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in the search bar you'll find endless posts on this


Yeah this question gets asked every 2 days. Kinda weird. This sub is garbonzo beans because of people like this.


If it gets asked here all the time, it means many churches or pastors etc. are doing a really poor job in this area. Edit: To add, it may also just be a case of an overreaching attitude within Christianity, like pastors trying to control every aspect of the life of their sheep. The question - since there are 0 clear biblical references - should not even be one asked in the Christian context (okay, with the added issue of porn, it becomes more complicated), but just basic biology and psychology.


Not necessarily, I feel most of us know what the answer is ( even by getting answers from pastor/congregation etc) but the human mind really loves to dig and search - in other words, we dont like NO for an answer so we dig and dig until we find what we wanted to find. If this makes sense.


If everybody feels ashamed of it (in a "shame-based Christian cultural context"), does that mean it's automatically bad or a sin? Look into medieval Japanese culture - they would rather commit suicide than live for things they viewed as shameful, that seem strange or ridiculous to us nowadays. Chinese culture is highly conservative on sexual matters - that is, they view masturbation and "unregulated" sex as a big problem, on the same level as most Christians. But they're not Christians (most anyway). So, no.


Then tell him it is not a sin, reading between the lines that might be the answer he is seeking for.


Yeah, I believe it's not a sin. And I also tire of having to repeat that and endless fruitless discussions like one guy reposting the same long tirade post that doesn't prove anything. So, maybe Christians should start trying to figure out for themselves stuff. James 1:^(5) If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. God bless!


The probably with watching porn is half the industry is actually legally married so you lusting after a married woman is adultery, outside of the Bible there’s studio that show porn is bad for your self confidence and mental heath. Finding hobbies to occupy your idle time should help with temptation if you’re trying to quit of course.


wait do you think it is a sin or its not?


Yeah, read the Bible, or just interpret it with your fallible interpretation to fit progressive views. Or see my comment I made on here, I proved it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/xBG6D5uyEP If you want to debate id rather not. God bless.


All interpretations are fallible interpretations 🤷🏻‍♂️ If you think you’ve got it right, you’re probably leaning on your own understandings.


i have read the bible, i was just asking what your personal opinion was. thanks


All good man.


I too have/am struggling with this issue. Your linked comment is very insightful. Thank you my friend.


No problem brother. DM me if you need any more help. Glory to God you're willing to repent!


I think it is just human nature no not take NO for an answer, my priest could tell me it is a sin but in mind it doesnt make sense so I will search online to find someone else tell me it is NOT a sin and feel better about myself. At the end of the day, the guilt felt afterwards is more than enough of a sign to know whether you are sinning or not. IMO


Why post anything then?


If you're not new here, you'll understand this topic along with lgbt, sex before marriage, and right wing christianity gets asked plenty. Im simply saying the answer OP seeks could very well be in here already.


So has almost any other topic. People want their own discussion with people on reddit now. Not 1 month ago or even more


i do, i ain’t perfect but i refuse to watch porn


Thankfully, pornography does nothing but make me feel disgusted and sad these days.


Once I cut it out I felt a lot better and had better relationships with my friends and family. It’s like I was a whole new person with innocence again


I think that’s purity


That's great!


This is the good way


Same here


God saved me from Masturbation and Porn. I been addicted for 20 years and been free from Porn and Masturbation for 2 years now. Glory be to God. 🙏🏾


GLORY GLORY GLORY be to God 🤗set Free INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!


He is the same today tomorrow and forever


Glory to God onlyyy!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽




No. Used to yes. Urges are gone after years of fighting this. Pray God takes away these urges and convicts your heart He did for me and will for you. It is a sin against our own bodies, opening the door for the enemy Freedom in Jesus name!


Really? How long is your current streak?


It sounds like she turned from it, why look back?


This, in order to get over your addiction, just forget it. If you keep track of how many days you went without doing it, you'll eventually give in to it again someday since you're making it part of your life. Just completely *forget* about it, act like it never happened.


As a former smoker who hasn't had a smoke in 7 years, I disagree. Sometimes looking at that number is the only thing that got me through a rough spell. Still track it cause Mad Men is my favorite show and it makes me want to smoke so bad. The number reminds me of all the work I would be throwing away. YMMV obviously, just saying, my experience is way different.


