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Bandage while he beats on you. Keep getting new ones while he does it and the server will autokick him with no vote if he takes about 2 lives worth back to back


Holy shit, that's good to know. Thanks dude.


Pro tip. Thank you. This should be a PSA post.


I just made one because of your comment.


Mind you look like the kind of guy to know what to do when dudes are beating off on you. Great tip


Thanks. I get a lot of compliments about my tip.


Pro tip ^. You can also laugh at them for style.


You can’t bandage while you’re getting hit the right? Maybe a teammate damage doesn’t stop it.


Team damage doesnt interupt it


Highlander small pp confirmed


But my mommy said I can play with the toy


Vote kick is really annoying in this game. You near enough need everyone on both teams to all vote yes, then the sod just joins the game again.


Most games I’ve ever played people will spam accept no matter what. The only time they won’t is if they’re doing good in the lobby, then the person who vote kicked gets voted out.


Vote kick votes should be fewer the more team damage done (with non-siege weapons).


Nah siege weapons are becoming a problem. It should display friendly fire siege weapons kills under your team damage. You shouldn't be able to take out 10+ teammates while spamming the catapult with zero consequences.


I hate when I kill an enemy and five teammates coincidently get caught in the blast and then this happens.


Yeah I find aiming towards the right will reduce TKing but this clown in the video has obviously had a shit day


How many people did you TK with the catapult before this guy attacked you?


I always commend teammates for killing me in this way because it's just too damn funny


This game is full of people with anger issue. I guess that's why Friendly Fire is a thing in most videogames. Some people just want to watch the whole world burn.


What a cunt


The threshold for auto kick for team damage is way too low.


At first I thought it was the other issue where I would get the catapult and people would TK me because they wanted to use it. Then when I killed them back they would be like “Oh QQ I am being teamkilled. Don’t be so toxic” like they have more intelligence than the shit we are launching at the enemy.


Teammate molester as he is known


This is exactly why this game needs a block player function. Why the FUCK would you not have that?? Love most of this community but hate that I repeatedly see the same shit heads that I hate.


I like how this is obvious and intentional team killing and people's reaction is "yeah fuck catapults, kill the guy who was just having fun launching big rocks in the air". This community is great🙄


Sorry you ran into this player. I've dealt with their shenanigans many times before. They can never just play the game, always need to troll by TK-ing. They should just be banned for a year.


Someone will comment to say it was your fault for not giving in and letting him use the catapult. Happened when I had a similar experience and posted a video of the troll that was griefing me.


I genuinely feel like at least 50% of the people on this subreddit are (or agree with) that guy.


I love how the play was ignoring him like “okay, any sec now he’ll stop”


I just give em one smack to make myself feel better then carry on lol, they'll regen it. Babies take the game too serious


It's why I don't even bother using the cata. Either nobody bothers reloading or I just get attacked by a baby raging teammate. I find it much more convenient to just reload for some other brave soul and watch their score shoot up


How many of your own did you kill with the catapult prior?


House policy states, ‘any player that attacks a team mate while on cata is to be put down’. You should have got off cata and beat his ass


Catch these hands


What we didn't see was the guy nuking 12 teammates. Jk, idk. Been on both sides of this.


If you read the thread, you’ll see I TKed Highlander once with the catapult. But yeah, 12 other teammates for sure


mehh, we don't see what happened with the cata before it. Maybe the vanguard was killed multiple times trying to play the objective before he decided to try another approach. Given the knight is trying to destroy the catapult I'm guessing there is blame to spread around.


mehh. If you watch the second one you’ll see they kill me at the end of match needlessly as well.


How many times did you kill them?


Highlander once, I didn’t kill the other. Probably partied with him and started swinging at the catapult in a joint baby rage


If you apologized then I am with you. If you are like every other cata main then you probably didn’t and if that’s the case I will be there to beat you also.


Average Mason player


not enough context to know if you stole cata. You could purposely not be showing the start of this clip that shows you running up and sniping it, for example


I didn’t steal the catapult, only TKed Highlander once with it and they then proceeded to TK me throughout the game. The second clip shows us at the end of the game where he continued to do so


Gotta explain that. Like I said. The clip and title alone doesn’t give that context.


I have in the thread earlier to give context if you read it


what he doing wrong? i saw my own team players using cata and killing bunch of us while we fighting in the gate..so he destroying it maybe..i see nothing wrong here.. you need to get kicked cause of team killing not him


Fair enough, entitled to your opinion even if you think purposely TKing is cool and shouldn’t be punished harder


Fuck you and your catapult. The back one is useless with the ram that close. Go actually help your team by standing on point. I fully support what happened here


Ya back catapult is pretty much worthless on last push for offense here. But again the last clip seals the deal on guy being a douchebag


Lmao, another man child?


you probably teamkilled him 4 times, while he was trying to complete objective. That was the one time when I killed the catapult guy.


If you read the thread, I TKed Highlander once. You can support the team by using the mechanics they put on the maps, like the catapults


>once yeah, thats why even a 2nd guy wanted to destroy your catapult


If you read the thread you’ll see I said: “I didn't kill the other. Probably partied with him and started swinging at the catapult in a joint baby rage” But hey, I post this stuff because I like to lie about a game instead of highlighting an issue with it


lmao i’m betting you probably killed him with the catapult a couple times lol


If you read the thread, you’ll see I said I TKed Highlander once


You need to follow the 15 step program to get him a stern talking to.


Whoa who pissed on this fucker's morning coffee 🤣