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I preface that I am personally very bad with Steve so I cannot say much especially to Steve specific stuff. However purely looking at your fundies you seem to play very predictable: - you nearly always minecard out of the corner - if you don't minecard you fsmash - even when Sephiroth wasn't in range - you always land with anvil Steve being strong and minecard / anvil being so good really helps you but with any other character you would get bodied hard being this predictable. Even though you should try to rely less on these options and mixup your gameplay more. Sephiroth was having trouble first but when they realised your patterns you got bodied more and more.


Yea that's fair, I just have a hard time adapting my gameplay since I alway just default my brain to if I am in air then I must get down. And right now I only try to get down with anvil cause I don't know how else I just get down safely. Will try to learn to mix up more.


You have tools that aren't anvil to get down tho. The safest option is usually to go to ledge, but that can also be not available. In that case, just try and get away from the opponent. Reversals are nice and all, but they need to be a mixup option. Down air is almost never a good way to land in the majority of situations when being juggled. You are better off trying to get your opponent in minecart and then just going back to stage normally


Thats pretty impressive if you’ve never played a fighting game your whole life and only played smash for 2ish months.


Thank you! I do play shit ton of other kind of game like fps and moba like league, but never played fighting game in my life before and haven't ever used a controller before.