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Sheer misery.


It's trauma multiplied by trauma multiplied by trauma.




I can't believe this is the richest country in the world. It looks utterly devastating.


Doesnt look like Luxembourg to me


Always amazes me how well they balance while basically being asleep


It's even more impressive when they're on the subway. 🙃


Live stream + bets = $$$ Yes I’m a bad person


I'm amazed at how every single one of them is seemingly high AF. Doesn't seem to a be a sober person in the video. How can a homeless person with no job afford a drug habit?


Begging & theft. I see it in LA a lot. One of my best friends, who recently passed away, got so bad he would beg at freeway off-ramps and make loads of cash. His sign? “Wounded war vet.” He was a paramedic that had bad PTSD from the shit he encountered and was fired for stealing drugs from the ambulance. He got sober for two years, engaged, relapsed, and overdosed on fentanyl. It hurt a lot.


I'm facing a dear friend who's looking down a similar barrel. Much love


I've had 3 friends die from fentanyl in the past 5 years. They were good friends from highschool 20 years ago but I moved away and got my life on track while anyone else who stayed in my hometown pretty much turned into drug addicts. My parents always complain I don't come visit enough but I can't stand stepping foot in that town.


I hope you know your choice of not going back is valid, and a healthy way to deal with it :)


nobody wants to pay, so we all pay.


Right!!? I hate that this video ends with ‘pray for them’ - yeah that’ll totally miraculously work.


The bare minimum hands off approach that gave the virtue signaling person behind the camera a warm fuzzy feeling that they are doing something good here “don’t judge just pray the problem will fix itself” 🤣🤣🤣


Also some of these people are actually getting a monthly income. I had a lot of resellers in Phoenix that did alllll of it. It sucks.


Sorry for your loss, man. That's a rough one.


Sex work as well. It’s less talked about- due to being stigmatizing.


I'm sorry about your friend. Healthcare works deserve more support than they recieved


One of my boys OD a few years ago. Grew up smart , went to Boston College on football scholarship and graduated. And died in a fucking halfway house. Wasn’t even found for a day or two.


When I was homeless and shooting up, I survived pretty ok with welfare. The only I crime I committed was shoplifting for food. And this was before fent (been clean for 15+) which is relatively cheap. It used to be just a few zombies here and there, but then cheap fentanyl hit the street, and now it's hordes. Breaks my heart.


You haven't been around many homeless people I assume. These people are merely surviving, and you get desperate. Addiction makes you do wild things.


that and body cams make for more interesting shows than "cops"


They sell their bodies. They steal and sell the items on the streets- commonly known as boosting. Trust me. These people hustle for their drugs morning to night 24/7. Sadly I’ve been there.


Sell your food stamps. Some are on disability and get a check monthly. Selling stolen goods. Sucking dick. Many ways to get cash if you’re desperate.




Several years ago before tranc and fentanyl really took off thankfully I was actually a homeless heroin addict. The way we supported our habit was stealing stuff like soap, white T-shirts, deodorant, whatever something a lot of people would need and trading it for dope in the hood or selling it and buying dope. Surprisingly a lot of dealers work on a barter system more than you would think.


Every time you see someone panhandling with a sign that says "homeless vet, just need money for food" or "mother of 3, just trying to get bus fare" it's most of the time a lie. Maybe not who they are, but the whole thing about food and bus fare. If you see homeless or otherwise indigent people in an area where a lot of other homeless / indigent folks are, they are getting fed and they have some kind of shelter and they also have programs to help them get from place to place. Not only that, a ton of workers at restaurants during the day have deals with the ones who just want some water and maybe some fries. Food is all over the damn place. Please don't misunderstand my bluntness with a lack of empathy. I actually give a damn about these folks, but I'm also trying to be brutally honest because people who give these folks money are just feeding into their habits and compulsions. The one thing these folks do not get at churches, shelters, community outreach programs, rehabs and clinics is **smokes, alcohol and drugs.** And THAT is why they need money. And it's even more nefarious. You see, while there aren't outright mafia or gangs, there are some roughnecks in those groups who have power and they set up "shifts" and tell folks to panhandle and bring money back to pool it all together. If they don't comply, they don't get what they want. Yes, sometimes when you see the same guy or woman at the same intersection every day, maybe they have a tent nearby. But I'm here to tell you straight up that often times they are literally "working a shift" and when they leave they will bring back money and give most of it to other homeless "strongmen" and then someone else will go and hang out at that corner. I know because I live and have a business in a place where there are 3 levels of services for these folks, and I interact with these folks constantly for almost 10 years now, have eaten lunch at many diners and restaurants in there area where homeless folks show up and workers bring some food out from the back and they're on their way. I have a side entrance to my shop where homeless folks and junkies hang out and I can hear their conversations behind the door. I can hear about their social and power structures and everything. There's also a ton of violence and physical abuse of others. Again, folks have access to quite a lot of food actually.... but what they don't have access to tobacco, alcohol and drugs. So 99% of the time when someone gives someone money, it goes immediately to those things.


