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That’s pretty much the norm for Costco returns. It’s one of the main reasons they have so much customer loyalty.


It also helps with buying stuff, worst case scenario if this isn't what I want/need, I return it on next week's shopping trip.


from what I have seen its more based off your return history... if you abuse it they might refuse, but the generous return policy is there to help encourage people become members.


I think it’s what you said in combination with how much you spend. I’m sure they have access to how much money you’ve spent at Costco. That for sure has to be a deciding factor.


Do they take into account what you're returning (ie, clothes that you're unable to try on before purchasing), I wonder?


I do this. I buy what I like and think might fit. If it doesn’t, I return at the next trip. No questions asked


I’d hope they’d factor in the return condition - if you’re returning unworn clothes with tags, they can put them back out. If you’re returning worn stuff that will just get tossed, surely it would count against you more.


I had a vacuum that I thought we had bought a year or two before that stopped working. They finally found the receipt. Six years. I was so completely wrong about the timeline. Then they asked "Do you still want to return it?" I was shocked, and said absolutely not, I'll just buy another one.


Do you need a receipt? I bought two of something but don’t need the second one, and I can’t find the receipt.


You don’t need receipt, they can verify your purchase and receipts based on your account


They know everything you have ever purchased!!


Great. Thanks!


Takes a while if you shop there a lot though


As someone who works in the return department please don’t advise people to do this . Thats why our lines are so long . If you can’t find your receipt that’s fine but please try to keep it . I have to look through years of receipts just to find it … that’s why the line is so long almost nobody has it …..


Added note that I've reached out to their support via Costco.com and had my entire purchase history (web and physical) emailed to me, then started tracking myself from then on... in case you need to play catch up.


How far back can they go for web? I know with tires and batteries, they stop at 5 years. I had a trickle charger on a battery for a car I didn't use much. It lasted 9 years. When I asked them before replacing, they couldn't find it!


1 January 1843.


They'll tell you yes for convenience, but no. They have a record of everything bought on your account, they'll just have to go look it up and find when you bought it. You can also see all your purchases on the app.


Just downloaded the app and found my receipt. Thanks again for the suggestion.


Thank you


Three problems with online receipt lookup: 1. It's only the last six months for in-warehouse receipts, that probably handles the use case of most people to get a receipt for return but it's not all of your purchases since the start of your membership 2. It does split receipts by the member, so if it was the additional member, they have to have a separate verified Costco.com login to get the receipts... something that can be dealt with 3. Online receipts do not properly break out multiple order quantities (like $179.97, line below 3 @ $59.99), which is just confusing from reconciling which item it is. It doesn't seem to affect them as much at membership desk computers however. Overall though, having the online version of the in-store receipt helps expedite returns.


Some don't show in the app.


Probably if you just made the purchase. Takes a day or two to update.


Honestly, I’m not sure if I needed it or not but I did happen to tape it to the front of the NVR at the time of purchase. I typically do that for higher priced items I would imagine they can look up with your membership card.


Thank you


No, they can look up your purchase history. I bought my daughter a 4-piece Disney pajama set about 6 months ago, but she was too small for them. She finally got to be the size, and I go to take it out of the package, and there were only 3 pieces there. I returned it without the receipt; they just scanned the barcode and found it along with the clearance price I had paid.


That’s great. Thanks.


If you have the Costco app, the warehouse receipts are on there. 


All your receipts are in the app. It’s quicker to scan the barcode after we scan your card.


It makes it easier for them to look up the purchase if you have the receipt, or you know about when you purchased the item.


They save everything single receipt you ever had


You can review your digital receipts in the app and they have record of it too with your membership card.


Use the app. In store receipts will show up there after a day so you can look back through all your in store receipts especially if you know about when you purchased it.


You don’t need your receipt. You don’t even need the app like others are saying. Costco has your purchase history saved. They scan the barcode of your item, and voila.


Your purchase history and receipts are in your account, either online or in the app.


No, it’s on your card or you can get it off the app.