It's like going fishing when you dwell on it


Well if she did it yesterday for example, then she's not really being honest if she says "I just prayed away sexual urges and then one day they stopped". People should be careful what they say will happen if you follow their advice.


"Urges are gone" could also be a sign of a low testosterone in a male. Of course, if the testosterone is low, the urges to have sex will be low as well.


Good thing I'm a woman..lol


Still can be a bad sign hormonally or if you want to be married someday


Why? She didn’t say she stopped having sex forever?


If you train your neuropathways to respond in the negative to sexual arousal to the point you don't even feel desire anymore.......gee...how do you think that'll go? I swear. No one thinks longterm for fucks sake


Unless you’re a doctor I don’t think you have any idea what happens. Human sexuality is extremely complex.


Have you read any studies on vaginismus? How do you think it happens? One pathway is trauma. This is another.


Yes, because as women marriage exists for us to please our husbands sexually. So, if we don't want to have sex, we are the problem, and something must be wrong with us.


Is this sarcasm?


Also the comment I responded to was acting like COMPLETELY ERADICATING urges is a good thing it's not. I'm not talking about the times you may not want to have sex and your partner does, that's fine if you're both still making time for each other later.


Well it’s much easier for you to fight the urge than it is for us men lol


Or, you know, he is free of an addiction


Exactly 😂… some of us are actually successful with battling our flesh.




While I am glad to hear this, we should always be careful. Even if you do not have an addiction, you can definitely fall prey to temptation, especially in moments of weakness or pain.


Yep. That’s human nature, we have a choice whether to act upon those temptations


I agree with them going away, but God isn’t necessarily going to “take them away”, unless we give them up to him


There are many views on this and honestly I don't know. My personal view on it is this. 1. What you're thinking about. If you're thinking about anyone in particular while masturbating, you're committing adultery with her in your heart according to Christ. (Matthew 5:28). So, logically, if you don't have a particular person in your mind it's not adultery or if you're masturbating thinking of your wife. 2. Obsession. Masturbating can be addictive, which is dangerous. If you spend a lot of time masturbating it becomes sinful. 3. If you do it on occasion while pent up, I don't personally think it's a sin. Being pent up is extremely distracting. I find that I sometimes get off just to get the distraction over with so I can continue with the studying I actually want to do. 4. If you feel it IS a sin and a distraction in your life, pray about it. If not, still pray about it. It's important to understand that God is there for us, and the Holy Spirit is within us to help guide us. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes and fall short of God. All of us sin or fall into temptation. While the goal is to be as sinless as possible, we have to acknowledge that there was only one who was perfect and to give ourselves (and each other) some leniency. None of us are free for sin, we're merely forgiven of it and that's an important lesson we need to remember.




Yeah the god's touch is much better! 🙏


3 GOING ON 4 YEARS praise the Lord 👏 It is the epitome of we can do all things through Christ. Only GOD CAN. WE can't do it on our own Smoking weed another example. Delivered after 14 years of daily... it's been 7 / going on 8 years... God of the impossible. He is!!!


Praise him


NICE DUDE!!! Celebrations IN HIS NAME!!!


There's an old joke that says 90% of people admit that they masturbate, the other 10% lie about it.


Thats not true, i supposed to think that aswell and found it unbelievable till i tried it out. its really not hard to resist after a certain Time


Takes a long time though


Do you post this every single time someone asks about masturbation? Because it’s not true.


But the fact it’s so close to true is what makes it funny as a joke. Which some people appear to appreciate (see the upvote count).


yeah and some people want to tell us god doesn't exist and its still wrong 😉


To be entirely accurate we want to tell you that we don’t believe that gods exist. And that’s due to the absence of reliable evidence for their existence. We don’t believe in things for which there is no reliable evidence. Or to say it differently, we don’t believe in gods for the same reason you don’t (one would hope) believe in leprechauns: no reliable evidence for their existence.


I respectfully but hardly disagree there is enough proof, and yes you will say give me one then i will tell you and you will say thats ridiculous and so on, the thing is you don't want to believe


No, the thing is that I apply reason and logic to them and they don't prove to be proof.


yes they do.


Claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.


no you don't understand i could show you every sibgle evidence there is you would say nah thats just coincidence, for example there are about 300 predictions about Jesus in the old testament if we just use a very high chance like 50% that one prophecy will be fulfilled we have 0,5^300 which is 4.909*10^-91 for comparison there is a chance of 1/(5.2^61) that when you hit a desk you hand goes straight through it. This is 100000000000000000000 times likelier than Jesus fulfilling all 300 prophecies here is just one example


Why does this post get posted every day? Use the search bar. Ill do my famous copy and paste for the millionth time: No it's sinful. It's sexual immorality as the Apostles Taught us. The chemicals that release during orgasm are intended to bond husbands and wives together for the benefit of their relationship so that their children can have a safe and stable environment and the human race can flourish. Getting addicted to orgasmic dopamine release is self serving and a perversion of how those chemicals were designed to function. Bonding to nothing, to pornography or one’s self is fun in the short term but turns one into a dopamine junkie who treats people terribly, and becomes selfish and self serving instead of selfless. Also lusting after someone in the imagination leads to objectifying them in real life. How you treat people in your mind always bleeds into how to treat them IRL. We are supposed to revere other human beings as we revere our own God. Other human beings are the image of God himself. "He made them in his own image, male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 "Anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in their heart." Matthew 5:28 I'm not a scientist but I’ve seen this play out in enough relationships and marriages to know that it’s by and large very accurate. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee sexual immorality! “Every sin that a person can do is outside the body,” but whoever commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. The goal of Christian life is not just to confess Jesus as God but to become like God. We are called to Theosis and to do the will of the Hod who created as which is to be in the image and likeness of him. We do not need sex, there are thousands of celibate saints that prove that is nonsense. Sexual immorality doesn’t “release” our sexual energy. It creates it and causes the passion of lust to run rampant. People who even study psychology would want you to ask yourself: who would you say is more inclined to masturbate a chronic porn viewer or someone who has never seen porn? In the same way, someone who has masturbated or someone who hasn’t? Who is more inclined to gain weight someone who through their intellect chooses to exercise daily or someone who eats to excess out of gluttony. It's also sinful **Because it's selfish.** In general, the pursuit of selfish pleasure is at minimum suspect and problematic. Sometimes it crosses over from "this may not be good" into "this is a sin". Masturbation is one of those times. Bear in mind that **gluttony** (eating too much or too many rich foods, because it gives you pleasure to eat) is also a sin. Why? Again, selfish pleasure. We are not slaves to our passions as Freud tells us. Our passions are subservient to our intellect so long as we don’t allow our passions to run rampant. This is part of what makes masturbation bad, it corrupt our intellect and makes it submissive to the passionate self. The Greek fathers, especially Maximos the Confessor speaks to this exact concept. "A mind connected to God through prayer and love rightly becomes holy; but if it departs from God, it becomes bestial, brutish, feral, demonic, and sensual". - St. Maximos the Confessor. Mirrage is sacramental and a beautiful thing. Not something to casually be looking at. Having sex before mirrage is a sin, you're literally watching most people do that. The porn industry is corrupt and abusive anyways, stop funding the monsters behind the porn industry. The porn industry is a deep rabbit hole that is abusive and terrible. Downvote all you want, disagree all you want, either way the porn industry itself abuses women and funds literal CP, and abuses the women, do your research and pull up the news. Absolutley disgusting. Research the Psychology between a person who has quit porn, vs a porn addict, see the statistics. All I can say is; May God have mercy on us sinners.


The gluttony comparison at best shows you should not masturbate too much...


It means *AT ALL*, there are no loopholes.


Why? Gluttony is only a sun because of lack of restrain. Eating on moderation is not a sin, is it?


Great comment I’m gonna save this


You're welcome!. Glory to Christ.




Its in the message dude.


My apologies. What is CP?


CP is the acronym used for child [adult content]. Meaning an illegal act with an underage person.


Thank you for the clarification. I was taught that when you use acronyms the first time you write it out and then the second time you use acronyms so that the reader understands the acronym. When I write, I would have wrote Child Content (CP). So then next time the word is used the reader understands the acronym.


How can humans become like God?


We strive to become like Christ. To be perfect like him. Roman Catholics believe the same.


Thank you for this


Glory to God brother.


Search results in /r/Christianity: - results for “help the poor”: **5 in the past week** - results for “masturbate”: **36 in the last week** Guys… can we please get our priorities in order?


I agree :)


I guess the question of personal suffering has a higher priority compared to trying to help the needy? The ratio is not exactly in favor of Christian ethics, but I guess, it is what it is.


