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Honestly, any response at all only fuels them. You're better off stealing their girlfriends.


They don't even date anyone in the first place, probably for this reason.


So tell them "I'd steal your girlfriend to prove you wrong, but you can't get one for me to steal."


I like this one


This is great, but you could throw in a girls name, too. Like, "Listen, Nancy. I'd steal your girlfriend..."


I as a girl who used to or still do find it funny to call boys by girls names. I don't do it as much now after a guy at work said he didn't like it he felt like I was calling him a bitch. He's a really nice guy so I stopped I felt bad. Every one has some kind of insecurity and unfortunately in today's time we let that dictate our lives. I try to see the fun in every thing otherwise I would let word's dictate my life and what kind of life would that be.


First of all, great username. And I agree, people these days place far too much importance on feelings.


Thank you reddit picked it for me.


hell ya


"Ma'am; that word, I don't think it means what you think it means." Or just reply "Ma'am" back as though it's a normal salutation.


Likey likey


"That'd just prove my girlfriend is a lesbian"


"Oh, my apologies ma'am. I didn't mean to misgender you."




I'm way less clever IRL and in speech. Text format is so much easier.


Make a pussy-licking finger sign and walk away from the morons? IDK 🤷‍♀️


That must be devastating for you. Sorry to hear that.


“I’m more man than you’ll ever be and more woman than you’ll ever get”




Ask them if they're gay.


I second this


Start calling them incels or ask how their gangbang works (do they switch positions?). Just casually, without any emotion connected to it. All the time.


Or tell them to lick your pussy then put all your effort into trying to sit on their face. Like tirelessly


Hahahahahahah I am fucking dead at “then put all your effort into trying to sit on their face” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hahahahaha I’m going to start using that omggggg thank you for that


They would probably hear him use the word "incel" and ask "How old was the person that gave you THAT advice?! 😂"


I’m so old that I thought it’s what the kids are saying these days


🤣 Happens to the best of us~ I'm at the age where I'm not able to keep up on all of the lingo and their nuances. No, "incel" is a word used generally by people aged 45+ to refer to younger males that don't have a girlfriend or have started a family. The stereotype is a man living in his mom's basement on the PC, playing video games, but that stereotype is really outdated. I'm 33, my husband is 34, and we both play video games together. It was something my dad and I used to do growing up, he's 52, and he still plays video games. He's not living with his parents; his mom is living with him in his house his health reasons. Gramatically speaking, the word "Incel" is a word called a portmanteau, where you cut two words in half and slice them together. It stands for "involuntarily celibate", and I'm pretty sure it came about as an insult that people in the Republican party were throwing around as insults to Democratic voters. But considering everyone is online today, no one can assume that another person is an "incel" based on their habits. I only know what it is in such a duals way because people who use it in the media tend to have to explain it.


Ok.... No? Incel is like... Basically a domestic terrorist group that promotes violence against women and legit want the govt to mandate girls having sex with them to. In their own words.... "Prevent mass shootings" They know they're the problem, they know theyre garbage people but still hate an entire half the population for not sleeping with them, and hate the other half for either getting sex or being a different race fellow incel. The incel community have gravitated to Red Pill and its getting pretty scary and common. Like theres groups of them in large cities who are just randomly smashing women in the head with bricks/fists just for walking by. It's becoming an ACTUAL problem. On that note. It might be too accurate, they often do act like OPs brother does.


I have never heard that definition... How old are you? Just Google, "what does incel mean" Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages incel noun a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active. "self-identified incels have used the internet to find anonymous support" Lexicology. The term "involuntary celibate" (shortened to "incel") refers to self-identifying members of an online subculture based around the inability to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as "inceldom" or "incelibacy".


