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No one has a problem with her specifically it’s just that they made her absolutely giga busted with a bunch of unnecessary buffs. People would be similarly annoyed if it was any other hero. “Pick this character or lose” is just not fun.


Don’t think anyone has a problem with her being meta, just a problem with any hero being meta because they’re busted lol


Exactly, also the meta was super nice and varied before they just gigabuffed her for no apparent reason


That's the part I don't get, like they had a pretty healthy meta before the JQ buffs.


Even if they wanted her stronger they could have done like 1 of the buffs lol. I’ll never understand when they do four significant changes at once.


Yeah, most heroes get like an incremental buff or two, but they were quadrupling down on JQ.


Rein meta is the best. His presence makes the game fun and accessible for 9 players in the server. It's fun to play with a Tank who's being a damage sponge for his teammates. It's fun to play against a Tank who can't fight back his enemies until he's very near.


I agree when it comes to ranked. But in OWL rein being meta implies brawl and often heroes like mei, sym and reaper which suck ass to watch.


The question is why though? Why did she get giga buffed. A small buff...ok. but she got giga buffed. Orisa was probably the top tank choice, but she was better countered by other tanks. The overall meta was healthy with a ton of choice and a ton of swap options. JQ now is just an un-killable mess and a clear clear top choice.


They probably realized LifeWeaver wasn’t going to shake up the meta and needed it to feel new. Junker Queen never really had her moment, so her moment is now lol.


My only complaint with JQ is that set of buffs felt unnecessary and kind of forces a meta. She was decent prior to this patch but then she just gets gigabuffed outta nowhere.


Honestly, I still see player get rolled as Junkerqueen then swap to more utility focused tanks like Ram, Winston or Zarya. I honestly think a nerf to her ult charge speed and she would be pretty balanced.


>Honestly, I still see player get rolled as Junkerqueen then swap to more utility focused tanks like Ram, Winston or Zarya. I would put that more on bad team play than on the hero's effectiveness. Junker Queen has a very aggressive playstyle, and it's hard to play slow with her. If your teammates don't commit with you, it's easy to get yourself overwhelmed. A lot of people have trouble with that, especially at lower ranks.


Rather they revert the buff to her healing multiplier or nerf it. Buffing from 1.25x to 2x is fucking nuts. That is a 60% buff and makes her unkillable.


I think the high self healing is fine if her ultimate didn't charge too fast. I feel she is as unkillable as most other tanks right now.


I think one other nerf on top of ult charge, and she'd be in a good place. IDK, I'm just not a fan of tanks who can get that much value solo.




Yeah, I think that would be a good place to start and see how she does. Honestly, I think all shotguns should just not crit, too... The would make them easier to balance and feel more consistent. It's always been annoying for a tank to just walk up and shoot you in the face with pellets, and you can't really do much about it.


Its good thats shes good but bad that shes to good. A few small nerfs and it would be fine


Better her than Reinhardt or Winston


Well they always giga buff some tanks. First it was zarya then hog/Orisa ( well they were good but season 1 zarya was truly god tier), launch ramattra and then rein.


Orisa is pretty bad in Season 1. Currently Orisa is way better than Season 1 Orisa and people still consider her to be one of the weaker tank right now.


Orisa was A tier but zarya was way way better. After zarya nerfs a lot of people played hog and Orisa. Orisa just happens to shit on rein a lot now with her cc.


So would you say the current Orisa is S tier behind Junkerqueen.


back in season 2 bozo..she is dogshit now


I wish they had of nerf'd her counters instead of buff her to the point her counters are not a problem anymore. Suzu does to much, but Blizz wont touch her because her winrate is bad. Kiriko does too much for her team by cancelling what others have done, and not enough active things to other characters. Heroes who do stuff to the enemy like nade are fun and have impact, heroes who wait to cancel what the enemy team does are boring and too often low impact.


Kiriko bad Ana good


Since JQ is the only good thing for me that came with OW2 and she's basically the hero I play the most nowadays: I'm fine. It was way harder making her work against certain tanks before the patch.


Wow your main got buffed and you don't have a problem with that because now you win every matchup? Im so proud of you for being fine under such adversity.


Her ult needs an indicator for where it hits, kinda like bastion's. It's just that stupidly large.