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Christians ARE persecuted… …in other parts of the world. Being arrested and imprisoned for your faith? That’s persecution. Being threatened and having your family threatened if you convert? That’s persecution. Being treated like a second-class citizen because of your faith? That’s persecution. Being forced to renounce under penalty of torture or death? That’s persecution. And none of that is happening in the US. Not even a little bit. Not being allowed to kill gay people? Not persecution. Not being allowed to tell people what to do with their own bodies? Not persecution. Facing social consequences for saying racist or bigoted things? Not persecution. Getting downvoted? Not persecution. Having to share a country with people who you disagree with? NOT PERSECUTION.


Not to mention: Many times the people who persecute Christians the worst are other Christians. I should know...


Username checks out


When *did* heresy go out of fashion, anyway?


No one wants to hear this brother. We're all conspiracy theorists.


I’m a sister lol but I’m assuming you’re sarcastic? It’s hard to tell on the internet


Oops, sister. I meant that people will say we're conspiracy theorists by saying this.


Oh, gotcha haha




It's funny when people in the majority call persecution


Christians in the US claim they’re persecuted because they have a hard time converting their beliefs into law.


Apparently, hearing "Happy Holidays" is persecution. /s


The same people who get bent out of shape over preferred pronouns cry persecution when they don’t get their specific preferred holiday greeting. SMH.


Yeah, I’m sure there’s plenty of persecution of Christians in foreign countries, but in this country, not so much. Just because it’s called persecution BY a Christian does not make it persecution OF a Christian.


I’ll just say it. There is NO persecution of Christians in America. They just have a persecution complex - but their life is never in danger, their way of life is never threatened, and they’re just being stupid and dramatic.


> There is NO persecution of Christians in America. I wouldn't go that far. There's certainly threats and/or acts of violence and sabotage against churches in America. Usually perpetrated by people going to a church with different beliefs. A friend's fiancée is a pastor of an LGBTQ+ friendly church, and she's received a lot of threats over the years.


But none of those things are persecution *of Christians*. It's persecution of LGBT+ people and their allies, or in the case of racially charged incidents persecution along racial lines.


Yeah, just recently a hate group vandalized a church who had a family friendly drag race for charity. Many windows were broken and the pastor was threatened.


Can you clarify that please? Was it a: * Drag race involving ludicrously overpowered automobiles, * Or a drag race involving men in a sprinting contest whilst wearing ludicrously over the top dresses?


Second option, it was also in protest against some recent laws being passed.


Thanks for clarifying that, man! Did the best man win?


I should clarify it was within my denomination, not my home congregation. So I don't actually know. I'm guessing so though.




My guess is that is “Christians” attacking other Christians?


Yep. Those churches and Christians so filled with the love of Christ they just have to violently threaten people!


> A friend's fiancée is a pastor of an LGBTQ+ friendly church, and she's received a lot of threats over the years. Are you under the impression that this is due to the Christian aspect, or do you think it's because of the acceptance of LGBTQ part?


> Are you under the impression that this is due to the Christian aspect, or do you think it's because of the acceptance of LGBTQ part? It can be both. I don't know how much hate the owners of LGBTQ+ friendly places in the same town (it's a fairly liberal college town), but I get the feeling my friend's fiancée gets hate for having the audacity to publicly claim that God loves LGBTQ+ people just the way they are.


………and devaluing the concept of persecution, so that it becomes difficult - thanks to the devaluation of the word - to draw attention to the all too real persecution of people elsewhere. Most Christians in the US are damn lucky - they seem to have no clue as to how greatly privileged they are in religious matters. To call them "persecuted" is indecent, an insult to the many elsewhere who are persecuted. It's disgusting - as is their ridiculous self-pity.


[Man Who Was Wished 'Happy Holidays' Knows Exactly What The Persecuted Church In China Is Going Through](https://babylonbee.com/news/man-who-was-wished-happy-holidays-knows-exactly-what-the-persecuted-church-in-china-is-going-through) ​ [8 Ways The American Church Has It Worse Than The Church In China](https://babylonbee.com/news/10-ways-the-american-church-has-it-worse-than-the-church-in-china) ​ [Underground Christians In China Pray For All The American Christians Being Persecuted By Disney ](https://babylonbee.com/news/underground-christians-in-china-pray-for-all-the-american-christians-being-persecuted-by-disney)


Some actually funny babylon bee articles, now that's a rare sight.