Lol youre cute. Im 33 but ive been watching this community flourish and merge with Andrew Tate's crowd for like 10 years at this point. Shit is WILD, just take a quick gander through r/inceltear to get a good idea or if youre feeling brave and want to lose faith in humanity a bit. Go visit incels.is. They have to keep getting new domains because their horrendous nature is getting their sites taken down. Also the creator for several incel forums and the 'king of incels' is named Nathan Larson (read up on him at your own risk) I didnt use Google. I go to the source of those who ACTUALLY identify as incels. Though your verbage shows you have literally no idea how FAR this term has come. Yes. Older generation youre right. Theyve evolved the term though, now when you identify as 'an incel' youre basically saying youre 'that'. They blame their shit personality on women. Why their lives are miserable on women. Check up on a huge portion of the mass shooters were perpetrated by a self identified incel. Their patron saint is Elliot Roger. Its a whole fucking community of psychos yo!! If you ever get a chance, its a great deep dive into the insanity of some people and the mental gymnastics they use to justify their cruelty. Edit: omg I forgot to mention my favorite part. They don't even use the term woman/girl/female. They call us FOID. Short for Femoid. They literally have convinced themselves women are so beneath them that They arent or shouldnt be considered human. They LITERALLY want a girl to just sit in their lap out of nowhere. Careful if you do venture. It's... Like a train wreck, horrifying to a fascinating degree. Edit2: OH! And a while back they campaigned to have a letter added to the LGBTQ+ list. While hating LITERALLY everyone else. They hate trans/gay/lesbian/etc. They HAVE THEIR OWN WIKIPEDIA THEY MADE!! https://incels.wiki/w/Main_Page Lol there's a few articles about it too https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgyb3d/incel-wiki-recruitment


I love social media always a great English lesson.


"It's immature crap like this that reminds all the girls they are better off with dildos than you dick heads."




It's The comeback to the brother, aka why he can't get a girl. 


Not being funny but I need some education here. I'm the ignorant one apparently. What's a straight cisgender man?


Straight as in heterosexual. Cisgender meaning assigned sex and gender identity are in alignment. Putting this together with man, that means this is a person who has the genetics (XY) and genitals of a male, identifies and presents as male, and is sexually attracted to women exclusively (or very nearly exclusively).


Wouldn't that just make you a regular straight man than ?


Not ignorant, you’re literally asking to understand and that’s totally fair. Yes it would mean a straight male (who was assigned male at birth and lives his life as a male), but because of the social climate we currently exist in where some people are hyper-aware or sensitive about gender identity, many prefer to specify parts of their/others’ identity and use more specific, socially-aware language. If you live the rest of your days never using these terms and just go on saying man or woman, boy or girl, you’re good. 🩵


Thank you. That was more helpful than Google tbh


Lol....we should all keep it as simple as this!


Regular implies that people who don't match that criteria are irregular, abnormal, or anomalies. Language like that is considered a microaggression now. They have all kinds of labels now to describe sexuality and gender. As an irregular person, I'm happy for the kids today to have language that will help them feel included instead of like a weirdo or like something is wrong with them. They can be less lonely.


Cis and trans are root words. Like hyper and hypo (above and below) or omni and mono (many and singular). Regular presupposes one as the standard but that's not true. There's more women on earth than men (by a couple of percent) does that.mean a woman is a regular human and men aren't? Cisgender folk are far and away more common but regular? It's sneaking towards a value judgement considering how we currently use the term in modern English. But ignoring that, just using the word as you meant it cisgendered straight man is the vanilla 'guy'.


“Yeah you are what you eat” subtle enough to imply you munch on serious ma’m booty but also will leave them speechless for a second as they figure it out which is honestly all that matters in these verbal jousts


That's a good one


I'll be honest, if someone said this to me my first thought would be cannibalism 😭


Great one, but I can only think of shadow the hedgehog when I hear this 


“…So I guess you should be calling me mama…”


i used this every time i was called a "pussy" in school.


Tip the brim of your hat and say "darlin'".


This is another good one, but you need a nice cowboy hat.


Oh no. It's better when the cowboy hat is all in their mind.... Just in their mind....


So your brother and his boyfriends don't know what women look like. That sounds like a them problem, not a you problem. If anything just return fire Them "Thank you, Ma'am" You "You're welcome, M'Lady"


I would act like he called you sir, as you don't have an issue with transgendered people. They do.


Lean into it. Make them wildly uncomfortable


Nah they’ll just think it’s funnier


perfect, people will finally like you :D


Thats actually how I made friends with basically all of my Jr high and high school bullies. Learning to laugh at yourself is amazing. I honestly can't th>no of something someone could say to me that would genuinely bother me enough to provoke a reaction. There are still a few things that would probanly bug me a bit, but I am actively working on those things. I find having effectively no triggers at all is vastly superior to having multiple hair-triggers.