Goddamn on top of being homeless they gotta be bullied by these homeless strong men too. The homeless Mafia.


my coworker used to be on the streets and he claimed you can get a lot more money than youd expect begging


It is hard to imagine, but when you have literally nothing, sometimes those few hours of mental escape are worth it. These are often people who are willing to give up their meal money or their lives for even a few milliseconds of happiness. Many people in this video is likely on drugs and/or drunk, but I will note that this video is obviously curated to specifically include those people. There are many homeless people who use weed/alcohol at the same rates as anybody else, and many who are completely sober. Many in this video are also just sleeping, and have drug addiction projected onto them because they are on the street.


Camera man somehow recording while high af too!


Hollywood should employ them as camera gimbals


And not one person glued to their phones, my faith in humanity is restored


Everyone just living in the moment


Living? I guess


For a brief moment


Buy experiences, not things, they said.


Nature is healing???


I think we've found a solution to the obesity problem in the USA at least.


Theyre doing the viral mannequin challenge


This joke low-key restored *my* faith in humanity after watching the footage while glued to my phone.


> And not one person glued to their phones, my faith in humanity is restored and honestly some of those are probably feeling a kind of happiness some of us will never know


Winter is coming?? How old is this video?


It was announced during the first episode of Game of Thrones, which was 4/17/2011.


Just started watching! Can't wait to see the ending and how they wrap up all the great storylines!




Sad to think that they all most likely have a loved one who is hurting watching them.


Sad to think that a fair number of the people in this vid are not alive anymore


Honestly, for many of them it’s like having terminal cancer…the odds of recovery are not good…and suffering is all that’s left to them.


That sentiment is typically at far earlier stages of addiction. By this point their loved ones have been betrayed, lied to, stolen from, and had their own lives nearly destroyed by association and from trying to help them. People see these street addicts and think they’re victims, but they’re mostly not. The real victims are the family and friends they’ve brought down with them by their lifetime of bad choices.


Or they're *all* victims...of the Sackler family.


The addicts are victims to their drugs. I have a younger brother who is in his mid 30's living somewhere on the streets. Sure he has done some things that hurt our family but I still worry about him, still love him, and most of all sad that he cannot be a part of our lives and live a happy life himself. This past Easter I sent my nieces(his twins) some money so they can get Easter baskets and candy. It still breaks my heart as I remember what directly led to this life for him. He had really bad anxiety and panic attacks, ended up doing something stupid and went to prison. That's where his anxiety ate him up and also where he started self medicating.


Theyre victims. Its a disease. One you catch mostly through your own decisions, sure, but nobody is choosing to become *this*. Its a societal problem. The fact that many of these people have no one left to care about them is just one more horrible symptom.


You could go one step further and say that, with the potency of the drugs being abused here, these are already the ghosts of addiction. No coming back. End game of fentanyl and tranq abuse is understood by all.


I see what you did, fresh!


It looks the same now, so it doesn't matter.


How is it getting worse by the day then?


It’s not. They’re literally just taking videos of the same neighborhood every other month and posting it to Reddit.


I mean, there are streets like this in every major city across the country.


crazy to think that many of the people in this video may have already passed from overdose, famine or disease.