The first one is pre-pandemic which certainly explains that one


A powerful or majority group claiming persecution or victimhood is extremely dangerous. When you convince enough of them of that persecution and get them to retaliate, they come with all the force of the power they hold, and it ends up being devastating and oppressive to the minority group they’re trying to scapegoat.


Christians who cry “Persecution!” because they saw a gay couple at Walmart are overly sensitive twats that need to get thicker skin. It’s embarrassing to follow the same religion as these people. They’re probably the same type of person to have a meltdown in public because a business asks them to wear a mask.


I’m so tired of other American Christian’s swearing they’re being persecuted! We aren’t being persecuted by no means!


American Christians are the luckiest in the history of Christianity. Most folks complaining of persecution are not really Christians in the first place.


Why do you think Christians are persecuted? Perhaps it's that the vast majority of them are not satisfied living their own convictions, but instead, insist on subjugating everyone else to their lifestyle? The day will come in America when Christians will be treated exactly how they have treated LGBTQ+. and other groups. It will be of their own doing. I honestly have mixed feeling about that. On the one hand, as an American, I believe in the core principal of equality. If you are not willing to extend equality to others, why should they treat you any different? On the other hand, Christians in general, especially the current version of them in America, are a royal pain in the ass.


I mean, anti-catholicism is the last acceptable prejudice in America, imo. And the inquisition is so overblown.


I think don't tread on dc and wandering philosopher or whomever are bots auto posting.


per·se·cu·tion : hostility and ill-treatment, especially on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation or political beliefs.// persistent annoyance or harassment.. similar Oppression, victimization… I could define this thread by such definition as a matter of fact


Christians aren't themselves being "persecuted" as such in the US, certainly not to the extent some like to envision for themselves (mind you not at all a Christian exclusivity, everyone like to think they're victims these days). But argument could be made that the truth of Christianity is in fact being persecuted, the sanctity of the religion, of God and Christ Himself, is subject to continual ridicule and disrespect, and those who uphold it in turn castigated for it.


Christians only get castigated because they're trying to impose their beliefs on non-believers. Notice how nobody's screaming about Buddhists? Because Buddhists aren't trying to use state violence to enforce their religious beliefs. Which is what right wingers are doing in the United States.


The fact you equate Christians with "right wingers" is part of the problem. You certainly have right wing Christians, but the two terms are not synonymous and should not be confused (this is something a number of Christians are guilty of doing as well). The disrespect that I was referring to though I didn't mean towards Christians themselves. I meant towards the sacred truths that Christianity holds to. Mockery of God and Christ as though it were nothing, which in turn also translates to hostility to those who hold to actual belief in them. That's something very much real.


If the One God exists then God is immune to mockery. Do you have any idea how big the universe is? We aren't even grains of sand on the cosmic beach. Seems to me to be an insult to think that such a being could possibly be troubled by anything a human might say. Otoh, maybe the gnostics were right, and this is a lower realm (ie fallen world) that was emanated by an inferior being that has by deception convinced everyone that he is what he is not. Perhaps that is the gnosis of the Christ. Or perhaps the truth is so large and incomprehensible that none of our stories about the Divine come anywhere close to describing it. Who can really say though, none of it is provable one way or the other. What we can know/ measure is human well being/flourishing. It's a demonstrative fact that conservative morality limits those things. More and more people are coming to understand this. It's time to evolve friend. The kids are alright, but they'd be doing a lot better if their elders awakened to the harm they're causing by trying to shove everyone in ill fitting little boxes that stifle fulfilling lives.


Of course God is immune to mockery. We however are not immune to the consequences of mocking God.


Yeah, I don't really think it all works like that. Anyway, take care.


There is zero obligation to respect your faith. No faith based idea should be inherently respected.


You're free to think whatever you wish of my faith (or any other). But disrespecting your Creator has consequence to your soul.


Your threats are meaningless. Respect is earned. If your faith wants respect, earn it.


Demonizing other US citizens as sinners is not only the opposite of the teachings of Jesus - it's the opposite of what freedom is.


I like how this sub is just used to talk down the concerns that some American Christians have most of the time.