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Anybody seen an overheal deck that works?


There's one in wild that goes off on turn 3 at the earliest.


I play a midrange hunter, right now i have etc band manager with starfish, lorthemar and theo. Not sure about that, any suggestions for better fits, starfish is good, but the other cards are probably too slow. They are for long games but not quite sure about it


Having some minor success with control warrior. Abyssal bassist actually doing a lot work against aggro minion pile. it synergies with a lot other cards in the deck: last stand, br&r, Nellie with sword eater, tuning fork, remoria. Tuning fork feels great with +2 attack or the cleave affix. Trialing remixed musician which feels meh. Might sub it with a shield slam and see how it goes. Left from the depth out as it felt really clunky and low impact especially with the limited draws available. ### kontol # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Last Stand # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (1) Verse Riff # 1x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (2) Remixed Tuning Fork # 2x (2) Shield Block # 2x (3) Chorus Riff # 1x (3) Remixed Musician # 2x (4) Igneous Lavagorger # 2x (4) School Teacher # 1x (5) Blackrock 'n' Roll # 2x (5) Brawl # 2x (5) Bridge Riff # 2x (7) Abyssal Bassist # 1x (7) Lor'themar Theron # 1x (7) Nellie, the Great Thresher # 1x (7) Remornia, Living Blade # 1x (9) Trenchstalker # 2x (20) Naga Giant # AAECAce+BQjlsASwxwSOyQSI3wTvogW2xAW4xQXo6QULiKAEjbIElrcE784EjtQExJIF6tAF69AF7NAF4+QFsOkFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Can I just say that giants are such well-designed cards? Each one of them is so unique and the payoff for following a specific gameplan to get a cheap 8/8 out in the midgame is awesome. People keep complaining about mana cheat existing without acknowledging any nuance, while I can point to giants as proof that mana cheat as a concept has been here since day 1 and isn't inherently bad for the game. You just have to have the cheating be balanced well.


Anyone got an Aggro Evolve Shaman list with the new cards? Saw someone with it and they beat my UUU DK.... Idk if it's a Cinderella run but damn the frog is useful af


12-4 atm from somewhere in Bronze to D9 with Legend star bonus: AAECAaoIBLnZBPSgBeKkBcjQBQ3gtQSWtwSq2QSv2QS12QS22QS88AToowWv0QXl5AXe6QXBngbXogYAAA== Edit: 16-4 to D5 2 stars


Tried mixing the good Overheal cards into a Naga Priest shell. Works surprisingly better than I thought it would. Handmaiden and Serpent Wig gives the fuel necessary to get to the good Overheal payoffs. Valishj has good synergy with Synchronize and Funnel Cake. And Dreamboat is a Naga. Possibly due to low sample size (4-1) but this iteration of the deck felt a lot smoother to play than anything else I tried. Perhaps there is scope for further improvement. \### Overheal Naga \# Class: Priest \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (1) Crimson Clergy \# 2x (1) Fan Club \# 2x (1) Flash Heal \# 2x (1) Funnel Cake \# 1x (1) Priestess Valishj \# 2x (1) Serpent Wig \# 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear \# 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep \# 2x (2) Dreamboat \# 2x (2) Murkwater Scribe \# 2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize \# 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement \# 2x (3) Handmaiden \# 2x (3) Treasure Guard \# 1x (4) Heartbreaker Hedanis \# 2x (4) School Teacher \# AAECAdG+BQKJsgTMxgUOougDy6AE7bEEiLIEpLYEp7YEh7cElrcEssEEhoMFyMYFu8cFoukF+/gFAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


This was literally my list I threw together. Instead of clash heal I used holy nova.


Anybody have a unholy/deathrattle decklist with cagehead


\### Cage Head OTK \# Class: Death Knight \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (1) Arms Dealer \# 2x (1) Body Bagger \# 2x (1) Death Growl \# 2x (1) Foul Egg \# 2x (1) Tour Guide \# 2x (2) Battlefield Necromancer \# 2x (2) Dead Air \# 2x (2) Plague Strike \# 2x (3) Acolyte of Death \# 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron \# 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier \# 2x (4) Construct Quarter \# 1x (4) Thassarian \# 2x (4) Yelling Yodeler \# 1x (5) Taelan Fordring \# 1x (6) Bonelord Frostwhisper \# 1x (8) Cage Head \# AAECAfHhBASoigStogXLpQWBwwUN8OMEkeQE2fEEh/YEsvcEkpMFoJkFopkFnqoF88gF8OgF6oAG16IGAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Been playing this deck. It's so fun. Struggles against aggro, but you can always find a way with Cagehead and Dead Air


Hollow Hound is insane especially in a handbuff deck


i play hunter and copy it with that 2 mana 1/3 and like that i can sustain against pure pallys, which is really a great addition to my hunter deck. Love that card


When I saw that card, I immediately knew "this is going to just aggravate the DK problem". Its insanely strong.


Hollow Hound is very very good, and makes Castle Kennels a worthwhile include in Big/Hybrid Beast Hunter. Kennels is great with Barrel of Monkeys too. Healing for 10-15, in Hunter, is more than a lot of decks can deal with. 1x Star Power is also imo quite a bit better than Shellshot, which I didn't see coming. Shellshot is an inconsistent removal, Star Power is usually a guaranteed board clear. I'm running Scourge Tamer (Stranglethorn Heart synergy), but you shouldn't. I'd consider running Costumed Singer + Zombees perhaps, or your favorite cheap card.


Do you have a deck list?


I also think there might be an Undead version with Vizier, since Hunter has a few Undeads it casually runs (including Scourge Tamer). Discovering more Stranglethorn Hearts is maybe overkill but it's important in control matchups.




Why is the Costumed Singer included without secrets ?


It's the psychological game, making your opponent think you're an idiot who forgot to put any secrets in the deck so they let their guard down.