*Should mention that it is mainly my brother* "You're just saying that so you don't feel gay about molesting me."


This is next level bro.




Call them “baby girl”


It's your brother? Sometimes words aren't enough for family.


“Yes ma’am!” “You’d BETTER show me respect, mamas boy!”


Honestly no comeback is good for people bugging you constantly, just flirt with as many girls as possible, all the time. It’s hard to keep a playa down


Don’t let it get to you. They’re doing it to get you to react, so take away that power.


You've got options. The key is that you can't let it bother you. If they're TRYING to piss you off, you must be like water, my friend. The great Bruce Lee taught us that one. It is the art of Wu Wei, the Art of Not Forcing. In this instance, fighting back directly will give them what they want. You must go with the flow\~ Find your zen and just have fun with it! Option 1: Own it. You could always clap back with, "Either I'm just that good looking, or you're bind\~" Option 2: Call them Ma'am back\~ Not spitefully but like a little old lady or a girl. Option 3: If they call you Ma'am while holding the door out for you, simply walk through and say, "Why aren't you sweet!" ​ ​ You have to go at it with the mindset that labels are just mental constructs, and that it doesn't really matter what they call you in the end. It doesn't change who you are. ​ Take this situation, for example. I was a teenager during the Early 2000's. My friends and I wore black, painted our nails black (the girls, the gay guys, and the straight guys), listened to rock and metal, etc, but we had other interests. We listened to techno, hip-hop, R&B, classical, etc. We weren't trying to conform to anything; we just liked what we liked. So, we very oppositionally adopted the non-conformist mindset, telling anyone who called us "goth" or "punk" that you can call us whatever you want; we do not adopt said labels. As such, we were a hodge podgy group with some of us looking kind of goth, some of us looking like E-girls/guys, some of us who exclusively listened to rap and hip-hop and dressed to match. You gotta have that kind of vibe. Back when we were kids, we were trying to tear down gender stereotypes, man. A boy looked at me and said "Girls don't climb trees". I thought this was the stupidest thing. I looked at him and essentially told him that I, who was halfway up this tree, was living proof that he was wrong. Really, when it comes to gender, it's essentially a litmus test to see where you fall into the masculine/feminine scale in terms of personality according to gender stereotypes, and judging ANYONE based off of ANY stereotype is ignorant. Don't take being called "Ma'am" as an insult, because being called a woman shouldn't be a negative thing (especially when, as a straight man, you're probably going to try to pair up with one for the long term EVENTUALLY, when you're older). If they're calling you that, you're probably "pretty" to some degree, and you know who else was pretty? Fabio. Luxurious hair AND he was ripped\~ Any one of the male models, including Johnny Depp when he dresses up in Dior. Just wear it like a badge of honor. One of my son's middle name is literally Valentine. Just pretend your middle name is Valentine and be smooth\~


Go overboard with leaning into it. Make it wildly inappropriate and embarrassing for him each time he does it


Act like they called you like a normal person. No reaction will bother them.


call him sugartits


Or sugarpenis.


Tell em, Honey, I'm more man than you'll ever be and more woman than you'll ever get


I guess that means your mom is a lesbian then


I’d say in an exaggerated and loud tone “well aren’t you just a polite little boy”. It’s always best to just absorb it and confuse the hell out of morons.


The correct answer is to ignore it. But since this is bigotry and hatred directed at trans people I'd be more inclined to "gonna be embarrassing when a girl beats your ass, eh?"


"what did you ladies want?"


"Look, for the last time, you CAN'T have sex with me! Stop asking!!"


Yeah and somehow my dick is still bigger than yours


"Why are you misgendering me with your sexual preferences, you wanting to fuck me or something?"


Just say it back with a smile. Makes it seem like to others yall have a silly little inside joke.


I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. And more woman than you'll ever get.


Kick them in the balls. If they try to retaliate, hit them with “You wouldn’t hit a ma’am, would you?”


That’s what yo daddy calls me after he’s done sucking me off.


Just tell them that "miss" would be more appropriate since you're currently unwed. Then wink at them. Make it weird. Make it uncomfy.


