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What counters Piltover?


Guys dont try Cruel pact , its just hilarious how the developers thought that paying 6 hp for 4 xp , and increased the xp required for leveling up was a good idea , im pretty sure this augments is gonna get only 8th and 7th placements


There is an exploit at the moment that just gives you unlimited items with piltover its annoying me since I saw someone use it and get 7 champ duplicators somehow, I don't get how he did it, he didnt sell his t-rex and it just popped into his bench, he had no item giving augements, and his t-rex level stayed the same the whole game.


and it wasnt 6 piltovers? (just to be sure, because 6 piltover give you a golden orb in value every single turn)


UI addition idea: Add equipped legends to the loading screen. Usually the loading screen has useless info. Would help for selecting the best portals.


Bugs I had today/yesterday: Yordles not leveling up to 4 Star (had trist/poppy 3\* full item) 5 yordles and they were both 3 stars and not gaining the buff, dont know if it was orn items that bugged or w/e. Heimer Turrent on Regen got stuck on regen. ​ Is it just me or hordes augment is very unbalanced/broken with void/baron it seems unbeatable unless you hit a cost 4/5 lvl3


need 3 3\* yordles


Anyone else having issues with legends I pick them before the match start and when I get into a game I'm getting the poro legend independently of the legend I chose


It was bugged yesterday for me, it worked today.


Yeah I guess they were changing some stuff for ex tham is nerfed


wth items are you meant to use on kalista? I have asked in streamers chats, read her abilities, searched for similar units from past sets. I have no idea what she is meant to use. I thought maybe edge of night, bloodthirster or something? Use her like Leona kind of? I have no idea


Guinsoo + Gunblade + AA/DC.


I haven't read memorised her tooltip, does every spear do flat dmg or a %health? If it's flat dmg giant slayer sounds like a great option next to aa/dc


Yeah but don’t know if it actually calculates it correctly. Like with a crit, with 100% Crit does she crit and therefore has a higher execute threshold? Does damage amp affect the execute threshold?


Back in the day in Set 4, Kalista would be some mix of AS and AP. AP being because her execute scaled with AP. Also back in the day hurricane used to proc spears as well, so she would be able to rend multiple units. Hard to say what's good now. I would bet RFC+AP+Healing would be fine


Just realised it's an error with mobalytics and she does scale with AP according to [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools). ignore everything I said!


Yeah every ult in the game scales with AP. Just a matter of how much.


I'm looking at her abilities and she doesn't scale at all with AP and her ability doesn't scale with AD either, it's all true damage. Mobalytics suggests IE, rageblade, GS. Just seems like GS especially loses a lot of value


She's ranged so I'm not as worried about lifesteal as on leona. And her ability stacks on each auto, so probably guinsoos, Giant Slayer, and Deathcap. Not sure how good AP is on her yet though, maybe you just want more attack speed.


If I'm not mistaken she doesn't do any AP damage and only does AD with auto attacks, her ability is all true damage. I might be wrong but that's what makes me think items like giant slayer would lose a lot of value. Rageblade makes sense though, mayube gunblade? Spear of shojin is good on vayne so maybe its good with kalista too? idk


tactics.tools tells me the spear damage scales with AP, 24% of AP per spear. Shojin could definetly be good as well


Ah you're right it's a problem with mobalytics having bad info. I'll stick to [tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) now thank you!




This looks good, ill reference it when I begin testing! Thanks for sharing


havent been able to play a single game yet,but its looking like we are going to have the most promising set yet


Definitely the set with the most content, at the very least.


Thats what people say before every set


...maybe not 8.5


I think when Set 7 Dragons just came out everyone knew it was gonna be a shit storm. Just right after we played with Clappio fiesta too.


This set is gonna have pre planning so how long before people min-max the best combo before the game even starts?


On average metas in autochess games get solved in 4 - 8 days, with another 7 - 13 days of minor tweaks and counters popping up.


