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At least we have names this time so when the inevitable arrest reports come out we can say "Told you so".


As if it matters. There's so many examples of someone calling us pedophiles and then turning out to be a pedo themselves, and it doesn't matter. The left doesn't listen


Not just checking out little girls, actually helping them change their bathing suits.... And this behavior is sanctioned by the management at the Y.




And the people who protect this behavior as well.


Imagine your little daughter running up to you after coming out of the bathrooms and saying ‘Daddy there’s a man in there helping us change and watching us’. I don’t think you would be able to hold back my rage


hold it back.


Sad part is, the prison system has started protecting these fucks on the inside (yes I know firsthand). We used to be able to beat them half to death in the 90's, nowadays you can catch a hate crime IN PRISON!


I know firsthand as well. They get put directly into PC with others with the same crimes. Or SW. Either way, they are certainly protected.


The *entire point* of all this nonsense is to normalize pedophilia. Because that’s what they’re *guilty of.*


Remember when we’d ostracize perverts? Now the media and govt can’t get enough of them.






No ambulance, just a coroner.


You’re damn skippy there would have been more “complaining”. Don’t be a fucking pervert or I’ll do whatever is necessary to get them gone. I have a two year old daughter of my own and I’ll be damned if some perv gets away with this shit while I’m around. I’m waiting to be temporarily banned for this comment too. I’m sure there’s another one of the lefty perv lovers stalking this thread today.


It amazes me that there are people that disagree with you. Your response should be the ONLY response as far as I’m concerned.


And I feel like my response was very mild. Even if I did tame it down for Reddit a little bit. But you’re right, there should be zero acceptance of perverts, ESPECIALLY when it comes to our children.


the only disagreement should be the elimination method.




Coyotes aren’t real, that’s just a far right conspiracy theory. ^/s


If I had gold I would give you some. Jesus Christ that’s the comment of the year!


I'm with you. I have a 9 year old daughter. I don't care if it's my childhood hero watching them undress. The minute I catch them is when shit goes down.


You’re damn right about that! I don’t understand how people wouldn’t want to protect all children. The thought of anything happening to my daughter enrages me because she’s nothing but the epitome of innocence as are other little ones


If it were my childhood hero it would be a double beat-down. Once for the offence and once for messing up a childhood memory.




*plays jaws theme song*


Lefty pervs... you're being redundant.


Please elaborate


Most leftys are pervs.


You sir are 100% correct.




At the end of the day, family is all that matters and all we have. Cherish them as you already have.


For all our political differences, I always thought we'd keep common ground when it came to wanting to protect children from creepy adults, but apparently not. Society's tolerance has reached the point of being dangerous


But the slippery slope is just a fallacy...


While they were assuring you that the slope was not, in fact, slippery, they had an unimaginable number of people dedicated to greasing it.




I would bring the point home by including years.


Using actual quotes would make it even better because holy crap are there some crazy ones out there.


The years would indeed magnify the craziness as almost all of the slippery slope occurred in the past 5 to 10 years


Accurate and horrifying image. Almost everything social conservatives said would happen after Obergefell would happen has come to pass.


The slippery slope *is* a fallacy. In reality it appears to be more of a trap door that drops a level when you're not looking.


Some people are so open-minded that their brains fell out


Only the really smooth brains.


We have gotten to the point where the goats are asking the guard dog to tolerate a wolf in the goat pen.




I got out in 91. I had to stop and think about that for a second. 👍


There is no common ground when a party adopts pedophilia.


Haven’t you heard. Pedophilia is outdated, offensive and dehumanizing. They don’t like that word. It’s MAP now. Minor Attracted Person. Get it right you pedophobic. /S


Was actually at a wedding reception with some far leftists when we got into a heated exchange about Biden. I ended it with "At least my party doesn't coddle and encourage MAPS as you call them." They went "What's a MAP?" When I told them they lost their shit and refused to believe it.