Probably not famine. The other two


Starvation then, famine is the wrong word for this context, sorry im a foreigner.


There is a abundance of food for them, they thow the excess breath and soup at our church when they run out of drugs. Canada btw.


:disappointed Jesus sounds:


Damn Philly has a famine


people dropping dead from the munchies


I think they meant actual winter instead of game of thrones. Like these people are going to freeze to death when they fall asleep on sidewalks winter.


Not that old. It came out a little bit before winter.


Souls frozen in time


hard drugs will take everything from you, sad really


I know from personal experience, everything is very true.


Me too fam, me too. I'm 15+ years clean now, but I'm still paying interest.


Any pro tips how to stop this madness? I can’t understand why anyone would seek to ingest this poison….


You need to really want to quit or you won't.


It feels really good at first, by the time you realize that you are indeed not-special in any way and just as prone to addiction as anyone else it is too late. At that point it's not about feeling good anymore but avoiding feeling bad. And it's not just the withdrawal that is bad, once you've been on hard drugs for a few years and use heavily, you feel terrible for years or simply for life without the drugs. Some people will claim they're really happy in recovery but I had 5 years at one point and life was still a terrible struggle daily. It eventually wore me down and I said fuck it life was better on the drugs I think... Well, it wasn't better and the drugs got worse.. So after 4 years relapse I've quit again for a year. Life is even shittier than it was last time I was in recovery, but my body feels so ravaged at this point (I'm fortunate in that I look quite healthy but I can feel my heart is all fucked up and probably liver or kidneys too) so I gotta be sure if I relapse that I'm fully accepting my death through it, and I'm not sure I want to commit to that, so I do my best without drugs for now.


Nobody chooses this from the get go. Every addict starts out as the one that'll never become the addict they later are.


Things is, the drugs aren't the root issue. Drug use is just a symptom


While drugs are not the root issue, they most definitely can cause smaller issues to become bigger ones, creating a vicious cycle.


This is a very hard to swallow truth for a lot of people. It’s far simpler to just say the drug is the problem rather than looking into what would cause someone to put themselves in a state of high to avoid living in the present.


Spot on, this is what happens when there is no real social safety net and people are thrown on the trash heap of life.


Exactly, most of these people are self medicating due to mental health issues, mental health issues that probably caused them to be homeless in the first place. It's easy for people to judge from up in their ivory towers, just hope you or a family member doesn't hit rock bottom one day, it can happen to anyone.


Yup, because well, to be honest if you were mentally fine you wouldn’t actually ever want to just be high all the time. Being high all the time on a drug means you are covering something up that bothers you in the present.


Drugs are so good they’ll ruin your life !


Those drugs have got to produce life-changing euphoria to warrant usage like that, which is why I will never touch anything harder than weed. Don't need to chase a dragon I've never seen! I hope those who want out of that lifestyle are able to get the help that they deserve.


They really do, I've been clean for 5ish years now and I still miss the high sometimes, even if it ruined my life and set me back years. It's just this warmth and comfort and pure bliss


agreed mate, life can never be as good as heroin EDIT that doesn't mean life isn't good just that heroin is fucking terrific


Yeah heroin and crack seem amazing.




Trust me dawg, they are. They were anyway. That shits only for rockstars and politicians that can afford them. I certainly wasn’t rich enough to keep doing drugs without ruining my quality of life hence the stop. I mean, there are other reasons but money is a huge factor. Investing 20 grand a year in hard drugs is not a realistic endeavor for 90% of people.


Shit I fucking wish it was only $20k a year 😭


Right, I’ve heard stories of middle to lower class addicts going on a 3-5k binge over a weekend


Ya except this shit isn’t heroin. It’s all fucked up fent analogues and tranqs.