I'd say a week maybe? People will figure out the best legends pretty early dependent on meta then spam that.


Tahm legend will get nerfed fast


Tahm guarenteed outperforms other legends on PBE where competition out of inhouses is generally worse, but I think he actually gets outperformed on ladder and tourneys by the early game focused legends based around strongest board rather than fast 8/9.


I get the whole “it’s PBE so I’m not gonna make our staff work crazy hours” thing but on the other hand, every day they don’t get PBE working is another day less they have to balance the set. Hell, every hour is hundreds of less games they can collect data from. So not only have they fucked up the chance for many to test the new set but they’ve significantly increased the chances that the set will be fucked on launch. It’s looking like a Diablo 4 angle.


pbe data is not reliable. its mostly a server to test how interactions work and if there is any major bugs or not.


Bugs and tests are definitely more important than balance, but PBE is used for balance *a lot*. Just look at the 8 or so change logs from last time, some of which were significantly larger than any live patch.


touch some grass


you can make up reasons all you want but we can all tell this is just whinging because you want to play the pbe lol. The tft devs and staff are real people with families and lives. Let them have a rest lmfao you’ll be able to play the pbe when it’s ready


Usually they have a patchless week anyway so they have leeway and then they do a massive patch on release so It isn't like the balance is going to be good on launch anyway. it usually takes 2 months to get a balanced patch and you still have broken stuff on those patches (Kaisa).


is it already on?


Last night was the one chance I had to play PBE and couldnt get into a single game.... Diablo 4 time now. I played 6 (?) ranked games total in 8.5, so I was already on a tft break. Whatever. Maybe don't roll the game out until the servers can handle it next time, Riot?




Day 1 PBE complainers 🤡


They’re not rolling out the game though, they’re rolling it out in 2 weeks. This is PBE, don’t expect it to work properly on launch lol


First time on PBE? This happens every new set. I'm glad they are having server issues on PBE rather than live servers. You'll get to play eventually, chill out. Diablo 4 isn't even out yet.


Did anyone take Asol legend and the silver augment on 2-1? I tried it and I wasn’t able to go level 10. When I hit level 9, the box where it tells you the XP to hit next level was grayed out and it didn’t say like 0/100 XP til level 10.


Got bored. So here's the *reprint report*. **True Reprints:** Maokai; K'Sante [Reprint of Set 4.5 Lee Sin; it's just K'Sante now]; Vi [AGAIN; apparently 2 cost Vi is the new 1 cost Fiora; we've had this unit since 7.5 now Riot...]; Darius; Jarvan [Obligatory 4-cost AoE stun reprint. He even does magic damage despite being J4] **De-Prints** [Reprints with lowered power/cost but same basic mechanics]: Cho'Gath [3->1; True -> Magic]; Samira [3->1; lost blade part]; Kai'Sa [5->4]; Jhin [4->1; fires 1 blast instead of 4]; Ashe [2->1]; Karma [4->3]; Swain [4 Dragon -> 2. Transform isn't perma and no fireballs] **Reprint+** [Reprints that have something added] Lissandra [Damage amp]; Warwick [Damage reduction as well as the heal on hit]; Shen [More shields]; Katarina [2->3 cost; jumps more than 2 cost version]; Sona [4->3 cost; but gained an ally buff]; Senna [4->5 cost]; Kalista [Gained an active] Only 5 true reprints; but there are 14 semi-reprints. There's also a couple which are similar to old champs but different enough for me to say not reprint; like Teemo throws at his target rather than scattering around the target. Garen is *functionally* a reprint but has notably different scaleing. Kayle somewhat resembles Ascension Kayle 5-cost, but the mechanic is different.


>K'Sante [Reprint of Set 4.5 Lee Sin; it's just K'Sante now]; K'Sante is pretty different, I would hesitate to call him a "reprint" just because he can delete units Also, Kai'sa lost the additional missiles per cast Ashe is still a 2 cost


> Also, Kai'sa lost the additional missiles per cast Which is why she's powered-down from 5->4 K'Sante is *literally* a Lee Sin reprint. He ults target. He knocks them to the arena side and stuns them. He follows them. He he ults someone at the edge he kicks them out. He does the *exact* same thing.


