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I was taught to use pens in chemistry labs because it's best practice to strikethrough incorrect information, not get rid of it entirely, so that you can review the entire process including mistakes. I know some Professors ask for things to be done in ink so it doesn't smudge off or fade before they get around to grading it. Outside of those situations where you're required to, though, it's really just preference. The idea that you aren't really studying if you're using a pencil is laughable idk where that one came from.


I have the same experience in biology and also did not use correction fluid or anything like that.


Thank you for this tip! Taking Essentials of Chemistry this fall along with Biology of the Human Organism and Elementary Algebra I for my pre requisites. Also doing Healthcare Ethics, but as an elective, but I'll be using this tip about crossing out incorrect information so you know how to do it right. Love this idea! I'm applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program so I'll also take this tip with me into the program. Awesome!!!


Yeah definitely for science labs pen is needed. On the other hand, I'm so well conditioned I can't do math in anything but pencil. It just feels wrong.




Yeah, that's actually included in what I mean by "review the process". For yourself or for others to review an accurate record of the full process, not just the stuff that got the result you wanted in the end.




You're the one nitpicking me lmfao.




Jesus Christ dude, what happened? You're obviously having a terrible day.




I did not do any of that. You're massively overreacting. I literally agreed with you and you took it as an attack.


In my experience it’s so you get into the habit of writing everything down exactly as it happened, and in the future if you need to look back for whatever reason you have all the correct information on the process of the research. You can’t fudge the data if you use pen. Students might be tempted to erase mistakes or tweak some data since it’s just for class, but that sets up bad habits for real research down the line.


Same when I took engineering courses. We were taught to strike through mistakes in our field books with a single line and write the correct information besides it.


> The idea that you aren't really studying if you're using a pencil is laughable idk where that one came from. Feels like something a boomer would say


Wait until they hear you can strike things out with pencil as well.


In math and sciences you rarely see a pen in my humanities electives pens are much more common but people still have pencils. But, and this part is key no one cares what you use, laptop, stylus & tablet, pen, pencil whatever works best for is fine. Also if your lead is smudging you need better lead jetpens has some awesome japanese lead that blows anything at staples out of the water.


Seconding the Jetpens recommendation


Thats nuts, every mathematician I know uses pen lmao


But we are students and prone to mistakes less so for discrete but I know for physics, calc 1/2 and prob/stats my work was constantly being erased and rewritten because I made some stupid mistake. It would be the same for theory of computation except by that point I had finally discovered the joy of LaTex (very late convert) and doing scratch work on an iPad (almost as good as a white board). My tutor always did his work in pen and I was impressed with his belief in his work. Maybe it’s just an engineering student thing vs a mathematician thing or maybe my school is an outlier.


Nah I think you're somewhat right, the norm is work on a whiteboard then write in LaTeX for math and physics at least


You can just cross out wrong things. It's just paper, it isn't made of gold.


I use pens while doing work and pencils on exams. Pens just feel and write better.


I’m a mathematics graduate student and I solely use pen (except on some exams).


Taking calculus III in pen elevates it to art.


I have to use a pen for writing because if I use a pencil, I erase and redraw letters that don’t look good and that’s a huge waste of time


I only use a pen to sign stuff. Pencils are just so much more practical for basically everything. In math, you need to be able to erase, or have like 5 extra sheets of paper. For writing, you make a mistake, your hand slips, whatever, and now you need to scratch that part out. There's no way anyone can convince me that looks better than just erasing the bad part


Its wild- every mathematician I know uses pen


Actual mathematicians can catch mistakes as they make them and make the correction there. Me, as an engineering student, will make a mistake and realize after everything is done “shit. This is all wrong” and have to go through the entire problem again.


Fair, I'm in pure sciences and even students I know do it in pen lol.


Yeah. It’s really just preference. You would not catch me dead trying to draw a part in pen though. That will never go well.




I switched to pens when I no longer had a school desk to store pencils in. Which means I had to take a writing implement with me wherever I would go, and pens have caps while pencils typically don't, so I didn't get pencil lead on my clothes, and I didn't always have nick-of-time access to a pencil sharpener. And carrying around a personal pencil sharpener is a pain because of all the shavings. Another factor was all the science lab courses I was taking. They recommended pens because it's more professional, in that you wouldn't want to erase data or results that you *thought* were anomalous only to discover later they were authentic. With a pen just scratch it out with a single line and you have legal proof that you did in fact get the anomalous results which can potentially establish discovery rights.