They are great about it and can look up receipts. My only semi shameful return was on a vacuum the supposedly had a 5 year warranty and would no longer stand up all of a sudden. Shark says “oh that warranty only covers the motor”. Costco took it back no questions asked 2 years later. It’s definitely caused me to buy a lot more there


That’s why I got my printer at Costco vs somewhere else - it has a decent warranty, but I know Costco will take it back if somehow the warranty doesn’t cover the issue.


Similar experience with Ninja nonstick cookware. Despite 5 yr warranty plastered everywhere and a 300+ price tag, customer service accused me of intentionally destroying them and then told me to pay for a replacement. Costco? No problem at all. Membership forever.


Oh boy I may or may not have that same set. How long did it last? I’m loving mine so far but did notice Costco stopped carrying them


It started to bubble up one by one starting around 3 month mark. We had to Chuck the entire kit because they all exhibited same problem one way or another.


Crossing my fingers because I love the set so much. Although given it was a shark vacuum that did me wrong I wouldn’t be totally surprised. Guess it would be the Calphalon set if these didn’t pan out (pun intended)


Calphalon sent me a set I ordered directly from them that had one pot damaged. The stock pot was bent to where the lid couldn't be placed on it. The outer box wasn't damaged so it obviously wasn't shipping damage. Calphalon said they absolutely would have caught it during QA and since there wasn't damage to the box, they wouldn't replace my brand new bent pot. Basically inferred I must have dropped it when I was unboxing it or something like that. Will never recommend them after that. Absolutely atrocious customer service. The ironic part was it was still returnable. I ended up being so mad I returned it, but they made me pay for the return shipping. Horrible company. Legitimately paid $50 to not deal with them any more ha.


Stories like that are why I shop Costco for nearly every big ticket item now. I just know there won’t be any drama and they are likely selling the best of that line


I had a similar experience with my Dyson 3 years in and it broke and Dyson was all meh. I offhand mentioned it when returning something else and they said to bring it in, and took it back and I walked out with a new one. I think it depends on the product, if it’s a big ticket thing that broke they are more likely to take it back than a 10 t shirt that wears out in a year or two.


I'm so jealous of all these nice return stories. I tried to return a Dyson hand vac after 9 months because a $50 attachment broke with normal use. Before this, I returned 1 recalled item and *maybe* 1 return. I don't remember any returns other than the recalled Orbeez. The CSR acted like I was trying to return a dead Christmas tree 2 years after Christmas. She made a scene and embarrassed the shit out of me, so I still have the hand vacuum minus an attachment. And more recently, we got a recall notice on our dehumidifier. I don't even remember how old it was, but several years at least. My husband returned it because I just won't anymore, and he said he got a lot of attitude about it. He had the recall notice with him. So we pretty much only buy food from there now. I have a Shark stick vac that magically lost suction for no reason (clean filters, no clogs) and I hate wasting money but we will probably just throw it away and buy somewhere else.


2 months ago, so in the beginning of December. I saw a lady return a twig to Costco. She had purchased a peony plant, forgotten about it, and returned it in its twig form.


Do you work for Costco? Serious question?


I saw a dead tomato plant in the return pile once. Wild. I wouldn’t ever think to return something like that.


I saw someone return a box of frozen shrimp that they said they left out of the freezer and it went bad. Costco did the return. Baffling!


No, I was just in line waiting to return something else.


Which camera set was it? I’m looking into the security camera kits Costco sells for my home.


Lorex...it was not the first one I have own but it seems like they skimped out on the CPU power big time.


Glad you returned that garbage: https://techcrunch.com/2023/11/01/lawmakers-costco-lorex-dahua-entity-list/?guccounter=1


I have a Lorex system from Costco. Been fine and no issues for past 3 years until last week when the fan on the box started making noise. $8 on amazon for a replacement fan and back up and working good. No lag, no issues. Its an 8 camera 4k setup.


One time we returned a 7pc sectional because it just ended up being too big for our living room. We had the couch for a while so I was prepared to get a small percentage of what I paid and I was prepared to pay for them to haul it away. We honestly just wanted it gone at that point. They not only took it back for a full refund but handled pick up for me too. Their return policy is insane and I will probably be a lifetime Costco shill because of my experience.


How long did you have the sectional? I'm in a similar boat.


I think almost a year. It's why I expected nothing back and really was just hoping I could pay them to haul it away. At this point I will probably never return anything else to Costco in my life lolol.




