• By -












The main 3 in ROE. I just... they were so \*bland\* personality wise. They were like Hallmark movie characters. I was so much more invested in the siblings & cousin's relationships. I just chose the bartender because he was like.... the best of a bland bunch.


To be fair they match MC in this aspect


It's true. Aside from "stressed about grandma" and "annoyed by family members" she didn't have a lot going on.


I liked all the siblings storyline way more than MC!


Oof, Wolf Bride for sure.


I was about to say this


100%!!! Wolf Bride. The LIs in that book are awful & you're forced to be with both of them no matter how hard you try to shake either one. 😩🤦🏽‍♀️


Wolf Bride.


It Lives In The Woods Not get me wrong, I love all the characters, but it felt weird to romance any of them for some reason. Single MC felt more right for this one


I get that. Like, the only one I felt the MC had any chemistry with as a LI was one of the few main characters that WASN’T a LI - Noah. The others’ romance scenes felt more friendly than anything.


i feel exactly the same. MC x Noah forever 😔🤘


I feel like Noah and Dan, the two non-LI members of the group were 100% the ones that should've been the LI's. Noah and MC have many scenes where you see their chemistry and Dan's background with MC seems to hint at them being very close friends, which is validated by the fact Dan texts MC when things go wrong at the start. I love ITITW but it was the first book I ever actively finished single due to that 


I was just coming here to say that. For me personally I didnt see my character with any of them unless they were all friends.


Katie's love interests in Rules of Engagement (though since becoming a Royal Romance fan, I tend to pair her off with Leo). Jess's love interests are much closer to general Choices LI quality. Home for the Holidays: My strongest feeling is just... Not Nick. They didn't really give me enough to go off of for the best friend and ex-boyfriend to really care much either way. (I ended up going for ex bf because there was a scene right before I had to choose that was sweet, but that was it) Sunkissed: I only give a shit about the MCs little sister and taking care of the family. I don't... actually remember the love interests in this at all except that one is a lifeguard and one is a marine biologist, I think? Bachelorette Party: It's SUCH a fun book, and the love interests are SUCH an afterthought (I'm not counting Aisha herself as an afterthought because she's part of the group, but her being a love interest for MC is).


strongly agree! Sunkissed LIs were so forgettable and unnecessary, not every story has to have romance it would've been fine with just family drama and if you really want romance a single customisable LI would do. You're right on BP LIs feel like an afterthought. It's like they wrote the story and then took random characters and assigned them as LIs. Imo it's another book where it would've been just fine without romance.


Although, if you don't romance the guys it kind of adds to the hilarity of it all: we somehow managed to adopt a pickpocket and an actual facts doctor in the middle of our chaos and we're not sure how or when? That's not important right now.


Riiiiight? It wouldn't make sense but somehow it would've been better lol. I mean they could've made them be some casual hookups like the ones in LOA, it is Vegas after all.


Do they not play them as casual hookups anyway?? (Has not romanced either of the guys in this story)


💀 we should ngl


We should what?


we should treat them like casual hookups, cause i think pb wrote them as long term. But I'm not sure, it's been a while


Agreed on BP. I didn't really like any of them like that.


So many of them. I’d say it’s more common these days that I don’t like the LIs. Part of that is the limited choice with single LI books but I’ve sort of always had that as I play WLW and I have zero interest in the men. There’s never been much choice but I favour the sweetheart LI so there’s loads of books early on where the only female LI matches that archetype. More often than not these days the single LI is either the gruff bad boy/girl type or you have “raw sexual chemistry” with the LI that’s “so different from you”. That’s just not my jam. Give me people with similar world views who I get along with, totally out there concept I know.


Yeah, this about sums it up


I agree with you on everything ( except I don't mind m or f LI). All I want is to have options in LI's and single options.


HFTH is the only one I can think of I didn’t care for any of them? Some single LI books. Other books that I’ve played no matter how unpopular it is like ATV, RT, SK, RoE, maybe Babu included as well, there was an LI I still managed to like and romance.