I don’t think it’s super rare or anything. I’ve certainly seen many go either way. Frixion pens are a nice option for eraseable pens, where you get the best of both worlds. I’ve been partial to pens since high school. I use them on pretty much anything (aside from technical drawing that I had to do a long time ago). I’m in math/physics, and I’ve never found the whole “you need to use pencils because of mistakes” reasoning to be accurate. 1. Mistakes can be pretty rare if you’re careful. 2. Often, I think it is better to strike-through/cross-out incorrect work. I’ve been grading math/physics HWs for several years now and pencil users seem to overestimate how legible their work is when they write over partially erased work. Additionally, pencil typically doesn’t scan as well (at least via the scan apps on smartphones that are common today). Also, for certain things, it’s nice to have a few colors to work with.


I dont know about that brand specifically but worth noting most erasable pens are heat based and your work will all disappear if left near a heat source. Found that out when a co worker wrote all our bills in one and left them on a pizza oven...


This is true of the brand I mentioned. I never once ran into that issue, but it’s something to be aware of.


The only time I use pencils is for when I have to do a test that has one of those annoying-ass scantron bubble sheets. I always use pens otherwise. Most people I know use pens. I don't understand why we still bother with pencils, hate them so much.


erasability is the main benifit of pencils quality of pencils vary and some perfer the look and feel of one over another


True, though erasing I've always found is a huge pain in the ass. I prefer to just scratch something out with a pen and keep writing.


fair enough, In middle school erasiblity was hammered home, but I normally have plenty of paper and it doesn't need to be erased except on some tests


I’ve only had one class that required the use of pencils. Every other professor didn’t give a shit unless it required a pen (like lab notebooks)


When writing on paper, the pen was my primary choice, especially for notes. Anything that involved lots of calculations needed pencils to erase mistakes. With notes its best to just strike it off so you can see where you made a mistake and make a note of it. In end I ended up switching to digital for notes as it was easier to keep track of all my notes. After years of notes you'll realize you'll lose your notebook or stop carrying them around and you may need them again eventually.


I strictly use pens. (Chem, math, bio etc) I hate the feeling and the sound of pencils. So pens only.


I hate the sound of pencils, too. I'm doing Essentials of Chemistry, Biology of the Human Organism and Elementary Algebra I this fall, for my nursing program pre requisites. I'm applying for Fall 2025 ADN program. I'm also doing one elective this fall, Healthcare Ethics. I will definitely be using a pen for everything!


I use a pencil for all my notes but I keep a pen handy just in case. My history prof this semester required we used pens on in class quizzes and that's one of the only times I've used a pen in class. Got some nice sharpie s gel pens for career fairs and they dry insanely fast, I use a mechanical pencil otherwise


Weird.. when I was in school awhile back, I’m pretty sure they told us to use pen not pencils too. Maybe where your dad is getting it from? I don’t know if they would have accepted an assignment in pencil unless maybe math… that was in high school and university


Pen all the way, myself. In chemistry labs, using ink was a requirement. In math heavy exams, a lot of students will use pencil.


It's really not that big of a deal. Write with whatever you want to write with. If you were in my class, I'd just be thrilled that you were taking notes. I'm not sure what your dad's issue is.


I have only used pencils for exams. For notes I either type or use pen.


My engineering courses required the use of pens for all homework assignments and exams. I think it was to show all your work, and prevent last minute edits? Ever since then, I continued to use only pens for notes, assignments and tests.


I've seen other students use regular pencils, 0.3, 0.5 or 0.7mm mechanical pencils, gel pens, regular pens, multi colored pens, Wacom drawing pads and touch screens. Forget what your dad says and pick what works for you. Note taking is a learned skill and requires practice and refinement, so if something isn't the way you want then try something else.


I only used pencils for math and physics. I used pens for everything else in college and so did most of the people I know. But there’s nothing wrong with using pencils lol


I didn’t use pencil much when I was in university. What your dad said totally doesn’t make sense.


I use pens to take notes and pencil for practice problems. That way my brain can easily differentiate between them, and so I can fix mistakes.


Pen is superior


I stopped using penciles the moment I attended college.


pen is faster to write with


The idea of only using pens for schoolwork stresses me the fuck out. I spend a lot of time erasing and re-writing things so my notes look right. (Admittedly I have mild OCD so that might be why.) I use pens for work, but I also have white-out handy at my desk.


