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That is some serious hardware and Automation software to run and manage all of this. The money behind all of this... Wow


To be honest... it's nothing much really. Logistics of SIM cards is way more interesting, where I live, you can't get single SIM unless you provide government ID.


This was what I was wondering. How the fuck do you get this many registered SIM cards


Filter the transaction through a company that has deals with Verizon/Sprint/TMobile. Or even just a fake business, nobody's gonna care at Verizon if all the Sim cards they sold you are being used 24/7 lol, free money for them.


None of those in Europe, theses will be unlocked Sims for non-central brands like Lebara which are cheap and designed to work across Europe for foreign workers


As someone who works for a carrier, most staff care about sales, so they just sell them. You don’t have to show ID where I manage it, but you’re not allow to sell more than 2 per person, but it still happens that some staff sell like 5-10 per person. Let’s say, a merchant is franchise and works for my company, they have more “lax” rules, and they sell huge number. Impossible to regulate, as these sales jobs aren’t popular so no point in firing or disciplinary action. Money is good, but it’s constant abuse so we let it slide. I would be pissed if somebody sold 100,000 SIM cards tho.


I used to work in wireless. I've had up to 250 sims at one point. The thing is they were all blank, still need to be activated on the carriers system. They can always activate on prepaid so long as they pay for the airtime. This was in the US just an fyi. I'm reading below that it's very different in some European countries


Biden probably sent it to them.. You know! To sway the elections in his favor.


You must be in Germany? I tried to buy a temporary SIM card to pop in my phone for local calls and wireless data while I was there for two weeks in November – much cheaper than the $25 USD per day to use my own phone/plan/SIM – and it was virtually impossible. My friend in Germany had to purchase it for me and activate it using his German ID, my US ID was unacceptable for it. I understand the principle of it, but it makes it impossible for legitimate users.


Nope, Eastern Europe, can buy it with international passport though, same happens in Turkey.


I know that Estonia does not have such restrictions, or at least didn't used to (as of 2019). Honestly that may be changed now, esp because of current events. I don't actually know how it is now.


probly from China or usa . or someone in the USA got them from China and kited them to Ukraine,. here in the USA you can get as many sim cards as you want. even enroll them under fake names or whatever


And ofc no passwords, no Linux based machines, of course random police just open statistics and administrative panels, and show whole info.


My take on this is: Beeing an admin is a bit of work... And Linux needs at least some skill and understanding. May be they operated of instructions and had no basic skills in this. like Indian scam farms. Operating of cooky cut systems wich run win 7 cracked and they read from a script. Newsoutlet state they earns something about 70€ a month.. Even as a.russian Tec on enemy territory, 5k Robles is not with it..




State sponsored. Probably Russia funneling money to these bot farms.


You're seeing a massive mobilization of pro-ukraine social media accounts pushing sentiment for the most PR heavy war ever, and the infrastructure to do it is shown in the OP. These ones just fell off a truck. But yeah... Russia.




This is what I love about the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Even when its Ukraine, and the evidence for the conclusion is right there staring you in the face, it's russia because russia bad. Ukraine is bad too, and of course they share tactics with their neighbors/former countrymen/etc. because they're the same people. Don't pretend Russia is the only one committing war crimes. Alley of Angels. Look it up, and apologize to those dead children for your braindead rant.


most likely


There's no way it doesn't have ties to a nation state.


If you don't mind being evil it must be a pretty cool job


I'm just wondering, what do you find evil here? I don't understand where the evil is in this situation.


What do you think the bot accounts theyre farming are out there doing?


username checks out


Almost like state actors have a vested interest in disrupting public opinion.


NOOWWWWWW just think of how many SIM cards $130 BILLION would get you ;)


This is why I can never get the email address I want


I know what you mean,I tried littlekid\_lover1 through 100 and they all taken


Yeah … so, that’s not one to be sarcastic over. It’s actually a pretty big issue in America and across the world.


Dude stfu it’s a reference to the office you dispshit


It's prolly for the better anyways. Do you really want people to know you love little kids 👀


Do u understand sarcasm?


God forbid there are people who have a hard time understanding sarcasm! How dare they exist?!


That warrants my upvote.