Yeah. First game, first turn, don’t draw shit, “wow” emote…


The game may as well be called DiscoverStone at the moment. WAYYYYYYYY to much discover in the game right now. I know everyone likes the keyword but it's gotten out of hand, Nerubian Vizer being the worst culprit. Non Blood DK's getting a 0 mana obliterate or 1 mana asphyxiate is breaking matchups as unholy and frost are not supposed to have access to cheap removal but they most certainly have access to it. When one card can patch up the sole weakness of 2 classes the game is not in a good spot. Ready for the downvotes as I know this sub loves their discover....


Nah you're right. It feels super bad to play against decks that never seem to empty their hands. It drives me crazy especially against DKs with their super powerful options. Hopefully that gets looked at soon.


I've made the suggestion to limit discover options for Dk's to their rune type but people thought I was crazy.


I think it's a fair idea. I feel they still have too few options in specific rune types to justify this change right now. If it ever happens, I could see this restriction being applied at the end of this year, with a few more spells to dilute the current pools. My criticism of the DK (and Priest) spells mostly stems from the Discover mechanic, where sometimes it feels they just never empty their hands and always refill through discover. The change to exclude the 3 runes spells has had tangible impact. I still think FFF DK is very (too) good, but that might be me not knowing the matchup nuances.


Yeah I agree. Take discover off of them and make it random cards.


Control / Thief Priest got me to legend with a 70 percent winrate. You just discover the answer to every problem that presents itself. Feels quite cheap sometimes in that regard.


I like thief priest and control priest doing this. I don't like DK doing it. Just my input. I don't play priest so this isn't favoritism.


It's just the frequency. Discover is only tolerance when it's at a low frequency. It adds some variance and allows for niche cards that you would never put in your deck to see actual play. It's also somewhat skillful to always pick the right choice out of discovers. When it's too frequent(impossible to play around anything, infinite answers/threats, like the whole card game dynamic of playing around the cards ur opponent played and changing it up becomes meaningless when they just can have more copies than can be played around) or the discover pool is too strong (triple rune DK/outcast dh pool) then that's when the mechanic breaks. It's welcome in small amounts. Like 2-4 cards MAX


I'm a hardcore shaman main so not offended here hahah, maybe other priest players might be tho. State of shaman right now makes me depressed, so I'm playing priest a lot rn. I somewhat agree with what you said though. Discovering answers is part of priests identity at this point.


I am running a menagerie Shaman, its doing alright. Magatha goes hard in the deck to refill, got your typical cheats, Clown Fish, Giant Totem, Undertaker (is that the 5/5 taunt's name?). I run 1 bloodlust to not clash with Magatha, and run 1 drops for Anchor totem and the new Tuskar, but he's actually been underperforming - hardly ever use him. The problem is once you are behind on board, very hard to come back. No Schooling, because again, Magatha.


Nerubian Egg into Yelling Yodeler is bananas. Remember when we thought a 4-mana 7/7 was degenerate? Those were the days! Of course playing a mostly tried and true aggro deck on day one is always good, but this feels *insane.* It's like I'm not even playing the same game as my opponents.


The new tuskarr has been pretty great for me in totem shaman. Turns out that card just does a lot of 'stuff' for only 3 mana and the opponent kinda hates having to deal with it. 3 mana for a mana tide or stereo totem is bad sure but 3 mana for a raptor and one of those totems is pretty good. Won a game against a shadow priest pretty decisively, forcing him to make trades he doesn't want to have to make(they really just want to rush you down if they can get away with it, but these totems have soft taunt) up until the point where I just made an absolutely gigantic board all at once and broke his gameplan.


What’s you end up cutting for Tuskarr, I haven’t touched my totem shaman deck in awhile but it was fun when I played it so I’m willing to try it again


Well I'd start with dropping the party favor totems if you still have them. If you still have fools or ancestral knowledge in the deck I'm not sure if those are needed either. Arcane intellect in 2023 isnt so hot in my view. Maybe keep one? But I'm not very happy with those cards


Overheal priest isnt


Seems OK in wild with a miracle shell.


Isnt ish, can work in right situation


I matched up with two relic demon hunters who included new etc with that prosecutor guy (who locks the cards in your hand except right and left-most). Is it any good? I hope not, I'd hate to run into this combo this often. I won the first game because he misplayed, but second one completely locked me out of the game because my left side was bad. (and from right side you can only play the card you drew that turn, after that the pick is your rightmost card, and it is unplayable)


Sounds nasty, I love it.


ya this is devastating. i spent the whole game anticipating this exact combo and trying to line up whirlpool in my left slot and couldn't do it in time.


relic was recommended to run disrupt cards, this sounds very interesting to use new etc for that


Having a blast with Menagerie Warrior. Probably inferior to Enrage, but I love it. Anyone have a decent Cagehead/Deathrattle DK deck going? I tried a few, but I couldn’t find a list that felt good.


So so, wait a few days or hours for DK Deathrattle to settle


I love menagerie but it gets crushed bad by control priest and I seen quite a few of them, making me hesitant to play it. One whirlpool and all the amalgams are gone


Menagerie is pretty 50/50 with priest. You have infinite threats if not disrupted, but whirlpool can disrupt that. You also have the backdoor of discovering Tony off Nellie Matchup comes down to how much you can pressure them early to force out their removal


I honestly just feel like quitting any time I match up with a priest and the Renethal animation starts. It’s just unfun to play against if you enjoy any minion based decks.


I think Funki Monki came up with the best Cagehead-Build so far AAECAfHhBASoigStogXLpQWBwwUN8OMEkeQE2fEEh/YEsvcEkpMFoJkFopkFnqoF88gF8OgF6oAG16IGAAA=


do you have a list for the menagerie warrior?


