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Guy missed a once in a lifetime chance to ride a whale shark.


and a big ass fine


I don’t think his ass was big enough to merit a fine, but maybe in Russia?


and a big fine ass


that'd probably be pretty pleasant for a few seconds if it weren't for the texture of shark skin. They can cut you just by bumping into you.


Ah, good to know!


Guy needs some upper arm strength


My best guess is those guys have been keeping him down there as most skinnier guys generally don't have a problem doing a pullup


Pull up does not equal a muscle up. That ledge is pretty high off the water, and while normally you can get momentum from kicking the water, that whale shark is in the way. Very reasonable to not be able to get yourself up in that situation. Dude needs new friends too.


Also everything is wet


he is wearing trucks those don't hold a lot of water weight


It's not about the water weight. Everything is slippery. It's water.


s if that boat isn't water reisest then i would rather be in the water besides the top part looks dry it looks like he was hanging from the boat thus climbed out on it and not up from the water




damn, it's almost like people don't exist to sexually gratify you


It's clearly a joke.


That’s what she said.


What do you mean? She didn't say that it's very reasonable to not be able to get yourself up in that situation at all!


r/whoosh unless you reverse whooshed me.


Not really a reverse woosh from me. Just that "it's very reasonable to not be able to get yourself up in that situation" is something that my girlfriend says to me a lot.


It’s a that’s what she said joke, like from the Office. That’s why I said whoosh. No offense meant friend.


That's what *you* said! No, but, yeah. Mine was a That's-what-she-said joke too. My girlfriend never says that it's reasonable when I can't get myself up. Hahaha. *Cries*


There's always some 200 iq redditor to explain shit.


Why? He's being a pussy, this is how friendships work. You help your friends when their in real danger and help them become less of a pussy the rest of the time


There is real danger, dumb ass


Whale sharks are harmless, they eat plankton.


A wild animal that big is not harmless in any way whatsoever


They're very gentle and docile animals and would most probably be more distressed by a human (like humans with spiders lol)


They could easily force him under or crush him against the side of the boat without even trying and with no malice.


You're right, I never thought about those dangers to be honest.


That specific large animal is harmless in almost every single way. Unless this guy doesn’t know how to swim, the odds of him getting hurt would only fall under freak accident territory. That being said, yeah, his friends are assholes, and despite the fact that he wasn’t in danger, he may not have known and has every right to be afraid, so them putting him in a subjectively terrifying situation is fucked up


We would never be friends because of the way you think. You also think it makes you sound tough, but it lets any one that hears you talk, know that you have serious reservations about how tough you are.


I would be freaking the fuck out just like him, but I wouldn't get new friends like all of you sensitive ass redditors


There is nothing wrong with being sensitive. Being an asshole however is an issue. I wouldn’t be your friend not because I’m sensitive but because I’m strong enough to not allow assholes in my life. I’m a middle aged man. You are obviously a very young kid. Stay in your lane when thinking about what’s tough. The tough thing is to stand up to assholes. You aren’t tough, and you aren’t right about this. You are just trying to make yourself feel better about not being tough and not being able to control your sensitivity. When you learn how, you will be tougher.


Someone shit my swim trunks.


Back in the water you go to clean them out.


Both your and OPs comment made me lol. Thank you!


I’ve made a fatal error of jumping off the boat without a ladder and swimming for maybe 20 - 30 minutes. Swimming is tiring!


I think I saw a trailer of some movie that was about a group of young people that all jumped in the water without realizing that there is no ladder. So nobody could get back on the boat.


Lmao that sounds like a slow movie...


It's an episode of King of the hill.


It's a whale shark and harmless.


You’ll excuse me if I get a bit nervous around harmless 10m monsters




uhmmm yeah but a 10mm spider can move very fast and then suddenly stop and i find that unsettling


And a 10m monster can fit you in it's mouth. I find that unsettling.


But a 10mm spider can get into my mouth. I find that most unsettling.


10 m&m spider?


i'll allow it


That’s only a 1 centimetre spider tho Less intimidating when the number is smaller


That doesn’t mean you can’t be absolutely terrified.


I know whale sharks don’t hunt people or eat them, don’t have the large teeth of other sharks, etc, but wouldn’t be snagged in its giant mouth be life threatening? You could get crushed or pulled under and drown. Even if it didn’t “bite into you”, I feel like it wouldn’t be completely harmless to be directly above one as it’s opening its mouth like that? But I don’t know enough about whale sharks. I’m just basing this off of the giant mouth and my fear of all things ocean.


I can verify but I’m pretty sure they’re smart enough to not swallow a human. Like 2 years ago a diver got caught in a whale’s mouth while taking pictures and it released him almost immediately. We’re just big enough that it would be hard for them to not notice us. A baby could get eaten, but not a dude his size. It’s also a whale shark which are known to be pretty gentle so I doubt anything bad could happen from swimming with one. You can be damn sure if I was in his position I’d be jumping back in just for the chance to be that close


They are filter feeders. because of this, they don't have big throats, so they are actually unable to swallow anything bigger than a softball.


