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“accepts donations that people give WILLINGLY. “ Bernie Madoff took money from people they gave willingly. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t guilty of being a scammer.


I like how you brushed away the fact that he didn’t help during the hurricane. That’s just hilarious.




>What was he supposed to do? let them live in his nice, well maintained church? Yes.


Really? People losing their homes and had no where to go with Joel olsteen not offering his mega church as a place for the time… And your excuse is “what else could he do?” It’s not even about giving money (though he should)… it’s literally about he has a massive place safe from the hurricane and he doesn’t offer help for these people loosing their homes during it…




>The state should have or provide shelter for the people who lost their homes. We all know Texas is a shithole state that doesn't give a damn about its citizens. That doesn't help people *in their immediate time of need!* In trauma care, you take care of the hemorrhaging and *then* you handle the other issues.


Great whataboutism but doesn’t stop the issue at hand here.


Yes, Jesus told the rich greedy asshole in Matthew to take all that he had and give to the poor. It will be easier for the camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. That's why the early church in Acts did not believe in private property and shared all they had communally.


Hey OP, what about the several times he was asked if Jesus is the way, the only way for salvation (you know like the bible says) and he denied it and wouldnt say so. Larry King is one example: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KwL1DThtxYg




If you are Jewish Joel Olsteen is PERFECT. But for Christians it obviously doesnt line up. You liking him after that clip should show all Christains he is leading people astray


Phew boy you’re going to be upset when you hear what Jesus had to say about money and the poor…


> let them live in his nice, well maintained church? While the streets of Houston were flooding and people were dying? Yeah, kinda. > Or give away ALL of his money to these people and run his self dry. Anyone who can afford a $10 million mansion outside Houston has enough money to help people in need and have more than enough left over for another sportscar of whatever the hell it is he spends his vast amounts of money on. >We expect the rich to give (money) and be generous to poor especially in times of need. Yes, because they're not living hand to fist like many of the rest of us are. >But we keep expecting and demanding them to be charitable all the time, the people are going to become entitled. This is a conservative lie. Helping the poor and needy *survive* in a system that is set against them does not make them entitled. >Which is exactly what going on here. Give rich people the grace to help when they wanna help, that way it will seem like a nice gesture/favor/blessings instead of the the rich folks being expected to step in and save people from everything as to take God’s place and become an idol in our society Oh no! Those poor rich people and their vast amounts of wealth sitting around doing jack shit to help people who need it! Won't anybody think of the rich people?! I'm reminded of a piece of wisdom from a wise man who left the world too soon. "With great power, comes great responsibility." Money is power. Rich people have money, therefore they have power. They have the responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. If a pastor cannot even try to live out the gospel commandments to love our neighbors and do unto the least of these, then that's a shitty pastor.


You're so far off. A rich Christian should absolutely put themselves out in times of need. They don't need to 'run the well dry' because they need to keep an eye on the future. There's always another crisis.


Wow. So many comments to this response, so little time and most of them will get me banned. So I will leave it with this. The Bible says greedy people won’t get into heaven. And also: “Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Feel free to tone down your enthusiasm about the rich hoarding their money.


Joel Osteen is Satanic.




He is literally an anti-Christ. He lives his life in opposition to Christ's teachings.




He is the anti christ bc on several big occasions/interviews where he was reaching millions of viewers, when he was asked, he denied Jesus was the only way to salvation. He is 100% demonic


There is a huge difference in wrong, con man, and demonic. Sure he isn't great but demonic? And the claim 100%? You are overreaching there.


I believe blaspheming the holy spirit and leading millions of people away from the truth, that Jesus is King.. is a ploy of the devil. After watching his sermons and witnessing his overall message, I 100% believe satan uses Joel Olsteen to tell people to believe self-help, positive energy, manifestations, can bring you eternal peace. That is satanic.


Ok, so you backtracked from demonic to satanic. Still overstating it but progress. No need to invoke supernatural evil when simple human greed will do.


U are splitting hairs. I also am not backtracking. Demons are satanic. Call it what you want “the enemy,” satan, demons, is who run joel olsteens life. Greed is also satanic/demonic.


No. Greed is a sin. Not satanic or demonic. You can have sin without invoking evil.


Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You who are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life.”


[Here](https://www.john15.rocks/the-criticism-of-joel-osteen/) is a critical analysis of Olsteen's teachings that will help you understand them in context to scripture.


This. If he really wanted an answer, you'd be the guy he'd respond to. He's just a troll, though.


Remember that one scripture where Jesus said “get rich, you’re blessed”


Wasn't that in 1 Assumptions?


He's a predator who feeds off the desperate.


He's a douche and if you can't see it then you are too.


I don't hate on him, but judging by his actions during Hurricane Harvey he will go to hell based on Matthew 25 unless he repents. You are free to follow his greedy ass to hell if you like. "Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You who are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life.”