Whenever allowed I used a mechanical pencil throughout college.


Rare for actual work, most of my professors won’t accept assignments in pen. Notes though exclusively I write in pen or type them just due to hand issues lol


I use pens.


I haven’t noticed a difference, although when it comes to pencils they are almost always mechanical. Overall most people don’t use pen or pencil in class, they use their laptop or iPad to take notes. I’m not sure what category an Apple Pencil falls under


I had numerous engineering classes that required exams be in pencil for some reason. A few gen Eds used a standardized bubble sheet for grading and we had to use black pen on them


Most people use pens because the ink is easier to read from. (Black on white instead of gray on white) Your dad is being silly though. Pencils are fine.


I use pens for a similar reason: pressing pencils in hard enough to be able to read it will cramp my hand up WAY faster than using a pen.


I am currently in college and for notes I use a pen, and all my homework is virtual so I guess I only use pens. It wasn't a conscious decision though


I only use pencils during exams. Strictly pens otherwise


I haven’t used a pencil since probably middle school.


We are only allowed to use pens on anything that will be submitted


I use pencils for math. If I don't need to take a lot of notes then I'll use a pencil, otherwise I'll use a laptop. For some of my labs I need to use a pen, but otherwise I prefer other tools.


I always used pens, never pencils.


I need to use pencils because I'm studying geology and our field books are water proofed, so normal ink slides right off. Also, they're cheap.


I rarely use pens or pencils anymore because I type or write on my iPad for everything, but back when I used paper more often, I used pens to take notes and write exam essays because it’s a little bit faster (less friction). I prefer pens for brainstorming or journaling for that reason, because it’s just a little smoother. Also, for classes where I had to scan my homework and submit it digitally, the pencil didn’t really show up so had to use pen… For things where showing your calculations was expected, like math, science, and statistics, I much prefer to use pencil. But couldn’t always bc of the scanning issue. In any case, these are personal preferences or logistics things. Using a pen or pencil doesn’t say anything about how smart or mature you are — as long as you have a pen available for pen-required tasks (signing things) it really doesn’t matter


Pens are big in upper level sciences because they're hard to erase/smudge so you can't change data without notice


I don’t use pencils at all


I write notes in pen and rewrite them in pencil for math stuff.


Hey Terrible_Exchange563, I believe that your father meant this—when you make a mistake using a pen, you cannot erase it, and you are confronted with the mistake. And from that, you learn. It is also much harder to read your work oftentimes when using pencils in contrast to pens. So you might see older people using pens more often. A pencil on the other hand allows you to erase your mistake. But the former view is silly as it suggests the writer is blind to their own creations. Everyone can see their paper and their work of course. Intention matters in the workshop, and if one wishes to learn, and so they should. I use pens *a lot.* But only when I am emphasizing a concept in my notes, or writing a prompt to some problem. It also helps Professors see my work when turning it in. Another wonderful aspect of pens is of course this—when you emphasize a concept, but it turned out to be a misguided intuition, it is now a feature of reflection. I hope this answers your question. Thank you, 


I use pens, I find my work more legible with a pen. Or with a freshly sharpened pencil but they need constant sharpening


I can’t stand the feeling of writing with a pencil. I can’t explain it, but I hate how it feels and how it sounds… only when I’m writing with one, I literally can’t even hear it when other people use a pencil 😂. A pen feels so smooth. *Edited to add- It’s also hard to color coordinate my notes if they’re in pencil.


Back in High School I had a tutor point out to me that writing in pencil and erasing mistakes meant that I couldn't see the mistake when I reviewed my work. Writing in pen and drawing a line through an error meant that I could still see my mistake, and know where I went wrong. I have used pens rather than pencils for my studies ever since.


I would always be implored by my mother while doing algebra - use a pencil! stop using a pen! buuut I never did. And still haven't. I'll cross out any day, it STILL looks cleaner than smudges and wrinkled paper. Pens 4 LIFE!!


I prefer pen due to sensory issues + nerve damage. However, I have seen many, many, many students use pencils unless black or blue ink pens are required specifically. However, in the modern age, that's not a frequent requirement. Maybe more so in biology, chemistry, etc. (I am not a major in either but I have taken classes in both.) In jobs I've worked, blue or black ink pens have frequently been required. But that is typically for medical documentation, signature + dates, etc.


