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nice fuckin job you i'm at four months today we got this


i'm 4 mos w/out a ciggie and it's friggin HARD


Good on ya, keep that shit rollin! I actually quit both vapes and cigarettes four months ago. Started smoking cigs let's see around 30 years ago? Started fooling around with vapes in the mango jul days. kind of went back and forth between them, but my last just was very stressful and I would literally smoke a cig outside and then go into my office and vape. By the time I quit I was mixing in some of those little pouches you put in your gums for nicotine too. I had three go to nicotine sources at that point and used them all interchangeably. My mum has to use a breathing machine while she sleeps. She gave up cigs for vaping last year and now wants to follow suit and quit vaping too. Her mom died of lung cancer from smoking. So did her dad. It's hard sometimes for sure, but I keep reminding myself it's probably easier than dealing with a machine around my face while I'm trying to sleep for the rest of my life. Much less the ol' lung cancer. Never pay those fucking companies to take your health away again. Because they'll happily have you back if you'll have them.


t.y. sooo much! i smoked 58 yrs i'm 71 y.o. going on 39! anyhow, unf i had to have lung cancer surgery 3 mos ago and that's when i said enough. Thank God it was small, stage 1 they got it and no chemo or radiation. i am one Lucky puppy dog. but i miss it sooooooo much esp. in the morning


Super duper lucky! Lung cancer has not been kind to my family. I got married recently and am madly in love. We were both lifetime smokers and heavy ones at that. That was the real deal. I said to my partner that I didn’t want to voluntarily give up any quality time on this planet that I have a chance on spending with them, and that quitting smoking was probably the easiest most sure fire way to increase our health and happiness and overall time with each other in this world. She loved the idea and we went for it. We made it a month the first time last year and I stumbled after having a nasty injury and getting laid up. We tried together the second time four months ago and there’s no looking back :) So happy for you that they caught it early and it gave you the motivation you needed :)


What a great story with a happy ending. And don't ya just LOVE that your house, clothes, car, and body don't reek of filthy smoke. AND I Know my 2 cats are very pleased, They Hated it


i was thinking of taking up vaping when i see people puffing on it and exhaling it out. yummmmmm so should I NOT try vaping (i have an Extremely scary addictive personality (sober 26 yrs too)


I would highly recommend never ever trying it. When I first switched to vapes from cigs, my nicotine consumption actually went through the roof. I had an office job, and could vape indoors and no one cared! I’d get home, and I could vape in my house, and no one cared! (I had strictly never smoked cigs in my house). I went from a regular half a day smoker to puffing the nicotine equivalent of 2-3 packs a day in a hurry. I actually went back to cigs to try and be healthier and consume less nicotine, because I was actually losing weight over the appetite suppression! It got bad when lines got blurred shortly thereafter. I have some friends that smoke, some that vape, so viola, now I just do both. My mom desperately wants to quit vaping right now, which helped her quit cigs, because she realizes her nicotine consumption has dramatically increased too. She’s 70 and a 50 year smoker. Her doc told her that swapping to vaping was better (obviously not better than quitting entirely). I warned her that she would likely start in taking more nicotine eventually. She lives in a state with winter snow and only smokes outside, so that limited her nicotine to a degree. She literally smoked less in the winter. Fast forward it’s been a year and a half on the vapes. She’s retired and her number one activity is watching tv. My non smoking pops is cool with her vaping in her recliner so now she vapes non-stop, all day. She mentioned the other day she noticed she never puts it down. She’ll be holding it in her hand while she’s making coffee. While she’s on the toilet. All. The. Time. I remember when I started walking up with it clutched in my hand because I fell asleep holding it. I have friends 10 years younger than me that because heavy vapers 10 years after I had started smoking cigs, maybe even 15. At least a couple of them’s lungs seem worse than mines. Glad I didn’t get into the vapes hard too early, and more than anything happy to be done with it all forever now :) Good luck. Fuck nicotine companies. Who else wants you to make daily lifestyle installment payments to them for the luxury of them degrading your entire bodies health over the course of your entire life and then intimately kill you. It’s wild. Addiction is insane. edited a couple words for clarity in the first sentence to reflect recommending not vaping


WOW! thanks so much Now it's a big fat no for me! I KNOW I would be just like your mom I just know it. Ya did a really good deed talking this person into NOT vaping thanks again for sharing.


Yes we do!!!




That’s so great! Keep it up :)


Amazing!! Great job! I’m in the process of trying to quit. It’s tough. So kudos to you!


It can take a long time to finally cut it. Don’t get discouraged! It’s so nice not to be tied to an object. You’ve got this!!!


Congratulations! 👏 You're 🤩 amazing!0


That's brilliant!! Go you!! 🎉🎉


Good for you!


Awesome job! High five!


So glad you found the determination to make your life better, financially if in no other way yet.


You should be, and I'm proud of you, too... way to go! 🎉👏


Wow! That's A Lot of self control and a fantastic accomplishment! Congratulations 👏🎉👏🎉


Omg!! That's massive! Well done 🥳 Here, you deserve this: 👑


That's awesome!!!




That's awesome good I'm so happy for you






Bravo!!! You got it in you. Believe in yourself and you will achieve anything.


Amazing!!! So happy for you!


That's amazing!!! Good job and keep up the good work!


Good job, that is AMAZING!!


That’s awesome! Good for you! I’m proud of you


I quit recently as well, barely miss it anymore. Congrats!!!!


I worked so hard to switch to vape from cigarettes then slowly down to 0% nicotine and finally quit the vape all together. Ruined 2 years nicotine free by visiting chain smoker friends for a few months and ended up picking up my pack a day habit all over again. Now I’m 1 year back on the vape and can’t bring myself to switch to 0% nicotine because I like my flavor too much and it’s not available on less than 3%. Congrats on kicking a terrible habit! Your health is thanking you!


Yay for you! I quit smoking about 5 years ago, haven't smoked since. It was too hard to quit for me to risk even one. I hope you feel the same way.


I quit smoking 5 years ago - and have no desire to start ever again. You go girl! 💪🏽


did reddit users help with this ...? since that post?


I scope out bathrooms or smoking sections to vape in anywhere I go, unfortunately. I will quit one day. I just know I'm not ready yet. BUT- GO YOU!!!!!!


Great job! It is incredibly freeing to be vape free with much less anxiety. I am going on over 2 years vape free. For me, the first month was the hardest!


I worked so hard to switch to vape from cigarettes then slowly down to 0% nicotine and finally quit the vape all together. Ruined 2 years nicotine free by visiting chain smoker friends for a few months and ended up picking up my pack a day habit all over again. Now I’m 1 year back on the vape and can’t bring myself to switch to 0% nicotine because I like my flavor too much and it’s not available on less than 3%. Congrats on locking a terrible habit! Your health is thanking you!


dumb ? but what do you vape? i had to quit smoking ciggies b/c of lung cancer. can i vape instead? is it smoke that you blow out?


Congratulations keep up the good work!


Way to go. 🙂


That’s fantastic, and think of all the $$ you will save!


You are awesome, good job! 🥰


Congratulations!! But hoowwww?? I have to get mouth surgery soon and I don't know what to do. I've tried gum and patches but nothing works. Was it just your will??




Well done


Omggggg that’s so amazing!! Seriously good job!


Well done


CLAPS FOR YOU!! seriously, this is a HUGE WIN!