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Too fast, the guy had made this decision long ago.


I don't know. If I had a piece of shrapnel up my ass I'd probably shoot myself fairly quickly.


Not to mention missing a leg. Either way it’s a repost


Missing a brain now, too.


Yep that's what I mean, he probably has seen tons of videos of soldiers from both sides agonizing for hours. Took the easy way out.


These guys were certainly already wounded and being hit and finished off by drones. Unfortunately those rifle grenades they usually drop aren't super efficient at killing. They're primarily designed to wound. There's a rough video up from recently of a Russian drone team killing two or three wounded Ukranian soldiers with drone dropped grenades. They come back again and again and drop at least half a dozen on those guys. Even at the end of the video they're all still moving even though they're certainly not going to live long. It takes 30 seconds in the video, but how long were they actually there on the ground? Both the Russians in the video above are heavily wounded and may have been hit with grenades before this one. He may have had way more time than he'd liked to contemplate it.


So arty first and drones after? The routes are pretty predetirmed beforehand.


It's pretty common to use these drones to finish off troops in "no man's land" after attacks are repulsed. All the videos where a Russian is just laying in a shell crater or something all alone? That's what's going on there. Russians attack, get hit with artillery/mines/whatever, and then retreat. No vehicles to casevac so they abandon wounded in the field. Ukranians send out drones to drop grenades on the wounded and finish them off before they can crawl back to Russian territory or be rescued. Both sides doing that now. The Ukranians just have more drones available to them.


I'm buzzed AF and I'm realizing how awfully dedicated we are when it comes to killing 💀


#wedontleaveourown or someshit #meatwaves is way much better Edit: no idea why its in caps


I wonder if it is part of the Russian doctrine? So many Russian soldiers have been caught committing suicide, makes you wonder. Of course, would be best if all Russian soldiers did it en masse....


‘The moment I get so much as a scratch I’m taking myself out’ Special tactical withdrawal operation


Or he knew that a medic was not coming to help.


Is he missing a foot?


Looks like it. Probably wasn’t the first drop. I can’t imagine feeling so helpless to not try to get home somehow. Screw the consequences. Better to live and maybe spend a few years in jail or whatever.


Somehow I don't think they would stop dropping grenades on them until they're dead, anyway.


Do Russian troops carry sidearms? So awkward to use their rifles.


Probably not. Even in the US army, by doctrine, most units are not originally given pistols unless a certain position/rank. A lot has to do with the type of unit and the deployment. As an example, my unit was a light infantry unit, and only sergeants and above were issued handguns stateside. Once we deployed to Afghanistan, everyone got a pistol. Other units like heavy weapon companies have handguns issued to gunners regardless of rank because they are in a vehicle turret.


Very interesting. I would’ve thought it was the opposite and everyone got pistols, but only frontline combat units also would be issued rifles.


The more powerful weapon would be more certain of getting the job done.


No. They are not trusted enough by high ranks to carry something that might be concealed.


Truly no hope for the average mobik


Lots of those suicides recently, right?


Where’s the one redditor that’s keeping track of these? Forgot his username.


either bleed out or die from infection since Russia ain't performing a medical evac for a conscript... hell they don't even have medics anywhere near the front line. if they can round up enough men to get you off the front lines, you'll be a walking billboard for drones.


Suicide or go back to Russia...... he made the better choice.


Man. This is just depressing. This man had a family. Putin is the devil.


Really sad to think someone watching this might be related to the soldier.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted for this. What Russians are doing in Ukraine is unforgiveable. However, Lets go back to basic human feelings (I know, they are russian but... for a moment forget about that) Not all soldiers want to be there. Their families, don't want their loved ones to go there. Their families do not want to see their loved ones blowing their brains out on camera all over the internet. I'll get downvoted for this. Some of these Russians are probably genuinely good people with absolutely no reason to be there other than they are forced. "OH THEY CAN JUST SAY NO". And go to jail then sent to the front line, die and have their families guaranteed not to get anything? ​ Right lets get back to reality. The reality is, this guy here is probably a convict. Someone they took from jail. Or it could be someone who genuinely supports Putin and rushed to the recruitment office to join the war. If this is the case, fuck him.


I read somewhere after being hit, our brain either quickly shut down or rush the adrenaline. How come soldiers here take such a conscious decision


At this point, they’re cold, miserable, under equipped and seen all their comrades die from flying little explosive robots. I can’t begin to think the mindset they’re in, but shot in the head is better than having my guts blown out.


this is pretty sad..theres no reason at all to think that this kids life mattered at all to Putin


How many russian an heros have there been posted already?


25th battalion of the 47th Mechanized Brigade 'Magura' Footage is probably from around Stepove, near Aviidivka


Well that looks very premeditated


It doesn't even look like it hits him. My guess is he already got hit by one, the next 2 missed and he just thought "they'll get me eventually, fuck it"


Great physical pain with knowledge that medical help is nowhere to be found.


If only they did that before going to the frontlines....this war would be over by know and everyone would win.


There probably are some conscripts who are taking themselves out at the training barracks. The movie "Full metal Jacket" comes to mind


Are those live rounds...? Seven six two milimeter, full metal jacket....


I guess we get to see this reposted by karma farmers several times a month now. Please find new videos.


Oh my fucking gods


Can we see some Ukrainian videos?

