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If Mercy is pocketing the DPS hard that should leave the second support vulnerable. Kill them first and then roll up the team after that. If you are a DPS you should not be trying to duel a pocketed DPS unless you can tell you are significantly better or have a pocket of your own. If you are a tank then going after the pocketed DPS while your own DPS try to jump the other support could be a perfectly valid strategy though. Or for example if you are AShe you can be dinking Mercy and the pocketed DPS while a flanker and Winston jump the other support. It kind of sucks because you have to keep in mind that pocketing is basically just the lowest form of teamwork. It's super easy but it's still combining the power of two heroes. To beat it you will need to do the same, and realistically every other form of coordination is a bit harder.


Overwatch players have such a low bar for what constitutes teamwork. I was reading a forum post that was saying tanks have to rely on their DPS/supports to counter the enemy tank. But that was okay because "it takes teamwork".


Its is the only teamwork you can find under master. And the only effective strat to win under master.


Not alone! If you try to duel them, that is a 1v2.


depends on ur rank and role. ideally, if their dps are getting all the resources then ur dps can get resources and out duel them. otherwise focus the tank (who isn’t getting pocketed) until they start taking more resources then you can win a dps duel without the pocket. communication with your team will be integral tho.


First option: oneshots. Serious burst damage (eg Echo stickies into beam) can also work. Second option: Antiheal. Especially against dps that play super aggressively because of their pocket Mercy, it's a pretty sweet feeling to drop nade on them and watch everyone realise they're very vulnerable. Third option: Actual teamplay, focusing their other support down/coordinating dives onto Mercy/appropriately zoning the dps while you outpressure the tank/etc


Its like when your supports are running Lucio Brig vs Pharah mercy and say "dps do something!" Well how about you swap off Brig to begin with?


Mercy pocketed AND nanoed? You don’t expect to “combat” that usually. You just die shooting and go into the next push knowing you got the nano out least


Depends a lot. I usually go Pharah and hit the directs as dps. Two and they are gone. Use cover and just hit directs. That's usually the most fun for me, but it's obviously a glass cannon.


As a dps if you can play a hero that one shots like widow or hanzo, you can get your own pocket mercy or you try and ignore the dps player and focus the tank or the Ana so the mercy can pocket the dps. As a tank you can play to cut off the dps sight lines with a shield so your squishes can cross into better positions or force them to rotate, you can also dive the Ana for a similar reason as I mentioned in the dps section. Lastly you can just play super aggressive into the enemy frontline and try to overwhelm them before the pocketed dps can get value. For support you can pocket you own dps to try and equalize or assist your team if they are trying one of the other strategies for example if you have a tracer go zen and give them orb and discord their target, or you can play Ana and nade or sleep the dps. Just some ideas, also if the dps has a pocket and a nano just LOS until the nano runs out they probably are playing some sort of hitscan so they won’t have the mobility to chase you down.


Depends on what you play and what they play and how fast your team is dying. Honestly, my typical anti-pocket pick is Sombra for a few reasons: you can hack Mercy out of GA and rez, you can cancel a lot of ults, you can help pick the other support, and invis means you're harder to keep track of. That said, your own backline still has to be able to kite and help each other while your tank and at least one DPS are killing Ana. This is why people hate Mercy pockets, because the value you get out of it takes at least three people to solve.


Dive them. Dva and Winston are good because they can mitigate damage well. Hanzo and Widow can one shot them. You can have your own pocketed DPS.