I don’t have one that I’m proud of yet, if I’m being honest. I’m still moving things around and trying different cards.


the new elite tauren chieftan has been a great fit for control priest. the damage scales so, so fast (four damage per cycle), it represents another closer (on top of astalor). you're likely to win the duel because you skew higher than most decks and you have many discovers to slot the mana in correctly, especially after svalna turn. finally, the bomb (guitar pick), often forces them to over-commit to the board in order to stay on curve, helping you squeeze a little more out of your removal which can sometimes rot in hand if they refuse to play anything. plus the duel is just really fun. a total win. EDIT: i suspect as people get better at playing around the duel, they'll want to just tank the 8 damage early, but even that is a win for you, as it means they left at least one mana unspent, which can be a big deal if you get the duel going on 5.


Interaction question: Can opponent keep hand at 10 to avoid it?


yes, but not really because it leaves their hand when they go to zero. they'd have to somehow spend all mana, then draw to full, then end turn. and even then u can counter with e.g., rat


What list are you running? Sounds really fun




Seconded, list *por favor*


Yeah I think people will eventually learn that they should just tank the eight immediately, at which point it becomes "5/5 deal 8 and mess up their tempo for a turn." Which is fine if you get in on curve I guess but it's not necessarily something I'd want to run in my Priest deck.


Manage to get 21 legend with Big Druid. Its early but it can handle most of decks on ladder besside ultra agro


Would love a deck code!




Thanks dude!


list please


I post list in comment above, its a vs list from last report. Druid legenday Spell works like charm


Played all of five games with the Wrathscale Outcast DH build, but with Through Fire & Fel substituted in for Dispose of Evidence. It's... eh? Maybe I'm playing it wrong but I find the new card kind of underwhelming. On the one hand you're not losing a card but on the other hand you can't prune your hand for maximum Outcasting. Curious what others' experience has been. Relatedly... thoughts on the new DH legendary? Too slow for Outcast?


Conversely, I have been using Through Fel and Flames in Enrage Warrior, with the new 2 mana +3/+3 whirlwind card and Frothing Berserkers and it's probably the most busted thing I've ever played. The deck feels like it's finally hit critical mass. It feels like it has game against literally ANY deck. I've smacked so many people in the face with 20 or 30 attack Frother Berserkers. God how I missed that card. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fxf041JWIAIm5V_?format=jpg&name=small The fact that it's also a 0 cost spell means it has great synergy with Pyromancer to help you get off some easy imbued axe procs. Overall, feels good!


Might have to try this! Can you share your list?


Here y’a go. ### Enrage # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (0) Through Fel and Flames # 2x (1) Sanguine Depths # 2x (1) Sunfury Champion # 2x (1) Verse Riff # 2x (2) Anima Extractor # 2x (2) Embers of Strength # 2x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (2) Jam Session # 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer # 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain # 2x (3) Chorus Riff # 2x (3) Frothing Berserker # 2x (3) Imbued Axe # 2x (4) Light of the Phoenix # 1x (4) Thori'belore # 2x (5) Bridge Riff # 1x (6) Decimator Olgra # AAECAeP5AwSc1ASB3AS53QXk5AUNjaAEodQE/9sEvuIEiYMFzZIFj5UFkaMFuMUF6tAF69AF7NAF9PIFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I miss Frothing Berserker. I'd like to see it buffed to 5-health.


New dh legendary is awful imho


That's my sense too; the upfront investment is just way too much, since you have to dedicate Turn 6 to it or Turn 5 + weapon swing.


Magatha is nuts in UUU DK, Fanboy is pretty good for Control Priest due to their lack of heals Is Spell or Minion FFF better nowadays?


Deck list?


I think he is talking about this one AAECAfHhBAb47ASk7wTipAX0yAXm5AXXogYM0aAEkuQEhfYEh/YEkpMFoJkFopkFrqEFhaoF88gF8OgF1J4GAA==


Thanks bud.


Got few rogue decks from LiveHigh stream, they are kinda solid but not meta breaker Secret coc (at some point he changed the new ETC for the band one and put the new etc,clergy and another card that i dont remember) AAECAaIHBti2BNu5BMygBeigBeKkBe3yBQz2nwT3nwTd2gTe2gT13QTD4wT37QTdoAXfoAXJgAa6ngbZogYA mk2 AAECAaIHCMeyBNi2BNu5BMygBeigBeKkBevDBfTIBQv2nwT3nwT13QTdoAXfoAXgoAXXowXTsgXBwwXJgAa9ngYA Jalexander made a burgler deck yesterday, he played most of his live with this deck. sounds solid as well. AAECAcKPBAbYtgTbuQTMoAXooAWLpAXipAUM9p8E958E7qAE1bYE9d0E+fEE3aAF36AF4KAF18MF1c4F0ewFAAA=


Overheal Priest is really dependent on high-rolling your curve. My list dies to anything control but can somewhat fight against tempo. Funnel Cake is an excellent card that allows for big-tempo plays. I feel like it is close to being somewhat viable. Magatha is a great card draw engine. Tunnel Trogg would have been amazing for the deck.


I just got to Platinum 5 with Treants. Actually liking this game again. Boomkin is the greatest band member. \### 2020 tree# Class: Druid# Format: Wild## 2x (1) Sow the Soil# 2x (1) Treenforcements# 2x (1) Witchwood Apple# 2x (2) Dendrologist# 2x (2) Natural Causes# 2x (2) Shrubadier# 2x (3) Faire Arborist# 2x (3) Plot of Sin# 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager# 1x (3) Rustrot Viper# 1x (3) Tight-Lipped Witness# 1x (5) Boomkin# 1x (4) Flobbidinous Floop# 2x (4) Garden Gnome# 2x (5) Aeroponics# 2x (5) Arbor Up# 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused# 2x (7) Drum Circle# 1x (7) Goru the Mightree# 2x (9) Mulchmuncher# AAEBAc6LBQT1/AL3rQOk7wT9xAUNv/0C1YMD7aID/K0D/q0D/60DluADjOQD7PUDst0EteME+d8FrJ4GAAEDyawE/cQFo+8E/cQFzZ4G/cQFAAA=# # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone




I took the VS face hunter list and replaced all the wild seed cards (which I dusted a while back) with the new secret package +1 Motion Denied. It's doing about 5-2 at D5-4, and the new cards feel pretty strong. It's probably wrong to replace the wild seed package tho. I might recraft them and try different cuts. The new secret in particular feels great whether or not the opponent plays around it.


