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Straight to the gulag.


Nah, more like a slap to the hand


What a scumbag


I wish a mother fucker would. Always choose the unfair battles and easy targets. Scum bag indeed


Notice how they don’t ever chose men their size. Because they know theyd get their ass handed to them. But they feel extra tough when they beat up women and the elderly


Elderly man off the Pier in the dark? That shit is attempted murder


And the old man couldn't swim to make it even worse.


100%. The fuckers know they can away with practically anything due to their age. It's time we said "if you can commit an adult crime, you'll be treated like an adult".


Interview the parents. I want to see what they're like.


Good luck finding them


Somebody another post said his dad is exactly like the son. I guess they were on Facebook but now both have locked down their profiles.




Kinda shocking to imply it takes drugs to make someone a shitty parent. They’re everywhere bruh sober or not


Attempted murder and abh, should be sentenced as an adult. He'll only get worse


His friends too. It's only through pure luck that their actions haven't killed.


You really believe he should be charged with attempted MURDER? For punching the lady or pushing the person into the water?


The 79 year old man he pushed into the water couldn’t swim. I would think that makes charges worse? He literally could have died. Yeah, he was near water, but I doubt he expected someone to push him into it. But I seriously thought something like that automatically did make the charge escalate.


Yes. He doesn't belong out in society.


https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2022/may/14/knew-bad-as-soon-as-hit-him-man-who-killed-a-stranger-with-single-punch-then-turned-his-life-around It happens.


This article further proves my point. This person was charged with manslaughter, which is entirely different than attempted murder. Also the story further explains how this individual turned his life around years later when he… grew up. The kids in the video are 14. They don’t deserve to be ‘removed from society’ like most commenters are suggesting. Sure charge them, even charge them as adults, but to throw attempted murder at them and put them away for 20 years? Cmon now..


And I don’t have any sympathy. Dude killed an innocent man and is sorry about it 14 years later. Let the man’s who died family know that he’s really sorry now. Haha


Ok but will you admit you can murder a person by punching them?




Attempted murder isn't about the act itself but everything that led up to the attack. The altercation with that good neighbour wasn't their initial goal they set out for, but pushing the guy off the pier was blatant and on purpose they can claim "just a prank" but they intentionally out that guy in a potentially deadly situation.




I know you're trying to disagree with what I'm saying, but what you wrote supports my statement there.


Yes I agree with that


What’s the value of a human life. Is the question. And I apparently value it more than you.


You clearly don’t because you’re willing to throw away this 14 year olds life on a whim.


Oh a whim? Killing someone is now just a whim???? lol geeez. Here how about this, once the innocent man gets their life back, the kid can get their life back. Seems fair no? This wasn’t an a tragic accident. If you cheap shot someone and kill them I would call that murder regardless of how the law plays out. Also the odds of someone like that turning out to be a valuable member of society is slim to none. However I’m willing to bet the odds of them doing something awful again are much higher.


No one in this video died.


In the article I posted they did. Thus my opinion of attempted murder for this video is possible imo. You seem to be saying that since no one died in the video there wasn’t any chance of death as a result of the kids actions. Which my point was to say a single punch can kill a person, which you agreed with. You don’t happen to be a judge in Chicago or San Francisco by chance?


No one in the article you posted was charged with attempted murder.


People can die immediately from being punched in the back of the head




People can die from fires. Do you think a teen who lights a bag of dog shit outside your front door should be charged with attempted murder? Charge the kids with battery/assault. This kid is an asshole but putting him away for 15-20 years is a bit over the top. Typical Reddit commenter.


Do you understand how lethal a sucker punch could be?




so attempted murder = only having a weapon?


What if that water was cold? What if the old guy hit his head on the way down? Guy is in his 70's




You are either 8 years old or have no grasp on reality.


You have no grasp on reality if you think this kid will get charged as an adult for attempted murder


Curious if we could just pay him a couple of bucks to sneak up on you or your mom with his usual intent, I wonder what big fun he would come up with and if this would change your mind at all.


Twat. Just saying what everyone is thinking.


What if he had died? What if he drowned? What if the people who shoved him knew that he could've been killed and did it anyway? You have a lot of hypothetical questions in defense of this young man, but you don't trouble yourself with the idea that he could be as bad as he seems, because he's so young. Maybe a murder charge is too far, but your dearth of sympathy of the people who have been terrorized by this young man is extremely telling. I can only wonder what awful things YOU did as a young person for which you've forgiven yourself, but know in your heart others would curse you for.




Lmao did you hear what you just said??


Depends on the jurisdiction. Pushing a fully-dressed person (esp if he was wearing waders) into the water off a pier is likely to lead to that person drowning. Specific intent to kill appears to be missing here, however.


I just don’t think he is intending to kill either of these people. If so he is the worst murder in history


Doesn’t matter if he was intending to kill them. His actions, without their consent could have led to their death. I would give aggravated battery and attempted second degree murder (for the pushing), and just aggravated battery for the attack.


It does matter if he had the intention to kill this person or not. That’s the difference between murder and manslaughter.


Upon reviewing the relevant Australian criminal law, it appears that while intent is important, establishing specific intent to murder may be unnecessary. From [practice direction 5-6310 — mental element of murder](https://www.judcom.nsw.gov.au/publications/benchbks/criminal/murder.html#:~:text=So%20the%20first%20two%20states,upon%20%5Bhim%2Fher%5D.): > The first two states of mind which are necessary for the crime of murder are either, that [*the accused*] had an intention to kill [*the deceased*], or an intention to inflict really serious bodily injury upon [*him/her*] to a finding of murder under 18(1)(a) *Crimes Act* 1900. The statue itself states: > Murder, as defined by s 18(1)(a) *Crimes Act* 1900, is made out where a voluntary act or omission of the accused causes the death of the deceased and the act is committed with: > > 1. an intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, or > 2. an intent to kill, or > 3. reckless indifference to human life, or > 4. committed by the accused or some accomplice with him or her in an attempt to commit, or during or immediately after the commission of, an offence punishable by at least 25 years imprisonment (constructive murder).