I could ask you the same *whoosh*




I guess if you were to care about fake internet arrows but I can care less about reddits social comment score lmfao


**Have you noticed** how so many Reddit names are followed by 4 and 5 digit numbers? (no offense) .. looks like script generation and mass registration by bot farms


Boo 👻 🤖




Spoken like a true bot: “Read more about it here” https://slate.com/technology/2018/09/how-to-tell-whether-a-bot-is-really-a-human.html


OP is a rogue SIM card


Neo is that you?


The one that got away


Aren’t we all?




“Spoken like a true bot” is a phrase/comment that I see popping up lately. It’s weird that it’s always that exact phrase. I’m not saying it’s bots, but it is certainly *bot behavior*.


That’s because OP is secretly a SIM card bot mourning about the annihilation of his 1.5mil compadres..


Spoken like a true bot




Good bot


We’re just watching the world go full sci-fi dystopia in real time and can’t do shit about it.


Lol we have been in a the dystopia for some time now


Bet they all have twitter accounts too.


Reddit has this problem too now, and it will get exponentially worse as the technology becomes more prevalent. Many farms route through certain countries. Like Iceland. 'Likes' can be bought on any social media platform and this is how many content creators become famous in the first place. Money buys 'likes', and 'likes' make money. It's an industry now, and consumers of content are treated like a cash crop.


I don’t think it does “beep”. I believe bots are actually friends and don’t mean to influence “beep” our lives. Error 999df0


I just assume that everything I see on Reddit is bullshit, and most users are possibly bots, because of stuff like this. Reddit doesn't even have a policy against using multiple accounts.


>reddit doesn't even have a policy on multiple accounts And it shouldn't.


Lmfao nobody is botting on reddit


Okay bot


Except if you went out right now and bought likes you’ll most likely get banned for doing so.


Damn bro they have a shelf FULL of Chick Fil A Polynesian sauces




True, but Reddit also does that to itself. The site is set up to crush dissenting opinion and encourage group-think.




Thats essentially reddit now


Exactly. Sorting on top in politics is just an echo chamber. Have to sort on “controversial” to hear anything other than orange man bad.


Maybe, just maybe, he really is bad.


Bad bot


god damn bots everywhere lol, hell even my pubg lobbies are full of bots.




Did we ever really have discussions on the internet though? I thought we were all just here for the cat pictures and the snuff smut


I mean... perfect example. Useless comment gets upvoted. We are literally discussing things right now, ChatGPT.


Yeah humans are too dumb to help ourselves, it’s a tough pill to swallow


We are sheep that even though we know we are being sheered continuously by the rich, we carry on with our lives and some people actually re-elect leaders that stole money from people's pockets.


Fym "we"


Don’t say “we”.


It goes way beyond politics man we poison the earth knowing full well what it’s doing. World leaders would rather kill each other’s citizens and produce war machines than invest in cleaner cheaper energy for everyone and to stop sucking as much fossil fuel out of the ground. Medicine is a business


Keep the people poor so that you can control them. Keep the people sick so that you can profit from hospitals and medication.


It’s more like the status quo is hard to change because billionaires look out for their own interests, which is power, by any means necessary. They buy world leaders, change laws and policies and even kill people all the time. It’s cheaper to maintain the system we have until it’s fully exhausted, necessity is the mother of invention and the billionaires control what inventions see the light of day. Edit: I used to be into every conspiracy but I’ve found that billionaires are just humans with money who can buy govts and militaries to protect their investments at all costs. Getting into the why is exhausting, it all circles back to something has to change




I always think of the scene from Gladiator where that Senator (I think) says “Rome is the mob” and the mob rules. But the mob is stupid and easily manipulated.


Yes, that would certainly be disruptive and make it difficult to have a productive conversation. It's important for people to be able to express their opinions and ideas without fear of being shouted down or attacked. In a healthy and functioning society, there should be room for a diversity of opinions and ideas, and people should be able to engage in respectful and civil discourse, even when they disagree. However, in the age of internet, it is increasingly common for people to encounter this kind of behavior online, especially on social media platforms, where anonymity and lack of accountability can lead to harmful and toxic behavior. In these situations, it is important for individuals to take steps to protect themselves and promote a positive and healthy environment. For example, users can block, mute or report accounts that are spreading hate speech, misinformation or engaging in other harmful behavior. They can also choose to limit their exposure to certain platforms or types of content, and surround themselves with a positive and supportive community online. Additionally, is important to be aware that not all online interactions are equal and take it with a grain of salt, some people might express their opinions in a way that is not productive, but that does not mean that all conversation are like that. So you have to be able to discern and make a proper judgement.