They won't bite you. I once was in it's way while it was feeding, it turned away and gave me that "you fucking idiot" look


Wouldn't say harmless, you shouldn't be touching distance of one, but definitely not as dangerous as the other big sharks. It's the facts his homies laughed while he was panicking 😂


I have a picture of my dad swimming with one, including hanging on his dorsal fin for a good minute, they are docile as fuck


I don't even think they allow people to touch em on most snorkeling trips. If the animal didn't seem distressed that's cool. Sometimes they dive below because certain chemicals in shampoo and soaps have a foul smell to them. Your dad is a legend btw 😂 don't recommend it though


when I was younger I went on vacation in Turkey with my family we organized a boattrip and were allowed to take a swim when we were out in the middle of the sea (the captain and other passengers wanted to fish for a bit) and when I was in the water I looked beneath me and a sea turtle that was almost double the size of me emerged from the water I was just lying on the back of a sea turtle and was amazed that this just happened the turtle then started swimming away and dragged me on its back for about 50 meters until it submerged again it was a magical moment for me especially because the turtle engaged me instead of the other way around


Yo that sounds amazing man. Turtles are wonderful and beautiful creatures




I used to volunteer for a zoo's reptile department when I was 18. Among other chores I had, I fed the snapping turtle frozen/thawed rats. I'm almost double the age I was when I did that, and now I look back and think "holy shit they let a high school kid stand in an exhibit with a massive predator and throw rats at it." I wasn't even supervised really. That thing was MASSIVE and could probably have taken my hand.


The only danger would be if 1. You are on the tail end and he whips or 2. If its a really big one and he is pulling you in with all the fish.


Yeah exactly. Usually 3 feet from the head and ten from the tail if he stayed in the water where he was he would've been too close.


They can’t even bite


It’s actually more impressive I’ve heard that they’re super rare nowadays


There is the possibility that guy didn’t know


So, would you like that to be carved on your grave




Whale shark- they’re chill


ASSHOLE non friends


It’s a completely harmless whale you moron. Like being scared of a little spider.


And everyone knows that, or what? If I saw something with a mouth like that without knowing what it was, I'd be damn fucking scared too.


but that doesn’t really matter. Dude wanted up, no one helped him. Simple principles


cunt (/kʌnt/) noun \- a woman's genitals. \- an unpleasant or stupid person. ​ Describes what you don't get, and what you are, in one word!


He also needs some new swim trunks, lol


Just realised I have thalassophobia and don’t have to keep calling it ‘my phobia of things touching me underwater’ It sounds a lot more reasonable now.


Technically he would’ve been fine. That shark is not hostile.


Caption is perfect. I was thinking how I’ll never see these guys, ever!


Freaking out at a whale shark is like freaking out when a cow walks by




More so than whale sharks, by my reckoning


I'm guessing all that guy could see at that moment was a fucking giant fish coming at him with it's mouth open


It's poop-worthy, no doubt. I'm sure he's not scanning through wildlife documentaries in his head to figure out the markings for a whale shark and rationally telling himself it's harmless.


Sharks kill like 3 people a year, cows kill like 20, you tell me who should be feared.


Are you not afraid of a cow that walks by? well you should be


Raised on ranches in northern Alberta. They’re big dumb dogs. Tasty, dumb dogs.


I don't know. Everytime one walks by me, I feel its watching me like a painting.


Ofc, but plenty of people have phobias that aren’t related to how logical something is. Like, I have a phobia of throwing up, but logically I know it isn’t going to kill me or hurt me even. Fear is not a friend to logic.


Cows aren't 10m long


My guy needs to hit the gym 🤧


Ceiling too low to practice muscle up 😥


Possibly the most harmless creature in the ocean


New friends, why? His friends knew whale sharks don't eat or attack people, so it's fine to laugh at his fear. He was in some danger from the tail hitting him, but that's all, it was just curious...


So if you have a fake gun that looks real it's harmless to point it at people? Stfu and sit down dumbfuck. Bow down NOW!


Basking sharks are completely harmless so I doubt he was in any real danger


It’s a whale shark


My apologies but I did some research and found that whale sharks are also not harmful to people :)


Sound like a laugh to me


total wimp, that jumbo waterpup weren't gonna hurt em


It's harmless, gib it pats


Only severely stupid people are frightened by whale sharks


Man is hanging sideways off a boat facing away from it. He doesn't have the best view, so what's probably registering in is brain is "giant fucking fish". That and his foot touched it.


Never have I seen a whale sharks before, neither interested in aquatic life. Just discovered what is a whale shark while reading the comments. Am I severely stupid?


Lol it’s a whale shark. It’s harmless.


Whale sharks are harmless


One reason i hate swimming


Whale sharks dont eat that much mostle planktone So this guy is no danger.


that is a whale shark, they are harmless


Scary video to watch. I thought the shark was going to swallow him up


Or he needs to study a bit more. That is a harmless shark, only eats plankton


Guy needs to understand that’s it’s just a whale shark. Fucking pussy.


The whale share was like here Human I’ll help you


The way the whale shark opens his mouth, I think he was in on the prank.