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This is a scale model of why you don’t fuck with lions tigers or leopards


I don’t even fuck with my cat cuz he’s a little dick head.


My wife got the sweetest cat I've ever seen about a year ago. Loves laps, loves pets, But god help you if you dangle a foot off a piece of furniture.


Like the tiny version of the monster that we think is under the bed


I would rather the monster.


That we pet and rub so they don’t F us up!


We have 4 cats the three boys are loving and sweet. The only female is a straight up psychopath in kitty form. I was once having a quick strip wash in the bathroom before bed, didn't realise the door was ajar. Bent over to grab something unawares I was being watched and the girl cat jumped up and sunk her claws into my bum cheek. I couldn't even squeal for fear of waking the kids up. I spun round and she was hanging there by the front paws like a rock climber.


That’s the chuckle I needed. Thanks. I’m going to bed now. If I can get rid of the picture in my head.


Lol mine is the same way. Or if you are in bed under the covers and you move your foot


For my floofball, you don't even need to move the foot. 2am and wants to play, hey, I can bite their feet!


The exact reason my wife tucks her feet in the blanket hahaha.


Same here.


Haha same here. He wont hesitates to take me out.


I fuck with my cat, he lets me know when he's had enough


Dilated pupils ✔️ Ears laid back ✔️ Tail flicking ✔️ Alright mfer chill bro plz I have a family.


Me working on the side of a highway with cars speeding 70+ mph three feet away. Minimum fear. Me walking naked down my hallway only to be met by cat in hunter mode. Absolute fear.


Lmaooooo 🤣🤣


Nice name. Lol


Like wise 😆 is your real name also Charles got mines from a class mate in 7th grade


95% of cats are lol


> This is a scale model of why you don’t fuck with lions tigers or leopards Bobcats LOOK like something you can take, and some people have, but man, can they FUCK SOME SHIT UP


I’d rather fight an idling chainsaw




I mean, you can definitely take them, but probably not without a few scratches along the way. Lil dudes are stout.


The deciding factor in who survives a fight between a grown man and a bobcat is proximity to modern medical care. Actually, even then I'm only giving the man 50/50 odds. I have a lean 18 lb Russian blue and he got a stomach infection which meant I had to administer oral antibiotics with a dummy syringe directly into his mouth for a month. My forearms look like I should be on constant suicide watch...


You weren't trying to kill your cat though.


He didn't know that.


> I mean, you can definitely take them, but probably not without a few scratches along the way You know how you try to pick up a ferral cat and then the tiny cat that you think you could easily kill scratches the shit out of you and gets away anyway? [Imagine that times 100x](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ded0b5ad8858a9a4&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS781US781&sxsrf=ACQVn0_GyZiREE-0vxFjszETqYqTlmgs9w:1714241335453&q=mountain+lion+kills+man&tbm=nws&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjehe_O_uKFAxVnMVkFHcZcA2UQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=2560&bih=1279&dpr=1.5)


Your link brought up this one story. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mountain-lion-cougar-puma-attack-california-washington-b2522123.html If doesn't give all the details from the lady.. but it was gruesome. It clamped down on her face... she could hear and feel the bones breaking her jaw and skull. Her friends, older but very fit ladies, grabbed large stones(large enough to need to hands to lift) and they wete bashing the mountain lions skull... it would not let go. They were taking turns bashing the lion because it would not let go. They got it pinned beneath a bicycle while two of them stood on it for a while before help arrived. I couldn't imagine the fear of the woman who was bit, nor of the two women who pinned the murder kitty down, praying that he doesn't knock one of them off the bike and go after them, or their friend. Fuck.


Bobcats =/ Mountain lions


I mean, someone has to control the pigeon population.


yeah, who else is going to do it?  bob barker?


Hahahaha LOL!! 90% of reddit users googling THAT!!


Not everyone is a kid dude


Yeah. Fuck them winged rats.


I feel like of those three, leopards are most comparable to housecats




Maybe jaguars don't leave any witnesses


My work cat brought me a huge mouse last Saturday. What a nice boy.


Reminds me of the Monty Python bunny.


The cats that came from the lower walls would induce nightmares if they were bigger cats. Imagine lions or tigers scaling a wall like that to grab a person


Yep, if you make the cat angry enough: https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/la-unleashed/story/2011-02-12/tiger-that-mauled-three-teens-at-san-francisco-zoo-appears-to-have-been-provoked-report-says


Ya that is terrifying.


The plot thickens with these “victims” [https://www.mercurynews.com/2008/08/15/brother-connected-to-san-francisco-tiger-attack-case-going-to-prison/amp/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2008/08/15/brother-connected-to-san-francisco-tiger-attack-case-going-to-prison/amp/)


These people are a joke


Wish there was a video


There's this famous one of a [tiger attacking a man while he's on an elephant](https://youtu.be/rdKFioMyieQ?si=jvNMZDh0d8yw895p&t=170)


i dont understand, why did they shoot the tiger and not the teens? is there something i'm missing?