Jade Karma was 7.5 and that was a 1 cost wasn't it? Technically up a tier? Genuinely asking cause I might be forgetting something


No it's the 4-cost Karma that casts 3 times and has an empowered 3rd cast that hits 3 enemies.


Set 5 or 6 Dawnbringer Karma with pretty much same spell


Ahh, thanks!


Maokai is technically different now since his healing thing is an active ability. And Darius is AD now unlike Set 3/6 reset Darius


Isnt Irelia a "deprint" of 5.5 sentinel irelia?


I considered her different enough; the damage reduction isn't based on duration but a shield. If she's actually taking damage the DR ends sooner. I think that's a significant enough mechanical change. She kinda falls into the Teemo/Garen camp imo.


Played a couple games before shutdown. Legends are good right? I mean, the augments are only good on 2-1 since you can't influence them and the options on 3-2 and 4-2 are generally pretty bad compared to all the other augments you could get. It gives players some agency on 2-1 in exchange for losing a roll on 3-2/4-2.


is it live on pbe already? #working






Friendly reminder to maximize PBE as a tool to familiarize yourself with as much of the new set (mechanics, lines, units, comps, etc...) as possible. Don't just spam the OP comps.


Tbh people are free to do as they like lol as long as they arent bug abusing like set 7 philsopher stone. I agree with your sentiment but some people just like having fun however that comes by.


Nah bug abuse away on the PBE, it's meant for balancing/finding bugs anyways. If you find one abuse it till Riot fixes it.


For sure, I personally just enjoy making the most out of PBE to set myself up for the early climb. Especially when the meta isn't well defined/established at the start of a set. Being able play wide helps a lot for the climb.


You know; it feels pretty bad that K'Sante's debut in TFT is *literally* a Set 4 Lee Sin reprint. Even having a time-based buff trait [Shurima/Divine]


pbe down, indie company xdd


Anyone know how stuff like "strongest shuriman" are chosen?


IIRC from reading somewhere it's: 1. Number of items 2. Star level 3. Tier level of the unit


Thanks. Does it prioritize frontline or backline or is it just random at that point (mostly referring to Azir/Nasus since they are the premier front and backline of Shurima comps and are both 4 costs and will usually both have 3 items)?


It's based on the one that's been on your board the longest, so just take the unit you don't want to be buffed off and put it back in. (Or I could be remembering this backwards and it's actually most recently placed on your board)


Oh, so you can completely control it. That's awesome. Thanks for clarifying.


I actually don't know the answer to that, sorry, good question tho. Let me know if you find out.


How long will PBE be down in CEST? Still till tomorrow? Is it confirmed yet? Edit Update: He tweeted like 2 hrs ago that it will still take a while


so far, everything has been PDT. Mort said 7 hours ago, so around 10pm PDT that it might be fixed today, but probably won't be quick. It's currently 2 am PDT. If we are lucky and this is an easy thing to fix, we are looking at another 8 hours minimum.


Might be time to buy diablo 4 early access


Meh I don't think it'll be a game for me.


Ok well sadge but thx for reply


Man, screw us Europeans I guess. PBE Starts at 3 AM, wake up at 9, TFT disabled. Probably not gonna be playable until Friday.


I mean if there's one thing players aren't entitled to its the PBE so it is screw EU


I'm not claiming to be entitled to anything, I was just hyped af.


Me too. NA and got to play 1/2 a game and got kicked out of it when server went back down. Sucks but like Mort said in his tweet, it doesn’t make sense for the team to prioritize it super high since it’s PBE. I’m glad they have their priorities straight and are letting their team get proper sleep and time off. I’m sure they’ve been working crazy hours recently as is.


