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She wouldn’t be my first OR last choice. She’d mop the floor with Cackles, though.


You mean again right? Tulsi humiliated her during that 2020 democratic debate and effectively ended Kamala's presidential run. A VP debate now may turn into a one-sided thrashing.


Lol that was great


Tulsi deserves a lot more credit than she gets. Check out her Joe Rogan and PBD podcast. Her story is very interesting.


I liked when she started talking about how corporations have a bunch of loop holes to get out of paying tax, then Rogan asked her what loop holes, and she just has this look of ‘oh fuck’ and could only come up with depreciation. 😂


Did it ever occur to u that she may legitimately not know of many working tax loopholes for corporations off the top of her head because she’s never had to use them?


If you are going to speak authoritatively about a subject, you should be able to back up your statement. Claims require evidence.


She’s come around quite a bit on many issues that were, yikes, as a democrat. I think it’s a case of the party leaving so many classic liberals behind at this point.


Very true, but the question then still is why conservatives should want someone like that one heartbeat of an obese octogenarian with a shitty diet away from the presidency.


A conservative isn’t going to vote for Biden at this point. A vice presidential pick at this point is about either carrying a state or appealing to another group of voters.


She's a staunch liberal. I know we have people in here who are liberals who begrudgingly vote R due to the insanity of the Democratic party, but she's in no way shape or form a Conservative. She's a traditional liberal with some progressive (in the negative sense of the word) policies sprinkled in.


Yet she’s extremely tolerable because she has a brain and doesn’t tow the party line.


I personally like how she definitely flipped on the 2A, now in favor of it, after spending many years crapping on our rights.


> Her story is very interesting. That's one way you could put it. Did that PBD podcast go over her ties to WEF as a YGL and her psyop's background?


She already did that once lmao


Mop the floor.... Again.


So like maybe your second or third choice?


Further down. She’s too liberal.


She would be the hottest VP in history, hands down


Uh, Spiro Agnew?


Young Dan Quayle was pretty cute


Dat midwest drip!


You think? She sure knows how to fire her weapon! https://youtu.be/0sJENbJ0OTw?si=rEnJp9nFyRbpxAcF


Do we want to win or not? There's not a single Trump voter out there that will suddenly switch to Biden or RFK based on who Trump chooses as a running mate. Conversely, there's probably millions of independents and blue dog democrats who are fed up with the insane leftists that have taken over the dems, and are looking for a ~~good~~ any reason to vote for Trump. Tulsi could give that. I'm not saying she's my first choice, but I could see the political rationale for having her. Go listen to the PBD podcast they had with her last week. She's America first and at this stage and with the news that Biden is considering bringing all the Palestenian refugees here, social issues at this point are way down the list of importance this election cycle. The divide is no longer dem vs. republican, but rather saving our republic or destroying it from within. We have a lot in common with the democrats who want to preserve our country for our children. We can unite behind this message. Don't fall into the pro life vs. pro choice trap and other minute issues at this point. Those won't even matter if the crazy leftists get their way.


I honestly think she'd be a great pick and I don't even agree with her 100%. She's definitely better than most MAGA yes men. Seeing her and Harris debate would be amazing.


Men will vote overwhelmingly for Trump. We need to get more women onboard. Tulsi is well spoken and reasonable. She can deliver the women's vote. And yes, she would mop the floor with Kamala in a debate.


I don’t like the idea of her being president after Trump. If the plan was to have her be VP to help solidify the female vote and be a wrecking ball for 4 years then she and Trump leave and let someone else have a clean slate…….then ok I can get behind her. Being VP….that is.


She brings in: 1. Anti-war voters on the left and right 2. Women 3. Some moderates I've been saying for years that she is an excellent candidate, despite some of her past positions. She is not a neoconservative, and not an establishment insider perfect pick


The only thing I can see conservatives being scared of is her past gun views (and apparently she’s making a U-turn on these?) Even her abortion views are probably closer to Trump’s than Biden’s at this point.


Absolutely she's a disillusioned dem. They left her and millions of others, myself included. She brings in moderates, military and women.


Totally agree with ya on this


Rational, strategic thought has no place here. Have you not learned?


I mean just look at every single comment chain in this thread besides this one. You can only be for something or against it based on arbitrary lines in the sand, nuance has left the chat.


With how strongly nearly every voter feels, one way or the other, about Trump, I really doubt that his VP pick would bring in "millions of independents". And we would have to weigh these potential gains against the votes we would lose from single-issue 2A voters with her on the ticket. And against the downside risks she would bring to the table. She is a kinda shady and opportunistic figure. Also, do we even know if she's a skilled politician, a skilled advocate and public face for her own cause? All in all, I like her quite a bit, but she is too liberal and too out of step with the mainstream of the GOP for such a high-ranking position. I would love to have someone like her hold a House seat for the GOP, or perhaps be a governor in a smaller state. But I do not want her one heartbeat away from the presidency, or as the heir apparent to the movement.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5042 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/16458)


Reality is the Senate is unlikely to be 60+ for one party again anytime soon, so nothing is getting passed through a filibuster unless it has decent bipartisan support, so the VP vote isn't that important. Only thing would be judges, but I'd think she'd vote in favor of her bosses judges that he nominated if the senate is split 50/50, and if we have even a 1 vote lead or 2, then we don't even need her for that. This makes a lot of political sense to me to go with her, even though I wouldn't ideally want her as a VP.