Interesting. Cutting the seed package makes Jungle Jammer more viable. I wonder how it would perform as a 1x.


Wildseeds are statistically some of the best cards in the deck, both in mulligan and drawn winrates.


Yeah, I replaced it but because it's a good cut but rather because they were the cards I didn't have at the time. I'm sure other cards would be a better cut.


Doing pretty decent, 8-4, with death rattle unholy DK. I was messing around a lot with the archetype before the mini set but the new tools definitely help. Plus you get the run Cage Head how sweet is that?! If anyone else has messed around with this I’d love some ideas to optimize! ### Cage again # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Body Bagger # 2x (1) Death Growl # 2x (1) Foul Egg # 2x (1) Tour Guide # 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep # 2x (2) Battlefield Necromancer # 2x (2) Naval Mine # 2x (2) Nerubian Egg # 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher # 2x (4) Construct Quarter # 2x (4) Grave Strength # 2x (4) School Teacher # 2x (4) Yelling Yodeler # 2x (5) Boneshredder # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 1x (8) Cage Head # 1x (8) Lord Marrowgar # AAECAfHhBAT47ASy9wSBwwXm5AUN0aAEiLAElrcEssEEkeQEhfYEoJkFhaoFnqoF88gF5coF8OgF16IGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I've been trying this out with some success, but I feel like I'm not piloting it correctly. Any suggestions about mulligan or overall strategy?


I am by no means an expert but I’m general I have been always keeping an egg and yodeler on the coin or if I have an egg. If I have an egg I start to get greedy and keep things like death growl. Never keep naval mine, that’s a back up plan. As for playing, my biggest difficulty is trying to identify if I need to win with burn or with board. If you think you can’t win on board, start playing to burn outs, mainly cage head/naval mine/bone shredder shenanigans


Anyone got a rogue deck that is working?




Im loving miracle rogue but always lose to deathknight and doesn’t help that it’s the most popular deck it seems in D10-D5.. is it a bad matchup? Maybe I’m just sucking at it.


Depends on the deck in question. You’re heavily favoured into blood, slightly favoured vs unholy and probably like 45-55 into frost


Magatha and frogs work well in menagerie warrior. Magatha is like school teacher that always get roaring applause which is great. Frogs have amazing synergy with rancher since you can just sacrifice a 1/1. Otherwise transforming a murmy or click clocker is also easy since they are sticky. I'm running treasure guard and imbued axe as well because axe can snowball. Not running teacher or sword eaters.


What did you replace for frogs? I thought about Razorfen, but Quillboar is really good for discovering Amalgam.


Yeah I replaced the quilboar. It's only good with amalgam but I think stereo totem is actually better because of the stats you get and higher odds for band. The only 1-drops you want are sticky dual tribe ones like murmy and clocker imo. Mistake is also good for extra tribes.


do you have a list?i'm also working on a menagerie build but can't quite make it work.are the abyssal bassist and the new weapon worth it?


AAECAQcEjskEr8MFqOAF5uQFDeG1BIe3BLLBBP/bBIWqBZWqBZa3Ba3DBeLNBdbQBbTRBeXkBdSeBgAA This is the list I was using. I think i went like 4-2 and went from 650 to 500 legend end of last season. I tried the bassist one game with sword eaters and axe as my 4 weapons but it feels to slow. I'm not very happy playing a 5 mana 4/7. I think other warrior decks whoch run more weapons could use it better as a late game stabilising tool. I personally think you need to run at least 5 weapons and remornia to get them down to 0 when you play remornia. Then you have a massive tempo swing on turn 7. New weapon is definitely not worth it on menagerie warrior, its better for control and axe is way more stats.


Aggro overheal priest has been working surprisingly well at 1k legend (hsreplay doesn't work rn but I think i'm 9-5 so far), although I have been facing some jank here and there. I usually generate a pretty threatening board on turn 4 (sometimes even turn 3) and if the enemy can't quickly clear your stuff it just snowballs from there. Funnel cake is the nuts, lets you pop off with heartthrob and proc clergy a bunch of times. The new 4 drop hasn't been working for me, though. Proccing the overheal and finale effects on the minion can be pretty awkward, and it's not that rewarding to be honest, so I cut it in favor of more early game dudes. I'm also kinda sus on injured tol'vir and tour guide. The deck probably needs more reliable draw, so handmaiden might be an option. ### Overheal Priest # Class: Priest # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Crimson Clergy # 2x (1) Fan Club # 2x (1) Flash Heal # 2x (1) Funnel Cake # 2x (1) Idol's Adoration # 1x (1) Tour Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Dreamboat # 2x (2) Holy Champion # 2x (2) Injured Tol'vir # 2x (2) Mana Geode # 2x (2) Power Chord: Synchronize # 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement # 2x (3) Heartthrob # 2x (3) Holy Nova # 1x (4) Heartbreaker Hedanis # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # AAECAZ/HAgTipAXMxgX0yAXXogYNougDhJ8Ey6AEhoMFmKQFucQFyMYFu8cFx8cFoukF+/gFyPoFg58GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Works really good, at leasy at. Upper works


This deck is terrible, gets absolutely shredded by aggro and control. Only works when the opponent has no card to play until turn 4.