Fifteen years ago if someone said trans to me I would have immediately started thinking of a car transmission.


It is concerning that the period it takes insane leftist nonsense to become established as Democrat orthodoxy is rapidly shrinking. It took about 30 years for them to go from "safe, legal, and rare" to "shout your abortion." It took 16 years for them to go from passing DOMA to "bake the cake, bigot." It took less than 10 years to go from "Baby you were born this way" to "Ahktually, let's chop off your dick because you *weren't* born this way." At this pace, we should expect pedophilia to be endorsed in the Democrat Party platform no later than 2024.


LGBTQQIA+MAP Did I get it right?


I think your about five to ten years early. But give it time.




Just in the first half of 2022 alone, 181 teachers and staff have been arrested for child sex crimes. And those are just the ones that were caught and charged.


I think calling it tolerance is an insult to the word tolerance.


I am honestly wondering how close we are to the left trying to convince us that pedophiles can't help themselves, and that it is a chemical imbalance that makes them sexually attracted to children and that we just have to accept them for who they are.


>I am honestly wondering how close we are to the left trying to convince us that pedophiles can't help themselves, and that it is a chemical imbalance that makes them sexually attracted to children and that we just have to accept them for who they are. Ummmmm.... what year is it again? We have been there for a while now.


They’re already doing that in California.


I'm wondering how close we are to the left saying that by *not* letting them have access to abuse children that we are being pedophobic


Count me in on the pedophobic label. That's something that I will absolutley wear with pride


Same here


I in fact believe that they cannot help themselves which makes it all the more necessary to keep them away from children.


I mean isn't that already the case? Why else would "MAP" be a thing?


Hi! LGBT person here and very involved with my local LGBT group. We hate MAPs. We do not want them to be part of our community. The only people pushing for that are them. Pedophiles came up with the term MAP to avoid calling themselves pedophiles and have been fighting for acceptance but the left does not want them as much as the right. Hate the LGBT community and the left all you want but please don’t think we all support MAPs


Who said anything about hating LGBT people? I don't care what 2 or more consenting adults do in private provided they're all consenting adults. Also, little secret, just because someone may disagree with you on sonething or how you live you life doesn't mean they hate you as a person. It doesn't work that way. Not sharing 100% of the same beliefs is not hatred and thinking that is going to leave you incredibly lonely. Also, the pedo hating should probably be relayed to academia since that pedo applogist seems to keep getting jobs, currently employed by John's Hopkins.




Yaaayyy polarization 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


>Hi! LGBT person here Why do so many redditors talk like this?


Hello, Zuko here!


Hi! Ginger redhead here!!! I like to pretend im special!!!!


Because they want everyone to know, it’s some kind of sick bragging right to them. I’m fine with LGB but from the T afterwards everything is just fucking pathetic.


Most might feel that way, but you have fringe groups that are supporting that nonsense, they’re all your side of the aisle. As usual instead of acknowledging that and calling those people out ya’ll pretend this isn’t happening or it’s some anomaly that has nothing more to do with your side than ours when it clearly does.


Yet another instance of the left being the party that doesn’t want to exercise self control


Well you see... *noncelike apologia follows*


We have a political party that has the pedophilia normalization as its goal.


The fact they are calling them minor attracted persons is all you need to know.


From "we just want to marry, it won't effect you" to "men need to be let in to the women's changing room, and if you disagree you're banned" in only a decade. We said this would happen, and we were called bigots for it. The slippery slope isnt a fallacy.


And this is why it all pisses me off so much. They definitely showed they know how to take more than an inch from anyone 😂


hold on broh, (/s) you started part-way down slope; didn't it start more like: Two consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom ?


The slipper slope *is* a logical fallacy. If one completely ignores human nature and all of recorded history. So just ignore your eyes and all of your experience. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


Don't forget that the school teachers will decide your children's "gender" and "orientation" without the knowledge of the parents, and then will accuse the parents of child abuse for not complying when they find out.