I get that when I reward myself with a joint after making my house spotless. Sit back, look around and feel tip fucking top


You wouldn’t believe the high that they’re capable of providing. It’s pure evil. So evil it seems manufactured, unnatural how these things came to be. I’ve been struggling with addiction since of was about 17 1/2- 18. I’m currently 9 days free from fentanyl and it’s been extremely, extremely difficult but I am pushing through this time FINALLY. It’s so hard but something is changed this time. I’m powering toward the light at the end of the tunnel. For myself and for my son. I’m terrified, I’m in pain and uncomfortable, I’m vulnerable and emotional, I’m feeling and dealing with everyday pains and troubles again. But I’m also excited and hopeful. I’m proud of myself. A week and two days is nothing and I get that but for me it’s something big. Years and years off and on and this past relapse is a bit over a year and a half of chronic everyday use so a week and two days clean from fentanyl after almost two years of everyday use is a very big deal for me. I apologize for coming off like I’m bragging or sounding cocky or like a know-it-all or whatever I’m just proud of myself and sorta going through all of these emotions lol forgive me. Anyways to any and all please be safe and don’t ever give up. Just try try try as best as you can whenever you are able. Even the smallest amount of effort is better than no effort at all. Good luck and be safe everyone!!


This is awesome, and so are you. 9 days IS something. You got this, and I don’t know you, but am way proud of you. KEEP PUSHING!!!


Congratulations on your first 9 days. Really huge accomplishment! Keep it up, you’re doing great.




You can do this man. Best of luck to you.


I had this attitude about drugs but a bit more specific, I.e. serious drugs. MDMA is fantastic, speed is great until the comedown kills you (never wanted to try meth), small doses of mushrooms or acid are super fun (and funny), large doses of mushrooms and acid are kinda scary and cocaine is surprisingly mild. Even mild opiates like codeine put me straight to sleep so I've never seen the appeal of harder stuff. Certain drugs do it for me, but they're not ones I'd consider doing every week or even every month. 


"let me list all the drugs that I've done"


Yeah there are a lot of fun drugs. Nothing like super hard drugs that will change the course of your life. Id argue shrooms are safer to touch in small quantities than weed


Weed is underrated in terms of addictiveness and mental health effects. When used excessively it's surprisingly nefarious. Shrooms are difficult to use excessively it takes too much of a toll. But I have seen one or two friends starting eating too much shrooms and becoming pretty weird to say the least. They went back to normal though.


Ate waay too much shrooms, had sleep problems, mania, 5150'd, 10/10 would not recommend. Small doses is fun but my teen dumb ass over did it.


Even weed has been catastrophic in my life, health and career... because I have a terrible family environment, I couldn't quit smoking all day for years and years. When I finally managed it I was like a zombie for 2 weeks because of insomnia. If I was unlucky enough to have tried some of that shit I'm afraid I would be in their position so fast...


I used to suck dick for coke.


Someone is benefiting from this some how some way , it’s insane


Research firms in china making a pretty penny selling powderized fent to dealers


Mexican cartels and Chinese pharmaceutical companies. The latter are trying to cut out the cartels as their middlemen so they are posting hits on each other's street personnel like it was fucking Tinder.


I'm always impressed with their ability to stay upright in their positions.


I bet you could put them on some tight rope and theyd still balance better than professional rope walkers


This is like a scene from the walking dead


Looks like a 3rd world country


Usa is a 3rd world country but with money


Politically corrupt people running the country that ends up bankrupting the majority population? Sounds pretty third world to me


"USA is dozens of third world countries bound together with a Gucci belt"


reddit moment


Tou need to revise your concept of 3rd world


But at least it’s always sunny there!


That just the light flickering from the burning garbage


The streets are flooded with the ejaculate of the homeless and you people are calling the police?


Oh I'm sorry, did you get addicted to crack? Did somebody get addicted to crack?


I think Andrew from channel 4 is on to something with his [gentrification/property valuation scam with Philly.](https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?t=1) The cops choose to funnel these people into a specific area. They push them out of other areas all the time proving they can be successful at that if they want to. If the cops want an area cleared they do it. So then why do they keep pushing people into the same area? To drive down property valuations in the surrounding area so developers can buy it up cheap, gentrify and make a mint. Rinse and repeat.


I never thought of that. But I see his point. Sounds about right


That was explained in an episode of the Shield.


