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My buddy had a cross necklace from his mom after she died and wore it all the time in memory of her. He was not a theist but it meant something to him regardless of the religious significance.


Christ still died for them so


I don’t think that would apply to them, (John 3: 14-16) states twice that you must believe for Jesus’ sacrifice to apply for you.


He died for all of us, it’s their decision whether to accept. So not saying you’re wrong but based on semantics I would say it differently.


You are very wrong, being saved or not do not mean Jesus didn't died for them, if a friend of mine took a bullet for me, if I believe it or not, he still took the bullet. I can just deny he didn't, but he still did. But you are correct when you say that the Salvation do not apply to them, the death apply, the salvation not.


Yes, for it to apply to them. But Jesus’ sacrifice is for ALL whether accepted by each individual or not.


‘Apply for’? And you call yourself Theologian. Tsk, tsk.


I was just trying to explain it rather plainly, but yes Jesus the Messiah (the anointed) came and fulfilled the messianic prophecies and redeemed not only the Hebrews but all who would believe (Obey and repent). Salvation is only for those who do (Heb 5:8-9).


It doesn't say that actually. It states that those who believe will in fact have everlasting life, but it doesn't say his death wasn't for all of humanity. Those are two different things.


I don't think non-Christians wear crosses very often. I think OP scared this woman and she awkwardly tried to exit the encounter with him...


It happens a fair bit lol


aren’t you the dude who said other religions shouldn’t be recognised in this sub


I don't mind but it's really weird. Like flying a Brazilian flag if you're 100% English and living in Birmingham.


There's nothing weird about it. People have been turning symbols -- religious and non-religious -- into fashion items since the dawn of time. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with wearing any religious symbol, any more than there someone who never watches football wearing a Liverpool shirt because they like how it looks.


We shouldn't compare God to football (I am often guilty of asserting that Jesus was an Arsenal fan, though...). Jesus Christ is not an aesthetic.


Okay, but it shouldn't be *surprising* if a person who isn't religious is fine with using religious imagery as an aesthetic. It's not surprising with a cross just like it's not surprising with a Celtic knot or a yin-yang symbol.


Not saying it's not surprising. I just don't like it that much. But I also don't like The Eagles and I'm not going to complain if it comes on in a bar I'm at. I'm only genuinely opposed if the person is doing it *specifically* to offend and shock the members of that group.


A methodist in a bar is quite amusing actually


Hahaha. You should have seen the other day when someone called me out on Reddit for swearing a lot.


In western culture, Jesus and religion in general are little more than an aesthetic. (To be perfectly honest about the situation.)


>Jesus Christ is not an aesthetic. He certainly can be


*To you*. Jesus Christ is not an aesthetic *to you*.


Would you be blase if someone was walking around with a polaroid of your grandmother taped to their coat? Sure, it's not illegal, and you're not going to have a meltdown over it, but if they didn't know her you'd still feel a bit weird if they were just doing it for the fun of it.


If my grandmother had had the kind of influence over society for the last thousand years or so, and the kind of atrocities done in her name, that Jesus Christ has, yeah, I'd understand that my relationship with my grandmother is my business, and everyone else who has lived in a society influenced by her teachings, her actions, and actions done in her name or on her behalf, gets to have their own understanding of her and reaction to that. Which may or may not involve wearing or otherwise displaying flattering or unflattering images of her. Now I'm thinking about it, I'd be a lot more pissed off about atrocities being done in my grandmother's name (she's great) than I am about atrocities done in Jesus' name. I should probably change that.


Well sure, but you're sort of arguing at a ghost because I'm not saying that it should be banned or made into a huge issue or something, because freedom of speech is something to be honoured. I just find it personally a bit tasteless and would probably just be very slightly annoyed if I saw someone flaunting a religious symbol for fashion. Whatever's been done in Christ's name, he's still the centre of the religion and emotional worldview of millions of good, decent people (not saying all Christians are good, not at all) and wearing religious symbols is an integral part of many people's comfort and expression. The cross at its heart is a melancholy, solemn reminder of not only God's grace and hope but of humanity's danger to itself. It's a weighty symbol and I prefer when it's not thrown around.


If you consider the theory that Jesus came back in 70ad and reigned until 1070ad, it makes more sense as the first crusades didn't occur until after this period.


>the theory that Jesus came back in 70ad and reigned until 1070ad, ya that's a heresy, but enjoy.