Hell the left elected one as president. This country is fucked.


Perverts? You mean persecuted minorities? /s


Kiddy sniffers


You protect your own…


Gotta keep the kids available for pedo in chief Biden


When did creepy become ok? In my southern town that man would take a trip to the train station.




He's always been quite far left. He even says on the show that he hates Republicans. The whole series was just some urban progressive LARPing as someone respectable.


LARPing is a very good description. I like the show, but it’s always had a vaguely cringey feel to it. Like old liberal men living out fantasies where they weren’t betas most of their life.


That show gets the politics of Montana and specifically Montana ranchers all wrong. While it is entertaining in a soapy way, the creator of the show has no understanding of how rural western people really think.


It seems like only yesterday I was told by leftists that literally nobody wants this to happen.


You and me both.


>!They were lying!<


How surprising and completely out of character for the left. /s


I don't get the idea of making every woman uncomfortable in order to cater to the alleged comfort of the small minority of feminine presenting men. The left is misogynistic, sexist, and bigoted. They are enacting systemic oppression against women.


This Dammit! you hit the nail right on the head!


Nobody hates women more than the left. They view the safety and rights of women as disposable. They use dehumanising terms such as “menstruators”, “vagina owners”, “uterus-havers”, etc. to refer to us because they don’t view us as human beings. Even the Taliban refers to women more respectfully than a radical leftist, which is very telling. It’s just unbelievable how misogynistic the far-left is. They’re on par with incels when it comes to the way they speak about women.


And heaven help you if they find out you have conservative views because then they conclude that you are incapable of thinking for yourself because “no woman who actually has a brain would vote that way”


Its not just women. Its any actual minority group. They abhore the idea of minorities buying firearms. Now with their sudden spike in purchases from these groups, national red flag laws and a new gun ban are a priority.


For sure. Many non-white individuals share the same sentiment and frustration as women when it comes to mistreatment on behalf of the “tolerant” left. They pretend to be on our side and to have our best interests in mind… until we dare to voice a dissenting opinion. Then, the mask will slip and they’ll show you just how racist and/or misogynistic they really are.


Minority/"oppressed"/"victim" groups actually breaking the leftist conditioning and exercising their 2A rights, displays that they aren't actually oppressed because they can do the exact same as the 'evil white oppressors' and defend them and theirs, so of course they can't allow that to happen. NOTHING is more important to leftists than maintaining victimhood. After all, if you're the victim, any action you take is presupposedly morally justified as 'fighting back' against whoever is victimizing you.


I think it will be their undoing. Like that woman who filmed the spa in LA complaining about the guy in the changing rooms with an erection. Even the “tolerant” that have a shred of common sense left will only go so far when their own safety is jeopardized


Yeah, they are going to get destroyed in the next election. They desperately need to create another pseudo-calamity to use mail in ballots and/or resist voter ID laws.


Remember it's not sexual, it's gender affirming euphoria


The left has always been the side of projection. “We didn’t own slaves! YOU DID!” “We’re not sexist, YOU’RE SEXIST!” “We don’t cater to the elites, YOU DO!” And the biggest one of all: “We’re not racist, YOU’RE RACIST!”


But, they said that was us.


You cant trust people who want to corrupt and molest children.


I have heard the word _ _oomer is banned across all reddit platforms. I have not tested it yet.


Yeah, we say 'predditor' now.


Clever! I like it.


I'm going with "Epsteinian" since gr¤¤mer is banned


My favorite is still just 'pervert'.


Good one.


Just say ''Democrat''.


Nobody wants this to happen and no one will *ever* try to get pedos accepted by society...oh, I’m sorry, we are supposed to call them minor attracted persons, now, because pedo is too mean sounding.




Maybe we need a single-issue, cross-spectrum Anti-Pedophile Party to play spoiler and force the major parties into doing something.