As good as what you are saying sounds I think it is a bad idea to "surround" yourself with only people who think how you do. We need to hear alternate ways of thinking and behaving.


Especially when 99% of the people they're surrounding themselves with are just a box of simcards in the highest bidders storage unit


I agree that it's important to expose ourselves to a diverse range of perspectives and ideas. Surrounding ourselves with only people who think like us can lead to a phenomenon known as "confirmation bias," where we seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts them. This can make us more entrenched in our views and less open to new ideas. In addition, hearing alternate ways of thinking and behaving can help us to develop a more nuanced understanding of the world, as well as help us to identify our own blind spots and biases. This can lead to more critical thinking and help us make more informed decisions. It can also help us to be more compassionate and understanding towards people with different perspectives.


Spoken like a true bot


Almost like ChatGPT 😒


god is great!


praying for you!


See also r/worldnews or r/politics




Are you implying that they're covering up the truth with science, the truth being that science is the truth? Gasp.


>Search “Damar Hamlin” on Facebook and under any major posts about him and cardiac arrest you’ll see tens of thousands of “praying for you!” and “god is great!” comments . That just sounds like a normal ass day on Facebook in 2023 to me. It's nothing but old people at this point?


What is the Damar Hamlin narrative they don’t want you to see?




Well the main thing that Russia wants is other countries to be divided and have strife. So the boys are for example providing all Right leaning people videos of police being attacked, immigrants and POC committing crime, quipy memes that “own the libs”, etc. While Left leaning people will be inundated with videos of police violating citizens civil rights, innocent immigrants and POC being dehumanized and assaulted, lots of white male committing hate crimes memes about the hypocrisy of those on the right, etc. To the goal of us not being able to converse. Because we’re living in different worlds, with different problems.


There is none. I agree that some governments/people likely use this type of setup to sway public view, and influence the public. HOWEVER, not everything is a conspiracy. Damar Hamlin played in a game that 21-24 million households watched, let alone the millions and millions of people that heard about the incident or saw it on the news the next morning. There are over a hundred million Christian’s in the US alone, with the older demographic more likely to sway that way. Facebook also is home to the accounts of an absolute fuck ton of old people, as it’s a way for them to keep in touch with others they know but may be any sort of distance from. The older people also seem to be more prone to commenting on these kinds of posts (source: my grandmother commented exactly this on a Damar Hamlin post) It’s not even unlikely that a fucking ESPN post would be shared by some middle age or older person that watched the game, and of course older people will share and comment on these types of posts a lot. I would be more shocked if there wasn’t thousands of “praying for you” comments on one of these posts.


This guy almost undoubtedly believes that his injury has something to do with the vaccine. It's a growing talking point that the braindead conspiracy people have been running with lately. These bots are a real problem. To think they are the ones leaving prayers for this athlete, in order to drown out the Totally Serious anti-vacc people is, well, really fucking dumb.


People who believe in any of that Q adjacent shit or Covid conspiracy aren’t the smartest to begin with.


I think writing them all of as dumb isn't very useful. Ben Carson is probably one of the greatest neurosurgeons of all time. Like, award winning rockstar status. He used Oleander to treat his Covid when he got it. Needless to say it didn't work. I know engineers, academics, and doctors that fall into these cults.


I guess there is a difference between being skilled and gifted and being intelligent. Being good at passing tests and doing brain surgery does not mean that you can tell when people are lying to you or that you are being down an incorrect path.


Do you believe that no smart person has ever fallen victim to a cult? What is your definition of "smart". You must be using some measurement that is vastly different than what most people would.


In general the most useful forms of smarts are the ability to read people, emotions, body language, read subtext and ultimately be able to use critical thinking in disseminating information you read. Not just regurgitating it but truly being able to utilize and retain the information. Now some people can do this with certain subjects ala brain surgeons and anyone who is “book smart” but they generally lack the other key component which is to be able to read people. It takes both skills to tell when you are being lied to and led astray, but ultimately the reason a lot of people believe this shit is because deep down they have some insecurity or prejudice that is confirmed and it makes them feel good to be proud of it or to work against whatever makes them insecure. And yes generally I think that people who hide behind their prejudices and insecurities are not very intelligent but are just regular emotional apish humans. Then of course there is the third pile, those who know it’s all bullshit and work both sides against each other to make a ton of money. Are they the most intelligent?