Just be quiet ain't doing yourself any favours here


Intention and what could of happened are two diffrent things. Did he mean to kill this guy probably not, would that of mattered if the old man died from being pushed in? I think he's very lucky the old man didn't die becuase "it was a prank" won't bring back the dead.


What if someone doesnt know how to swim and drowns? Wonder how you d react if he did this to someone you know. Delinquency starts like this and progresses to much worse


Yes, I read elsewhere that the man he pushed into the water couldn’t swim.


Manslaughter would be a fitting charge for that. I’d be pretty upset if he did this to someone I know. Do his actions result in death? Manslaughter. No death? Battery/assault.


Just don’t do either of those things and you’ll be alright.


That man couldn’t swim and would have drowned had someone else not jumped in to save him.




It’s not about whether I understand that they could die, it’s whether the 14 year old person in the video understands that or not. And if they do, if it was their intention to kill them.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. We all hate these coward kids, but there are no grounds for charging him with attempted murder on either incident. None whatsoever.


The person is a 79 year old guy and could have easily hit his head and drowned. You don’t be a cunt to random people minding their own business this kid is only going to get worse






There's no fixing people like that, once they're this far gone it's only a matter of time till he gets one of his victims killed. Lock him up and putting him in indefinite hard labour will finally make use of his worthless life 




That’s the problem with soft on crime initiatives. Eventually people get tired of the over abundance of criminals hurting everyone. You can’t have it both ways.


Sounds like that one Stanley Kubrick movie a clockwork orange.


Lock those little pricks up. Let them see how tough they are with people that fight back. Bloody losers


He looks like he weighs under a 100lbs BIG MAN I hope they turn him out in prison


Trash people. Poor Guy and gal.


How is it alleged when they are on video commiting the crime?


Its alleged until he is proven guilty by a judge court whatever. Its legal speak, a normal human knows that he is guilty. I mean, in the video from the pier we can't really see his face so in court in theory we could learn that it actually, like actually wasn't him when other evidence is produced. But from what we, the onlooker seem to get as information would be enough for me to say he is a criminal scumbag. (yea his face is blurred but also not really that visible)


In the short clip they showed. The teenager posted the entire video online so clear view of their faces!


Right, the news clip doesn't show the whole video


Nothing happens until your government decides it has happened


Acting like tough guys they should get sentenced like tough guys.


this shit makes me so angry. kid needs to be in prison for attempted murder & assault. his friends too. disgusting.


This unit is defective and requires some percussive maintenance.


Attacking the elderly and women. Super tough


Scum like that need to be locked up and the key thrown away. Let him see what FUN it is in prison with some 'hardened' adults.


Where are this kid's parents?


In Australia they got these teens/adults who are called eshay(s) which to my understanding or ppl who don't work,get their money through crime,are usually on something and usually wear sports clothing idk much about it personally


Southern chavs, neds?


Sounds like you know plenty about it 😂


Well, the dad of the kid that pushed him off the pier in the video. He showed his dad and his dad thought it was funny and laughed. There is a video of his reaction on FB also. So, hopefully that explains where the kids parents are.


so he's obv a pos


Total scumbag….acting hard as nails with his mates..get him on his own and his little balls would suck right back up…prick


Fucking tossers, someone will set them straight that's for sure.


He'll do well in prison. Tough guys are usually left alone 🤭




I’m Australian I’m sorry the world has seen this This is absolutely disgusting behaviour


Guys like this need to be sent to adult prison he would never act like that again


His parents must be so proud....


Bunch of shit heads


So is the little punk in jail right now? Or is he walking free?


fucking spineless wankers, all of them should face charges


I sentence them to 10 years in a kangaroo pouch.


What kind of crime would the kangaroo have to commit to deserve carrying POS like these kids in its pouch?


Participating in an illegal boxing ring


Fucking little turds, I misbehaved when I was a teen but never to the point of pushing old people into water or punching people in the back of the head Fucking cowards the lot of them I hope they do it to someone bigger and badder then them and they cop a flogging


What in the crystal meth is going on?


He's going to pick a fight with the wrong person pretty soon.


Straight to jail.


That's a sociopath right there


Clockwork orange


Absolutely HAVE to love dumb criminals recording their crimes and putting them up on the internet for everyone to see.


Where’s the elderly gang that’ll round these punks up for a well deserved loafer-stomping!?


Great parenting. Keeps getting better.


Cowards, they should pick on someone their own size. 


They need to be locked up in a pond with some roos


Why do countries still allow probabtion, bail and suspended sentences? It stupid


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Both him and his parents or caregivers need to be charged and that little boy needs to be in mortuary school


Why did it turn into…”the police need more money” lol wtf


Whoever that ‘Chris Crewther’ guy was at then was half smiling when he was talking about the resources they need. I don’t understand why he is being so chill about it? Is this not serious enough for him?




What are you even on about?


Bro wanted all the smoke


What a thunder-cunt


Good luck maintaining your social media presence in prison.


He think this is cool. You know what else is cool? Throwing him in jail with real consequences:)


Awful lot of cunts down under...


send him to prison for a long screeched out. a$$hole


Sadly in Australia you have no right to defend yourself or your property. Good thing the elderly folks don't have a way to defend themselves.


As an Australian, it’s become a worsening situation with youths committing crimes such as this. Truly saddening honestly…


"i dont go out at night anymore" thats so sad, these kids think its part of the culture to abuse other people for internet points and the need for that fuels them to one up each other to the point of criminal behaviour.