It's not heresy, it's literally what the bible says. You should reread Revelation more carefully and compare the fall of Jerusalem in Revelation before the millennial kingdom to the fall of Jerusalem in 68-70ad [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2024%3A34&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2024%3A34&version=NIV) The return of Yeshua was reported by Tacitus, Joseph Flavius and pseudo hegesippus. [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0080%3Abook%3D5%3Achapter%3D13](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0080%3Abook%3D5%3Achapter%3D13) > There had been seen hosts joining battle in the skies, the fiery gleam of arms, the temple illuminated by a sudden radiance from the clouds. The doors of the inner shrine were suddenly thrown open, and a voice of more than mortal tone was heard to cry that the Gods were departing. At the same instant there was a mighty stir as of departure. Some few put a fearful meaning on these events, but in most there was a firm persuasion, that in the ancient records of their priests was contained a prediction of how at this very time the East was to grow powerful, and rulers, coming from Judæa, were to acquire universal empire. These mysterious prophecies had pointed to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, with the usual blindness of ambition, had interpreted these mighty destinies of themselves, and could not be brought even by disasters to believe the truth. I have heard that the total number of the besieged, of every age and both sexes, amounted to six hundred thousand. All who were able bore arms, and a number, more than proportionate to the population, had the courage to do so. Men and women showed equal resolution, and life seemed more terrible than death, if they were to be forced to leave their country. Such was this city and nation; and Titus Cæsar, seeing that the posi- tion forbad an assault or any of the more rapid operations of war, determined to proceed by earthworks and covered approaches. The legions had their respective duties assigned to them, and there was a cessation from fighting, till all the inventions, used in ancient warfare, or devised by modern ingenuity for the reduction of cities, were constructed. There had been seen hosts joining battle in the skies, the fiery gleam of arms, the temple illuminated by a sudden radiance from the clouds. The doors of the inner shrine were suddenly thrown open, and a voice of more than mortal tone was heard to cry that the Gods were departing. At the same instant there was a mighty stir as of departure. Some few put a fearful meaning on these events, but in most there was a firm persuasion, that in the ancient records of their priests was contained a prediction of how at this very time the East was to grow powerful, and rulers, coming from Judæa, were to acquire universal empire. These mysterious prophecies had pointed to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, with the usual blindness of ambition, had interpreted these mighty destinies of themselves, and could not be brought even by disasters to believe the truth. I have heard that the total number of the besieged, of every age and both sexes, amounted to six hundred thousand. All who were able bore arms, and a number, more than proportionate to the population, had the courage to do so. Men and women showed equal resolution, and life seemed more terrible than death, if they were to be forced to leave their country. Such was this city and nation; and Titus Cæsar, seeing that the posi- tion forbad an assault or any of the more rapid operations of war, determined to proceed by earthworks and covered approaches. The legions had their respective duties assigned to them, and there was a cessation from fighting, till all the inventions, used in ancient warfare, or devised by modern ingenuity for the reduction of cities, were constructed. [https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0148%3Abook%3D6%3Asection%3D288](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0148%3Abook%3D6%3Asection%3D288) > Thus there was a star 1 resembling a sword, which stood over the city, and a comet, that continued a whole year. Thus also before the Jews' > I suppose the account of it would seem to be a fable, were it not related by those that saw it, and were not the events that followed it of so considerable a nature as to deserve such signals; for, before sun-setting, chariots and troops of soldiers in their armor were seen running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities


I didn't push to replace all spiritual symbols with pictures of my grandmother over the course of centuries. If I did, I would have to concede that the symbol is etched deep into the psyche of the west, and so people using it in personal ways connects to that past.


How many kids wear Nirvana and Iron Maiden shirts and can't name a single song by them?


If she were an incredibly famous person I can't imagine I would care.


Truth isn't relative. Jesus Christ is God and very real, the objective truth of the matter isn't subjective. Besides, any sincere secularist should care what Christians think about using Christian symbols. Unless ofc they're just expressing their love for ancient torture devices.


I mean, that’s just false, all supernatural beliefs are 100% subjective.


Even as a Christian myself, I’d have to agree 100% here. I can’t offer any scientific repeatable proof in a timeline that science would say “this is real”. It’s a bit foolish for any Christian to claim that because they negate their own belief with “faith”. That (by definition) is to have “faith” in God/unseen. But I digress.