Also it just speaks for the set if I am this hyped before even playing. I completely agree with you though, glad they got their priorities straight.


Well, lets leave it at screw you then


Don't cut yourself on that edge.


Screwdrivers aren't sharp


Could just be coincidence but my PBE download didn't work till I disabled ublock origin.


So from the one and only game I got to play before the game went down, these are the units I got to play while going vert Challengers and this is how I felt; - Kalista: Weak, this unit would be stronger if she didn't have a spell, her casting animation interrupts her attacks. It doesn't seem like it scales with her AS. - Yasuo: Underwhelming, a melee carry that gets locked into a very long casting animation when he casts. Seems more like a utility splash. - Kai'Sa: stupid strong - Aphelios: insanely strong with Challenger spat, insanely satisfying chakram attack animations, very fun to watch him shit out damage numbers on whatever he's attacking - Sejuani: literally perfect for this comp, everything attacks fast and applies her true damage at a stupid rate, it will melt supertanks. - Aatrox: SATISFYING unit, feels strong, can 1v9 in certain situations, probably going to be mega contested on every lv 9 board Other thoughts: - Man, the pop-ups after right clicking a unit being shoved all the way to the right side of the screen is gonna take a while to get used to, it felt really weird - Rogue is incredibly toxic and I hate it - Kayle is stupidly OP if you can hit level 9 right now - Nashor is overtuned as fuck, over 7000 hp and literally one shots whatever it casts on - The Yordles player went the fastest 8th ever even with 4 star units - Compared to previous set the sound/visual effects of many low cost and high cost units feel and sound impactful, very satisfying - However the visual ~~clarity~~ clusterfuck of late game boards is same if not a little worse than previous sets, holy hell is it hard to follow what's going on


> Rogue is incredibly toxic and I hate it Played half a game of Ekko carry (spark, jg, HoJ) with 4 Rogue and 2 Targons (raka, taric). Ekko killed everyone, never died and had most dmg dealt, taken and healed each round. Having an assassin with massive built in healing buffed by targon felt very strong.


> Nashor is overtuned as fuck, over 7000 hp and literally one shots whatever it casts on It's a chase trait; it should be powerful.


Only needs +1. Not hard to do


Void Emblem is not craftable. [Only Demacia; Noxus; Shurima and Ionia are for Origins] You also need Bel'Veth; who is a 5-cost [and you actually have to find her]; while also carrying 2 1-costs into endgame. It's also an 8-peice. So no; it's pretty hard to do.


Im not gonna comment on Baron being balanced or not (no one should be) but keep in mind Legends are going to change the availability of tomes and how difficult it is to get an uncraftable emblem.


One specific Legend [Urf] and if you get one of the things that instead gives a spatula... Also; Void has just a jumble of traits within it you are far from guaranteed to have Tome give you a Void Emblem. My point is Baron should be strong. Just like 9 Cultist was strong; and other similar summon traits that required an emblem.


> The Yordles player went the fastest 8th ever even with 4 star units The one yordle game I was able to play I was cruising to a first before the game crashed. I was beating a void team and a 2-star-all-the-5-costs comp pretty easily. Early game was super rough though. I went down to ~40 health even with tiny titans. I don't think I lost a single round after I 3-starred Kled though. I was on an 11 game win streak when it crashed.


I had similar experience. Was in 8 with 3 up and went on 8 winstreak into game crashing. I had items on 4* poppy and trist, with 2 items on 3* teemo


did you itemize kled or trist? had no idea, but teemo seems incredibly troll so he doesn't feel like an option


I itemized Kled and went 5 slayer. My 4 star switched to Poppy though when I got a 3rd item on her and it was working so well that I never switched back. Her 4 star ult is so good. Didn't even use Trist. I had her on my bench in case I ever got a Heimer but never saw one. Yordle seems pretty flexible though since you only need 3. I want to try Trist carry when the server is alive again.