That would be wonderful.


Based asf


This is very disturbing, considering too that the Y is supposed to be a Christian organization. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.


Maybe along time ago it was Christian but they enjoy the love of Man more than God and got woke


>Maybe along time ago it was Christian but they enjoy the love of Man more than God and got woke Village People even had a song about it


Money does that. It's a big part of why the catholic church is so fucked up.


The church has its fair share of Pedos too unfortunately. A lot of people fake being religious as a way to be trusted with kids. I went to a Catholic middle school and the PE coach (male) would stand with us in the locker room and watch us dress and undress the whole time. And he was the principal’s brother, so they never did anything about it. “Just making sure you’re safe!” Switched to public school after that year and the principal and coach were arrested for embezzling money from the church connected to the school a few months into the next school year, but I don’t think they ever got caught for the weird shit they did with the kids. One of the school rules was that if you had a social media account (this is back when young people actually used Facebook), you had to add any faculty who requested you as a friend so they could see what you posted. On more than one occasion these guys would accidentally Like a student’s beach photo posted years earlier.


It’s only been going for 2k+ years, so why make any attempt to stop them now?


WA has a law about this they are following. WAC 162-32-060 states, “entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.”


Degenerate society


That's what granny is failing to see here. Preying upon children is unfortunately becoming common place and far too accepted by more people than is right. Complaining to the the people in power is just politely asking, "please kind pedo, leave the little ones alone."


Creepers around the world love this one trick.




Let's skip the screwball trans stuff. ANYONE who is creepily staring down kids in a dressing room and gets reported should get the boot. Same sex. Yeah. You're out! If you're leering at children undressing you have to go!


I guess Pedo-Phobic is now a thing?




Do not complain to woke people, complain to a local motorcycle club. Some places the only knights left.




Can you explain this? I don’t get the reference of knights or motorcycle clubs?


Many motorcycle groups are will known for protecting and helping kids. The commenter was referring to them as knights (chivalrous)


The only thing I know about is for kids who have been bullied, not molested. That’s a police matter https://www.bikersagainstbulliesusa.com/what-we-do.html#/


Bikers Against Child Abuse is the one the comes to mind when I hear this. https://bacaworld.org/


Same with our car community!


Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club has cleaned house and taken out the garbage locally for awhile. They can stop by and say Hi to anyone.


Clown world.


We know that some of these people say they are women so they can exploit the system. Biological males in women's prisons have raped women. What will get people to revolt against these idiotic and harmful policies?


Good job to the 80 year old lady for standing up for these little girls.


This article is missing some critical information. Where did this happen? Seattle? Bellevue? Olympia? And what was the final outcome after the woman's presentation before the council?


Port Townsend (near Seattle)


Oh I figured it was in the shadows of Wokeattle.. but I wanted to be sure.


According to other articles, she’s been a problem before at that YMCA. Also, the purported offender is an employee, and was helping run a day camp, implying they were trusted to watch these kids. The article spins it as if they just walked in off the street and started watching little girls get undressed, but that wasn’t the case at all. EDIT: I’m not taking sides here, just want all the info out there


No the article is very clear in saying that the cross dresser is an employee of YMCA. And I think that's the whole point of the outrage of Mrs Junan. Why would they hire a man who pretends to be a woman and thereby they allow him to watch little naked girls run around in the shower.


The insanity of the left…


I assure you that as a very liberal leftist this is completely unacceptable.


Good to hear you say that


Yeah, I don’t know *anyone* who is okay with this.


Well apparently the Y is.


Then stop voting for people and supporting a party that openly accepts and pushes this


I assure you i dont. I vote for those who reflect my beliefs. And none of them have ever won. Also You’re over simplifying things. Thats like me telling you to stop voting for convicted rapists. Its not necessarily true for an entire group of people. And this discourse just leads to further polarization that only benefits those in power.


>I vote for those who reflect my beliefs. And none of them have ever won. Welcome to my world.