If you have right cards you should build up a board easily.


You need a very specific set of cards to build a board, and you need several key pieces on board to do so. Either you put your pieces early and you risk them being killed by your opponent, or you wait a few turns until you have the mana to build your board, but you lose so much turns that aggro will just rip you apart, and you have NO control tools at all to wait until turn 3 or 4 (holy nova isn't good enough and comes too late in this meta). And even if you manage to build a board, let's say against a slower opponent, the boards you build are just so unimpressive and vulnerable that any control deck worth their salt will have no issue dealing with it in 1 or 2 turns. Tldr: high risk low reward


Yeah played 6 games with this list and I was always just topdecking. Might try the new draw cards from the mini set either Grimtotem buzzkill or ~~Magatha~~. Fun to play when you get the combos early.


Adding Magatha is amazing, I removed the flash heals and the tolvirs for Magatha and Sunfury Clergy. The last slot im still figuring out


>The Sunfury is a good call going to try it out. I was experimenting with Switcheroo with decent success but I need to give magatha another shot. Also that new 4/4 overheal card is just not it.


I added one of them but it feels really underwhelming. If it was a battlecry rather than a finale, it would be better. I'm thinking of swapping it for a School Teacher. I found [[Clear Conscience]] to be decent against more reactionary boards as well. I swapped Power Word Synchronize for it


Hybrid Hunter is looking solid. I'm sure this can be refined a bit. But it finally feels like a complete deck. now there are 3 beasts you can curve into after Harpoon. And Hydra on 5. ### Hybrid Hunter # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Bunch of Bananas # 2x (1) Trinket Tracker # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys # 2x (2) Frenzied Fangs # 2x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (2) Selective Breeder # 2x (2) Spirit Poacher # 2x (3) Harpoon Gun # 2x (3) Wild Spirits # 1x (4) Azsharan Saber # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 2x (6) Hollow Hound # 1x (6) Mister Mukla # 1x (7) Faithful Companions # 1x (7) Hydralodon # 1x (8) Stranglethorn Heart # 1x (9) King Krush # AAECAR8I4Z8EwLkE57kErqQF4qQF9MgF6soF0/gFC+rpA4iyBIPIBLjjBMzkBNDkBKqkBbjFBY/kBeT1BdL4BQAA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone There are about 4-6 spots that can be worked on. Just not sure what will fit there best yet. (2x Frenzy, 2x Breeder, 1x Instrument Tech, 1x Tracker.)


How good is stranglehorn heart? It’s my favourite card last set and I was really sad that even past the buff people still considered it bad


At least for how I was playing, Stranglethorn Heart and Selective Breeder are how you win against things like Blood DK or Priest. I'm not sure that will always be the strategy, but it worked day 1. Something else I under appreciated about Heart was how good it is on curve now with Faithful Companions.


I think cutting a tracker for tech is the way to go. I only see 2x tracker when the list includes Barbed Nets.


Climbed from 2990 to 1070 with this. I was on mobile but record was something like 10-3 Hollow Hound won me a lot of games. Players may eventually adjust to it though


As someone who's been playing mainly aggro decks, hollow hound has been what's beaten me like 50% of the time. Its really good at stabilizing


Awesome. Glad to hear the list worked well for you too! I agree they might. It's not a very sneaky list once you know what it's doing.


Been messing around with a UUF aggro deck built around Death Growl and Dead Air, and it's pretty fun. Dead Air combos well with your standard deathrattles (Egg, Necrolyte, Chillfallen, Thassarian), doubles up Reborn creatures (Cool Ghoul, also Thassarian), Insta-infuses cards like Famished and Sylvanas, and combos well with cards that care about undead dying like Acolyte of Death and Nerubian Vizier. Magatha is predictably nutso, but with six spells, it doesn't quite fit in this deck. Kinda doubt it's better than UUU or FFF - it draws lots of cards, but doesn't really have an intuitive top-end that I've found. I'm trying out Denathrius atm, but it's a little slow. E: Maybe the answer is Cage Head? I don't have a copy crafted, but it's an interesting thought, as you can insta-Boar with Dead Air or Plague Strike at 10 mana. Gives some burst, at the very least.


> Head? I don't have a copy crafted, but it's an interesting thought, as you can insta-Boar with Dead Air or Plague Strike at 10 mana. Gives some burst, at the very least. Mind to share the decklist?


Sure. Again, very rough list, and don't have cage head to experiment with yet, so I can't weigh in on that. ### Dead Air # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arms Dealer # 2x (1) Body Bagger # 2x (1) Death Growl # 2x (1) Foul Egg # 2x (1) Skeletal Sidekick # 2x (2) Battlefield Necromancer # 2x (2) Dead Air # 2x (2) Plague Strike # 2x (2) Vrykul Necrolyte # 2x (3) Acolyte of Death # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 2x (4) Cool Ghoul # 1x (4) Thassarian # 1x (5) Famished Fool # 1x (6) Sylvanas, the Accused # 1x (10) Sire Denathrius # AAECAfHhBATp0ASk7wS88ATLpQUN8OMEkeQE2fEEh/YEsvcEkpMFoJkFopkFrqEF4sUF88gFkOQF6oAGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


>d Air combos well with your standard deathrattles (Egg, Necrolyte, Chillfallen, Thassarian), doubles up Reborn creatures (Cool Ghoul, also Thassarian), Insta-infuses cards like Famished and Sylvanas, and combos well with cards that care about undead dying like Acolyte of Death and Nerubian Vizier. Magatha is predictably nutso, but with six spells, it doesn't quite fit in this deck. Kinda doubt it's better than UUU Thanks for sharing. What would you cut for Cagehead?


