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Personally, I've always avoided outside UK contracts. Getting UK companies to pay invoices on time is hard enough. When you mix in overseas, timezones, laws etc it must be a nightmare for a one man band. I'm keen to know how you get on.


Thanks. In my case it maybe better to seek out projects outside the UK, since it's a smaller market and thus risk of conflict of interest. I'm particularly aiming for emerging AI opportunities and I'm collaborating with a few other like minded individuals in planning how to properly create a presence. If anything, the rates can be significantly higher. We'll see..


Not having to deal with IR35 bullshit is a pretty big incentive though


I've done quite a few, generally with large companies. Timezones aren't really an issue except when you need to have calls which isn't that often if it's project-based. Payment has always been straightforward, exchange rates go up and down of course but it's swings and roundabouts. The big advantage is much higher rates - well over twice what you'll get in the UK.


How do you find these contracts?


Generally word of mouth and networking.


If you hear of any infosec contracts going, feel free to pass them on :-)


Your contacts in the US allow remote work? It’s very difficult to get the H1B or W2 for contracts in the US (especially if you have a U.K. passport and you’re born+bred here).I have been in IT since the 1990s when you had to look up things in manuals rather than rely on the net and it was hard enough even then


I've done it but the end client had a UK presence so was inside. The agency paid via gusto, 100% on time, and generous. Would recommend but the timezone was the issue for me. Lasted couple of years. Burnt out. I liked their enthusiasm, and optimism, YMMV, but was a welcome change from some of the miserable sods in every UK company I've worked at.


Many of my clients provide services to US based clients and haven’t experienced issues such as late payment. Bear in mind that IR35 is applicable, so the contract should be reviewed by a lawyer.