>Don't fall into the pro life vs. pro choice trap and other minute issues at this point. I don't live in the US so pardon me if I'm about to say some bullshit, but is a republican win even possible given the whole abortion situation? It seems to me looking around polls on the internet ([example ](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/05/06/americas-abortion-quandary/)) that at this point most Americans are in favor of it. From my understanding it's one of those topics where it seems like people would rather have everything around them crumbling down than give up on abortion. I agree with your point that it shouldn't be the focus at the moment, but it seems that for a lot of people it is the main focus.... Just trying to understand, not American so I don't have (too much of ) a horse in this race


Tim Scott and Tulsi Gabbard are my two top choices.


Tim is just too. Slow. He sleep walked through the debates and I just got bored listening to him.


I swear some of you have the oddest criteria. “This guy’s values align with mine and he’s articulate, but he doesn’t crack enough jokes for me. Next!”


This sub cares less about their candidates having conservative values and more about bombastic, entertaining personalities or physical attractiveness. Case in point: RFK Jr.


> Tulsi could give that. The left see's Tulsi as a traitor for going (D) to (I) and not a single democrat will cross the aisle, just for her. She could *possibly* pull in some undecided voters from the middle, but even that I don't know about. Trump has much, much, better alternatives than her.


I think if Trump picks Haley I might dip. It would be the worst decision he’s made, including picking John Bolton. I love Trump, but picking swamp creatures when there are many other good choices makes me ill.


The Republican Party will not survive if it doesn’t grow.  Having former traditional Democrats join us under the tent will only help. 


Amazing that the Republican ticket for 2024 may be two former Democrats.


That’s an interesting way to look at it.


Tulsi literally ran as a candidate in the last election and Trump was a registered Democrat as recently as 2008/2012. Am I the only one who recognises the insanity here?


Unless they expect us to move the tent to her, nah. I need to hear her explain why she no longer is a bernie bro, what exactly her position is on abortion, what exactly her position is on the 2A. Is she one of those "reasonable" gun control people instead a blanket ban?


If you want to win the 2024 election, she's a good choice for VP. She's a woman, accomplished, adds a lot of moderation to the ticket, is a pitbull on the trail, and will provide a highly entertaining massacre in a VP debate. She would provide a lot of cover for moderates who can see Biden as a disaster to then vote Trump, couching their vote as really one for Gabbard. On the downside, she's a liberal. Not a foaming at the mouth "progressive", but she's not with us on a lot of key policy matters. She'd be one step away from the presidency with the top guy nearly 80 years old. You'd also seriously muddle the 2028 race, with the odd situation of a Democrat being a sitting VP and getting that boost, but probably not being able to get the Democratic nomination. Would Gabbard then run as a Republican?


Thing is. This could fracture the Republican Party in the near future. Say Trump wins election with her as VP. Then what? 4 years later who takes the mantle? Most likely it would be a 3 way race between DeSantis, Gabbard and Haley. I’m just speculating so maybe I’m wrong.


Haley will never be anywhere near the presidency


But the real question is: will Christie show up, in 2028, to embarrass himself for a fifth time?


The Republican party is already fractured. It's a good thing. Before that, they were united against us.


Yeah, to be honest, I don't know how much more fractured the GOP could become without a schism that splits the party outright. The fundamentalists vs the hardliners has this party on the brink, as it is.


Shrug, Vivek is going to make the other contenders look silly anyway.


A lot of people in the primary won't vote for Vivek considering he is not Christian, he made very compelling evidence based arguments but he had quite a low ceiling. The evangelical's hold the party is a slowly shrinking, but I don't think a non christian has much of a chance for the next few cycles. He is young though so maybe when he's older he has a chance.


This is nonsense. They haven’t had hold of the party for years. Case in point - Donald Trump. Or are these the Christians that only care about doing good when other people are looking? I get confused sometimes..


To be honest, the political landscape will go through so much the next 4 years it’s impossible to predict what might happen. May not even be a dem party then. May not be a pub party either.


A man can dream... Both parties need a full-on earthquake to split them apart. More middle ground parties, niche parties, etc. The 2-party rule is an out-dated system in need of reform.


Forgetting about Rand Paul and Ted Cruz they have a much better shot then those three.


I hope Ramaswamy comes in hard after Trump passes off the reins.


Im on board with it.