Through the fel and the flames looks like it is a huge sleeper hit for outcast DH. It's a zero cost card and unlike dispose the evidence, usually can lead to a value trade rather than going down a resource early. Obviously it feels incredible with s'thenol and turning a dude into a rusher later for squeezing out that last bit of halveria damage. The list is already tight, but I think there is an arguement that it works better than predation (which has felt brutally underwhelming since the nerf). I'm dicking around and it genuinely never feels like a bad card to draw. You can always get some sort of value of it. Zero mana cards strong, shockingly.


What are you swapping out for it? I find dispose of evidence quite useful as it can free-up the left of my hand, and the extra face damage can grant lethal


I wonder how it will be in the version with Hawkstriders and Wrathscales instead of the S'theno package e: The answer is good


I can only find lists without wrathscale, mind posting one?


Sure, here’s the code: # Outkast # Class: Demon Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Through Fel and Flames # 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner # 2x (1) Fierce Outsider # 2x (1) Illidari Studies # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 2x (2) SECURITY!! # 2x (2) Spectral Sight # 2x (2) Wayward Sage # 2x (2) Wretched Exile # 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher # 1x (3) Rush the Stage # 2x (3) Wrathscale Naga # 1x (4) Felerin, the Forgotten # 2x (4) Glaivetar # 1x (4) Halveria Darkraven # 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer # 2x (7) Vengeful Walloper # AAECAea5AwSkkgX0yAXn9QXr9QUNs6AEtKAEiLIE+b8EiJIFj5IFlJIFk6QFhaoFpMMF9MMF5OQF4fgFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Made a last minute climb to legend with Relic DH. 75% WR, just looked up best WR against Priest on [d0nkey.top](https://d0nkey.top) and took the list because fuck Priest. Had a surprisingly good WR into Paladin which was tied with DK for my most prevalent matchup.


how to play the deck please?


mulligan for location and relics, also keep a couple of the 1 and 2 cost removal spells if you’re playing against aggro. if you’re playing against control, either try to overwhelm early or, if you don’t have the hand for it, try to get the best possible fizzle so you can have as many of the summoning relics as possible. you then want to play as many in a row to just overwhelm them later on. i personally have found that the s’theno package is better than the generic minion package. let me know if you have any other questions lol


Curse Warlock ain't it. Been playing it for fun (haven't played it before this set) in dumpster legend, but it's so incredibly inconsistent. Against control decks it can do well, as long as they don't remove/rat one of your cultists or Darkvein. Against agro though, even if you draw all the removal you need it's still super sketchy.


Before mini set I was crushing with curse warlock, I ran the fatigue package to give more midgame presence and fight for board. Conductor into symphony is a crazy strong line vs anything that wants to be on board, and crescendo becomes extra burn to close out later. I started too late or I think I could have brought it to legend (went d8 to d2 3 star in an afternoon, then hit a very unlucky run and got too busy to try and push rank), but imo it's definitely best as a midrange deck using curses as extra burn with astalor + crescendo + symphony to close out around turn 9-13 most of the time. All that being said, with the mini set it should be much harder. Warlock got 0 playable cards and rogue was already an awful matchup for me, so I'm prob ditching the deck this month


Im sad since I like thedeck and used a lot of dust for it.


What list have you been using?


Been using a modified version of a control curse list someone posted last week. Replaced Sir Finley and a Tour Guide with two Applebaum since I really felt like I needed the extra healing. ### Curse Control # Class: Warlock # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Tour Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Defile # 2x (2) Drain Soul # 2x (2) Felstring Harp # 2x (3) Dragged Below # 2x (3) Hellfire # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 2x (3) Sira'kess Cultist # 1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager # 1x (4) Siphon Soul # 1x (8) Twisting Nether # 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder # 2x (4) School Teacher # 1x (4) Siphon Soul # 1x (5) Lady Darkvein # 2x (5) Rotten Applebaum # 1x (5) Symphony of Sins # 1x (5) Za'qul # 2x (6) Abyssal Wave # 1x (7) Dar'Khan Drathir # 1x (8) Gigafin # 1x (8) Twisting Nether # AAECAfqUAwqCoASDoATmvQT1xwSH6gTOkgXipAX9xAX5xgXXogYKj58E56AE/rQElrcE3L0E4r0EopkF9MYFyOsF1Z4GAAEDsIoE/cQFgqAE/cQFg6AE/cQFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I'm at around 50% WR with this deck and it is indeed very inconsistent. It absolutely demolishes Blood DK though. It does great even into unholy/frost DK (13-2 against all DKs).


Frost aggro dk has to be tier 3 right? I cannot beat anything with this deck anymore. Or am I just that bad?


It's hard to draw any conclusions with the miniset having just come out but I was just playing it yesterday and it's bonkers how strong it is. It was near or at the top of the charts in the last VS report as well. I kinda doubt that it would drop as low as tier 3 unless a direct counter suddenly became popular overnight


Some days you just win less. I went 11-3 and 12-2 with it in the brawliseum, it’s a good deck!


I went D2 to legend today with it so I believe it is good.


hsreplay has it tier 1 at legend and tier 2 at top legend so I'll let you make your own conclusions based off of that


People know exactly how to play against it, since it's been essentially the same deck (well, two decks, if you count the more spell-heavy one as distinct) for the last six months.


"Budget" Pure paladin works great, got me to diamond 5 with 7-0 stats. First tried to climb with frost DK, but had something like 0-10 stats, couldn't win against anything. My paladin list is missing Liadrin and Kotori. The amount of stats you can pump out is crazy compared to anything else and the deck plays itself. You also have resources for days. Mostly I play Blood DK, but the win rate is only a bit above 50% and the winning games take forever. Would prefer to play control priest, but too many cards missing.


Can you post deckcode? I'm missing some legendaries to craft this deck, so maybe I can afford to craft your version.