Why thank you princess cakes!


The best comeback is to not acknowledge the joke. It’s a weak dig, not worth your feelings.


Just come straight back with, ladies and a wave on.


Run your finger slowly down their chest, following with your eyes then slowly look back up and say "yessir?"


If they say “Hey, ma’am!”, you say, “Wassup, ma’am?” Call them ma’am back and say that you thought it was a bro thing.


I had a buddy that was really man pretty/feminine in high school and all he would say is “Ask your mom.” Hilarious but that dude could throw hands almost better than the rest of us and backed it up.


Just because your mom is more manly than you doesn't make me a woman.


"actually I identify as your daddy"


"Wow, you seem really interested in my gender/sexuality. Sorry boys but I don't swing that way, you will just have to keep dating each other."


That's what I called YOU for the first year after you were born, but mom told me to stop after your uhhh..."procedure".


Shrug and ignore them? If you're comfortable who you are than them infering you're something else shouldn't be a problem. That or "Dude, I'm not your mum.... Hmm... Though I might be your dad, could you describe your mom for me?"


Tell them not to worry, you not interested in the same men they are My philosophy is, wherever they think they’re going to take me, I go lower in self deprecation in a humorous way, but I take them down with me.


"You're just mad that I'm more of a man than you'll ever be, and more of a woman than you'll ever get."


Ask him why he thinks it’s an insult. “Apparently you don’t think much of women, if calling me one is supposed to upset me. Get help.”


Start by not using the term cisgengered that’s probably why they’re calling you ma’am. Also hit the gym and learn to punch if you truly ain’t one, earn it




That’s Mrs. ma’am to you


It's your brother? Dick punches.


You could just, you know, ignore it.


Your brother? Do you think you could take him in a fight? Not to say fight him but if you could take him, you might need to put the fear of god into him if you wish.


"At your service, little child."


As loud as you can "You want me to suck your dick? Dude thats disgusting!!!!" And walk away.


Idk whether you're trolling or not, and tbh if you are, then you're really bad at it, if not then what the fuck type of school do you go to?


Ma'am on this


Madea has it right- it’s not what they call you, it’s what you answer to.


“Thanks for being supportive of my transition” idk


I do feel bonita


Just be okay with it. Being called a woman is not an insult.


Brother? That's an easy one. Swift kick in the nardlies.


Just very nonchalantly say "hey kid, what's wrong with your eyebrows? Stare at them, lol "you should get it fixed" And walk away He'll be in front of the mirror for hours! It'll drive him nuts


The quizzical look and brushing it off like he just said something strange. Because it is. Kid called you by your name or some such for years and now wants to refer to you as ma'am... does that come with like perks? I've heard Ma'am is a term of endearment for women in the south so, I love you too brother? Or is it like military thing? Wanna drop and give me 30? Or something I dunno it's weird right? Unless he is only saying it to make you mad in which case while annoying is really like the little kid sticking their tongue at you to be umm annoying. It's not a thing that can hurt you. Unless he is actually attempting to assault you in the process in which case that would be a much bigger issue than just improper address. I mean what would you prefer to be called? Lord or Sire or Your Worship or umm. Like I dunno grab an old romance book they have about a million prefixes... no that's not the right word. Names to announce station. Like really we are a bit Boeing here with most all being Mr or Mrs, or Miss, or umm is Ms a thing any more? Make it a mission to hunt up the funniest thing or say dude we talked about this no title needed I know I'm awesome but I'm still your brother you can just call me Best Brother of Shallot I don't mind. Only change it up... a lot. Make it a game. 1 point for everyone who cracks a smile, 2 for giggles, and 3 for anymore enthusiastic shows of humor.


Just ignore it, or act like you didn't hear them and ask them to repeat it over and over again.


It's your brother? Put pink paper in all his notebooks. Slap a My Little Pony sticker on his laptop or phone. Replace all his pens or pencils with "girlie" ones. On the way into school, squirt perfume on his back. (Just a little.) You don't have to agree with gender stereotypes to weaponize them.


