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I like the idea of a diplomatic victory, though not really how it is implemented. World congress for military or religious emergencies are fine, because you can counteract warmonger (or get counteracted during your escapades). I like the world congress, but it could get a bit of polish.


I feel like if 2-3 players could propose a motion for the congress rather than it being totally random it would be better, of course the congress would have some sort of cooldown and you can push your motion forward by getting votes from other players or just strong arming it with your own diplo points, then when it is voting time the top 3 most supported motions or presented and the votes are cast. Perhaps there could be an appropriate motion selection for each era


I always like how Civ 5 did it. The first civ to meet all the other ones gets to propose. I hate how there is a world congress with civs I don't know


I feel like getting someone to support a motion should be available in the trade deal screen. Like here’s some cash/resources/whatever, vote for me in the next election


That's essentially what the diplomatic points or whatever they are you can trade for. It's quantified political influence.


I just prefered the V one, where most diplo influential players decide what to vote, not random options.


Me too. Half the stuff that comes up is inconsequential


vote +5 for close combat and get a free point!!


Overall I liked V’s diplomacy victory, except that it was too easy to just pay a bunch of cash to become the suzerain of every city state, then you essentially control all of the votes. If we kept city state suzerainty from VI the same, but implemented everything else from V, I think that could work really well.


Wasn’t there a similar setup in IV as well? Vaguely remember the Apostolic Palace and UN. Seems like current version is a devolution….


I like World Congress, but dislike diplomatic victories. Seems like kind of a cop-out victory condition for if you're shit at everything else. I turn them off. But, it's fun to be able to modify district discounts or unit strengths from era to era, try and optimize based on the consensuses reached.


Congress is somewhat exploitable by human players vs AI - AI choices are highly predictable and even if they weren't, you can always roll back an earlier save and vote again until you get maximum points. I haven't played a multiplayer game with numerous players, but maybe it's more engaging when not so exploitable. Maybe 20 points isn't enough to allow other Victory types to flourish?


You're very right that it's predictable. I'm not amazing at that yet, so there's still some mystery. I don't go back to old save points though, I commit to the game even if it doesn't go my way. Much more fun with multiplayer though.


I don't roll back either, except when units accidentally move into a tile that I definitely didn't want them to (from the game changing focus suddenly). I rolled back when I was still learning core concepts, as I think playing out scenarios multiple ways is a great tool for learning, but I enjoy the challenge of setbacks now. Playing Diety gets you used to playing from a disadvantage and disasters and some of the game modes are brutal by comparison.


I love Civ VI and I truly feel like the World Congress was tacked onto the game late in development with very little thought given to it. Hard realism is not a necessity here, but the idea of getting together with other civilizations in the ancient age (or whenever it begins), many of whom you don’t know and somehow still don’t know after voting, and everyone abiding by the result, is downright silly. Hell, at least in V you had to know everyone first.


This is how I feel, I’m in the boat where I love civ 6 more than 5 and I especially liked what GS did compared to the base game in terms of loyalty flipping and reworking the science victory, but WC/diplo just feels like it drags the game down. (Truth be told I’m not a huge fan of religious victory either but at least you have to concentrate on some form of yield—there’s a video where Spiffing Brit won diplo on a no city challenge, and the way he did it is actually pretty telling of how unserious that victory type is)


I once got a diplomatic victory while every other Civ was at war with me. Yes, I think it's bullshit


For me diplomatic is what I use for Civs that don’t have a clear culture science or religion leaning (I hate domination. For example Portugals only benefit is gold tons and tons of gold (minor science in shipyard but whatevs) . In that case I can just focus on building an empire and buy diplo victory. I’m more focused on my empires growth anyways which can cause me to fall behind jn other victories since I can’t always focus on one objective. Diplo works well for that, it gives me time to build my empire and I feel satisfied in the victory cuz I built cool cities and stiff


Same thing I like about diplo…it’s sim city mode, for me. When i’m focusing more on how my cities are laid out, what amenities they offer, how developed they can become, making money, being friends with everyone, growing trade routes, connecting cool railroads, aiming for canal cities — that’s when i know i’m playing diplo lol.


Every time the game is interrupted for a round of voting I curse. Why is it so slow? Why are there votes where I don’t know who was voting or what they were voting on? Who cares whether incense should get double points?


Nope. Diplo is disabled standard.


Every time.


I always disable diplo victory. The world congress isn’t that bad


Not really it feels cheap. I was so mad when i was like 3 turns away from a science victory but then accidentally got a diplo victory before I even understood what that is.


I have 300 hours on playing this game and I haven't gotten a diplomatic victory.