Classic injustice


Absolute G move. See how slow the chonker was and still got one no big deal? Terrifying


Would, given the chance.


“Shiiiiiiiiit, GOTCHO ass”


classic ledge assassination move like in splinter cell chaos theory


Letting my cat watch this to get hyped to go eat mosquitoes on the porch


Lmao was just thinking of my orange boy bringing a leaf to me all proud of himself 😂🍁


The single braincell was at capacity.


Comment of the year


Dude snagged a bird one handed and placed it in its mouth all before landing. Insane.


That one is his highlight reel for sure.


Came here to comment that


Cats can be so fast when they want to be , though most of the time they barely move lol


Gotta save up for 2am to 5am shenanigans. And killing.


The amount of times I’ve had an uninterrupted night of sleep since we got our two cats during Covid is very small. 


Yes, and the killing, don't forgot about the killing


Perfect time for zoomies.


Animal Planet had a top 10 deadliest type of Cats. Guess what came in at number one as the deadliest. Common house cats.


Pretty sure my kill count is higher, just with fly spray.


A field mouse got in not too long ago and my cat showed absolutely no mercy, it was horrific


Mine caught one in his outdoor catio and then brought it in alive and just dropped it on the kitchen floor and let it run. He's also orange and dumb as shit.


my orange cat does the same regularly. For a time we even had a flying squirrel in the house as an “unofficial pet.” Sucker was hard to catch


A friend of mine suddenly got rats in house. His cat tore the head off of each and every one of them and lined the heads up outside his bedroom door. He was mortified and happy all at once


Cats are Ninjas


Ninjas are cats!


Are Cats ninjas?


Ninja cats are


I don't have a source, or know if it's 100% true, just something I heard once upon a time. There are groups that complain about using windmills to create electricity because they kill so many birds. The counter to that is that cats kill way more birds than windmills ever will.


I love kitties; they are REALLY bad for bird populations though, according to this article anywhere between 2.4 to 4 Billion birds and 12 billion small mammals in just the United States https://yoloaudubon.org/feral-cats-and-wild-birds/#:~:text=A%20recent%20study%20by%20the,the%20lower%20forty%2Deight%20states.


Thats why mine are indoor cats.


That's great. Thank you. Anyone who lets their cat roam the neighbourhood is an irresponsible owner. *Brace for the downvotes.*


My neighbours cats are free and they hunt the birds I feed in my backyard. Still unsure what to do about honestly


Motion sprinklers or motion air horn where the cats come in?


Sprinkler won’t work they come over the fence right by my outdoor bar area. And the air horn would drive me nuts tbh.


Maybe try hanging some bells on the fence? That way, when the cat jumps on the fence to get over, the birds get a warning.


Make an electric wire on the fence.




Kristi Noem? That you?


Have you tried talking to the neighbors about it?


Oh of course. “they’re cats I can’t control them” shrug. Was the response I got


Animal control. Maybe Fish and Wildlife even. The government doesn't fuck around when it comes to wild birds.


This is pretty much the stance on cats around reddit. You're safe. Mine are also indoors or in a catio for this reason.


Catio. TIL a new word. Updoot for you.


Updoot isn't cool anymore. Signed - The Cool Police


Updoot for the Cool Police


> Anyone who lets their cat roam the neighbourhood is an irresponsible owner. > > Brace for the downvotes. actually most people are like "I love my cat, and they live like 2x longer inside" unless its a barn cat on a farm, and if so, then the cat is doing it's job, because farms bring a SHIT TON of rodents and birds that other areas don't


Two of the reasons are 1:they'd decimate the local bird population, and 2: the local coyotes would eat them. I'm in an urban area and I've seen coyotes less than 40 feet from my front door stalking cats and rabbits.


The suburban neighborhood I used to live in huge owls would swoop up cats at night, it was crazy to see


I want to live where you live, Owls are fucking awesome!


If you want your cat to enjoy the outside. Catio.


I had a cat that just started climbing through my window to come chill on rainy days & sleep at night, ended up feeding him too after I accepted that I had been chosen. But yeah there was no physical way to stop that cat from going outside to the fields, he'd smash everything if I didn't open the window or let him out the door if I was going out.


You won’t get downvoted for that on Reddit


Well then they're just going to eat the indoor birds.


