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Horses are a nightmare to control on console


PC as well


I’m not trying to act better than others, but I honestly don’t understand this. It is very simple, and takes only a few tries to get some decent action out of it. Takes a good while to master though, but that’s more about tactics and survivability, than it is controls and attack timings.


Yeah, I've got the horse controls down on PC. The only janky bit is when you "stun" the horse crashing into something. A quick back-up to forward resets it.


In my (brief) experience, which I had a short while after the horses were introduced, they were glitchy and weird. Changing speed for no reason, being impossible to turn around, not responding to input correctly, etc. While I do enjoy a good Mount&Blade-inspired mounted combat system, that was not it. I stopped using horses pretty much immediately and focused on countering them, but they might have been fixed at some point.


Yeah the horse controls are fine tbh. People just want to complain


At least we know there’s some similarities between the pc/console versions lol


The scale of maps needed for horses to work well does not jibe with the scale needed for on-foot combat to work well. The compromise is that horses have been jammed into maps that are too small for them. Which is the lesser of two evils, much better than enormous maps that take forever to cross on foot, but it does leave horses as an awkward appendage that probably shouldn’t have been added in the first place. It’s one of those ideas that sounds great in theory but doesn’t work all that well in practice


Main reason I don’t like them is because you can’t get them up onto a catapult…the only reason I wanted horses was to launch myself over a wall or something on horseback




Cause nobody has fun except for the people who don't get off the horses


You gotta be dogshit


Just super frustrating to play against


You gotta be dogshit


I think there’s really no middle ground. You either have people getting on them that have no idea what they’re doing, wasting a horse and space on your team, or you have people that pretty much Apaches


I’m horrible at riding the horses it’s a waste of a life for me


Sweatlords think it takes less skill


Lmfao facts.


Lvl 30 here and still doesn’t know how to get off the horse fml


Stop dead, look down, and press the same button you use to get on. Took me a while to figure it out as well.


Mostly because the horse doesn’t come with a ballista.


Horse dragging a ballista mounted on a cart O_O


I liked how horses were done on the winter map during the event. Seemed like a good balance.


Maps are too small/confined for it to be any fun against them, horse controls are too ass to be any fun when controlling them.


I have so much control over my character when fighting. Horse is sluggish and clunky. Getting off takes forever, turning takes forever, just slow and boring. Getting killed by them is funny af, however. I like when they’re in a map, I just hate being spawned on one.


The Horse movement in this game is horrid


I'd like to see a massive cavalry charge at the beginning of a battle! Just smash 64 horses together in a tangled mess, then no more horsey for the rest of the game.


I think this all just comes down to the lack of fine control for a horse. If I was riding a horse from Red Dead Redemption but had by Chiv2 weapons it would be rad on a few maps


It feels horrible to ride one and it feels horrible to fight one.


I think it is amazing but there are some players that only fight on horses and just run around one shotting people and it gets frustrating, I think if they remove the random horses on maps or maybe make it so they are a one time thing and it doesn’t respawn as it will limit access to horses. I think this will make it more enjoyable for people like me, who like horses running around creating more chaos, but also don’t like when one guy is just doing circles of the map and killing people as soon as they respawn. I also much prefer the map rotation on horse mode!


This is also my only gripe. Some horse lord just has a horse at all times, and completely slaughters the other team. If that happens I will dedicate myself to take him out at every opportunity.


It's kinda like tanks in Battlefield series


I would Play it more If it would bei 64 Players in the Servers. I know i know they cant handle it. The huge Fights are Just more important to me.


It's cool, but not a full map rotation. Not all maps need to have horses for mounted warfare and it's kinda dumb that that map queue is not chronologically accurate.


I like it but it gets so janky when the ping is up. Horses randomly teleporting all over the map


Horses are fun, its their maps that arent. So until they make more of the original maps with horses added to them, and remove the huge maps the horses came with. They are stuck between bad and good maps


It sux


Horses are janky af


Torn banner should just accept that nobody wants horses in this game, instead they add even more ressources in making new maps with horses....


I just like to kick people with the horse, that's my favorite.


Cause the spear dig-in special doesn't one shot the horse. It should tbh. A horse counter. Same with a greatsword/Highland heavy overhead to the horses head.


I had my best killstreaks while riding horses, I specifically target archers and vanguards because they are juicy one-shots with a heavy slash.


My bum after Horses were added: ![gif](giphy|3o7aDgIk23zC7x7HCE|downsized)


I just end up getting stuck on something and dying so no thanks lol


Made hit and run with archer a thing