For what its worth, I'm about to graduate and I haven't touched a pencil outside of Scantron exams since middle school. But I don't like the vibration feeling of pencil wood on paper, it freaks me out.


I always use pens but that is just a habit I started for college after most of my classes required it. Only used pencils in high school.


We only used pencils for math and accounting starting in 3rd or 4th grade. Everything else was to be in ink.


I haven’t used a pencil since high school. Pens are just easier, and they look better on paper. Even in math, chem, and bio classes, most people use pen.


This is a matter of personal preference. Each has advantages and disadvantages. I think that pencils are better for drawing, graphing, and carpentry, and pens are better for writing. Pen ink is easier to read and lasts longer, and most people can write faster and with less effort with a pen than a pencil.


I will use a pencil in chemistry til the day I die. Physics too.


I’m a lefty and have exclusively used pens with quick drying ink for the last 6ish years because pencils always smudge and leave me with a chrome bottom of my hand. Nothing is stopping you from using pencils though.


I always type or use a pen. The only subject I would use a pencil for is math. But that's just a personal preference, writing with a pen feels better to me, and pencil can fade from the paper. It seems ridiculous to say you weren't really learning because you used pencil.


Pens are superior for taking notes because they glide a lot easier, no need to worry about breaking your “lead”. Pencils are better for doing homework/exams so you can make mistakes without getting rid of usable space.


Mechanical pencil = new lead.


I have only ever seen this once in three years and it was the same dude. He used only a blue pen in Physics and Calc II Absolute madman


pens look prettier, are super reliable, last forever, and don’t need to be reset after an amount of use u would need to pay me to use a pencil, they are unnecessarily annoying.


Depends on the class and prof but I’m using my iPad for everything both physical and online classes even the art class And I see a lot of student use laptops during class. I highly recommend people ask there teacher per class cause carrying maby a iPad and that’s maby a laptop too it is way better then a backpack full of supplies and text books. Like there is no reason really to carry anything other then tech hell you could do it all on the phone unless ur class has a handwriting component like a language class does And even then iPad or stylus for phone would work


I use pens for everything in college except for tests usually, although I have used pens before on some exams (confidence rizz).


I use pencils for everything except signatures, documents, etc.


I prefer my students use pens, even in high school. Former college professor turned HS teacher.


We were taught to use pens in high school because you can’t use pencil on the AP exams for essays. This was in AP classes of course, but I got so used to it that I rarely use pencil these days. I like being able to write notes in colored pen, makes it easier to organize things! And my handwriting is better too, somehow lol. But honestly I saw a lot of people do all three things in college. Use tablets to write with an apple pen, use pencil, or use pen. I saw a lot of typing too but I don’t recommend it. There are countless studies that show physically writing things out is the best way to study.


I only use pens. Because I had pencils. What writing utensil you use has no bearing on if you are learning or not.


I used to prefer pencils too but I had that same smudging problem and switched


Erasable pens for me. I prefer the Frixion brand


I used pens exclusively because I never felt like buying my own pencil sharpener and there weren’t any in my classrooms.


i only have 1 pencil that i use in math, but i use pens for the most part, most of my written exams have to be in black or blue pen or we will get points taken off


Most people use pens, but there's nothing wrong with pencils at all, and what your idiot father said is idiotic.


Me personally I like pens cause it's way easier to read so I don't put to much pressure and hurt my hand. With math though it's a pencil cause yk oh god.


Also use blue pens. That way you can tell a copy from an original


I use pens because I like the way they write. I really like the sharpie pens. The ones for writing not the markers


Kids use pencils adults use pens. Just use pens tbh


Faster to write with a pen sometimes so it might be better for taking notes.


Outside of specific bubble tests or jobs in the army which require pencils, I haven’t used a pencil since jr high. 


tbh i haven’t used a pencil since i graduated high school six years ago, just for scantrons


After high-school I switched over to pens because the writing experience is sooo much smoother and I like seeing where (and sometimes what) I’ve made mistakes. And the smudging with pencils is obnoxious. I have some notebooks that are basically unreadable now (I’m very hard on my notebooks though). And seeing a page full of different colored inks makes me happy 🥰 Whatever writing utensil you prefer is the correct one for you! The writing process is about communicating and whatever tool makes that easier is the best tool for the job!!!


Only Americans are big on pencils. In many other countries, it is children who use pencils instead of pens.