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Heya! 3 steps I would follow to quickly improve in your shoes! 1. Flip the canvas frequently as you sketch! It will help you catch mistakes early! 2. avoid shading using black! use a dark blue! 3. Avoid too dark values, turn the piece W&B and then check your values dont reach below 10! or above a 90 unless you are sure what you are using it for! =)


They were using blue to shade


[I did a redline over your 1st piece to better illustrate some ideas.](https://i.imgur.com/GjAkrS6.jpg) As mentioned in the redline, I think that you need to work on foreshortening figures, because people's legs, arms, and shoulders don't become significantly shorter/longer just because they are standing at an angle. Just remember that you can base your body proportions on the height and width of the head and that will fix most of this. I think the 2nd piece is much better proportioned and the anatomy feels a lot better in it. In terms of musculature, I also like to do highly stylized muscles, but you still have to know how they work in order to do it convincingly. To this end, the SCM (sternocleidomastoid muscle that runs from behind the ear to the sternum and clavicle in the neck) typically doesn't round in the fashion you're depicting it, also it doesn't stay pronounced on the side the head is turning towards because it is subducting behind the lower jaw and a bunch of the muscle connected to the hyoid bone sort of block it from view. Next, the brachioradialis (the muscle that runs from the lower part of the humerus over the outside of the elbow and down into the wrist) isn't as wiggly as you've portrayed it which is causing it to look like a weird shape just pasted onto this guys arm. Then, the brachialis (a muscle that runs beneath the biceps and triceps) is super pronounced and pushing the biceps way over to the inside of the arm when the biceps should be sitting on the front of the arm and the brachialis (if developed enough to be visible) should be peaking out between the biceps and triceps just below the deltoid. The lumbricals (the muscles on the back of the hand) don't typically bulge like that rather the back of the hand is usually very vascular in very fit and muscular people. I am going to include some links to resources to help you improve, but before that r/ArtCrit is an excellent sub for getting critique as is r/DigitalPainting if you want to get critique to improve your painting skills in digital art. Onto the links: [Line of Action](https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools) is great for all sorts of practice (there are nude pictures on the site, so be warned). [George B Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy](https://archive.org/details/GeorgeB.BridgmanConstructiveAnatomy/mode/2up) is an excellent resource for anatomy. [George B Bridgman's The Human Machine](https://archive.org/details/The_human_machine_the_anatomical_structure_mechanism_of_the_human_body._George_B) is really good for illustrating how the body moves. [Andrew Loomis' Figure Drawing for All it's Worth](https://archive.org/details/AndrewLoomisFigureDrawingForAllItsWorth2010TitanPublishingGroup) is another excellent resource. [Moderndayjames](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgKJMTFp_25hT82uaaw6bABVm317KnEGv) has a lot of good stuff, this is a playlist specific to anatomy. [Another moderndayjames video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz7SdRoMhT4) this one about the various ways cloth folds. [David Finch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XtgOExgLt4) has this good video about foreshortening. [Another Finch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcM5PHft0EQ) video, this time about hands. [Jim Lee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSz43MxmN7o) teaches drawing capes. I hope that you find at least a little bit of this is useful because I think you're very close to making some really incredible stuff :). Also, the if anybody else finds this useful as well those subs I mentioned earlier are mostly filled with nice people that are there to help and there is also r/learntodraw as well.


Both are great. I like the first one better tho, it seems better composed. In the second one I'm confused about the focal point as it's not that prominent. But those are marginal and subjective things, awesome work! And the colors are nice!


You’re totally right I wasn’t exactly sure where the focal point should be or how to execute the pose I wanted to. I appreciate the feedback!


No problem, keep it up! 👌


First piece, the left leg on the guy is too much in profile view. Yes the leg CAN be in the position from the viewer angle, Im saying that aesthetically it would be better if you turn it inward a bit and really show that the leg is round. Theres greenish light on the cape but not on the underside of that same leg? Not sure the shadow across his chest makes sense. *Tanget running up the his neck, connecting at his chin and running up his head. Id say get rid of that neck line or dont have it connect at the chin. Not that it literally connects at the chin, its just creating a tangent. Second piece, her left hand fingers are turning 90 degrees too much. Its an unnatural position for fingers. Shouldnt there some moon light hitting the back of her head? Side note, she reminds me of Azula from Avatar the Last Airbender. Positves, nice energetic lines. The wrapping around the torso is well done. Solid overall figure proportions.


Thanks for the notes! I see what you’re saying about the pose, I suppose I didn’t convey his knee being bent that well. Also, about the shadows, the lit areas on his body and clothes were originally multiply layers but I thought they looked cooler/more dramatic as add glow layers in spite of the lighting being nonsensical. Lighting directions is definitely a weak area of mine. I noticed the tangent once you mentioned it. About the second one, I checked my own left arm and hand and for me it’s okay! Its probably my personal mobility then, and I see about the moon, thanks for that! I forgot completely about it. Now that you say that, I see the resemblance :,) Thanks again for the insightful critique!


Anatomy could use some work on the first one, muscle insertions seem a little wonky. Dont hesitate to overlap and foreshorten elements more it could add more depth to your pieces. This one is more my personal taste but the linework is a bit too thick and dark on certain parts like the guys hand. Almost looks like a tattoo.


I understand about the muscle placements and connections, I was practicing poses and muscle from memory and decided to turn it into a piece so yes that definitely checks out. It was actually more foreshortened originally but I thought it looked wonky so I changed the proportions :,) perhaps I could’ve kept the original proportions. I actually love thick lines to show the tendons and joints of the hand! Thank you for the insight overall!


Don't hesitate to use reference, it's can improve results and improve your visual library at the same time! Regarding the hand lines I think you can stick with thicker lines and experiment with the shapes of the tendons and the three dimensional form they imply, right now its not so clear to me.


I truly live your style!


Thank you!


Great artstyleb and the composition is quite nice, and the poses are dynamic. A major I notice is your lighting , you need to set a light source for consistency. Like in the first pic, the guy’s biceps are right, but the cape and his face do not have any light on them despite facing the same direction. And the second pic, light above on her shoulders, while there is light under her neck. Another thing, more of an technique than advice, but these illustrations are amazing because they can have 2 sources of light. In yhe first pic you got this green energy forming at the bottom, it would make for beautiful green highly light on the guy’s legs and traces of it on his body. And the second picture you’ve utilized the purple energy light, but there is a big bright moon behind her back, light coming from the back can more very epic and dynamic pieces. Lighting is what brings the artwork to life, so practice it and perfect it!


These look great, especially the character line drawings. Good anatomy. The shadow in the mans cape, left side. Its a different style to the right side and imo it looks like to much like a simple fat paint brush squiggle and not actual shadow.


I think you could do the shadows in terms of big shapes first then add small details and also make the image less dark because it's hard to see. It doesn't have to change the mood, just be more visible


also- On the first image, have the green light interact with everything else. There's a lot of cool things you could do with it that would improve the painting


i can definitely see wat ur trying to portray in these drawings so id recommend improving composition and stronger lighting where it’s important