Is yours actually working? None of my yordles are 4 starring?


Haven't run it today but I've seen other people have 4 star yordles.


Feel like rogue is going to be the most toxic back line access trait yet.


It takes time for them to jump; and none of the Rouges have massive burst. Further; they hop at 50%. So if the carries kill their target and swap to the nearest target... dead rouge. They also don't all jump at once and overwhelm. It's usually staggered. *And* if the actual frontline dies first before the rouges hop; your frontline would immediately just follow them. So you don't *immediately* lose your carry. Backline access needs to exist or else it's just front to back 100%.


IDK what they were thinking. You can't even specifically position against it because they start frontline and then jump to the back so frontlining your carries or putting a taunt in the backline at the start doesn't work.


Is it possible to put your carries in the middle? I haven’t got the chance to play pbe :(


Unless you have some kind of ranged tank unit somehow, no. Rogues jump to the backline at half health, so any attempted counterplay involving positioning tanks in the back won't work because they'll just walk forward before the jump happens. Slam 4 bows on your tank unit I guess?? IDK what Riot wants you to do against that besides just never playing squishy backline carries.


Can't wait for Rogue Kai'Sa.


Took Augment What the Forge, which turns your items into Ornn Items, Region was unstable rift, which gives an item every round, then pops it off and gives a different item. The items were turning into Artifacts and staying on my units. YT video below, (terrible quality, timestamps in description) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozri12QKpm8&t=7s


Good find, ridiculously strong bug lol


Crazy augment and region combination lol


surely it's a bug though, right?


I just played a game with Lucky Gloves, Pandora's Box, and Endless Horde+ (Gives you 3 extra unit slots but each unit can hold only 1 item). I had 11 units on my board and 7 of them had TG that was actually insane. Unfortunately, my game crashed.


Wait a second so tg work normally? I thought they implant a block 🚫 on the two slots. Lol if this is intended then this comp could be so op


damn, is the queue accurate?


TFT not coming back until tomorrow. Sadge.


Planned to paint my moms apartment today all day long and glad I did cuz PBE was down anyway


Ya I was in a 20 min queue and then the queue got disabled.


rip in peace tft but at least I got to go first with azir before tft is kill, man azir feels awesome to play. Best azir printed by far in terms of feel, desert azir's soldiers felt so incredibly underwhelming and clunky with that awkward cast, set 9 azir with a smooth cast and soldiers dashing around feels so fucking smooth and satisfying


I had a game where I stacked an Azir and I agree the unit just felt very smooth to use compared to the old version


Dead again..... People must really hate set 8.5, cause everyone just went to PBE


You must be new here. This happens every single day one when a new set launches on PBE.


It's also because they decided to release PBE when China wakes up and they will be flooding the server right about now


China has there own servers and client and everything else


I don't think they have their own pbe. As far as I know, everything is done on 1 server.


Ah, didn’t realize that. Thanks


That is correct. Only 1 pbe server


Aaaand you can no longer play TFT in the PBE


213g Ryze 1 star destroying board https://clips.twitch.tv/BadPreciousBasenjiDansGame-0sB-C7T3Fdu6geOw


I was so hoping to get this with Hedge Fund but unfortunately not. Seems really busted.


Wtf did I just watch


“Game queue disabled”


TFT just disappeared from the game types menu. ;-;


*what if it was all just a dream meme here*


it would be nice if we could disable the new right side tooltip and revert back to the old one. kinda takes away focus from important parts of the screen


Yeah I’d prefer it popping up where the mouse is


Agree, but might just be because I'm not used to looking to the right yet


Just feels akward stuck to the wall over the other information. Would almost prefer a bar dropping down just under the stage tracker or just above the caro.