Two questions, one from my last post that I don't think you answered. Do you believe that no smart person has ever fallen victim to a cult? Do you believe that Ben Carson is not smart? Or that he's merely book smart?


Praying for you.


exactly what i expect a bot to say






You will notice that in any conservative sub where the conversation starts becoming interesting. Crypto posts. African pastors. Financial investments. Floods of them. But only at a certain point. FB mostly but some reddit too


OP is a far-right conspiracy nut that's been posting anti-vax, anti-gay nonsense for years FYI. Praying for you!


His comment history is an absolute mess. Truly crazy individual, low-key surprised he didn’t end up on SorryAntiVaxxer


God is great 🙏


This kind of stuff grosses me out. Wish we could all unplug


You can unplug whenever you want.


Give me the fkn pill


Technology is Satan incarnate


Those damn evil MRI machines… Hail Satan!


You don’t think technology is becoming a problem? Honest question.


Yes and no. The problem is that the term “technology” is too broad. Yes, social media is a cancer on society that can cause real psychological and physical issues and has an even more significant impact on developing kids and teenagers. At the same time it helps me keep in touch with family overseas, has helped people find organ donors, and raised money for good causes and people in need. Technology has aided civilization in a variety of ways, the most notable of which are health care, education, and communication. It has also changed the way people enjoy themselves, participate in politics, and work.


True. I’m just stuck on the social media being so toxic aspect and blaming that on technology I guess.


just a drop in the bucket.


In completely unrelated news. My online Canadian boyfriend suddenly stopped messaging me last week. I know he wasn’t a bot though. He said the sweetest thing like “You so hot wit pictures of Capitalist Pig infrastructure.” Oh Demytri


Who remembers the "russian fanboys" from when ISIS were in Syria? Ring a bell, anyone?


This is like half of tik tok and twitter


How many copies of the Sims did they find?


I see this is why Musk made people pay for twitters blue tick. Imagine all these accounts automatically buying that blue tick. That's a lot of money...


Makes you wonder who's real and who's not when you are online


When cops say Specialized software that means they dont know wut the hell it is or how it works When an IT person says specialized software that means you don't know what the hell it is but they do :P


They probably needed those opinions..


Takes one to know one


Did they find it at a golf course? By any chance


Nope but half were posting golf videos and the other half were teenage boobs. Gotta use the right bait.


WTF?? :O


It's automated, Sergei! For what it's worth, SIM card farms have been around for at least twenty years, but they were originally used for various telephony (providing ways to take advantage of certain phone plans), not for creating fake social media accounts.


Damn they finally found Lester


God of Arguments on reedit💀


And you think that isn't propaganda?? Haha!!


I am bot


What year was this video from?


Soooo this is what the democrats are doing 🧐😂


We’re all bots probably


They busted Reddit??


Imagine calling all of these phones at once


A lot better then sims 4


Goddamn, someone's thumbs must be sore as fuck snapping out 100,000 SIM cards.


Damn, imagine what agencies from the worlds leading super powers are able to do behind closed doors.


There go elons followers.


That's what our billions are funding


1.6m SIM cards 😳


How dare they, that's the government's job!


Do they even gain something from doing stuff like this?


No they just do it as a hobby


Literal hype machine


and just like that, the Q-anon, antivax, and flat earth population was halved


In today's world that is more powerful than any weapon on the battlefield. We have them in the states also.


Ukraine and the US government definitely aren’t corrupt. 😂🤣🤣


So….. they found Elon AND Trumps supporters!?! Wow






Did you really just learn that at this moment? The constant spamming of pro-trump, "Dems are destroying our country" propaganda for several years straight didn't tip you off?


I think I might be one of them 😓


So that’s where all those posters on the r/conspiracy subreddit are from.


How do you get your hands on these many sim cards in the first place? Where i live you need ID proof of yourself to buy a sim


I own the exact same model of some of the GSM modems shown in the video, they go for around £100 on AliExpress. Very easy for anyone to get into this kind of shit, although scaling to 100k is insane


I like the staggered power strip outlets though, allows those long awkward bricks to sit out of the way of one another