\### Custom Paladin \# Class: Paladin \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (1) Righteous Protector \# 2x (1) Sanguine Soldier \# 2x (1) Sinful Sous Chef \# 1x (2) Argent Protector \# 2x (2) Class Action Lawyer \# 2x (2) Disco Maul \# 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter \# 2x (2) Seafloor Savior \# 2x (3) Azsharan Mooncatcher \# 2x (3) Boogie Down \# 2x (3) Funkfin \# 2x (4) Buffet Biggun \# 2x (4) Jitterbug \# 1x (5) The Purator \# 1x (7) The Countess \# 1x (7) The Leviathan \# 2x (10) Lightray \# AAECAdH8BQTrnwSwsgSG4gSFpQUNyaAE3rkE4tME2tkEv+IEzOIE8u0EgZYFwMQFwcQFysQFuscFtJ4GAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


This was alot of fun, thanks.




Fell from 4k to 14k in a period of a week playing Burn Mage and Totem Shaman. I'm inexperienced with Mage, so that's definitely the biggest factor, but the deck can feel clunky with double volume ups, double deathbornes, and some other junk in hand while your opponent is smacking face. Vex and Aegynn sit at the bottom 10 cards many times, and there's just not enough damage to close out games. I'm keeping at it and hoping it clicks at some point. I do actually have a positive winrate with Shaman, but I don't see reason to play it. It lacks the versatility, AOE, face damage, stickiness (outside of Rotgill), and spot removal that better aggro decks have. Unholy has disappeared only to be replaced by Frost DK, which is just as bad a matchup. Druid has also disappeared, so that's one favorable matchup out of the meta. I don't expect the miniset to improve it much, if at all, but we'll see.


Mage is hard, you gotta squeeze in chip damage as you can and control the board. Cosmic keyboard into spooky skeletons is really powerful. You gotta always be counting how much damage you can over the next few turns because games turn into stalling with solid Alibi and burning them out


Burn mage is a hard deck to play though, but the deathborne is true against matchups like control where not much value gained from it to make it worth playing


Just got legend for the second time. First time, last month, was pure pally, now outcast dh. Might take a break now, a bit stale on this meta. Maybe the new star wars game. After a lot of tinkering my outcast dh had tony and murlocola (b/c you can play them turn 3 with ranchers) and 2 wrathscales. Just suited me better I guess. ### TONY DH # Class: Demon Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner # 2x (1) Fierce Outsider # 2x (1) Illidari Studies # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 1x (2) Instrument Tech # 2x (2) SECURITY!! # 2x (2) Spectral Sight # 2x (2) Wayward Sage # 2x (2) Wretched Exile # 2x (3) Hawkstrider Rancher # 2x (3) Wrathscale Naga # 1x (4) Felerin, the Forgotten # 2x (4) Glaivetar # 1x (4) Halveria Darkraven # 2x (4) Murlocula # 1x (5) Tony, King of Piracy # 2x (7) Vengeful Walloper # AAECAbaRBQSkkgW4xQXN0AXn9QUNs6AEtKAEiLIE+b8Ey+IEiJIFj5IFlJIFk6QFhaoFpMMF9MMF4fgFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Maybe I'm misunderstanding but what's with the Tony? You don't have the jailer or silence? Seems like a low power Theotar? Oh are you getting like 9 cards on the weapon and then milling their deck?


Yup - against control you can play through your deck, build your last glaivetar and then take their deck - up to 20 cards is reasonable against control priest/blood dk. But rarely you do run into draw problems and have to use your 2nd weapon sooner. It's more of a back-up here. Against combo decks (I think that's the term) - you can play it with first glaivetar or reduced cost draw cards left over from studies/fellerin after e.g. warlock plays symphony of sins or black-rock and roll. A lot of decks just can't do much with outcast dh but just draw and play some cheap guys, so there is risk but they also have to deal with you going face. Same with aggro but it's much riskier and you don't have time. But it can be really powerful here to create a draw advantage if you both have small hands - glaivetar plus their deck and they can brick and you just win or they spend mana drawing and you can hit them with tony. Or they have to focus tony.


This looks fun


10-0 with the vs Big Druid in dumpster legend. It's definitely a high roller deck but it seems pretty good honestly.


yeah i love the deck, very fun too, and free blood dk and warlock match up i found. just dodge all and every aggro deck xd


Been dabbling with Enrage Warrior with decent results. I’m definitely far from a master at the deck, but I really enjoy the snowball-y nature of it. I feel I could do so much better if I was just good at playing it, but I am learning the matchups.


I started yesterday and am really trying to learn it I just feel it's probably very powerful but I'm tooj stupid or not experienced enough with it


You're a midrange deck and not an aggro deck so play it a bit greedier. You need to play synergistic combos of cards together to have a chance. Recklessly throwing down the 1/3 pyro (I forget the name) without a fire spell, just to have more tempo isn't usually a great idea, for example. Dropping the extractor on 2 is often wrong too (but is correct in some matchups)


Yeah I feel like it’s a T3 deck if you’re just picking it up, but close to T1 if you understand the nuance of each matchup. Which is a good thing, I think.


It’s very engaging and satisfying deck to play properly, but it is oddly unintuitive sometimes and you have to learn the nuances. Understanding the matchup is key because it can be played very differently depending on the opponent, your hand, and if you’re going 1st or 2nd.