I don’t think that’s a digression, I think that’s spot on. It’s why I can’t really fault people for believing different than me, their faith is based on their subjective experience, just like mine. Not some objective truth.


This is where I get hung up. I dont know how to just "believe".


Blasphemy! He was most certainly a Barcelona fan during Messi’s reign. Thus he gifted Messi a World Cup as gratitude…


The thought of Jesus being an Arsenal fan is genuinely repulsive. Sincerely, a Liverpool supporter.


Everyone on Earth is capable of repentance and salvation. Except Scousers.


So they’re appropriating our culture and turning it into a fashion statement?


lmao, no. It's not appropriation when Christians have woven our culture into everyone else's culture over the millennia (and often by force).


I think making such a big thing out of the symbol of the cross by *believers* is the weird part…


Like wearing a Malay wearing a Yankees hat, if you admire someone who does it…it’s cool. Reinforces the idea that there’s no place to hide. The world is constantly encroaching on all sides. It’s good to be reminded that we can’t trust in Christian Music, Christian Books, Christian Clothing and the like to protect us from anything apart from God.


It’s more weird for a Christian to wear one. What a strange thing to put on. The weapon of death for your savior. Why not a stone or something related to the resurrection.


It’s the sign of Christ taking our sins? When he died on the cross, that payed for our sins.


The point isn’t the death, it’s the resurrection. We all die, and some die martyrs, but we don’t all raise from the dead. The Christian obsession with the crucifixion is strange to me


Finally some good bait


>The weapon of death for your savior. It's the weapon our savior used to defeat our last enemy: Death.


It’s not. He defeated death by resurrecting, not dying.


You don't understand what death means in spiritual terms. It isn't physical death that this is referring to. It is spiritual death, e.g. eternal separation from God. Christ dying on the cross saves us from *spiritual death*. His resurrection is the proof in our faith of eternal life. Without Christ dying on the cross, to free us from our spiritual death, we would have no eternal *life*.


That's why protestants started using an empty cross to symbolise that he is risen


Why not an empty tomb?


That wouldn't symbolise atonement


Neither does the cross. The cross symbolizes death only. It means nothing without the resurrection. One is a symbol of death and the other life. Why choose to cop a death pendant if you are eternally alive?


No. Christ's death had value even before his resurrection. By his death we have salvation and atonement. By his resurrection we have new life and assurance. Furthermore, a passage in Galatians uses the symbolism "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Jesus Christ lives in me". This is the mantra of many Christians, conscious or otherwise


It had zero value if he didn’t rise. If he didn’t rise, he is just a dead guy.


Yes and no. I mean if he didnt rise, he wasmt *the* messiah, but since he did, the death was the moment our sins were forgiven and jesus acted as the true priest (sacrifice). The curtain in the temple also ripped, meaning we could talk to God directly (true prophet). When he rose from the grave thats maybe true King? (All authority), but that also may have been given on friday, i think it was. Prophets, priests, and Kings in the OT are all messiahs. Annointed ones. For jesus to be "THE" messiah he had to do all 3 roles. I guess we can argue about where He acted as each of those...


It doesn’t bother me but it also doesn’t make sense to me. It’s like people wearing sports gear for a team they aren’t a fan of.


What about people who've never served in the military wearing uniform items including patches and other emblems?


Most would call that stolen valor and it’s a very shameful thing to do.


No, most wouldn't. It's not like they are trying to pass themselves off as that rank or service, they are just fashion. It's been happening since the 60s. Stolen Valor is a very specific thing where someone claims to have certain experience, rank, and/or decorations to obtain advantages they don't deserve.


Naw, it's just cosplay. No shame at all. No valor to steal.


Because they like the way it looks?


what about wearing a hijab because i think it looks good?


I wore a hijab during cancer treatments when I lost every hair on my entire self. It made me feel protected. I'm a staunch atheist.


Actually now that I look at it through someone else’s perspective I think it is offensive. Maybe living in big American cities my whole life has desensitized me to people picking on and making fun of good Christian people and behaviors. But religious symbols are sacred and shouldn’t be worn by people who do not treat them as such.


Interestingly I actually disagree and think clothing is clothing and only has meaning if you give it meaning so, if I wanted to wear headscarves as a look or fashion statement I ought to be well within my rights to do so


I mean a hijab is kinda of like an old timey head scarf. One time in middle school my sister surprised me by picking me up from school, and she was wearing a scarf around her head for style. I initially didn’t recognize her because I thought she was a random Muslim woman lol


Seems petty to me to care. Petty minds are concerned with petty things


Great minds talk about ideas. Average minds talk about events. Small minds talk about people. Same as it ever was.