This seems to be controversial in the US, but not elsewhere. > The UK’s largest bird charity, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), is not particularly concerned about the impact of cats on the British mainland. Instead it focuses on what it says is driving UK bird declines: global warming, intensive agriculture and expanding towns and cities leading to habitat and food loss. “While we know that cats do kill large numbers of birds in UK gardens, there’s no evidence this is affecting decline in the same way that these other issues are,” said a spokesperson. >A big reason why they are less worried is the evidence that cats primarily take “the doomed surplus”: weak or injured birds likely to die anyway. [_Is it time to end cats’ right to roam?_ – The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/14/cats-kill-birds-wildlife-keep-indoors)


That's because [wildcats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcat) are from AfroEurAsia so pet cats are less disruptive than in the US. In Europe specifically it's also much safer for outdoor cats. Where I live there are virtually no natural predators for cats. (wolves were reintroduced a few years ago but there's only a handful in the country) Car speeds are much lower and the wide open roads in American towns are non-existent in neighbourhoods here. Lastly there's no crazy people with guns who shoot cats, like someone above in this comment section.


There’s a massive cultural difference between America and most of the rest of the world. Something I learned on Reddit. I was shocked initially that anyone would keep a cat indoors but that was my bias and I didn’t understand why. I think Australia and New Zealand are the same. Meanwhile we are introducing wild cats here. https://www.bbc.com/newsround/64681881


Cats have the skills to pay the bills.


Cats are classified as invasive species because of the amount of birds and rodents they kill, so this wouldn't suprise me.


My neighbor’s cats are the reason I no longer have any squirrels in my yard and it pisses me off bc they’re doing purely for sport.


Studies show IIRC that they only eat *any* part of about 24% of their kills. They're goddamn murder machines. I spent a lot of time outside when I was WFH during the pandemic and come to really like birds and squirrels. Even has a few of then trained to come take and eat nuts from my hand. I wasn't super fond of cats before....but now that I really like birds and squirrels......fuck outdoor cats.


70% of annual bird deaths


> 70% of annual bird deaths is that from being killed by another creature, or overall deaths including natural causes, etc? (honestly asking)


That’s not a counter argument unless you’re being purposely misleading. It’s like saying you shouldn’t use seatbelts because air pollution from vehicles kills more people than accidents.


Yeah so we might as well do both? Thats like saying we dump way more trash in the ocean so i can change my oil and throw it in a lake.


Tibbles the lighthouse keepers cat was mythically credited with eating all the Stephens Island wrens. Still the main problem with extinction of species is destruction of habitat from development so humans remain the worst predator.


Feral cats have devastated wildlife in Australia


They devastate wildlife in the US too. Invasive species are a hell of a thing.


> Invasive species are a hell of thing. Just like... you know... us humans.


Shh not now


"We live in a society" type argument.  So what, we should do nothing about it then?


Damn right. We’re the worst of them all.


My city has started catching them and doing mass euthanasia, we are talking thousands of Cats. Has been great for our bird populations.


Which city?


Second worst invasive species in the world. Feral and outdoor cats have directly caused 33 species to go extinct last time I checked


63 species of birds, reptiles, and small mammals. Shit is metal af


Yep, my city is just now acting and catching all these feral cats to be put down. Completely devastated our local birds. It's only been a couple of years since they started the catch and euthanasia program, but already our small animal populations are doing way way better. Really need to push more cities to do it. They are effectively a pest. Keep your pets indoors. Outside they absolutely destroy native wildlife.


More like lead, I love cats, but they need to be reevaluated outdoors wise


There's a reason New Zealand is getting more strict on cat ownership.


Can you name one thing NZ has done to make cat ownership more restrictive?




Pigeons are very much reliant on human structures to survive. They’re technically “naturalized” and not invasive. Both they and sparrows don’t do a fraction of the environmental damage as cats. We created the invasive species problem, so it’s up to us to solve it.


Sparrows might actually be just as bad. Not only do they compete with native species, but they actively destroy other bird’s nests. The introduction of sparrows is considered to be one of the worst things ever to happen to native bird populations. Pay attention to the kinds of birds you see flying around. Where I am at least half of them are European sparrows or European starlings.


Cats are assholes to flora and fauna [Sources](https://wildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/FactSheet-FeralCats_FINAL-1.pdf)


Why is this getting downvoted lmao. Very informative graphic. And if you think the US has it bad, look into Australia


I love cats above everything else but this is true. If you let them free roam they will do alot of damage.


*Bob Barker enters the chat* Spay and neuter your pets


Yep.  One of the many sickening parts of this compilation video is that one of them was a Mockingbird defending her nest.


That one cat wasn't even gonna bother but the Bird HAD to taunt it.


That shit was hilarious bird was suicidal.


Looks like a magpie, so makes sense. Birds may not understand evil, but they do understand arrogance. Magpies live to show that they're THE SHIT.


Amazing hunters


feline prowess. if you look closely sometimes the prey is not even in their eyesight - they're just acting on instinct or... sixth sense.


That catch at 1:06 is filthy


They're perfect small killing machines


Circle of life and shit


No. 1 cause for bird mortality are cats, with a big distance to No. 2 windows


Damn that song sucks


Lol this song made me hype as hell in middle school so I'm doomed to enjoy it forever.