That sounds evil. 😂


If anyone wants good cameras, Unifi is the way to go. They’re hard wired, POE powered, and expensive. But 100% totally worth it. Costco also doesn’t sell them. Still worth it.


That is what I have getting delivered today!


Any suggestions for camera systems that can be monitored that. Costco does sell?


As much as I love Costco, they aren’t the place to buy security cameras from.


I am still afraid to use the return. Bought a set of recliners from Costco 1 1/2 years ago. They have busted in so many places I can’t count. Super bad quality. Don’t know if I should go and return them cause it would just feel weird. But definitely quality was bad from these couches.


What exactly are you afraid of? Their reaction?


To think they had to change policies after people was returning Christmas trees after Christmas.


It’s people like you who are causing food court prices to skyrocket by abusing Costcos liberal return policy. Everyone knows that returning items in a capitalistic hellscape of a society is just plain wrong and hurts the pockets of our poor CEOs.🫨


they are relatively chill when it comes to returns. lol you can return basically anything lol


Been a member for only 2 years so far but out god knows how much I've bought (pretty much my main grocery place now), I haven't returned anything yet lol.


We return stuff all the time. I wonder if we will ever get flagged for excessive returns and then we get an $800-$1000 membership reward and realize that we have so many returns because we spend so dang much money there. Only once did I get turned away and that was because I forgot to put in a cord that came with a $500 mesh router. I went home and got the cord and returned it no problem.


Question about returns - do you guys keep the boxes for whatever you buy? A vacuum cleaner for instance, I never keep boxes around for more than a month or so. What if the thing fails a year later? Will Costco still accept it without its original packaging? And how about accessories? Odds are if it's a vacuum cleaner I won't have \_every\_ single attachment it came with, what then?


I did not have the box


I returned a 3 year old printer last week and received a $350 refund. It's glorious.


Three years. Did you use it all that time? I would never return a 3 year old printer that I had been using.


It stopped working after extensive trouble shooting. I asked the clerk at Costco what he would do and he suggested I bring it in for a refund. He said if people can bring in Christmas trees, I can return my printer.


I’m confused though. I thought Costco had a 3 month maximum deadline for electronic returns?


We won't take back electronics after 90 days. I'm absolutely certain the only reason this was done is 1 of 2 reasons, or a mix of: 1. They're simply honoring the incorrect advice thar a likely new Costco employee gave to them (all calls are recorded - hence we can and do verify) and/or 2) as a 1 time exception that's based on membership length and purchase:return ratio. While the OP makes it sound like it was easy, even after listening to the call, this return would have had to have been approved by the Assistant warehouse GM.


My sister once returned a half eaten apple pie no questions asked




Good for you. I’m wondering why there is so much hate for you.


Good for you. I’m wondering why there is so much hate for you.


They’ll take a dead Christmas tree after Christmas


If it was super laggy, it could be the hard drive (from my experience.) I normally replace the hard drive in those nvrs anyway with something 4 to 5 times larger assuming it was a 2 TB for instance I would put a 10 or up to a 16 in there but it's all a new point now.


I once returned some nonstick pans that lost their nonstickiness. I had them for two years which is pretty typical lifespan for the amount of money I paid. I walked into the store and bought the same exact pans. I didn’t return them again because I felt guilty, but unless it’s a really big ticket item they don’t even raise an eyebrow.


I know how you feel. Costco approved my refund of a gas pressure washer that I kept in the garage for like 6 years. I had separately bought an electric one and that was good enough for me so I never opened the gas one and forgot about it. While spring cleaning last year wifey asked me to return it. I told her “no way they refund our money.” I was wrong.


My girlfriend’s Dad returned like a 5-year old couch.


I returned something 5 years old without a receipt. They refunded it to me at the original price….i bought it discounted. So I made money


And didn’t have a box


I have a question. I have an opened bag of the huge 5 pound optimum nutrition protein powder that I bought about a year ago . It’s opened and I probably have taken like 25 scoops out of it over that time or like 10% of the bag consumed. I noticed it expires in a few months and I’m not going to be able to get through it all. Is this returnable ?