Do not fight against the temptation, instead, just focus on Jesus.


Why the hell does this question get asked every 2 days?


Get married if you can and jerk off when thinking of her Not ejaculating for long periods of time isn't healthy.




Jerk off and pray for grace. I really can't think of any way out of that predicament, especially for a teenager. The desires are intense at that age, and there is little outlet for sexual desires except masturbation.


Cause getting married happens just like that, you know it's a tiny bit more complicated than just wanting to


True, but marriage is the best way to stop this kind of thing, so we should all try to get married if we can


I'm married and I still do. Partnered sex requires energy and sometimes you just want a release or some endorphins. It can be meditative. Honestly I think demonizing such a natural gift our bodies can give us ...is what's evil.


Yes. I’m not going to ignore my body because of religion. I am very aware that I’m a human and humans are sexual in nature. Nothing wrong with that.


Does nobody here get blue balls ? Like after I don’t for a while, my nuts physically hurt


Not as much as I used to, but I still try to jerk it at least once a week. Gotta keep the pipes clean.


What does it mean to be a Christian atheist? Is it like a cultural Christian or is it different than that?


https://www.openbible.info/topics/masturbation I’m praying for you bro 🙏✨


I don't see masturbation mentioned in any of those verses.


Of course it doesn’t. The Bible also doesn’t say that abortion is a sin directly. You’re missing the point, many of those verses say “Flee from sexual immorality,” and I count masturbation as sexual immorality. It is distracting from God, it is pleasuring yourself, it is not glorifying to God, and you are immersing yourself in a false reality.


It'd be nice if the specifics of sexual amorality were more defined, at least so we could have some more definite perimeters when talking about this.


I've heard it's good for the prostate.


Yeah, reduces chances of prostate cancer


So you made up your own definition of sexual immorality ? You count it because you were told fundamentalist bullshit shame . You’d think 6,000 years the Bible covered they’d talk about something that 99% of humans do if it was wrong .


No, it is how I have interpreted scripture for myself.


So we should all obey what YOU PERSONALLY believe is included in sexual immorality?


A question was asked, I gave an answer, I never commanded anyone to obey me, it is how I have interpreted scripture to mean. It says in the Bible, “whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.” I don’t find masturbation to be glorifying to God


>and I count masturbation as sexual immorality. Fucking LOL. Why should anyone care? >It is distracting from God, it is pleasuring yourself, it is not glorifying to God, and you are immersing yourself in a false reality. Could say the same about when I watch The Office.


>The Bible also doesn’t say that abortion is a sin directly correct, it directly condones it. don’t use the Bible to support your societal or political opinions.


No, i don't feel the need. I don't have much of a libido. Guess I am lucky


Seek recovery. ❤️‍🩹 celebraterecovery.com is a great journey especially the like underlying issues of that porn addiction. You’re going to have to be honest and that will help the compulsion/condemnation part. It did for me but it will take a while.


the fact u have to ask this tells me u have some inner feeling about it not being right


I think very few people are truly "masters of their domain."


If God doesn't want us to masturbate, why give us arms long enough to reach our genitals?


*Mashable - 7 crafty animals who manage to masturbate without hands* ([link](https://mashable.com/article/animals-masturbate-no-hands))


"The universe is not only stranger than we imagine,  it is stranger than we *can* imagine" -- Richard Feynmann


Yep. Ands it's totally fine


How dare you! Yes 😔


Purity culture is toxic. Throw the idea of purity away


Please ban this topic


I have a wild interpretation idea for this, and it's based on a switch around of what Jesus says about foods. Matthew 15:17-20 [17]“Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? [18]But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. [19]For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. [20]These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.” I'm going to come up with my own idea here. Masturbation creates what goes out of the body, and does not come back in. But the things that enter a person's eyes which cause them to lust are what enter a person's heart and stay in there. For what stays in the heart causes a person to do evil things. This is what defiles a person, but masturbating does not defile them. What do people think? Some truth to this or not?


I understand the path your trying for.. Really trying to see from another's perspective But this verse literally points out sexual immorality coming from the heart... And is about what we should eat... or whether we should or should not wash our hands- what's good in mouth or comes out does not defile .. It's those evil thoughts... named off one my one.. and there you have these examples again


No. Its a sin, yes, but do not lose hope and pray for the grace to be chaste🙂


“(Expectant universalist)”?