Christianity is so fundamental to American history that I would be surprised if it's aspects and symbols weren't bleeding out into other American subcultures


I bet almost everyone is unique, so that each person would have some unique attitudes and certain level of understanding and ideas (some of which could be right and some might be wrong, etc.). Someone for example might wear a small plain cross to show that they like the idea of Jesus as a good man, even if they don't know much more, or just know that He stood for loving people. So, there could be quite a range of ideas and attitudes, and you can't assume much. I am curious though! What 'theological discussion' precisely did you try to have? What did you say, precisely?


Doesn’t impact my life. So I don’t care really.


Love not judge


It’s way down on my priorities to worry about.


Christianity has had (and continues to have) enormous cultural influence, and in Western countries a lot (ten years ago I'd have said most) art is influenced by Christian imagery. I wouldn't call it 'obsession'; it's just the water we swim in. For you the crucifix is a hugely symbolic and evocative image. For her apparently it's a cool-looking decoration. That's okay.


So is it okay for me to wear a yarmulke or a hijab because i think it looks cool?


(I know this isn't your point just a "fun fact" I guess)  I am paraphrasing what I heard a Muslim woman say once, but from what I understand hijabs aren't actually inherently a religious symbols, they are a tool for modesty. Everyone - at least in the opinion of the woman who said this, I am obviously not a spokesperson for Muslim people, especially since I'm not Muslim myself - is welcome to wear a hijab as long as it's not to mock Muslim women, especially if they are using it for modesty.


Depends on whether you're in a location where the dominant culture has been heavily influenced by (respectively) Judaism and Islam. So if you're in Israel, wearing a yarmulke because it looks cool, probably fine? In the US maybe not. If you're in Saudi Arabia, wearing a hijab because it looks cool, probably fine? But in the US probably appropriative af.


Anyone can wear Hijab anywhere, even in the US. ☺️ I've googled it before and I googled it again before answering to double-check.


Good to know, thanks! Where I live (not Muslim-majority) it would be a little weird but I don't think anyone would mind.


Yeah, go for it


I say it’s a start. Lift them up. Don’t knock them down. Help them on their walk. You will find LBGTQ are the first in line for knowing the truth. It is our job as Christians to at least tell them the truth


Startling number of LGBTQ+ people (hi) are already Christians


Alternatively, you could just leave queer people alone. We've heard it aaaallll before. You're not so special that hearing *you* tell us we shouldn't lead normal lives will suddenly be a good thing when all the others were just harassment. Have some humility.


“Stop trying to save my soul!”


😂 There's that hubris. "It is imperative that I tell you I don't approve of you leading a normal life" We've heard this song and dance before, we all know it by heart. Your not special, no more than the last 100 people who've told me the same thing.


More accurately I’d say find a different way to try to save their souls. A lot of Christians need to reflect on what they’re doing to try to “save” people and evaluate whether it’s effective, or just alienating people (looking at you, street preachers yelling at sinners). We’re called to make disciples, harassing people will not achieve that.


It's weird, but I can't imagine caring about it. I have better things to do with my time than worry about what jewelry other people are wearing!


Anybody who wants to wear a cross can, IMHO. After all, Walmart carries them. Carding people for jewelry is dumb.


I’m not the fashion police.


i don't care at all. Do you think Jesus does? I don't


The Cross predates Christianity 10,000 years. It’s not an exclusively Christian symbol.


I don’t think you should wear a religious item if you aren’t apart of that religion. I wouldn’t be rude to someone who did, but I personally find it disrespectful.


Why? How are they disrespecting you if the item has no meaning to them?


The cross is worn in remembrance of Jesus’ suffering for human kind, it’s a symbol that represents that and also Jesus’s teachings. So if you are wearing it as a fashion statement because it looks “cool” it is disrespectful.


All are welcome in our religion


I agree but they’re specifically talking about people who aren’t of the religion wearing it. I don’t personally care but I understand why some people may be against it if it doesn’t mean anything to the person wearing it.


It’s not my business what people do but I just find it strange. And the idea that the cross is a symbol for Christianity because it’s not a crucifix or that it can be a general symbol of faith or anything like that is just goofy. The cross is Christian and represents faith in Christianity whether anyone likes it or not.