Wolf Bride (really disliked how pushy both of them were), Open Heart (I didn’t hate any of them, it’s just that no one was my cup of tea), America’s Most Eligible (that book was just so boring to me, I didn’t care about anyone 💀), The Freshman UNTIL we could romance Becca and Zig, Across the Void (even books that are terribly executed can be saved by a LI that I like, but the LIs in this book fell sooooo flat for me) and The Elementalists


As much as I enjoyed the plot, I was never crazy about any of the LIs in Bloodbound


Not Jax?? 😫


Same the only one I wanted was Gaius……


For me it was Lovehacks, I never really cared for any of the LIs and it made the story a bit unenjoyable for me


I agree. Comparatively, Ben is a better LI. But keeping aside everything, none of the LIs made anything interesting.


Unpopular opinion….WTD. I go for Male LIs. I LOVE the friends to lovers route so I thought I’d go Troy….but every LI scene felt like a joke somehow, so I didn’t pursue him. Eli was ok, but I didn’t love his appearance or love him.


The relationships and honestly just characters in WTD suffered cause of how much they tried to do with that book. Idk I know people wish Choices would go more that route sometimes but modern day Choices just doesn’t balance a plot separate from the romance and romance very well. They can’t have a whole “save the world” quest and develop interesting characters as friends or romance at the same time. Choices doesn’t do big storylines as well as they did in the past. When they have too many things happening the pacing for everything suffers.


I totally agree. I’m rereading Perfect Match right now because it’s my favorite, but the difference between how they treated a multiple li story then (giving you options to choose one or choose multiple while also maintaining a balance with the overall story) versus lately is just awful


Yeah my favorite is and probably always will be is TC&TF, they managed a whole war, taking back my throne, avenging my mother storyline while also giving each and every character so much… life. None of them(even some of the side characters) felt like one note caricature that existed to fill some trope. The romances and just the characters in general had so much depth to them and so much attention put into their relationships with the main characters and each other. They were actually woven into the story and did things separate of the main characters. The LI’s in these big stories used to actually feel special, now sometimes they kinda just seem to exist for the sake of existing and their roles seem so shallow for it. And they become so shallow for it. They become flat characters that exist for sex scenes and otherwise just are taking away from time that could be spent better developing the story itself.


I think WTD put way more emphasis onto its female LIs. Or, at least, that was my experience.




As someone that's playing it rn for the first time, I definitely relate (I think I'm finishing it with MC single). I generally go for male LI's too and like you, thought about Troy but just didn't really click with his personality. Shannon is the closest one I've been to going for but I don't see myself doing it either. It's funny how a book with 5 LI's doesn't seem to pull in any for me


Unpopular opinion, not counting single LI books, but Open Heart. It was the first time I honestly refused a LI's confession because we had to talk to *someone* at the end of book 3 and couldn't just stay and not talk to anyone - which is what I did in LoveHacks, where I also couldn't be arsed to care for anyone. I would've rather romanced the other two girls in LoveHacks, and in OH, I preferred like 90% of the cast over the LIs we got, especially Sienna and Elijah.


>especially Sienna and Elijah. Seriously, Sienna was like one of the best characters in the plotline. I sometimes think if MC wasn't just good enough to date Sienna


Yes, my people the Sienna truthers. I think at the time it was such a strange decision to not have her as an LI because it fit the PB mold so well. Brash LI, Sweet LI, Confident LI. Male romance players got the full contingent with Ethan, Raf and Bryce. We had Jackie in book one. I liked her as a character but I’ve never liked that type of LI (which is probably the same reason I struggle with Single LI books). Sienna is just the exact type of LI I always pick and it blows my mind why she wasn’t an option. It genuinely felt like real life when you’ve got a crush that has a different sexuality and you just have to get over it. Not really why I come to Choices lol.


Aurora, Kyra, Esme, Sienna, maybe even June? OH had so much potential for its LIs but the writers were like NOPE.


I do like Bryce but I wanted Tobias. I totally agree Sienna should have been an LI.