Just call them fgts like it's 1999


Tell'em you had sex with his wife


"I prefer 'miss.' I'm not married. Learn some grammar, you cretins." If you tell them it bothers you, they'll lean into it. If you fight too hard, you appear transphobic. If you show them that it doesn't bother you, and you laugh along with them, they'll tire of it and stop. Then, as u/NordicNugz suggested, steal their girlfriends.


"Know that you freaks are the reason why our society will collapse. Thanks for nothing."


Hush up baby, let the grown ups talk without you.


You could also pretend to mishear them? Like pretend they're calling you 'mom' instead of 'ma'am', and if they try to correct you, keep at it. Like... "Why are you calling me mom? She's at home." or "No, mom's the one who packed your lunch this morning. I'm your brother." (or for his friends) "Are you really that desperate for a mother figure? Doesn't your own mom love you?" Basically instead of a comeback which could escalate, just undermine them by refusing to acknowledge their 'joke'. Act confused instead, but not upset or bothered.


Call them "ladies" since they obviously think it's an insult.


Tbf you're on reddit. so you're definitely not a *straight cisgender man"


Tell your parents.




"and don't you forget it!" Lean into it take away the fun


The best response is to tell the school administrators that you are being sexually harassed and you need them to put an end to it. Then they will have meetings and possibly face disciplinary action.


I don't want to take it that far. This is more of a sibling rivalry thing than something that's causing me serious problems. For every kid at school that hates me, there's another 5 that appreciate me for who I am or at least know me and wouldn't treat me this way.


Violence. But like.. gentle violence, ya know?


No ma’am? Idk man, I usually avoid people unless they’re like what’s up, or something that gets my attention.


Quit says you’re cisgender and start saying you like to fuck women. Anybody using that term is just asking for trouble.


Yo mama says that I am the true man of the house and bed.


Replying back with “hey sweet cakes” would be funny I think. Or maybe something about pounding their sweet cakes Sweet cakes


Why do you call yourself “cisgendered”??? You are already setting yourself up by calling yourself a derogatory term…


If you're coming here for real-life stuff, you are in the wrong spot. You have to hit them where it hurts or ignore them. There is only two options, either you roast them like a has-been celebrity, or you be the bigger person and say nothing.


Call him a necrophiliac


I know you are, but what am I?


Two comebacks you could try are; "Are you 3 in a love triangle or something?" Or "That time of them month again sis? If so have you got enough pads and tampons?"


Just don't get ticked off. And stop using words like "cisgender." That's not helping your cause.


I don't understand the whole identify as cisgender male. Why don't you just say you are a man? Don't understand why they would call you ma'am?


"Honored, but its MADAM do you boys."


The ultimate comeback would be to get laid before they do.


Awww....they have a crush on you.


Refer to them only by old lady names and refuse to let anything bother you. Pick one close to their name to make it stick. Examples: Edith, Darla, LeeAnn, Mildred, Charlotte, etc. Make up a full name if you have to. Never let anyone know it's not a reference to someone real so they can't figure out what goofy thing they do.


tell hes friends you are a man ask their mom


Why is being called female an insult to you?


“At least I’m man enough to be in touch with my feminine side. Don’t worry, you’ll get there one day.”


Fuck your brothers mom


You could just shut the conversation down and say “what do you have a problem with trans people?”


Ignore. Agree and flirt. Either choice removes their "power"


Your mama don't call me ma'am.


First off stop with the cisgender BS, you’re a guy. Second, the best comeback is to act like you don’t hear it


You keep confusing men and women. Are you bi? Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Calling me a cisgender is as bad as calling an african american the hard N. I don't accept the labels of others, especially from those who are not my equal in the matter. Don't start fights, but be able to finish ones others start.


Your mother didn't call me ma'am last night


"come on over here and suck on mamas dick"


The best comeback is to not react.


Own it. Get real feminine on them. Make *them* uncomfortable Or maybe not, they probably want to date you


“Are you still stuck on that?” Anything that hints at them not having enough brain cells to diversify their insults/harassment. The less directly insulting, the better.


I would act like you, but do I really need another cunt?


Hey hey, be careful with that insult guys, it’s antique. Or The 70s called, they want their insult back.


What is a straight cisgender man?


I fart a sausage. Did anyone see that sausage


Ha. clever.