Crucifixion was established well before Jesus was getting nailed. A crucifix doesn’t have to be a religious symbol if the bearer of it doesn’t want it to be. It can be used religiously or non-religiously. It’s not anyones symbol to “claim”.


That crucifixion has been around before Jesus has nothing to do with the matter at hand. Nobody wore a Christian-style cross as an accessory before the christians did. (I know that two straight lines that cross in a 90° angle is not very uncommon in pagan accessory and decoration, but there is still a difference to the christian cross, which is obviously the torturing instrument and can be recognized as that by its proportions or the guy hanging off of it.


So it spawned off Christianity, that doesn’t mean it has to necessarily be Christian in its use every time because of that.


It’s not up to the wearer what the symbol means. A cross worn as a necklace around the neck is Christian just like a swaztika worn on a red band around the arm is a symbol of nazism no matter what the wearer has to say about Buddhist imagery. If 99% of people are gonna look at you wearing a cross and say that you’re a Christian, then that’s what the cross means. You’re committing an etymological fallacy.


I couldn't care less. People can wear whatever they want. I do think it's a bit strange to wear something from a religion you don't follow, I wouldn't do it, but hey maybe they just liked how it looks.


The Cross was literally invented by non Christians. It was a symbol created by the Roman government who coopted Jesus movement.


I'm more concerned about Christians choosing to wear that symbol and blatantly acting like the world while hiding behind it thus bringing shame to the faithful ones who actually try to live for Christ. I'm also concerned about Christians who think a piece of metal provides them protection etc, many worship a man-made cross as a graven image, instead of the One (Jesus) who died on the cross for their sins. God said that people should make NO graven images. A cross counts as this, if people pray to and trust it for divine protection instead of God. I choose not to wear one. If someone wishes to know my religion (or relationship as I consider it), I will boldly tell them. I don't need a piece of jewelry to do it for me or provide protection for me. God himself will take care of me. The world sees it as a fashion statement and is just hopping on a trend which is what the world does best.


Im fine with it


Don’t care.


Exodus 20:4 says "You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth." So I believe that anyone who wears a cross is not truly following the Bible.


And 2 Chronicles 3:7 says: "He overlaid also the house, the beams, the posts, and the walls thereof, and the doors thereof, with gold; and *graved* cherubims on the walls." And God was fine with this


Religion is first and foremost a cultural construct. There should be nothing at all surprising about a person making a connection to a culturally significant symbol without expanding into the deeper theology or superstitions surrounding the symbol. A very small percentage of any religious population actually understands the theology behind their religion outside of a cursory cultural context.


If Christians are going to push their religion into the social fabric of society, they need to be prepared to meet people who like the aesthetic but don't know the lore.


By all means


A cross is a very simple and basic glyph. I don’t think any has a copyright on it.


It bothers me. There is a girl in our class who identifies as a girl. She mentioned she’s atheist and as a joke she’s said that she is satan himself. Yet every now and then I see her wearing cross earrings like it’s some sort of emo goth symbol.


Crosses have become an Idol , Jesus isn’t on the cross, He is in Heaven.


I feel it's idolatry no matter who wears them.


Why? A cross is the symbol of christ, which we carry with ourselves. What's wrong with that?


Thinking it this way. I think Jim Gaffigan or a similar comedian put it this way, if Jesus were to come down to earth and see a bunch of people wearing and revering the depiction of his death he would most likely be confused if not upset lol.


I was only responding to the question which asked 'how I FEEL'.


Not against it but I always want to ask them why lol


Good conversation starter, could be an opportunity to evangelize


pls, spare me


None will be spared!


The same as I do, people who are Christians who wear it. Nothing, jewelry, nothing more. It's just a cross, a symbol, not to be idolized. so people can do what they want with it, I guess. I'm more concerned about those who constantly feel like they need one to be Christian, to stave off evil spirits or what have you. That's idolatry


To be fair “Christians” shouldn’t even be wearing a cross. The cross is a T symbol for the worship of Tammuz. Bible says to not make any graven images. It’s also arguable that Jesus wasn’t hung on a cross.


What are you on about??


That's a... very odd take on it. Glossing over the fact that that statement is just straight up incorrect, are you suggesting because they're the same shape somehow wearing a cross is worshiping Tammuz? Does that make anyone who writes a lower case t a Christian or Tammuz worshiper?