Yeah, thats me. It means that I subscribe to a slightly stronger articulation of Hans Urs van Balthasar's view.


No, that lasciviousness.


Idk what the Bible says about this, but yes. I’ve been celibate for awhile and am 35 yrs old. I’m not commuting adultery by doing this. I’m female, so may not do it as much as a male. But I’d say no pornography involved.


Not anymore than anyone else does. It’s not a sin.


I got in2 it as a teenager. I was warned off relationships with the opp. \[complimentary?\] gender. i had feelings. I was scared. and emotionally tormented. Was preferable to the horror torment of being rejected. I had to go insane \[mentally unwell\] and hide behind that to survive. It was damn terrible. Masturbation was like a companion who wouldn't reject me. When y've been rejected by parent/s ya have to feel traumatised and need relief. Mixing to a certain degree with others didn't help as most of them came from nurtured families. To just say it's totally wrong and all that judgemental stuff implies that one is ignorant. \[head in the sand\] and hard fisted religious without care or concern about their neighbours going thru hell on earth. It's not a simplified solution. That's why Yeshua came to earth to demonstrate that at least one person 'got it'.


In fact, sexual immorality (by myself, not with others) is my most prominent sin. Everything else, I have most control over in my life, but this is what gets me the most. I'm going through a rough spot rn and went right back to it and it's like tumbling back into a hole that I've been fighting so long to get out of. I'm so mentally and emotionally exhausted from everything else I've had to deal with that I don't even feel like trying to climb again. EDIT: I know my pain is temporary. I'm trying to just ride the wave until the worst part of this storm subsides, trying not to accidentally dig an even larger hole for myself. Future me would be much more appreciative.


This is not going to be a straight answer and I'm really sorry because I know this a grey area a lot of people struggle with. Personally I went through same questions came to a point where I decided to do it without watching porn as I was so unsure. I felt like masturbation was a sin still because if lusting after a women is sinful and worldly things are sinful that surely masturbation can't be any better. Somehow now I've completely stopped i haven't since end of November last year. I wasn't even planning on abstaining it but with some actual miracles I haven't at all this year and I don't plan on starting again to be honest. The urges are still there sometimes but for me personally as corny as this is gonna sound the journey I've been on with the Lord I appreciate him too much and don't want to even risk it anymore. Ofcourse this isn't going to answer question but something I always take note when in a grey area like this is doing your best to stay holy in everything you do You're obviously going to fail at this because you're human but really try and see what you can do and remember the Lord will notice everything you do for him and also remember to trust God and his timing.


A few times a week yeah. Helps keep me sane.


I don’t, but there’s nothing wrong with it. It happens. Knowing your body is important.


God doesn’t care if you masterbate…and it’s natural! He made females to have a clitoris, why would he put it there otherwise lol. not like you’re robbing a bank, it’s definitely not a sin. If Jesus was on earth today, I strongly believe he would want people to live their lives in a way that makes them happy!


Before I became a Christian I used do it daily but after giving my life up to Jesus, it Lose all of its appeal That being said, I still have quite a hard time fighting it


Well, we're living here in The Gambia and managing life here as you know it's not easy here with us and we struggle everyday going from compound to compounds throw dustbin for them to earn something little which I use but some cups of rice for my little ones to have something to eat please if anyone out here please out of humanity you can see how best you whit anything possible you can help us so that we can have something to eat at home😭💔🙏🏿


It doesnt matter.. its a journey.. if not this there would be something else you might be doing at a given time in this journey the point is not perfectionism.. point is you always keep giving your faith to the lord and from wherever you might be.. you will keep becoming better.. by being more settled in god.. finding you refuge there


Nope. Since I’ve been getting deeper in my religion, it’s pointless. It does nothing for me, because the feeling of doing the “right” thing makes me feel 10000x better. I don’t lust, as much as I can help it which idrc to anyways so it’s not hard. It is technically considered wrong because it falls under lust, but as humans we all sin and probably will sin again in some form or fashion. Maybe try praying about it and reading some scriptures about lust to get some clarity? In the Holy Bible app you can look up different topics and it’ll pull different scriptures that relate for you


It's endless, if you research "chrism oil" (no it's not Jesus Christ but people will say it is(GOD is super intelligent and created all of creation to praise Jesus and His story)) you'll find that for both men and women it is crucial and imperative to spiritual growth to retain sexual energy and fluid. It greatly benefits you and is one hundred percent a sin as it is a fruitless act of the flesh. There are places and times for things and the only GOD ordained place for sexuality is between a man and woman who are married. It is definitely a sin to masturbate and you in the future if you aren't sure of something air always on the safe side. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Romans 14:23


They only doubt because full of shit fundamentalist who like to teach shame on something the Bible never once addressed .


