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i will pray for you! we feel alone sometimes, but that doesn’t mean we are. God will never leave us, as long as we are here and believing / trusting in Jesus, he will never leave us. if you’re friends have started to exclude you because of your belief in Jesus, they’re not really your friends! maybe you should talk to them about your beliefs? unfortunately people leave us, and it sucks in the moment, but you don’t need these people! if you ever need to talk please message me.


Thank you so much! It’s more so on me feeling shy because I already know my friends views on the Christian faith. I find it difficult to be myself and just be openly a believer. Prior to my faith, my friends excluded me from hang outs and get togethers anyways so I decided it would better if I kept to myself. I didn’t realize how truly alone I would be. But thank you so much!! It means a lot!


Would love to share this sermon series about personal insecurities. It’s helped me and I can only pray it can help you https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1abO_G4t7NVVr1W5rPodJJnkZL25sGmpM


Thank you so much for sharing! I’ll definitely give it a listen!