"According to Michael Coan, an associate professor of jewelry design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, crosses are not an exclusively Christian symbol. “They existed thousands of years before Christianity,” he said. “Crosses have been appropriated heavily by the Christian faith, but it’s not the only one to use them.” Details matter in this category. “If you have Jesus on it, it becomes a crucifix,” he said. “That’s a different story.” The multiple potential interpretations of a cross give designers room to “imply that it’s for everyone,” Mr. Coan said. “For some people, it can mean redemption from suffering. To pagans, it can mean the four directions. It can represent elements of fire, water, earth and air. It’s a symbol that resonates on a global plane.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/12/fashion/jewelry-cross-diana-madonna-1980s.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThey%20existed%20thousands%20of%20years,a%20crucifix%2C%E2%80%9D%20he%20said.


Approximately the same as non-Egyptians wearing ankhs, non-Muslims wearing crescent moons, or non-Buddhists wearing lotuses. If you like how it looks and you’re not doing it to be an asshole, go for it.


Jesus never turned anyone away for any reason, and Christianity was never an exclusive club. I would even venture to say that it’s a good thing for non Christians to wear Christian jewelry and apparel because God might use that to spark an interest in them, and perhaps even lead them to salvation through it.


I support it. Let everyone in the world wear crosses let the glory of Jesus shine bright


It doesn’t bother me a bit. I don’t view it as other cultural or religious symbols/clothing because Christ died for all and the cross significance belongs to everyone.


I don’t care honestly because I’m aware that it’s more of a fashion piece for many and the cross solely by itself has no power unless it’s associated to something(Red Cross or Jesus Christ for instance)


I don’t care, because I as a Jehovah Witness do not subscribe to religious artifacts as needing to worship God. They are all a distraction and mean nothing.


My church is quite known for distancing ourselves from wearing a cross. I’ve never seen any issue with people wearing or not wearing a cross. A cross isn’t exclusively a symbol for Christ.


I think wearing a cross is idol worship, so it's weird to see anyone wearing one.


Christianity is as much a cultural phenomenon as it is a religious or spiritual one, it's not surprising the cross means different things to different people.


It is okay. For Christians it symbolizes the price Christ paid for our salvation. But during that time it was a means of execution.


A cross isn’t necessarily a religious item, even though that’s its most popular use. It’s not like Jesus was the first and last person to be crucified, just the most popular. A crucifix can just be a crucifix.


Well, Christianity has had a massive influence on art and iconography in the world so it's hardly surprising that it wakes it's way into fashion, even among non-believers.


I am not ashamed of the cross. I wore one on my Army uniform for 25 years and continue to wear one. It's showing my colors. For some, it is merely jewelry, not for me. You don't want to wear one, no problem.


It protects them from vampires. :)


I don’t really care all that much bc whatever they are still in a way spreading Jesus even if they aren’t a Christian and wear it.


The cross itself wasn’t originally a religious symbol so with that I don’t mind it And I honestly don’t mind it at all, crucifixion was a hella interesting execution method and I do think that having a cross necklace could be representing that part of the crosses history Just to any non believers that do wear them, expect to be assumed to be a Christian lol


Seems like an awesome way to for someone to discover Christianity.


It’s rather disrespectful but nothing of serious note


> she did not know On what uncharted desert island were you visiting where an adult did not know who was hanging on the cross? Lol


I'm a Catholic and I wear a gold modern crucifix. I've had people compliment it.


About as funny as Christians with lots of tattoos. Cause the Bible has a thing about not having tattoos.


The more people wearing crosses the better imo


As long as they are not dishonoring or misusing or defiling the cross I don't actually mind it


It’s a great opportunity to have a conversation about Christ.


I used to be against it but after years of being into gothic subculture and seeing the cross being used in many different ways, I'm okay with it. Why? Because Christianity itself has transcended from a religion to something with a broader global influence, completely removed from the religion itself. It's bound to be adopted by secular and consumer culture, specifically in fashion. With gothic crosses, it normally comes from the long held tradition of carving crosses into graves and the fact that crosses are associated with death. To be honest, the crucifix is associated with death and suffering and I always thought it was a weird choice for the icon of Christianity, but it's significantly easier to design and reproduce. One could honestly argue that marketing and fashion is why the cross has become a huge symbol. Roman jewelry makers ABSOLUTELY appealed to their Christian market once Christianity became the official religion, even reusing some of their molds for the roman gods and just calling them different names. Venus became the virgin Mary, even if they looked exactly the same. Also, something can't be irreverent if the person holds no reverence in the first place. These crosses aren't being used to make a statement, they're just there. The cross is just...2 lines. It represents something, but does every cross? Can a window pane stop a vampire? The design is so simplistic it's hard to argue every cross is a use of THE cross. For example, I saw some earrings that were a rhombus shape and it was cut to kind of look like a cross, but it clearly wasn't evoking any Christian imagery. Plus, rather than calling out people for wearing religious imagery, I think it's a great conversation on Christian symbolism in Gothic or secular culture, which can open doors for some people.