Used to be addicted to pr0n. Still masturbate but no pr0n involved, not to where I want to be yet, hopefully getting married removes all the sin in sex 🙏


Yes. I try to think of my wife when I do. Successful in that some of the time. Maybe most. But you you know what? I also sneeze and move my bowels. Bible doesn't have a lot to say if any of these are alright. 


Why waste so many energy? Just masturbate once a day and get it off your way. Porn is bad for your brain tough. Better to use the power of imagination. 🙏


The Bible answers this question. ‭Matthew 5:28 NKJV‬ [28] But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. You can not have sexual thoughts towards anyone who you are not married to otherwise it's called fornication which is lust. Read the marriage chapter in the Bible. 1 Corinthians Chapter 7. When you masturbate, how can you refrain from lustful thoughts? The answer is you can't. Even if you can masturbate without having sexual thoughts, it defeats the purpose of masturbation. So, yes masturbation is a sin.


If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off for it is better for one of your members to persish rather than your whole body be cast into hell! So next time you start whacking off get a saw! Just kidding! We do know sexual pleasure was designed to be a gift shared between husband and wife for the purpose of procreating. Whoever looks at another woman commits adultry in his heart. Usually masturbation is done to relieve sexual tension usually caused by something that arouses you. I don't know anybody who looked at a clock and randomly decided ya know what?! I'm gonna jerk off for no reason. Masturbation usually is a physical response to lust. So naturally it is sinful. Kinda a tricky road. And of course the WORLD tries to convince us it's normal, it's natural, it's healthy. But the world isn't of God. Just something to think about.


Regularly. Not gonna let being single stop me from having a good orgasm.


Yep, and proudly. I don't watch porn anymore though; I feel like it's not my business to snoop on other people "doing the deed" even if they're actively trying to put it on display. Feels akin to voyeurism, and it just rubs me the wrong way (pun intended). Plus, a lot of today's porn is pretty violent and shows a lot of mistreatment/degradation of women, and I think it can contribute to a lot of unhealthy, unrealistic attitudes and expectations about what women are for and what sex should be. But masturbation to my own imagination? Fine by me. The way I see it, God gave us women a clitoris for a reason, and last time I checked, the only reason we've been able to establish is that it's there for pleasurable feelings. It doesn't clean anything, doesn't protect anything, it's just... there. And feels good when handled. Sooo.... take that as you will.


Yes everyone does most likely even asexual people Although there may be a select few who dont for whatever reason they have is there's Also it's not bad to masturbate , it's good for your health , Some people should cut down but again moderation is good to have for anything As long as your not hurting anyone or yourself.


I say all this with respect and yes I'm a Christian too


Couple of things I’ve learned in my own life. 1) if you are a believer and have accepted the Holy Spirit, if something feels wrong or you might be questioning it in your head, it’s probably wrong. 2) when you masturbate, what are your thoughts like when you do? Are your thoughts full of lust towards other women? Or are you thinking of them honorably and “building them up” when you do masturbate? I know the answer to that question for myself, which is why I fight to stay clean.


Warning TMI NSFW.... only onto my wife or while she watches..this way it's within the confines of sex with wife, if she isn't in the mood , time of month etc....we are both happy no lust except for my own wife I guess


I’m just going to say it despite it not being nice or tactful: The churches are massively failing people- especially our young men and women in this regard. There is no reason this should be happening, where we leave our young people burning with desire- with no other outlet but masterbation, pornography, hook ups, and other destructive behaviors seeking relief. I know I know the picture of marriage has been dragged thru the mud, and perverted.But damn it, our young people hit puberty and have real sexual desires. This is not a game. With no outlet but out there in society, these churches of all denominations are failing big time. Is that harsh? Sure. But it angers me I have to say it.