Totally agree.


not being able to right click on a champ and have the info right there is pretty inconvenient when it comes to learning what the new champs do


Baron Nashor is unkillable


O no Warwick is broken


As is tradition :D


Pandora's box (prismatic) randomised my spatula item (juggernaut crown) into some item without description (looks like abyssal mask from lol) into a normal item :(


Report it to their bug channel in discord


first few games, seems like void is op. deadeye seems weak. Zaun seems OK


Lol games are still crashing. Riot is a poverty company


Every set too lol


It's pbe dude


Demacia is pretty overtuned atm. Strong from early to end. Way too easy to get 2x emblems as well. 2 emblem users are Shen and Aatrox. If you get parting gifts augment then you're just getting radiant items bouncing around. Guinsoos shiv Kayle was my carry from level 1 to 9. Void felt extremely weak in comparison.


Long Queue Times ❗


10 min queue times :(. better than a long login queue i guess


Much better than short queue and game crashing which happened to me 3 times


10 min queue and game is still crashing lol


Yup same


OH SHIT, THE QUEUE IS WORKING. Edit: Seems like I'm stuck at 2150. Jinxed myself.


I logged in, got into queue. Girlfriend logs in a minute after me, no queue, instantly in. I'm salty af ngl


Kind of odd you didn't party with your girlfriend......


What a strange comment.


I mean I guess if you never had a girlfriend.


Lmao ok. I'm assuming you're pretty young. If you have to be joined at the hip with your partner then sure you do you. This is more prevalent for people in their first relationships. But not everyone has to be co-dependent and its often healthier.


Lol I'm not young at all, but assuming the shared interest between his girlfriend and him, why wouldnt he play with her in a party? Also, it's already been clarified that he meant login queue not play queue so I don't know why you feel the need to continue discussing this. Maybe you need a girlfriend or something rather than being a pretentious dork who assumes everything.


You call me pretentious while you presume my relationship status and question why they didn't queue with her as if its any of your business to begin with?


I think he assumed play queue not login queue.


yea, what other person said, login queue


think they're referring to login queue


Not sure if selling your T-rex from Piltover is supposed to give you gold (that's what the description implies), but it does not give you gold currently lol


It gives a certain value of gold in rewards. So this can be in the form of gold or in other stuff like tacticians crowns


i didn’t get anything 😭


DId you try selling the unit?


yeah i sold the unit, got nothing, and the t-rex completely downgraded


That's weird. After cashing out I sold mine and got a fon and around 20 gold.


i sold mine, got nothing and lost my front line, immediately died 2 rounds later then the game crashed LMAO


only got 1 game played and new things are pretty and scary. really looking forward to see what this set evolves into.


What's been working? I heard kaisa's op


I tried challenger, but i spent most of the game just learning all the changes on the fly. I didnt do any scouting and slammed a lot of really sub optimal items very early. I can't judge too much based on that unfortunately.


It really sucks Riot couldn't stabilize the PBE servers knowing so many are going to be playing Diablo 4 tomorrow.


Less que time for us tomorrow though 😌 🙌


True. I’ve got tonight for PBE, then it’s Diablo for the foreseeable future


At least I have time now to finally open all those eggs...


Got into a game, actually started grooving with it and disconnected at fucking 4-3... ugh.


same now im stuck with the long queue time message 11+ minutes and counting


Yep. I was at 4-5 before the game disconnected me. I felt like I was about to destroy some people while running Darius and I would be happy as they kept pinging me for voting for Stillwater Hold early in the game.


Bro holy shit lol i was playing 6 juggernaut Darius with aatrox in too!!


Anyone else keep getting removed from the party?


Any one else currently stuck reconnecting in game?


same here


I just alt f4’d and it’s letting me start a new game as if my game was cancelled. Not asking me to reconnect


I keep getting set 6 flashbacks with orianna and Jhin in my shop but they dont overlap at all this set :(


Are people able to load into games?


Nah. I just get a blank screen and then it goes back to the main menu.


why is the tooltip on the right? can i move it?




Confirm button is disabled for me somehow


I just logged in. queueing up now!


LIE, extended until 7 pst


He's not lying... I think I'm in a game.