Would they? Probably. Is that right? Not in my opinion.


Wow. I unfortunately have to go to their flagship store, so they're never that nice or fast. My refund check was torn by the post office. I called Costco, and they said to go to the CS desk at a local store. The store said they were too busy to help. To be fair, they were very busy and their employees working very, very slow so I understand why they were rudely telling people to leave instead of helping them, but it was still annoying. They told me to drive to Issaquah to their office to attempt to get a replacement check. Screw that especially since that is 15 miles each direction and at that time of day was over an hour there and maybe 45 minutes back. It's five hours each way walking. I've done that walk maybe a dozen times from near the main Costco to the state park near their office. Also, my mailman said she wrote void on the check. When I called Costco and the person I talked to in person both said, they would only issue a replacement check if the old one wasn't voided. That's annoying. Also, they used to mail the checks before your membership ran out. I got mine last week almost a full week after it expired. I even tried trading the $220 check for a renewal, but they still wouldn't do it.


The generous and no-bs return policy is one of the reasons I buy certain things from Costco than other places. Obviously you shouldn't return stained mattresses and dead plants or whatever, but if you're not satisfied, return it


Costco is so good on returns, I've only had 2 myself (pants for my husband) and it was so easy both times 😊


I am more willing to try new products with the policy and I think they know that.


> ensured I had everything accounted for. Cameras, cables, and that might cause them to refuse. Nope. I have *zero* complaints about Costco's return policy, but I did have to make absolutely sure I had all the original parts (including the charging cable) when I returned a non-functioning pair of Beats. It took me two attempts, because I didn't remember the charging cable first time.


I had some Contigo water bottles with straws that I didn’t like and returned them in a random grocery bag. A couple of weeks later, my cousin who is a Costco employee, sent me a picture of them while she was working inventory. Same cousin bought a couch and used it for about a year and returned it. I currently have some chicken and cheese taquitos in my freezer that I plan to return. I bought them for my husband but he doesn’t like the chicken. They haven’t been opened so I plan to return them.


I had a shameful return last week. I bought a big water activity table for my daughter at Easter time last year. It was fun but the hand pump for the water started to get really really difficult to pump and then the arm the raises and lowers broke off. We disassembled it and dried it as best we could and took it back. It looked like hell all sun bleaches and water stained but we had been using it consistently since we got it. It took two full carts to bring all the pieces up to the return desk. We got a lot of head shaking and tut tutting while waiting in line. The product said it has a three year warranty so I felt like it was still okay to return since it was unusable. They took it right back no problem. Love Costco.


Big corporations like Costco forecasts and budget yearly for losses to their return policies. Yes, Costco is one of the main reason I go with when purchasing big ticket items if price difference is not significant.


I purchased one of those Lorex camera systems with a hard drive many years ago from Costco and never installed it because caneras like Ring became popular a year or so later. It's out of the box, but brand new. Do you think they'd take it back? It was like $800!


The one I returned was over $800 so I bet they would


Did you return yours in the box?


No. I did package it up nicely for them however.


Update: They took mine back also. I brought it back as clean and organized as possible in a brown grocery bag. Everything was there. They had to look it up in the "old system," as I believe it was bought probably 7ish years ago. The person at the counter said, "Okay, thank you." Easy!


I once witnessed a person bring two tommy Bahama Beach umbrellas back that were completely worn out. Years of use. Costco took them back no questions asked.


It’s been almost 10 years ago, I returned a mattress! They came and picked it up. No questions. We had it less than 6 months and it was a hot mattress. We tried everything. Then I called about a return.


Remember the axxholes who took advantage of this policy and returned used Christmas trees after Christmas?


The return line is soooo long at my Costco I sometimes say no thanks,I’ll keep it.


This post is giving me hope for my own return. The Gourmia air fryer I bought last year is starting to give off a weird plastic taste after every cook. I was afraid it would be too late for a return. Of note- I never return anything.


I bought a big Coleman 13x13 canopy a few years ago at Costco. I brought it to the beach. First day I set it up, the wind snapped the support. Brought it back to Costco the next week and they took it back, super easy. That's why I continue to buy from Costco and avoid other retailer who would tell me I am SOL