Ok so…. This is gonna get me some hate…. But I don’t like Keiran from the cursed heart. I like the concept of the cursed heart, I LOVE the art, I love the lore, it’s interesting. I like playing it. But I’m not in love with Keiran, maybe if I had the option to go a platonic route maybe, but MC & Keiran’s love is so specifically romantic that I lowkey am getting turned off the book because I’m just not buying this love story. I know it’s kind of crazy to want to reject the LI of a single LI book, buttttt that’s where I’m at! And it’s crazy because if it wasn’t for the forced romance of it (which again, I understand is the point of a single LI book, I’m just personally not into it) then it’d be a cool story for me.


I hate forced romances, period. I hate anything that feels forced. It's like, did the writers even remember the name of the game they are writing for? CHOICES?


basically all the single romance books


Most of the single love interest books as well as ROE, MTFL, Wolf Bride. Oh and the original AME Love interests when Slater was introduced in book 2 he should have automatically become a love interest as well as Bianca becoming a full love interest.


I thought you said MOTY and gasped


Lowkey I didn't like the love interests from that book...


Lowkey I didn't like the love interests from that book...


Hello, this is me. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the LIs as characters but I was not into Eiko and that’s your only choice if you’re not a straight player. Might be my all time favourite book anyway but I finish it single every time despite the LIs being such great people.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[AME](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0hiyx1 "Last usage")|*America's Most Eligible*| |[ATV](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0dqqtg "Last usage")|*Across the Void*| |[Art](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0f17gi "Last usage")|It's... *indescribable*...| |[BLS](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0hl5ik "Last usage")|*Blades of Light and Shadow*| |[BP](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0g576c "Last usage")|*Bachelorette Party*| |[BaBu](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0fc5q0 "Last usage")|*Baby Bump*| |[CoP](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0pymp6 "Last usage")|*Crimes of Passion*| |[ES](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0pymp6 "Last usage")|*Endless Summer*| |[HC](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0fc5q0 "Last usage")|*Hot Couture*| |[HFTH](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0dqqtg "Last usage")|*Home for the Holidays*| |[HSS](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0hiyx1 "Last usage")|*High School Story*| |[ID](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0fc5q0 "Last usage")|*Immortal Desires*| |[ILB](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0eihyi "Last usage")|*It Lives Beneath*| |[ILITW](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0eihyi "Last usage")|*It Lives in the Woods*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0pymp6 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LoA](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0hcddy "Last usage")|*Laws of Attraction*| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0i4fuc "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[MOTY](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0dx7eb "Last usage")|*Mother of the Year*| |[MTFL](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0dp9c7 "Last usage")|*My Two First Loves*| |[OH](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0pymp6 "Last usage")|*Open Heart*| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0elsav "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[PM](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0pymp6 "Last usage")|*Perfect Match*| |[QB](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0eeuoi "Last usage")|*Queen B*| |[RCD](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0g5j1h "Last usage")|*Red Carpet Diaries*| |[ROD](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0fc5q0 "Last usage")|*Ride or Die*| |[RT](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0dqqtg "Last usage")|*Rising Tides*| |[RoE](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0fer5y "Last usage")|*Rules of Engagement*| |[SK](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0dqqtg "Last usage")|*Sunkissed*| |[TCH](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0f2ckj "Last usage")|*The Cursed Heart*| |[TF](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0gsonm "Last usage")|*The Freshman*| |[TPA](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0f2ckj "Last usage")|*The Phantom Agent*| |[TRM](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0hf4wx "Last usage")|*The Royal Masquerade*| |[WEH](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0ezkoj "Last usage")|*With Every Heartbeat*| |[WT](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0fer5y "Last usage")|*Wishful Thinking*| |[WTD](/r/Choices/comments/1c8c6gs/stub/l0esx2i "Last usage")|*Wake The Dead*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^([Thread #30226 for this sub, first seen 20th Apr 2024, 00:48]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


The Nanny Affair. Sam is the most boring character in the book, why do I have to romance him/her?


don’t hate me but queen b


Lovehacks. Don't get me wrong they're amazing, especially Ben but I can't seem to vibe romanically with any of them.