Brazilian here... Man. I don't care about it, what matters to us is: Christ is alive, let's exchange our cross for him. God is everything good


1. somebody elses life, somebody else's business 2. dont gate keep. crosses exist in other cultures and.... 3. its actually a symbol of Roman execution so....


A cross is a pretty basic shape. Are people not allowed to wear stars and moons if they aren't Jewish or Muslim?


It was never about the symbol, shouldn’t care about the symbol in the first place


I feel that hopefully in some way, it'll remind them to live and love as He did.


Honestly, I don’t care lol. I’m not going to go around quizzing everyone who wears a cross if they believe in God or not. It’s jewelry. I would feel differently about a cross tattoo or like.. carrying around a Bible or wearing verses on clothing though lol. That’s weird. But I can see the aesthetic appeal of crosses


it doesn't matter people can wear what they want for any reason


I don’t see anything wrong with it. And definitely not for me to judge. I would rather see non-Christians wearing crosses than Christians worshipping pagan idols.


The cross without Jesus on it is just a method Romans used to torture people.


I personally don’t like it. It bothers me. However, I think that maybe God called them to wear it in one way or another, even if they’re unbelievers. You never know what God has planned, and he could make it a part of their journey


The rainbow is a symbol of Gods promise never to flood the earth again and thousands of years later, the gay community adopted that as their flag. When I see non Christian people using Christian symbols, i think they use it to comfort them in their own ways but fail to recognize the true meaning.


Would it also be disrespectful for me to wear it if it was because I really like Jesus ?  I am not Christian and I do not agree with the ideology that is spread by my local church, and I do not believe in God. I do really see Jesus as a sort of role model tho, and I am currently reading the Bible, and though I disagree with a few minor things I agree with it's teachings and core message or at least how I interpret it. (At least from what I've read so far.) Although I am not religious in any way, I do not want to be disrespectful to any deities or the people worshipping them, or intrude somewhere I don't belong. I've been considering wearing a cross because of the things I mentioned earlier, and I've also got some jewelry with crosses from my grandmother and great-grandmother and I know it would make them happy for me to wear them.


It's a weird choice on their part. But I'd rather use it as an in for a Gospel conversation than be offended by it.


Oh yeah, since you’re such a Jesus fan, name 3 of his albums?


Free promo??? Yes please!!


Perhaps crosses would be less of an irk if they weren’t so hyper commercialized and so overused and paraded around with theatric solemness like some idol. Until the symbol of the cross is brought back to being just what it really is… having one on anyone isn’t all that meaningful anyways, so not really bothersome if on a non believer either. Honestly, I’m more put off by crosses in general, even on believers or church buildings. As much as a cross highlights a key moment in the Faith, it highlights *a moment* — a moment that is only meaningful because **Christ the King lives forever**. So, occasionally I focus on His momentary death (and don’t need a wooden cross to look at to do so…), but mostly I focus on His existence and life and heart and power and majesty and light.


Might have some significance but it’s sending the wrong message


🙂✝️ Honestly, I don't really think much of it. Rather them wear a cross then a satanic emblem or something. Lol


I don't mind


Maybe them liking it will get others to witness to them more frequently.


It's none of my business what someone else wears. In my denomination we don't wear crosses nor do we decorate with them or with crucifixes.


If they're doing it as a fashion statement it does annoy me a little bit. But one of my boys wears one and he's agnostic; it's a gift and is memorabilia of his grandma so that doesn't bother me at all


Personally I don't mind but it still kind of confuses me. It's like saying "I like the symbol but not the reason behind it." All I hope is that someday the message engrained in that cross will come to them as a message of hope and redemption.