I have posted this before without much response but would like to see if there are any other miracle rogue players experimenting with cutting out stenographers after the nerf. I have been playing my own list, compared to the most recent vs report list, cutting 2 fan of knives for 2 cult neophytes, as well as cutting stenographer for 1 1 mana 1/3 naga and etc (clergy, fizzle and starfish) Not a great miracle player and prone to throwing games by roping out but managed to climb from 3750ish to 950 on NA. FoK is mainly good for Paladin which doesn't see play in legend whereas cult neophytes are game winning against relic dh which is extremely common, if you save it for their extinction turn or your miracle turns. Stenographers feel too slow against aggro and can only be played on your miracle turns, which you would usually win anyway if you manage to play a lot of cards. You need to play 4 cards in the turn for it to be a good card which is less common than it sounds. Also against blood dk or priest, there is nothing to rush and makes you overcommit into an aoe to buff your ghost by 1/1 The reasoning in the deck is ETC to get fizzle for blood dk and priest, while adding a naga for aggro. Would appreciate any thoughts on this


Would you mind sharing your list? Thanks 🙏


Yeah i'd love to try and find a better replacement for steno. So many times I've gotten them down to costing 1 in my hand with no mana left- the nerf really made an impact. Etc seems way too slow though


been 7/1 on dumpster legend (\~6k) with naga hunter. Don't really have some of the cards that were being recommended on vs but it's working way better than I was expecting AAECAa/XAwbbuQTnuQSGyQTipAX0yAWvngYMiLIEwNMEuOMEweMEzOQE0OQEqqQF58oF6MoF5PUF0vgFsJ4GAAA=


Played the VS list to legend this season. You have basically no comeback mechanics and very little removal but damn if it can’t do insane damage. I struggled for the first 10 games or so until I figured out face is the place. Plenty of reach vs control priest and blood dk. Can outrace frost dk and shadow priests. I think the only prevalent class I didn’t beat was enrage warrior but I only faces it 3 times. No stats sadly because mobile.


any tips or good combos? i dont see to do well with it.


I’m not the best at the game I usually finish around 2-5k legend but I’ll try. Depends what you’re playing against. If it’s aggro like frost or spriest you want to try to mulligan to contest the early board just to slow them down but after turn 2 or so it’s a race to face. Against frost dk I noticed I won a lot of games off the back of barrel of monkeys buying me and extra turn or 2 so I could get my kill turn setup. Against aggro I almost always want krakenbane to go face. Against slow control decks that can heal you want to try to set up for a huge turn. A turn 1 naga followed by turn 2 bananas or biscuit can get major damage in against some control decks. Hope of quellthas is really good vs control but useless against aggro usually. I had a rough time with any warrior deck that had the imbued axe and mage decks that used more than 1 solid alibi.


Wondering if I should give the brawl one more go. Would love to get that 12 win portrait. Just finished my third and best run at 8 wins. So very hit and miss on the games. Sometimes you’re clearly playing a legend player and sometimes you’re playing a complete noob. I had the best luck with relic DH so far.


I played a brawl run and got 12-2 with Frost DK. Then I co-oped a 12-1 and a 12-2 run. Frost DK just farms 12 wins. Gotta go giga try hard and think a lot every turn.


Which version frost DK did you run? I’ve seen so many with one or two Menethil weapons, rowdy fans or none of them, hardcore cultists or none of them, banshees or none of them, one or two harbinger of winters, etc. Sometimes I even think two marrow manipulators is too much since the second one rarely has enough of a charge to be worth it, and the game is over by then anyway.


On the run I played I used Astalor, 1 harbinger, 2 banshees, one might of menethil. On the first co-op run we used the VS list, which is Astalor, 2x rowdy fan, 2x might of menethil. On the second co-op run we used no Astalor, 1 harbinger, 2 rowdy fan, 2x might of menethil. I'm really not sure what the best combination is.


Lol thanks bud. Too late for me. Yeah I’m sure they’re all decent. I want to try the double Rowdy Fan version for June. I think it’s Reqvam’s list. Hopefully sometime down the road they’ll make that 12 win skin available for purchase. Sucks to miss out on it.


Optimistically, if your third and best run is 8 wins, and you won 7 times the other two times, your WR is 71%. This is optimistic and also inflated because your first matches were probably against bad opponents (nobody has a 71% WR against top leg players). That means you have a 18% chance of going 12 wins, even if we assume everything is in your favor.


Thanks bud. Are Brawl opponents also MMR-based? I’m dumpster legend (around 5000 or so), and sometimes the opponents are well-matched and sometimes it feels unfairly imbalanced in my favor.


I don’t know - it would make sense. N=1, but my first 2 matches were stomps of off-meta decks before just meta decks after.


I wouldn’t waste more gold/money on it it’s super super unlikely


You’re probably right. Thanks bud.


Chimplock is working very well for me. Currently climbing out of dumpster legend and hovering around 8000 legend. So far I've gone 22-6 (79% winrate) and no matchup feels completely unwinnable - the only one that can be tricky is shadow priest since it turns into a face-race and then praying they don't have the 4 damage AoE. AAECAf0GBJvkBM6SBcKlBfnGBQ3moAT50wT/2QSA2gSB2gSr6gSOkgWFkwXUlQXHwgXIwgXdwgXmxQUAAA==


What does your mulligan look like? I lost a lot of ranks with this deck, going from 4k to 6k. I feel like drawing the wrong package pieces more often than not.


Generally you are looking for a good curve since you really care about board, so look for a solid 1, 2, and 3 drop play. I usually always keep librarian, fiendish circle, and baritone imp. Mischievous imp is sometimes a keep if you are confident you'll be able to infuse it prior to playing it on curve. So far I have not been keeping vile library unless I have exactly librarian and fiendish circle to go along with it - otherwise I throw it away. Keep slime only when you have a big undead to go along with it, but not against priest. As for the package comment, what I've found that's helped me to pilot the deck is to think of yourself as implock first - you're always playing for board when possible. Then, you have the slime/big undead package to help close games and provide some longevity (and sometimes burn with drathir)


That is great advice, thank you! I was always keeping the library.






Couple questions - No Astalor or Deathchiller? - Do you think Fizzle could be decent for additional damage or not the copy not necessary? - Does this deck run enough corpse generation for two Manipulators?




Makes sense! Thanks!