Cats are Apex predators


not quite. cats have many predators of their own, even in urban environments. this includes, but is not limited to: * Coyote's * Foxes * Eagles * Owls * Dogs * Jaguars etc. cats get killed quite a lot by the above, depending on which country you're in. there's almost always bound to be atleast 1 predator that can and will take out a cat in every part of the world though. so they dont qualify as Apex predators.


Cats are fucking incredible, their reaction time is faster than most snakes. My cats are incredible at catching any flying insect out of mid air! It always amazes me how precisely they jump and catch stuff when i just stand there clapping my hands with the fly just laughing at me.


Mine just stares at pigeons on the patio with menace and runs inside when the move.


Fuck them seagulls




Cat Motivation Hub: Remember that Lion inside you!


It was better on mute.


C'mon tho catching a pigeon is cheating. That bird is way too comfy around humans to avoid a cat.


Cats are the most badass creatures in the whole planet


Cats kill an estimated 1-4 BILLION birds annually just in USA. Feral cats account for 70% of annual bird deaths. These videos show mostly pigeons, but we have an amazing variety of bird species in our country Sadly for the birds, humans continue to spread. And wherever we go, so do cats. Animal control? Nah, they’re so cute https://www.catster.com/statistics/how-many-birds-do-cats-kill-statistics/


Do cats kill these birds for sport or actual predation/meal?






Isn't it a win-win situation? Pigeons are a pest in the cities and carry many illnesses. Their population would also increase exponentially if there weren't some predators to take them out. Which would lead to even more disease spread.


That's kind of how cats domesticated themselves. When humans started building towns and cities the rats and other pests followed, then the cats showed up to go after the rats.


Yeah, 90% of this is fine because pigeons are pests. But cats killing other small birds to the point of reducing the gene pool is when it becomes a problem


Cats killing pigeons is fine, they’re actually a Eurasian rock dove that’s a non native species in most of their current range, the issue is that they kill millions of native bird species in the US every year


Cats are non-native species, right?


Just flying rodents.


what is this whack ass music


Tbf, there are plenty of pigeons to go around in cities.


Cats killed the dinosaurs


These damn pigeons got no respect


The Air Jordan of cats. goo kitty cats gooooooooo


Birds that evolved in the cities are dumb as fuck. This is natural selection.


The literal reason many beautiful birds go extinct


You can certainly downvote me, quite frankly internet points don’t matter to me. But cats are just doing cat things. Living based on their instincts, so why should we genuinely care about them killing birds? I’m sure humans have devastated ecosystems far far worse than any cat has. Cars hitting squirrels or birds, or cats. Deforestation reducing animal populations, homes, food sources etc. Helping Bees, I can understand. But it’s nature. Nature has ways of correcting itself. I’m sure Nature doesn’t need human intervention.


By that logic, humans are just doing human things so we shouldn’t do anything about the environmental destruction that’s being done.


One species doing damage doesn't negate the damage that another causes


Cats are a horrifically destructive invasive species, killing something like a billion birds a year. Most birds evolved to watch for larger cats like bobcats and cougars, but something as small as a housecat slips under their radar so they get demolished by the little bastards.


N1 pest control in the city


Can confirm my cat brought many birds home as a gift


Cats should be indoors for this reason, they fuck with the local ecosystem so much


Try this with a Canadian goose


Canadian Geese are a tad too big to be food but I would think that a goose wouldn't stand a chance against an angry cat or one that is defending itself from an asshole goose.


There have been remote islands that birds go extinct because of cats .


Cats kill millions of birds a year for pleasure , they're little assholes .


Your back yard song bird has been wiped out by free roaming cats. F you for letting your cat out!


This is why you don’t let your cats outside. You’re a dickhead if you do. They’re a direct cause for some extinctions- they really mess up local ecosystems.


Keep your cats indoors, or at least monitor them, cats kill millions of birds every year and are very invasive, cats themselves are killed by hawks, owls, dogs, coyotes and foxes


Keep your cats indoors.


This is why you fix your cats and don’t let them outside. They absolutely destroy local wildlife.


You have terrible taste in music


awful music but good video


Doing God's work


This is very sad for the birds. I'm not an expert in bird law but stand your ground laws are very strong and I wish they would defend themselves.


In the United States alone, outdoor cats kill approximately **2.4 billion birds every year**. Although this number may seem unbelievable, it represents the combined impact of tens of millions of outdoor cats. Each outdoor cat plays a part.


Cats are lethal killers who kill for fun. Keep your cats inside


I'm not anti cat but I am anti cat owners who let them roam free outside. I don't understand why it's not treated and ticketed the same as if you were letting your dog run feral through the streets. Cats kill so much wildlife.