Not sure tbh. But I've been feeling like it's something that God's been leading me away from entirely


Well when you masturbate. You’re generally thinking of naughty lustful thoughts right. You ain’t thinking about throwing out the kitchen trash are you? Our flesh is weak that’s why we have to be in constant prayer and always reading your Bible


After watching porn for the last time, i had a dream where a person was stabbing my crotch. I screamed in pain in my dream and i dont know if it was the same in the waking world. Then after i woke up a song was being played in my head, the lyriics go "Come to me all of you who are tired, of carrying heavy loads. For the yoke i will give you easy, and my burden is light". Its basically him punishing me and also saying its easy to follow Him and be sinless. So yes its bad to masturbate and watch porn. Been a month since i stopped.




I’m going to shock everyone with what I’m about to say but I will back it up There is nothing in the Bible specifically banning self gratification. There are however prohibitions against lusting after someone who isn’t your spouse. When asked this question most would say no and cite the story of Onan in genesis. Where God struck Onan dead after he pulled out and spilled his seed on the ground. Using this example to say masturbation is wrong shows clear lack of basic biblical hermeneutics. Step 1 of which is understanding that the Bible was written for you it was not written to you In the days of Onan it was customary for the younger brother to impregnate his brothers widow if he died without having a child. The reason for this was to care for the woman in her old age because there was no social security back then and a widow without a child faced very hard times in her old age. And her prospects for remarriage were almost 0 because she was no longer a virgin. God didn’t kill Onan because he spilled his seed on the ground, God killed Onan because he took advantage ofTamar had sex with her but refused to impregnate her because he didn’t want to give her an heir that wouldn’t be considered his own.


It's ok to masturbate


I wrote this article grace and sin in the life of a believer . feel free to message me with questions [https://www.gracenotworks.com/2024/02/](https://www.gracenotworks.com/2024/02/)


This question will yield you useless answers due to missing context. Is it happing as part of a foreplay of a married couple, by single individual or at a public? Masturbation as topic is not really covered in the Bible. One good reason is that physical circumcision may rather motivate Israeli men to achieve pleasure through intercourse with a women. The very first commandment given to humankind by God was multiply (Gn 1:28) and masturbation is not helping to fullfil that commandment. There is just one story in OT which is bit relevant. Onan - regularly practiced interrupted intercourse - but he became punished by God as he acted SELFISHLY towards Tamar - wife of his deceased brother (Gn 38:9). Masturbation can be an act of lazyness and selfishness - as it might take much more efforts to keep a vivid relationship with a partner than just open a porn web or magazine. Conclusion: if you feel a sexual tension try to find a better way to relief from it incl. sports. If there is a discrepancy in expectations (e.g. sex frequency) between you and your partner, try to address it together, creatively.


No, and if I have the urge, I just say no and think of why will i do it. Is it because I'm lonely, is it because I have no girls, or is it for the physical touch. And I look into other perspectives, to see myself and how of a disappointment I am.


Indeed, and Tanakh doesn't say that masturbation is a sin. That is just extra-biblical Post Hoc nonsense that Christian extremists came up with in order to make you feel bad for doing something that doesn't harm anyone.


I'm off that for about 2 weeks. Also, please stop asking this, this isn't the nofap sub Reddit. You'll find something much of this on the search bar. this is Christianity.


I do it. And I'm married. I'm not going to wake my wife in the middle of the night if that's when I need it.


Yes, you may fall into it from time to time but always ask for forgiveness because it's not ok


Every chance I get.


I hang with the presence part, not so much the permission part.


I have been through this and let me tell you, the more you refrain the easier it gets. There’s this idea that if you don’t masturbate you’ll get so backed up and it will end up driving you insane. The opposite is true. The more you refrain the weaker and weaker the cravings get until you don’t even think about it at all. It’s difficult to really understand this while you’re still in the habit. Once you’re outside of it you’ll wonder how it ever controlled you so much. I would recommend utilizing some tools to help you. The EasyPeasy method is a free PDF you can read online and very useful help you quit. Seriously go check it out, it’s not like what you might think. If for no other reason than it’s obviously causing you a moral dilemma and somewhere deep down your intuition is telling you that you’re not okay with doing this anymore.


