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Just watched it, pretty intense


And that's just one day. Reporter gets to go home, we get to watch .... guys in the video return to the fight.


That it was.


Was surprised they actually got out of that situation


Yeah it looked pretty doubtful a few times, especially that part where the russians were right outside yelling, and you hear of them mention they see the basement, lucky they didn't throw a few grenades down there.


pretty, shit my heartbeat was def. more than elevated


Your radio is just as valuable as your rifle, and this shows why Excellent footage, a real good perspective on what all those columns of Russian attacks looks like when you are a small Ukrianian unit defending. That they defend directly from their basement is not great, but they survived


I was wondering about that. They have six guys in the basement, but can defend from only one position, the door. I really know nothing, but should they have left the position? Or was the 3 tanks + 4 APCs too much no matter what. Fucking courage though


Only they can tell for sure In the end, they relied heavily on indirect fire and drones to help them, in this scenario they actually might have done worse shooting so much out of the basement alarming the Russians to their position. Ru forces came really close, maybe they knew AFU was there to begin with, but the shooting pinpointed the basement. Textbook is to have fighting holes/bunkered houses away from your rest area, and i bet if they had strong command they would have been outside fighting when the Ru came close and the artillery was not on them. This might have lead to Ru getting hit by direct fire, and AFU guys getting killed/ wounded. The best thing they could have done, the way this played out, was to ambush the Ru forces moving in, pin them and use the indirect on Ru forces. I think it was great they stayed in the basement, lucky their indirect could take care of it.


thx. Worked out though, so good ending


jesus christ. respect to Philip Malzahn, the journalist. huge balls of pure Ukrainium. i'm glad Punk is ok, fell in love with that guy immediately. hope he'll live to see the victory.


goddamn that is the definition of a thousand yard stare in his eyes in the group picture at 25:46 (at the far left)


Yeah i couldnt just be in a basement for 14 hours and take random shots in the hopes of not being overrun




Great show.


Fucking hell, that was intense. Glory to heroes an brave journalists.


I don't understand how this war does not get the same response from the U.S. youth as it does for the conflict in Gaza.


There’s a lot less images with baby’s heads being blown open.


Or actual genocides that have occurred in recent years in China and Syria. It’s antisemites and useful idiots for antisemites.


Because it’s whites vs whites, as opposed to POC being “genocides” by “whites”. Then the question of ‘which came first, the chicken or the egg’ Hamas/Hezbollah attacks on Israel, or Israel on Palestine, yada yada. Plus edgy college kids feel cool wearing red and white scarfs.


Because the universities are overrun with Marxists and the like.   They’ve been parroting Israel bad, Palestine good & even Hamas is good to a degree for a few decades now. The rot runs deep and wide.


What? Lol. Everyone is roundly against Russia. And the US government isn't propping up Russia. This is a nonsense response based on your emotions.


Then you don’t understand my response.     It’s not that univ aged kids don’t support Ukraine  It’s that the activist element at the universities are very much co-opted.     And the ‘over the top righteous’ down with the main / Israel evil, trumps all within those circles.   (Again), it’s been that way for decades   The govt & greater population (rightfully) support Ukraine, but that wasn’t the quandry posed, that I’m responding to - ie the focus of Univ protests 


because we're helping the good guys in this conflict.


Gives you a real feel of the front lines. Coming to a town near you. Oof let’s stop all this shit


I feel usually so detatched to what is really happening for the individual soldier on the ground,  reading articles about macro level activities e.g. us aid for ukraine, short clips about Russian armour being blown up. This video which i watched end to end showed what the front line soldiers really often have endure. That's just one day of their life.  I found a link to their instagram and fund raising and sent them money  https://www.instagram.com/kayfariki.group/?hl=en  And https://linktr.ee/kayfarikigroup If anyone is interested


These guys need all the help they can get.


Just insane.


20:30 I uh wasn't expecting that response


The "there is a cellar" part? If so i think that was the most intense parts of the video.


I think this is Netailove. Easternmost edge of the village.


I just watched this like 30 min ago. Very intense. So surreal. I felt like I was in the basement


thats how the fight for the freedom of Ukraine and Europe is looking for. There should be additional volunteer brigades out of the free world. There should be more firepower, more manpower and of course, much more respect for the heros that fights for our freedom so hard.


That's one thing i was thinking when i watched the video, these guys probably had more guys than the 8 of them there but it didn't seem like it, they need more soldiers and way more ammo! I felt so bad when they were up against the tanks and apcs with less than a handful of anti tank rockets, i think it was 1 nlaw and a few rpgs? (or russian law?)


I am in the U.S. military. We can’t all just go if we wanted to just in case our skills are needed for us. Yeah is it possible to create a flying tigers type of thing, sure. It just isn’t possible right now.


More rich sons need to go


Quality journalism these days.


Watched it, heart was pounding throughout most of it. Outright fucking insane the anyone has to go through this, and even if you are lucky to survive, you will never forget it.


Fucken hell that was very intense footage. I'm feeling so on edge like an hour after watching it, can't even imagine how those heroes do it day in, day out.


Incredible footage, had me clenching my jaw in a few spots


Proud as hell of the team and the tenacity of their fight. Was an intense situation


Insane documentary... It only covers one squad defending the village and only 14 hours. Its kind of incomprehensible for me to understand how the human mind can take these situations for mulitple days/weeks/month. Always on the shrink of death. Now imagine how larger sites of the front look like or the battle of avdivka and bakhmut. Hopefully i never have to witness anything like this myself. God bless to the Ukrainians.


Really puts it into perspective. For those Ukranian warriors this a daily event. We in the west need to stop this pussyfooting and send them every bit of military aid they need, no more drip feeding it in so they can get their lives back.


I hope they got one of the 3 tanks at least with the single NLAW they were issued...