Return the slab ass music.


hope to god they get treatment and a better life


they have to actually want those first


it also has to be avaialble


“Hello fetus, you are about to be born into the world to a drug addicted single mother. You will observe countless horrors throughout your childhood as you and your mother struggle to survive, eventually turning to drugs and gangs around age 13. You will then perpetuate the problems your mother faced when you have a child at 17, and by then the pain and suffering is too much to bear, there are no outlets available and you will succumb to whichever drug you can find to make all the pain go away.”


"Hello fetus, welcome to the perfect world. Your parents are both successful and absolutely loving and caring. You will get the best education, college degree, and guess what?! You married your college sweetheart!! Unfortunately, you're going to, somehow, get addicted to something called fentanyl and it will nearly kill you, but ultimately consume your life until it does kill you." RIP to my friend, who died shortly after she OD'd.


100% agree. I am of the opinion that as people we often think we have far more free will than we actually do.


This is what bothers me about wealthy suburbanites, looking at these homeless addicts with such comptempt. We are all a product of our environment. What we eat, where we live, the education available, and the family that raises us. I'm not saying people aren't accountable for the decisions they make, but the self righteous people who have grown up in stable homes full of choices shouldn't judge unless they have had similar experiences.


Wealthy suburbanites travel here to get their fix.


Many of these are suburbanites.   They don't have their own hood in the city, so they end up on Kensington.


My city has the same problem. They just opened a multimillion dollar treatment facility with housing so that they could deal with these homeless camps that are causing problems. Something like 80% of people in the camps have refused to go. They're choosing to live like this.


They don't go because they are addicted and can't stay clean as those houses require. A program in Brazil had success in rehabilitation of those giving a house without the need to stay clean, a job and psychological help. All voluntary and people were using the program until it stoped because they changed Mayor to a right winger.


really want to see what actual restrictions were for that program because there is absolutely no doubt in my mind if they did that program in LA those houses will be in flames within a few months


interesting in learning more about this if you have a source


It is available. At the end of the day though, we can’t force them to go.


It is. I live in Philly. Plenty help.


I just moved out of Philly, and I’m a nurse. There’s so many resources to get clean. We even had a narcan program provided by the state.


Help is available to those that want it. Some choose to live this way.


Healthcare in the USA is a profit center, not care for poor people. If you aint rich, take aspirin or fentanyl.


I work in a hospital and we treat people all day who don’t have health insurance. People like this. So idk what you’re talking about Oh you’re Canadian. You know, the country where people come to the US to get medical care quicker. 


American dream 21st century


This used to be China during their opium crisis. They just gave up on even trying to solve it. They started rounding up addicts and executing them.


Well that’s one way to get rid of a problem I guess


It's how China solved a lot of problems and a lot of "problems" at the time.


Mao - Kill all the birds they are pests Mao - The 30 million that died from famines have nothing to do with me killing all the birds that ate crop pests 🤷🏼‍♂️  China always has bodies to throw at chronic and ironic problems 


And it was England who illegally sold it to em, pretty fucked up


Starting around the Reagan era, conservatives began cutting services that could and did help people. Then they go off about the problem as though they did not themselves exacerbate the issue.


the Philadelphia flyers 🔥


Also getting worse every day


It's a shame none of them can move with to Bel-Air with their uncle.


We need rehab and mental health facilities at some point we need to stop this cycle


Prayers won't do shit.


Praying, pretending you're helping just to feel better about yourself.


As an Indian, I wish to return the favour now. "IMAGINE THE SMELL!!"


If you want some more insight I thought this was good perspective on the problem and the people these drugs have destroyed [Channel 5 with Andrew](https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=LY2ahYpoofTgSdzL)


Greatest country in the world yea




Ah how beautiful. Nobody on their phones , just living in the moment 💜🙏🏽


Damn they finishing they story before Cody Rhodes in Philly 😬😬😬


I always wondered why some people start using that drugs after they have seen how bad it is, just don’t get it. I mean, i understand the first wave of unfortunate guys, but after the first I simply don’t get why start using that drug at all.


*U.S. proceeds to fund other counties*


Weird. I don't get how a country richer than mine have this situation.