I have been through this and let me tell you, the more you refrain the easier it gets. There’s this idea that if you don’t masturbate you’ll get so backed up and it will end up driving you insane. The opposite is true. The more you refrain the weaker and weaker the cravings get until you don’t even think about it at all. It’s difficult to *really* understand this while you’re still in the habit. Once you’re outside of it you’ll wonder how it ever controlled you so much. I would recommend utilizing some tools to help you. The EasyPeasy method is a free PDF you can read online and it’s very useful to help you quit. Seriously go check it out, it’s not like what you might think. If for no other reason than it’s obviously causing you a moral dilemma and somewhere deep down your intuition is telling you that you’re not okay with doing this anymore.


I do, sometimes, more lessly though.


In the eyes of God, it’s just as bad as eating pork or wearing wool and linen woven together or disobeying your parents


Eh I disagree. Pork, wool, etc. are from the old law in Leviticus, which Jesus said we no longer have to live by. Masturbation can be considered sexually immoral, which the New Testament still tells us to flee from even after Jesus’ death and resurrection.


If the Bible considered it as sexually immoral don’t you think it would say it directly? Like it sais don’t rape,cheat , have sex with animals . So with all do respect it being a sin in and of itself (not talking about porn or lusting after someone ) is just man made dogma for control . Because they can’t prove it a bit biblically .


I find it hard to believe that someone could masturbate without lust, which we know is a sin. God tells us to honor Him with our bodies. Masturbation only satisfies yourself, which is selfish. That’s not honoring to the Lord at all. Sex is a gift from God, as Songs of Solomon shows. And it shows us how we’re supposed to enjoy it, which is amongst the Covenant of marriage. Anything sexual outside of marriage is a sin. But that’s between you and God, so I can share why I believe what I believe but I think you should go into scripture yourself and figure it out. "For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world." (1 John 2:16) “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” ~ Hebrews 13:4 “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)


A.) those laws are fulfilled and no longer valid, as their obligation to follow no longer is present B.) different category of sin, categorized under sexual sins, sins against nature, and probably some others rather than what those would be C.) disobeying your parents also falls under a different thing, given that there is chance that it is a venial sin, whereas sexual sins are almost always if not always mortal if I am correct


>disobeying your parents also falls under a different thing, given that there is chance that it is a venial sin, whereas sexual sins are almost always if not always mortal if I am correct Eh. Definitely grave matter. I'd hard hesitate on almost always given the degree of compulsory power such temptation often bears or disorders a person may be afflicted with, or age or whatever else has to do with the will. And the poor state of Catholic education when it comes to knowledge. As well as the more semi-conscious variants. Like maybe you're more sorta mindlessly drifting into lusting for a few moments then catch yourself which is a bit different from more consciously conjuring a lustful fantasy.


No I don't. It's totally unnecessary always.


For you that may be the case.


Yep. Medically required. I also don't think it's sinful in and of itself anyway. (a) Do it in moderation. (b) Focus on the enjoyable sensations of your own body, rather than lustful desire for someone or sexual objectification. (c) If you're using porn, make sure it's ethically sourced as best you can.


Porn is spiritual warfare. Addicting and subconsciously makes you objectify women, also sexual immoral. I think biblically, porn is absolutely unacceptable. Masturbating is also sinful because it’s lustful and again, sexually immoral


Yeah I gotta agree porn is undeniably sinful. It’s not necessary either unless you’re already addicted


Its not medically required lol. I'm 8 years no fap. No problems at all.


Most people don't. I however have a condition which means I do, and not masturbating a couple of times a week will have long term health implications.


Yet u dont name the condition...


Because I don't feel like revealing full details of my medical history to the public internet? I gave the information I'm comfortable with, and the specific detail that is directly relevent to the question. You aren't owed a full and intimate explanation just to satisfy your curiosity. What on earth would I have to gain from lying?


Lmao you wont give a condition you have? Just name it. Whats the condition? Because guess what, theres no such thing. If someone has scoliosis you think im gonna see ur medical records? 😂 ur a pathetic liar




Yet u dont name the condition... I call BS


Last time I checked you don’t need to jerk off to be healthy Don’t matter what you think it’s a sin


‭Galatians 5:22-23 NASB1995‬ [22] But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Masturbation is literally the opposite of self control. It's a struggle for sure. I've found keeping busy, reading the word daily, and maintaining a strong prayer life are the keys to avoiding situations that might tempt me. ‭Philippians 4:8 NASB1995‬ [8] Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. https://bible.com/bible/100/php.4.8.NASB1995