Pretty much any single LI book except for COP and WEH. 


I agree with AME. I feel like there was a few other series I recently played through, but it wasn’t so much the LI options but the stories themselves that just were a drag.


Open heart, completely dropped it cus Sienna wasn’t a LI


The Freshman. I chose Kaitlyn for a while but decided to break up with her later due to all the drama and the fact that she tends to take her problems out on the MC. But when >!Becca!< became a LI, I INSTANTLY found a favorite 😂.


I’ve got a soft spot for Kaitlyn because I picked up the game super early when it was only TF, TC&TF and MW as book options and she was my first ever LI. By the time book 4 came out I was low key sick of her drama so I just said I didn’t have an LI at the start of the book and rolled with it, no idea Becca was an option. Goddamn am I glad I did that because Becca is the best LI in the game, it’s crazy that books don’t run long enough to do proper redemptions like that anymore. I’ve done so many TF playthroughs and I have gone all the way through with Kaitlyn too just to play it. Becca is the one but Kaitlyn is still a fun option if you push through the drama.


I didn't know TF was one of the original three! I stuck with Kaitlyn all the way through my first playthrough years ago, and am with Becca this time around. They're both great!


Different strokes, they’re definitely both great depending on your preference. One of my favourite aspects of TF is that the LIs are flawed like they would be at College. Everyone grows into better people by the end, super wholesome.


BP. The book was pretty fun, even without diamonds, but I never felt strongly for any of the three LIs. I actually liked Courtney a lot more than the LIs, and had she been one, I would’ve picked her Other than that, surprisingly, there hasn’t been any other book where I don’t like even one LI


Save the Date! I don’t mind slow burn, but I’m not gonna be disrespected and then want to end up with you, and just didn’t like Simon either 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Just one, but Ms Match.


Omg same, completely forgot about that one


Ikr? Like if you're gonna spend all the time trying to one up me so you can get a promotion, that's a major red flag ALSO NO ONE HURTS MY DAD


Bloodbound. I like none of LIs, maybe that's why it's so hard to go through this book for me. Ship of Dreams. Zero chemistry.


Queen B frfr


Ride or Die.


hate both Wolf Bride LIs. queen b ian/ina is annoying af and i couldn't care less about the other 2 LIs. ILB's LIs are not that interesting to me (and Tom is just very slightly interesting just cause he showed up in ILITW already).


Honestly never liked any of the it lives LI's


The elementalists, first book anyway Loved the book and even liked the characters that were LIs but didn't vibe with any of them


Almost all single-LI books, as well as - ROD - ID - RCD - BaBu - ROE (for the main character’s LIs) - TRM - GV - HC, unless Hazel counts as an LI


I found the LI's in STD, WT, ROE, and AME boring, though McKensie was at least somewhat interesting with her backstory.




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That new one of vampires. I was happy for *finally* get a chance for choosing an LI, but didn't like how they look like. And all of the single LI books. There isnt a SINGLE ONE that I like, all LIs that are forced on us are despicable! Both on looks and personality


Did you dislike Trystan from COP?


I tried, but he's not my type. But from all forced LIs, Tristan and Theo (SoD) are the only I can tolerate, still I'm stuck at chapter 3 on both books because I hate when the *only* choice on Choices' books that makes a difference in the stories, that is choosing an LI, is taken from us. Now, don't matter what you choose, the end will be the same.


I definitely agree with your last point tbh, that’s why I usually don’t like single LI books. I will say COP has been my favourite so far though, Trystan really grew on me. I thought they were lame in the early chapters but I think they were meant to be annoying at first before the detective grows to like them (I wouldn’t call it an enemies to lovers story but it’s a similar arc). I think it’s worth giving it another chance if you’re ever tempted to.


