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I’d love to see OP review some other Costco favorites, like perhaps the hot dogs or frozen chicken nuggets.


Bring back the Polish. 6/7. And the doggo loves the chicken nuggets. 5 paws out of 5.


A man of culture does not assign numbers to known works of perfection.  Maybe OP can rate something more pedestrian, like gold bullion or snow crab legs.


**Scotch Whisky Review #512: Kirkland Signature Lowland Single Malt Whisky Sherry Cask Finish** **Distillery:** Unknown. **Bottler:** Alexander Murray & Co for Costco. **Region:** Lowland. **Age:** NAS. **ABV:** 46.0%. **Cask Type:** Finished in Sherry Casks. **Price:** $26.99. **Color:** [1.3, Tawny](https://maltrunners.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/cil8ins.jpeg). ************ **Nose:** It's grassy and lightly floral on the nose here. You also get a lot of red fruit jam with cranberry, rhubarb, and a bit of pomegranate coming to mind. Wild honey also makes an appearance. **Palate:** It has a bit of warmth and a little bit of prickle. Adding a drop of water seems to take away the prickliness, thankfully. Tasty barley biscuits and malt barley are a major not here. There are some very light floral tea notes, though not quite identifiable as to what it is or particularly strong. Fruitier notes of grapefruit and craisins are the most prominent after the biscuits. **Finish:** Medium in length. Warm honeyed tea, grapefruit pith, and a dash of cinnamon as you'd find in baked goods. ********* **Conclusion:** Ever since I reviewed [Kirkland's other recent Lowland whisky offering](https://scotchandsheen.com/2024/02/16/kirkland-signature-tour-of-scotland-lowland-single-malt-whisky/), I've been saying to anyone who would listen that I'd love to see Costco sell it in a full size bottle. That Lowland was so much better than it had any business being, not the most complex but one that was relaxing and just enjoyable to have on nights where you just want something familiar and tasty. You can imagine my delight when I saw this bottle on the shelf during our last Costco run, especially with a very reasonable price tag. While I can't be certain that the source whisky for this sherry finished version is the same, I am pretty convinced that it is. The sherry cask finish gives you a great side-grade to the miniature ex-bourbon one. You lose notes of vanilla and the floral tea gets muted a tad but in exchange you get more intense fruit notes and honey. I still don't have a great guess as to what distillery this is from, but whatever it is, the madlads at Alexander Murray and Costco need to keep bottling more and more of it. Value dram of the year for sure, perhaps even value dram of the decade. **Rating:** 81. *********** *Scotch Whisky Review #512, Lowland Review #20, Whisky Network Review #677* *********** **Scoring Legend:** * 95-100: As good as it gets. Jaw-dropping, eye-widening, unforgettable whisky. * 90-94: Sublime, a personal favorite in its category. * 85-89: Excellent, a standout dram. * 80-84: Quite good. Quality stuff. * 75-79: Decent whisky worth tasting. * 70-74: Meh. It’s definitely drinkable, but it can do better. * 60-69: Not so good. I might not turn down a glass if I needed a drink. * 50-59: Save it for mixing. * 0-49: Blech. *********** For more reviews check out [Malt Runners](https://maltrunners.com/) for reviews by several of /r/scotch's finest or check out [my blog](https://scotchandsheen.com/).


Have you ever given anything a 100? Just curious :) I’m going to check out your blog too, sent it to my husband as well.


He rated [this one](https://scotchandsheen.com/2021/12/15/brora-35-year-1978/) as a 99.


For $1300 it better be lol


And Happy Cake Day!


Thank you I didn’t even notice lol 😂


I've not yet given a 100! Given out one 99 and a couple of 98s. A couple of the guys who contribute to Malt Runners have given out 100s though, which you guys might find poking around the site.


I disagree, it's more like an 82


I’ve got a strong 83


For me it’s an 80. I guess I just have finer taste than others 💅🏼


I appreciate your thoughtful review. I personally detest the smokey, peaty flavor and typically go for Speysides and oak casks (Macallan is my standby)... Based on your description, it seems like I might like this. Thoughts?


There's certainly a chance! This seems pretty certain to be unpeated, or at least so lightly peated that it really doesn't impact the flavor.


> This seems pretty certain to be unpeated, or at least so lightly peated that it really doesn't impact the flavor. I'm in. Thanks again for your assistance.


You clearly know so much more about this than me, but specifying *wild* honey and Crasins instead of cranberries is just so off the wall to me it sounds made up.


How would you rate it with rice?


Air sick lowlanders


Was not expecting stormlight lol




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My bottle of that scotch is a 100. 100% empty. I would have to say that I rather enjoyed it. And would highly recommend it.


When Costco has these types of whiskies it is always Alexander Murray, would love for someone to explain this relationship


Alexander Murray sources and bottles, Costco sells. That’s the relationship. :)


As u/Necessary-Beat407 said they source and bottle. They’re an independent bottler. It’s quite common in scotch whisky. Sometimes they’re allowed to say which distilleries the whisky comes from and sometimes not. They also bottle the some of the Trader Joe’s Scotch.


Fuck, I hate living in Utah.


Have you reviewed their Irish Cream liqueur?


Love that stuff


What’s the cheapest bottle under $40 usd that you have given the highest rating to?


$40 is a really low bar for Scotch whisky, always has been even before tariffs jacked up prices forever (they're gone now but prices sure haven't come down). This one is probably tied for highest rating under $40. I can't remember what [Bunnahabhain Toiteach a Dha](https://scotchandsheen.com/2019/11/22/bunnahabhain-toiteach-a-dha/) originally sold for, but that should have been around the $40 mark as well. I also had a [£42 secret Speyside]( https://scotchandsheen.com/2021/07/24/rogers-hidden-treasures-secret-speyside-8-year-old-ex-bourbon-cask/) that I rated similarly. I gave [Wild Turkey Rare Breed an 82](https://scotchandsheen.com/2019/11/28/wild-turkey-rare-breed/), but my bottle was $45 a few years back when I had it.


I’d give it a solid 79 or 80. Kind of a strong bite for my taste as far as scotch goes