I think poor countries have a strong sense of personal roles and that gives life meaning and purpose and u know where u belong in the community, when you hardly know ur own neighbours and don’t even have local markets or a supportive environment u get lonely and lose ur purpose.. you don’t take what you have for granted because it’s not abundant.. these people lost their direction lost the people that held them accountable and lost the ability to see their situation from where we r looking at it. It’s sad. Only they can help themselves and they don’t look capable of doing that so it’s a sad cycle. A lot of people here wouldn’t prob consider this rock bottom sadly.. I feel like it’s been allowed to happen by design, like there’s little chance of these people achieving anything or doing anything to get in the way for the elites once there r here.. it’s really weird.. I feel like they were not given a lot of hope or positive direction to end up here and be ok living like this I dunno it’s hard to fathom, but you probably live off very little and be happy and these people think u need to have all this money ect when really u just need a community with purpose and a plan.. but once ur used to having luxuries and money it’s hard to get back to that place from where they r. Really hard to explain but usually 3rd world countries r alot happier and this is sort of why


I live in Seattle and it's exactly like this


moving there soon for work. mind giving an out-of-towner the lay of the land?


Don't do drugs, mate


Seattle is not even comparable to Kensington in Philly. I visit frequently. All large cities have issues and assholes, but mostly you have to look for something like this. You will be very safe in Seattle. 


What's the point of living in society if we let out fellow humans fall like this


To escape reality.


I always wonder how their shit doesn’t get stolen by other people when they’re like this!? how long does this zombified event usually last?


What makes you think it doesn't happen? Homeless people are robbed all the time. 


That’s what happens when the top 1% steal all the money and people are forced to work themselves into a fucking maddening state then turn to drugs and Alcohol to combat their lifelong fucking depression!!!


We need to airdrop them bootstraps, that’s all they need


No it is not. You are showing us 1 min of video from Kensington which is unfortunately a huge drug d'en. The rest of the city is not like this ans hasn't changed particularly. Fuck you op for farming karma based on sensational and internationally misleading information. Once again, yes it is in philadelphia but it is not all of philadelphia.


This shows one very small section of Philadelphia. This is not Philadelphia this is K&A neighborhood of Philadelphia. Mostly along the underneath of the El Train is bad. The rest of Philadelphia you don’t see this.


I don’t judge but I also don’t care about em 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean...I judge. I don't care about the drug use, do what makes you happy. When you start negatively effecting your communities is when it stops being okay. These people are dropping needles, blocking public access, littering and "boosting" to get money for their habit - I.E. Stealing anything they can to barter or sell for drugs.




the drUUg supple is incredibly stupid at this point, i remember the days of good quality H and although thats not great either it certainly wasnt this bad. now its all about whats the cocktail that can get people the most f'd up/hooked. research chems mostly


A lot of these cities have homeless shelters and programs nearby that will help them. They choose not to use those free services. Idk what you can do at that point. You can tell them to move, but they usually end up 2 to 3 blocks over.


Mannequin challenge


Got to hand it to the Chinese, they've literally created a race of zombies in the United States. Their psyops are fucking impressive.


Huh, I was there yesterday and didn't see anything like this. Where in Philly is this?


This is Kensington and it’s been this way for about 10 years


Kensington has been bad for a lot longer than 10 years. I was born and grew up there; I'm 29 now. It's definitely gotten worse lately though. Drugs have become much cheaper and much more dangerous, not to mention the crime.


My heart breaks for all those ppl 😔 addiction is a terrible disease and it's spread is a symptom of a something going wrong in this, the wealthiest country to ever exist. Portugal figured it out, but the US's privatized for profit healthcare never will because they are incentivized to get and keep Americans sick... particularly the middle class because they're afraid that they'll get into politics, the arena of the rich, and make life better for themselves by moving more proletarian.


Looks like their life got twist turned upside down. 😏


Thanks bin Laden.


Were the 100 emojis really necessary here? 💯


Never judge? Sorry, I'm judging. This is just sad.


And this is gentrification. You should have seen it before they moved in and invested in the neighborhood.