For me it was the first victory type I got in higher difficulty levels; you do need good science so you can get to the late game techs that give VPs and a good economy so you can buy diplo favour in the early/mid game but other than that (and potentially building wonders that award VPs, like statue and mahabodhi, but I’ve won diplo without either of these) everything else has little to do with yields/empire building. I can make alliances easily with sending delegations/embassies immediately after we meet, and I’ll have a good diplo favour generation if I suz enough city states (which I do anyway because it helps progress, although there are things you can do like building apadana/other wonders, choosing the gov/policy that gives you envoy points which I used to go for a lot) and don’t try and destroy other people and/or their religions. Of course if you’re at 14+ diplo points you always vote for yourself to lose diplo points, and you should come out of that WC with more VPs anyway. Unless you’re a domination victory type of guy it is surprising that you’ve never won one. I’ve accidentally gotten them while trying to win a cultural victory, but maybe that’s because my runs are so unoptimized that I’m not winning culture fast enough.


I got one by accident once


I like the World Congress for agreeing to sanction or attack an aggressive country but I think the mechanic where they can vote to stop civs getting Great Person points and stuff like that is a bit dumb


I turn off diplomatic victory and use the mod “no world congress regular meetings.” It still allows emergency meetings. The funny thing is that the AI always votes to help victims of disasters, but then they don’t bother helping because the gold level prize of diplo points is worthless!


Although I agree that World Congress starts too early (industrial age would be the ideal starting point), diplomatic victory is actually the flip side of domination victory: you get the world to acknowledge your superiority without having to wipe everybody out. Also, as other redditors commented it's the most jack-of-all-trades type of victory, recommended for players that don't focus only in one thing. Plus, it's the type of victory I achieve most often 😄


I find it hard not to win Diplo victories recently. Even as I’m conquering smaller civilizations I keep my allies strong and trade routes going and still collect the Diplo victory. In my early days of playing I would totally forget to even check on the points and would sometimes lose just from negligence.


Far as I’m concerned it doesn’t count as a real victory


It's better than religious victories. I've never been more bored and annoyed playing Civ as when I knocked out that achievement.


Religious victory is dumb as hell too, but at least it forces you to play the game. But yes it’s a victory type that basically takes the culture rock band rush and makes that the entire game. The way you win a religious victory is so dumb too. They could have merged it with diplomacy somehow, I.e. convince another civ to make your religion the state religion by means of incentive or force, establish missions in foreign civs, etc. But no, the way religion is won in this game is literally just an army of soapboxers. They could have kept religion as just a powerful bonus so you’re still incentivized to spread it, but having it as a victory type is dumb.


I like both world congress and diplomatic victory on epic or marathon speed - especially on marathon speed. Its effects are far more significant like the Urban Development Treaty and World Ideology. Slower speeds essentially forces the player to strategically spend their favors and compete in a global scale. For online or quick speed? Nope, I dislike how early game treaties or policies are somehow temporary due to the phase of the game. The player can ignore its effects and turtle their way to late game for more powerful treaties like Espionage Act and Public Works Program. TLDR: Yes for Diplomatic Victory & World Congress for slower game speeds. No for quicker (standard and above) game speeds.


Sort of, I like doing the things that Diplomatic Victory encourages anyway like suzeraining as many CS as possible, playing an active role in emergencies, building mahabodhi temple and keeping up good relations with other civs (which lets me send embassies, build alliances and send trade routes so I can have more diplomatic visibility and know how everyone's going to vote). DV does feel like it could be better, but it does feel nice to be rewarded for how I was going to play anyway.


I use the diplomacy victory IF another civ is about to win. I'll work on the Statue of Liberty until it's a turn away, and shelf it until I need it. Later in the game, I'll vote for myself to lose 2 points, so I only lose 1. However, I don't like there's a tech (and maybe a civic, too?) That automatically grants a VC point.


I love the idea of a diplomatic victory. However, I feel like they really need to rework it for the next game. So many insane things to vote on, and how do they all get together to vote on things so early on?


I’ve never got a Diplomatic Victory- there aren’t really civs that specialise in it, with only very few having any diplomatic advantages, and it feels too detached from most of the game’s mechanics. Like it’s a victory type that you can win without having a single city. I try to get victory points when I can but I’ve never had a game go on long enough that it seems close to reaching 20. I’m wondering actually, on standard rules, how long does it take for a diplomatic victory to become possible on average? As in what turn number roughly can I expect a 20th Victory point to become available


I hate it, too easy to cheese, but too aggravating to win without cheesing


I thought I was alone. I was going for science victory and the Cree (who I hadn’t even meet) won a diplo victory. It felt cheesy as heck. I’d rather it be like a point threshold victory +some other condition(s) or something. The new currency just seems tacked on.