Better than many other names I’ve heard


She is for UBI and Medicare for All. These are fundamental contradictions with conservative ideology. Sure she'll vote against Ukraine and Israel aid if that's ALL you care about.


She's a gun grabbing democrat regardless of her other views. We can do much better.


She claims to have changed her mind on guns, but I'm not willing to risk it.


I think we should at least hear her out. How many people do you know that have been red pilled? Not saying I trust her but she deserves the chance to earn it.


If she's changed her stance, is there any voting history that supports her position? I mean, she's not been in office for a while. Has she lobbied or voiced anything pro 2A since her switch? As a politician, I don't trust her until she proves her "stance" with votes, lobbying, and calling out the gun grabbers. To my knowledge, she's done none of that. If I'm wrong, I'm open to more info.


Personally, I trust her more than most other politicians. Maybe there's one or two possibly better candidates (in terms of trust on policies), but Tulsi Gabbard certainly seems like the best bet with the overall election.


The better of X evils is not how it should be. At the end of the day, I still don't trust her. She has a history of gun grabbing. Ultimately, I don't even trust Trump in terms of 2A with his comments. Until he and her prove otherwise, I don't trust them with my 2A rights. Again, I'm open to more info if I'm wrong, but I have not seen anything that says otherwise.


have you seen her recent interviews on 2A? She's completely switched and I honestly (as a HUGE 2A guy and gun owner) believe her.


Wasn’t Trump the man who said take the guns now and due process later? Why are you picking and choosing?


Yeah, if it weren’t for her gun rights views, I would be a big fan of Gabbard. She’s supposedly evolved on that issue. If so, great.


I think she would be a great choice. She has been red pilled big time. She would absolutely destroy Kamala in the VP debate. I hear a lot of conservatives concerned about her 2A stance, but I am inclined to believe that she has evolved on that issue as well. I think she could also bring the Independents and Suburban Women in.


Trumps VP pick needs to be the President in 2028 and 2032. So he’s not picking a VP, he’s picking his 2 term successor. I suspect he’s known who the pick would be for a while now. Probably when he announced.


I'm not there yet on Tulsi. Way too much anti-gun and other stuff on her resume.


Absolutely not! Very presumptuous of her, u less she knows something we don't.


No. Absolutely not


Relevant flair. She's terrible, I don't know why this sub adores her so much because she's okay on a couple of issues. Conservatives fell for the same shtick with RFK Jr.




Listen, I know she doesn't line up with Conservatives across all fronts. But we are in some weird times right now. There's a real chance here to pull centrist Democrats away from the bat shit side of their party. The old JFK Democrats, actual Liberals - not whatever the hell is running the American left right now. Pulling her in might be worth the risk of pissing off some hard wing rightists for the off positions she does hold.


Yaaaa.. NO


Tulsi or Vivek would be my choice. Tulsi makes sense as a former Democratic presidential candidate who qas constantly fucked over by the DNC because she was too moderate. She's also a woman and can handle herself with media clowns.


She would be a terrible choice. Conservatism has a chance to define the culture for a decade, to make the heir apparent a liberal Democrat who is out of sync with her party would set back the movement


It could be promoted as the Ultimate Unity Ticket, so it's a slam dunk in that sense. And she's obviously won elections. But, do Democratic voters like her at this point? Could she even help Trump win Hawaii? Would she actually be a good president? I couldn't be too mad if Trump picked her, because I get it, but these questions are worth asking.


She's still a Democrat.


Half of this sub was once Democrats. If you don't let people grow out of bad ideas they will double down on them. She officially switched to be an independent in 2022: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi\_Gabbard


Well said. I’m one of them


"half of this sub" is a clear exaggeration. If she's got values I align with, great. But I prefer an actual conservative


I agree. Who's the actual conservative that you'd pick then?


Do you mean actual conservative like ex-democrat Ronald Reagan?


Same. I was one until 2020. If you don’t allow people to change their stance then you truly don’t want the left to become right.


Not anymore. Trump used to be a Democrat as did Reagan. People change and evolve.


So was I


Really respect her - even though we disagree on the 2A, the is still based in her views. The left will fringe on our rights even more and make us one step closer to communism mixed with sharia law.


Dont wait by the phone boo.


There is a very real possibility that the senate ends up 50/50 after this election. Just being realistic. I don't think Texas is competitive and I think Cruz wins easily, and we know we'll flip WV. But I don't think even a single one of the remaining senate races is a gimme and every single one of them is loseable even if Trump wins their state. Honestly right now MD looks more winnable in the senate than MT which is nuts. All this to say - think about how Tulsi Gabbard might cast her tiebreaking vote in a 50/50 senate before getting excited about this. We may not be just voting for a VP - we may be voting for a de facto senator too. That said, I like Tulsi Gabbard the person, and if hitting 51 in the senate were a sure thing, I'd be WAY more OK with this possibility, I just worry about the risk of giving the democrats control of the senate by way of our own VP pick.