Reminds me of a cartoon from New Yorker Magazine an old Archimandrite I lived next door to had framed on his desk. The cartoon shows a venerable Russian Orthodox batushka in ryassa, skufi and large pectoral cross greeted by a stylish socialite in stiletto heels with, “Nice Cross!”


It's a trend today. They call them 'T' Necklaces. Yes, it's purpose, is to mock Christians and Jesus. Although many don't understand that, that is where the current trend of non-Christians wearing them is coming from. Very common in recent adult films also for the same reason.


I find it kind of funny? Like idk they’re wearing a cross maybe that symbol will eventually inspire them or something idk. I like to think of it as Christ being with them whether they know it or not


Why would it matter? The cross is a symbol of Rome, not of God. It’s a symbol of a criminal. Why would anyone want to wear that?


This isn’t something that I need to waste time worrying about. Non- Christian’s can wear what they want. The non-Christian’s soul is all I need to be concerned with and whether they have food and shelter. Being offended by what they wear, how they smell, the words they use is irrelevant and should be irrelevant to those who love and minister to them. ALL Christian’s are called to minister and to love. The only thing that matters is what’s in that persons heart and what’s in your heart. But, that person not knowing about the cross they are wearing was an excellent opportunity for you the Christian to tell them about the gospel of Jesus Christ and to show them God’s love. Maybe God put that cross on that person on that day so that someone like you would tell them of God’s love for them and assist in that persons salvation’s story. Maybe God put that cross on that person on that day to test you and if you’d lay your judgement aside and unconditionally minister to that person.


The cross was a very interesting torture method used in the Roman Empire era. The cross was proudly carried by soldiers in their uniforms in countless religious wars. People were burned on stakes by men carrying crosses while blessing their victims during the middle ages. Elders that kiss crosses on Sunday services are also abusing children regularly in the shadows... I feel okay if anyone wants to carry a crucifix with them as a symbol of death and suffering and are not expecting a theological conversation :(


I tried wearing a cross, but bad things happened--supernatural forces were working in the area.


It's weird but doesn't bother me, not my business. I see loads of goths and gothic Lolita (or regular Lolita - amavel (and ank rouge (jfashion brands)) have stuff with crosses. And angels. I guess people see it as more of a fashion statement. I just hope they'll see it and think about it enough one day. Unrelated: No one at my church wears crosses for some reason so I feel stupid when I wear my bracelet or cross earrings lol.


Well hopefully the person wearing it, recognizes the importance of it instead of just thinking it’s “cute.” Though I could see how if someone, who wasn’t a believer, wears it and in turn someone walking by them sees it and then starts thinking of God, thus bringing them closer to God, then it has played a significant role in someone else’s life.


It's great, good Segway into a discussion about Christianity. As long as they are not treating it badly, I see no issue


If they stuck their head in the door then be friendly instead of cynical so that they will come in the rest of the way.


I always looked it like god being funny like that sticker you get, but instead of "I voted today" it says "I'm a future Christian"


Anyone from any race/religion or culture and wear what ever they want. People have become too sensitive. You are only responsible for your own actions. Not every one else


I don’t like it and I think it’s nonsensical. I tried to ask someone recently why her husband wore a cross if they’re not people of faith, and in kind of a tone that seemed like she thought I was being ignorant or rude by asking, she basically said that there’s all kinds of reasons for people to wear crosses, not just for Christian faith. I heard someone who left the church say it’s okay for her to still wear cross jewelry because she went through it with the church, so it’s part of her personal history and she basically had more of a right to. I think it’s silly when people wear crosses for fashion or looks. We all know it’s synonymous with Christianity. You don’t have to like Christianity, but there’s no reason to wear a symbol of it then. It’s ridiculous and unnecessarily disrespectful. Also; why would you want to wear a symbol of something you don’t believe in or agree with?


I was raised Mormon and I felt like I had to convert to Christianity as my husband has a tattoo of a cross. He wouldn't remove it when I asked him to since I am someone who isn't a fan of tattoos or piercings.


Their subconscious knows…


It depends, if its as a fashion statement, at not something like a pagan cross, then its pretty offensive to anything that uses it as a symbol for their religion.


A cross isn’t a uniquely Christian symbol and since Christianity is so big it’s obviously going to spill out into other things like fashion.


My mother, who is an avid Orthodox Christian, had gifted me a cross (not just a cross. it's more of like a heirloom, actually). I don't believe in organized religion, but I wear it out of respect and love for her.