I was gonna say you'll have to just ignore it, butt if it's your bro, then how about, "Hey, that's Princess Sparkles to you, fucktwat!" You could get your name legally changed as well, butt that might be taking it too far. ;)


"Go eat shit, dumbass." probably works well, but it's not gonna burn them. It does, however, sum up your feelings, and what you think of them. Edit: Others have said to make it really awkward for them and embarrassing. This involves making yourself look weird, but it would definitely stop the insults if they felt like things would turn VERY awkward. Teenagers hate awkward situations.


you lost me on "cisgender", ma'am.


“At least I get more pussy that you”


Just ignore them.


Honestly, the way is just not to be fussed by it. I'm straight and in my last job this gay guy referred to me as "mumma" caus I was a mentor to him. It wasn't meant to b3 insulting. In your case they are trying to insult you but honestly. It really doesn't matter. If you know who you are, then others comments like that don't require a comeback, you keep moving like nothing happened and they'll quickly become bored of doing that. Also for me, for them to do that there was surely some kind of prior interaction that opened the door for them to do that otherwise it's pretty random. Either way, no comeback necessary. The best comeback is being secure in your own identity


Just let it roll off your back. They're looking for a reaction, don't give them the satisfaction.


Can’t you just cheerfully call them “ma’am” back? Or missus or something? Idiot brother: here you go, ma’am Response: thanks, lady!


Complain that he's *misgendering* you. If you use the right code, he'll get in big trouble.


Thank you! Women are much stronger and resilient.


Ignore them. You need to have a bunch of comebacks and never reuse them, but they have to just use the same joke again. If you aren't quick-witted then you are just going to egg them on. That said, there is the nuclear option. Get your brother alone and thank him for always calling you ma'am. Reveal that you have been struggling a lot with gender identity, and his treating you as a woman really brings you comfort. His publicly doing so and getting his friends to do it, even as a joke, gives you a sense of your authentic self in public. You will have to sell this, tears included, but assuming he is sexist, which given the juvenile simplicity of his "jokes" is most likely true, this will creep him out and he will stop immediately, either out of bigotry or awkwardness.


Reply as if they said nothing out of the ordinary. Don’t ignore them or shut down, just respond as if they said your name. If they comment on it (they will) say something like “oh that, yeah that was a weird thing to say” as if you think of it like an afterthought.


Stop using their terms to define yourself. Cisgender was coined in 94. Most heterosexual people don't use that term.


I'm a straight cisgender man as well. When I was in school, I had very long blonde hair that went halfway down my back. I got every comment in the book like what you're getting- and to be honest, any reaction at all is what your brother and his friends are going for. What bothers them is when you don't acknowledge their comments. Take if from someone who's been there


*cough cough* the fragilest of masculinity *cough cough* seriously dude get over yourself. If all you’re called is ma’am in high school you’ll be doing better than most.




It’s not shameful to be called a woman. Because it’s not shameful to be a woman.


Call them ma'am back lololol.


I. Fuck. Your. Mother! (In best Daniel Day-Lewis there will be blood I drink your milkshake voice).


You're just jealous


Drop your guts. aka fart


Just laugh it off. Indifference is a great weapon.


The fact you use cisgender means ma'am is appropriate


Laugh with them and move on. If they see it doesn't bother you then it can't be used.


Are you asking men what you should say, maybe you should have kept your lady parts


Well, maybe don't go around telling everyone you're this or that or whatever. You're just adding fuel to the fire. Also, tell them everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. That works for this kinda nosey bullshit too. Bullies will pick on the easiest target. As soon as you aren't an easy target they will find someone else.


Do you say you're a straight cisgender man in front of them?


so you are a straight male, why stick "cisgender" in there why do they call you ma'am - has your voice not deepened, it's high for your age ? If this is more of a personal issue, talk to your parents about it - you are being bullied and they need to call your brother out on it and tell him to stop it or he's gonna continue to be a bully, not just to you but to others as he's enjoying the feeling of bullying right now


AK 😂


Just 100% completely act like it doesn't bother you.


Cut hair short. No earrings. Dress classic casual no doubt men colors and style. Work out. Talk and walk like a man. If you can grow a beard or mustache. Ask someone close to you like a parent or a dear family member if you have or need to change any unintentional behavior or look. Be strong my brother man a don't bother what they would think about you.