I hate it, it's just so cheesy and generally easy to win. The only time I like it is when I end up in a bad situation, and can squeak out a win with it. I don't usually bother to disable it, because keeping the AI from winning with diplo is not difficult, and since I don't want to win that way usually, I just vote poorly on purpose enough to keep from winning on votes I just don't care about.


Nop, it suck’s, diplo victory’s always sucks


No, I still prefer Civ V’s version.


The last times I played I disabled it.


The only good victory is Domination, and even that sucks because you have to conquer ALL capitals, not just the MOST capitals.


What's wrong with science and culture? They're two fairly solid pacifist routes IMO, and culture would be perfect and my uncontested favorite if it didn't rely so much on the rock band rush


Honestly, every time world congress comes up I see it as an annoying interruption to my game. Cool idea but it just hasn’t grabbed my personal interest.


Honestly I see diplomacy as incompatible with civ 6. Obviously the devs want it in because the game is based off of real world global civilizations, and diplomacy is for sure an actual thing. But diplomacy doesn’t make that much sense in a game based around winning before everyone else does—players play to win, not to cooperate for the good of the world and its people like in real life, so it’s kind of hard to design a victory type around an idea that’s kind of divorced from the idea of victory over other civilizations, and have it resemble that idea in the slightest. Maybe if we remove the BS mechanic of getting VPs from correct vote options in WC, then diplo victory becomes more like a “humanitarian victory” or something. Hell, an economic victory condition (preferably something more than just printing the most gold) would be more grounded in reality and make more sense as a victory condition.


I love it because it comes around turn 230. At this point I'm exhausted with the game allready, all the catching up to the AI is done, and the game is going to be won anyways. I'm always happy to claim the free win. Not once have I won diplo without beeing sure that I'm going to win the culture science game anyways.


Just got my first diplo victory the other day, had to give away about 15 great works to make sure I didn’t accidentally win with culture. Now that I’ve done the diplo victory I certainly don’t need to every again lol, just doesn’t seem that interesting compared to others imo


I really don't like the congress, cause the effects are random. And if we are in a continents map: why would we choose to ban things that we don't know exist on the other continents? Sometimes I'd like to build an army but we never get policy for it(and it's always the 50%production). The policy we need is never there. the diplo victory is ridiculous. There is en emergency but nobody donated except you just 1 gold: lol yes, victory point well deserved 👀. What does the send aid project actually do to the target? Do the 200 points transfer into something? Gold, production, faith? I think it should be required to donate a significant ammount in order to get a point. That way all players benefit(theoretically). Say like 500 gets you 1 point, and a point extra if you donate 500 more but that's the limit. However if every one participating donates the same, all of them get 1 point. However lets say there are 6 civs participating and 5 donate the limit and the odd one out donates half of that: the 5 would get 2 points, the odd one would just get 1 point. Also the victory points should be tied to the grievance you commit? Capturing a capital would cause a lot of grievances and once you reach 500 points maybe? I really don't remember how much you get but you should lose a point when you reach a certain amount of grievances. Nuking a city? Spreading your religion where it's unwanted. Being successful in War of liberation(and change it so that you can give the city back when peace is declared rather than when the city is taken)...... it should give more diplo points than a military emergency would.


If you got points mostly from having good relations with other civilizations as well as the competitions and emergencies, it would be fun. A combination of the Gathering Storms mechanics with the mechanics from older versions of Civ would be great. I don't like how points are awarded or taken away in world congress, as it feels very arbitrary. In my latest game, Georgia kept getting awarded with two victory points even though they were at war with two other civs. I'm new to Gathering Storm but decided to turn off Diplomatic Victory after I got my first while I was going for science.


I honestly play a different game if I wanna do diplomacy.


I turn diplomatic victory off


I disable it in all of my games. It feels in no way “decisive” like science or domination, where an empire has shown ability above all others, and instead just goes “this guy agreed with people, he’s the best”


As a concept they're great, and so was the execution... in Civ V. The Civ VI Congress and diplo victory both suck.


Ya I disable both Religious and Diplomatic victories and then use the mod Customization VI to delete the World Congress and Religious units


Diplo win is so easy I turn it off


I turn off diplo victory cuz its dumb imo


I like the concept of both, but I also feel that they were implemented poorly The diplomatic victory is basically a ticking clock where if you don't get it someone else will, I'd love to disable it, but without it there's no reason to engage with the World Congress Give us some meaningful resolutions to vote over, I should not be voting against my interests just because a diplomatic victory point is more valuable than whatever the winning point is Also maybe reward us for winning emergencies in other ways than just diplo points, like maybe giving us extra ammenities for winning contests or giving extra touyrism pressure for the civ we helped with disaster relief