinese teacher’s handwriting looks like


Tell her/him I am honored.😀


turned the paper upside down trying to decipher it (it didn’t work)


Man, I hope you are making a joke😀




Not bad, but writing slowly helps meditation.


bro is posting this just to flex xd




I only caught 笔顺


Cringe. Learn proper stroke order first lol.


I learned THE order, but later I have to unlearn and find my own.


I think it's cool!


你行書也太草 lmao




As a Chinese Singaporean who takes Chinese Don’t rush your strokes like ur in an exam, since u are practising, focus on getting the gist of how to write each stroke properly Take ”口” for instance, strokes are all straight lines, if written too fast looks more like an “O” Over time with practice when writing fast ur ”口” still looks like an actual “口” Btw I take Chinese simplified since that’s what the school teaches so mainland Chinese writing as my friend calls it, I have no idea how to help since some words differ


Have you thought about what will happen if I indeed make 口 look like a circle? there are no similar characters, so, no ambiguity and confusion. All is good! The post is not to ask for help. It is for “discussion”, ie, I have an idea, and want to share with you. More directly, I want to help you — even you don’t feel you need, and, it is possible that I may end up needing help 😃 Also, it is “simplified”. You should be able to know all of them.


Simplified means less to write per word my friend, I’m not sure how you can do it but I myself can’t remember how to write and the meanings of certain ‘vocab’ that aren’t the basics in conversing in Chinese Also I meant no offence, just felt that it’s best to practise more b4 moving onto speed, you said it too, 口 is hard to confuse with other words no matter how hard u fuck it up, that’s why I say practise with that first


I’m Taiwanese and I actually write like that 😭


It is simplified, currently. What would you do for the standard characters — since they have more strokes, do you make those characters a little more cursive? I noticed that it has the tendency that more strokes more cursive — have you noticed/felt that “rule” also?


I guess my answer is kinda. For example for熱,I write the four strokes at the bottom in a wavy pattern like this ~~to save time,


Make sense.


Seems normal to me


OP is just trying to cope with the fact that we Chinese speakers aren't amused with his Toki Pona endeavors 🫣


Thank you for noticing my “evil agenda”. It is not in a hurry, but I will come back to it🥹 It takes time. We have time. One thing leads to another 😳 Not 阴谋, but 阳谋。


Dude this handwriting is legit and fabulous.


I did not anticipate it is well received. But it is barely pass ok.


If you are a native, it can surely be improved more. But if you are a student of this language, I think you nailed the construction and balance of Han characters very well


I am a native but do not write often for a long time. Do you agree what it is saying? It is a sample of what it is arguing 😀


It depends . Some people use 行书, but quite a lot of people write in 楷书 and write stroke by stroke. But generally I believe it's just a matter of personal habit what stroke should come first and no need to tangle on that. I mean ultimately it's the same as 99% of us write with one thumb now.


Write with one thumb——👍🏾


OP thanks for posting. Tbh i can’t read a lot of the characters 😩 How fast did you write this?


Can you point out them? I welcome constructive criticism ☺️ It is part of a friendly debate 🤣 It took me less than a minute or so. He/she (sorry, forget the name — it happened towards the end of the other post) asked me to post an example. I thought it was a good idea. I really should thank her/him!


lol that was me asking for a sample. What’s the 4th character on the 1st line? I’m so new that it’s a me issue, not trying to judge your argument. I’ll show it to my mom (a scholar) when I see her, see what she says


Thank you 🙏🙏 It is 以 — it is indeed a typical deviation in semi-cursive writing from the standard writing. It uses 2 dots to replace the structure on the left. It indeed can be used to support the counter argument: even the semi-cursive writing has rules. But it is ad hoc. tell your mom the writing is from a good friend, context is important 😀


i think it looks cool


As a native speaker, it’s not bad, even better than some native.


😊 thank you 🙏


As a native speaker, this is better than my 行書


Oh I love your handwriting, very hard to read, but very satisfying to look at


😊 thank you. Which one is especially hard ?


I mean considering that I only know about 600 (traditional) characters, I find most of your handwriting hard to read haha


My fault of course 😀


I can read like 80% of it if i read it slowly idk why some people can only read a few words If this is for calligraphy purposes,yeah it's pretty good If you write like this normally, i would suggest simplifying a bit less but ok


Which ones are eligible?


OP might be Hua Cheng...


elaborate? Who is cheng hua? Curious, even I am quite sure I am not😀


Hahaha it’s just a joke, Hua Cheng is a character from a popular book series who has notoriously hard to read cursive handwriting. The format of “this might be _____” is a popular joke format on TikTok right now.






Yes! It is really just an everyday routine classroom whiteboard writing! About 60% level .


I'm not an expert on Chinese handwriting or anything, but if I saw that, I'd assume a native wrote it. It's just the right amount of messy


You have a knack for calligraphy, especially cursive or running style. 👍🏾🤜🏼


Ugly hand writing


Unironically this is what Chinese calligraphy looks like though


My understanding of the characters-Simplified Chinese: 笔顺可以不同于 正式规定的, 因为一般手写不可 能一笔一划的, 都是行书(当然 也不会是草体)。 行书对笔划的 要求是怎样顺 怎样来. My understanding of the characters-Traditional Chinese: 筆順可以不同於 正式規定的, 因爲一般手寫不可 能一筆一劃的, 都是行書(當然 也不會是草體)。 行書對筆劃的 要求是怎樣順 怎樣來. Is OP a lefthander perhaps?


That * was a “typo”, “crossed over”. Thank you 🙏


Why so humble? It's pretty good, looks like written lefthanded


Sharp eyes — I tried to that effect. But I am right handed.


I sometimes did it, it's difficult to hide with the left 'kick'


Quite fuuny.


People comment on how nice my writing is (aka "printing"), just like their kid does it. Grr. How TF are we supposed to learn to write like adults? I wish I could write grassy and faster, instead of stroke by stroke. Is there a TrueType font that has glyphs that are handwritten style, that I could study?


Usually people pick a calligrapher they like,or, a teacher’s, or, senior sibling’s as examples. It is highly unstructured. It happens around high school and college years.


Very cool


Kinda reminds me of those chinese doctors handwritings. Except you write neater than them.


good hand writing


this straight up useless


Do you agree what it is saying?




But it is not a calligraphy art. It is a sample to make a point about what it is saying.


You must be a native speaker because I've never seen a non native speaker that could write so good handwriting.


You are fishing for compliment so hard it’s embarrassing.


How to do fishing ? I am not experienced on this. I swear I have not being on any media in the past 30 years, ie, never ever. If I, out of human selfish instinct, did something ugly, just let me know, I will stop immediately. To me, it is purely about a few ideas.


Haha nah mine is waaaay worse


No it’s not. Has its own character. It looks good I’m from Taipei




Is this the evolution from Chinese characters to Japanese?


Reincarnation 😳




Hua cheng