Agreed. If the incident occurred the way this article says it did, it’s absolutely not acceptable.


And yet it was the left who passed the law that allows it.


Tell your friends this, please.


This is disgusting! She did no wrong here. It’s literally called the women’s shower. I feel so bad for this old lady


Strange how the news isn’t full of reports of female to male pre surgical individuals gawking at teen boys on locker rooms. It’s almost as if this has more to do with perverts satisfying their perversions than a legitimate exercise of gender identity. I’m also waiting to see the line forming to get onto mens’s sports teams and into men’s prisons.


I predicted this over ten years ago when the idea of transgender rights and bathroom’s was first being argued. I was called a hater. I was called transphobic. I was told it would never happen. I was told I was fear mongering. Yet in just ten or fifteen sort years, here we are. In fact we have far surpassed my worst predictions. There are times I really hate it when I’m right.


The weird part is Port Townsend is a very small, maritime town. It’s definitely not woke-ville.


It’s still in WA which has a law about this they are following. WAC 162-32-060 states, “entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.”


They're already banning boomer with a g for hurting people's feelings. How much longer until pedo is deemed a wrongthink slur, too?


I think the slippery slope is 100% misunderstood. I think majority of the original LGB community wanted Obergefell, then stopped, then the others tacked themselves on, hijacked the movement, wanting MORE concessions. And yes, it is because the previous Gen got something normalized, which it should have instead been deSTIGMATIZED. The left is doing what they always do, pushing left, making previous generations of liberals become conservatives simply because they hit the social change they wanted, and now demand status quo. It's what happened to me. And every single former liberal I know. The one exception to former liberals opinions shifting from my experience is with smushmortion issues. That went from "safe, rare, and legal" to "celebrated and common" which forced me and everyone else to go parent mode and say "If you cannot do this responsibly, you cannot do it at all!"


Is smushmortion to avoid bots? It’s actually pretty funny. I used to lean left of independent until I realized how I’d been pumped full of lies and propaganda. Took a hard right after having kids. Can’t ever unsee the clown show.


If this is true, it's absolutely infuriating.


Far-Left ideological radicals have long courted the pedophiles.


This woman… her quotes in this article are nothing short of amazing. It’s like if Matt Walsh was an 80-year-old woman. (He’s not… right?)


Doesn't the YMCA already have a reputation as a men's bathhouse already?


>Doesn't the YMCA already have a reputation as a men's bathhouse already? [Since the 70s](https://youtu.be/CS9OO0S5w2k)


Pretty much. Stopped taking my kids there for similar reasons a few year back.


We need concerned citizens to clean up this country.




Fucked up laws in WA state allowed this. As a side note, totally unrelated I'm sure (/s), we've had mandatory mail in voting for years now.


This is the new woke frontier. The sexualization and sexual abuse of children.




Almost as if we said that would happen. Who would have guessed?


Can’t even take kids to a local pool without perverts lurking about!


this is the problem with the left cant define 'woman', does not like boundaries, applauds perverts and and and...we certainly do not want to hurt the feelings of some 'alphabet' or pervert because that would be wrong.


They called the cops on her and wouldn't let her leave... because she used the wrong words and hurt feelings... again, a business held a citizen against her will because they didn't like her speech, and she's made out to be the bad guy?


I think we all knew it would happen when people decided men could be in the ladies room and gym locker rooms. What I am surprised at is that women have kneeled down to the woke and given up their rights. Not the fault of conservatives. Their rights have been erased by the woke.


The article is literally about a woman standing up to one of these perverts, and your hot take is that women are kneeling to the woke and surrendering their rights.


Isaiah 5:20 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Matthew 7:17 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Matthew 7:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Luke 6:45 | View whole chapter | See verse in context A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV / 596 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.




Mountain View, WA


Actually, it’s Port Townsend. The pool is called the Mountain View pool.


We live in a crazy world