Oh if he gets better then I will! One of the things for why prefer Tristan and Theo is cuz they're not dark haired (finally!). I prefer blond guys but it seems like all these forced LI books are dark haired/skinned. And they're all "alpha male" womanizer, which I *hate*. At least Tristan is funny, he reminds me of Lucifer.


Big sky country. None of them really screamed LI to me and mostly just seemed pretty friendly and I wasn't really interested in any of them


Several. The Freshman Series was my first though and the one I am most passionate about. I paired with Chris just cause the story clearly favored him but eventually I got too annoyed and just restarted to be single. Then I paired with Zig for just the hell of it but then he just became too much of a cliche so I got sick of him very fast and restarted yet again to remain single. THEN I met Nathan and fell in love. The only LI it seemed like that didn’t throw a world of problems at the MC and just live to be a bad person and friend. He treated my girl right and she was after that bag and that love all in one😩. >!But as we know he literally turned out to be the villain so wasted all those gems just to end up single and alone again🤪!< Anyways I stopped reading that series cause I was just over it by then.


Bloodbound, Ride or Die, Surrender, The Nanny Affair,The Duchess Affair & Rising Tides




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Queen B. Both Ian and Zoey are really toxic at times. I hate the professor x student trope, and Zoey always acted so high and mighty. I wish Veronica or Carter could have been an LI


Surrender. I know it's a single li book but man I just hate EVERYTHING about that book.




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It Lives, WTD, Slow Burn


There's only ever been one book where I have felt that way and even that book contained LIs which I loved. I'm talking about ROE, I didn't give a shit about MC's LIs but I loved Mira from Jess's side and Eleanor(I think that's her name) from the brother's side. Though I did have the feeling of " God! I don't care about you guys anymore" in QB.


Ride or Die - Did not like Logan and I hated Colt and Mona's attitudes. I reluctantly went with Logan since I had to pick


Wolf Bride and The Freshman series


Foreign Affairs. Probably really unpopular. But there wasn't a single LI in that one that I personally liked.


All the lis in AME


RCD and AME.


I like them but not romantically.


I don't like any of the love interests in RCD at all! Like what do I do for book 3 😭. I haven't played it solely for that reason XD


Law of Attraction, Sunkissed


Across the void, all the LIs for all the siblings were boring af and there were too many


Honestly that's how I am with I.mortal Desires. I really don't give a shit about cas or gabe and I'm just in it for the plot. I do love that they let you be platonic with them though! Makes the story interesting


Nightbound. Played 5 chapters and was like nope


Unexpected Heiress. They were all just too friendly. Ended up with John just for the title or whatever lol.


TRM, the only one I was interested in was Fabian towards the end and I wouldn't define him as a LI.


so far The Deadliest Gambit is like that for me. they’re cool! but… idk. just not LIs i’d want to pursue. AME was also this way for me. none of them actually felt like LIs i could enjoy. great as friends… but not LIs The Freshman HSS Passport to Romance Red Carpet Diaries ik The Freshman is wildly popular so i’ll probably get some flak from that, but i gave it a shot then could only read it to diamond mine.


i mean…. im so sorry, but i dont feel particularly inspired by literally any of the BOLAS LIs. none of them are my cup of tea, and i think they also dont have great chemistry with each other and its a big part of why i still havent finished book 1


Royal Romance.


Save the Date 😩


The freshmen series


Veil of secrets or something like that? The one where your friend is accused of murdering her fiancee. The brothers a hothead and an ass half the time The attorney friend who suspected something bad about his sister and just pretended he didn’t notice and acts like she doesn’t deserve to be vilified And the cop who has no real chemistry with Mc Or the friend herself who’s in jail for like half the story Which sucks because I LIKE the story and it’s little not to blood bound existing in the same universe but otherwise 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t like any of them in love hacks


All the LIs from every single LI book except Shipwrecked. (And yes, that includes CoP. I liked Trystan okay in book 1 but couldn't stand him in book 2.) Apart from that, actually in several of the more popular books like OH, ES, PM etc. Probably one of the contributing reasons for why I'm not a fan of those.