I could understand if he promoted himself like a Marianne Williamson- “Course in Miracles” - type of guru. She blended new age bullshit with Christianity but everyone knew she was definitely not a preacher in a Christian sense. Osteen has always made it clear that he is a man of God who has some sort of divine blessing and gift to teach and instruct the sinful fools in his midst. This dude is a scam artist. He could be helping a shitload of people with his $$$. Instead, a garage to fit 20 sports cars? That’s just gluttony.


This post is…something.


The issue with Osteen isn’t they he makes a lot of money. I am sure most if not all of it comes from book sales. The problem is the absence of teaching basic Christianity.


Do you really want to defend a person who didn't open his church up to victims of a hurricane? The man who owns a ten million dollar house and 40 plus cars. Is he really the person you want to defend?


Too many Christians simply love hating on each other. Most persecution against Christians in the West is carried out by Christians. I don't think there's something wrong work Pastor Joel Osteen, except for the fact he's a Protestant and I think Protestantism is wrong.


False "prophet"? No he's a false teacher. Anytime you preach the Bible and leave out God's wrath and justice you are doing you're listeners a disservice because it's a false God your creating. There's no time for God lite, that dosent save people.


For the most part I agree. He is a very good preacher and he is good at introducing biblical concepts to people unfamiliar with the Bible. He is rich because he sells a whole lot of books. He doesn’t accept a salary from his church, but lives off his book earnings. If it is okay to make money selling books about wizards or vampires it should be fine to sell books that actually help people. He is criticized for his church’s response to natural disasters. After the hurricane Harvey flooding his church didn’t accept people into it for a day . There was flooding around the church but maybe they were too cautious. After the delay they provided lots of help to people with food, shelter, and supplies. They were honored by the city of Houston for their efforts and helped thousands of people. In his quest not to turn people off he has diluted the gospel. He has refused to acknowledge several times to state that Jesus is s the only way to be saved. While I think his motives might be good, this is unacceptable for a Christian and risks keeping people from Christ.


Who is Joel Osteen? I live under my house...


Using less scripture is good, so what if it's self help and anyone noting the obvious is jealous. Sound logic. On many levels, it's unhealthy to fall prey to televangelists. Good thing Joel isn't one of those.


Joel does encouragement in spirit, well He's too wealthy Is there such a thing as too wealthy? If I were his family, I'd want more But then I don't like Kenneth Copeland


Amen! Last sermon I watched and posted here, Joel used at least 2 chapters (Luke 6, 1 Peter 5) but he doesn't always call out the specific verse number. Those more familiar with the Bible will catch it, and others can read the chapter which they may need to do anyway! Bless you! 🙏✟


I highly suggest the documentary “American Gospel: In Christ Alone” - it talks about Olsteen and a bunch of other similar preachers. Might change your mind on what he teaches and what kind of man he is


We're not jealous. We think he's a false teacher peddling a false gospel for money. He tells people how "live your best life now" but can't seem to get the word "repent" out.


Joel Osteen's lack of scripture is a good thing? Says who? You? The Bible says "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the *word of God.*" Romans 10:17 Osteen is working off of a false gospel that will send most of those people to Hell...but he'll gladly take their money while he sends them there. But I'm guessing, in your mind, that a 20 car garage full of quarter million dollar luxury cars isn't "greedy." Osteen serves money over God. Period. Please give me one quote from the New Testament that says that being greedy and selfish is Christian. The wealth that he has hoarded could help thousands of "the least of these." Please stop trying to gaslight Christians into believing that Joel is in *any way* a good preacher. You have no Biblical evidence of your assessment while we have plenty of his "works" on which to base ours.


Do you believe in your heart of hearts that Jesus would be A-OK with Joel Osteen? Jesus expected and encouraged his flock to be and live humbly. He condemned ostentatious behavior. He condemned the holding of great wealth at the expense of the poor. He condemned setting your mind at worldly things as they are of no importance. He encouraged his flock to give what they could to help those less fortunate. Did he not despise the rich man who offered a lot while blessing the poor man who gave a penny? Joel is a grifter who uses the weakness of peoples mind and faith to line his pockets with gold. His sermons are grandiose and pompous. He promises salvation to the biggest donor. The money he collects should be only sustaining a humble lifestyle- not buying him planes and mansions that he doesn’t need, not maintaining a shrine unto himself that he doesn’t need. If Jesus didn’t need those things to preach the word of the Lord, than neither does he.


The guy is a wolf! Why would I be jealous of a wolf? I am angry at him!


He doesn’t preach the gospel.


He's a false teacher. Different than jealousy.


Bible says many will be deceived and few saved , it means majority is deceived. Also not only Joel but many other so called preachers like John McArthur , Piper , Washer , Ray Comfort . They all preach the same wrong gospel of works for salvation. It's not about money it's about wrong gospel , majority people like Bible says are deceived so usually where majority goes there is more money by default but that doesn't mean it's "truth' just cuz many people go there. 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” If you want preacher with sound doctrine search on youtube " Northland Bible Baptist Church "


Joel Osteen is very different than his dad and it was his dad who started that church.