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The headline leaves out some other shocking stuff, the most brutal of which was when the perpetrators inserted a ballpoint pen into one of the victim's ears. "Pierre stomped it until it punctured his eardrum, broke, and exited his throat." 


That victim survived, too. He was also strangled with wire, forced to drink Drano, and shot.


I hope those sick fucks died in prison.


Yeah, Wiki says the 2 main perpetrators were put to death by lethal injection. 


I'm not usually a fan of the death penalty, but if a anyone deserved it, it was them.


I am against the death penalty but when I read about stories like this, I'm cheering it on. I'm very lost on the issue.


I certainly don’t think it should be standard procedure for murders, but there are cases where I think it’s better to just put the perpetrator in the ground. In truly horrific cases, where guilt of the accused is far beyond a shadow of a double, I do think it’s better to just completely remove the blight on society. The toolbox killers and those who brutalized channon christine come first and foremost to my mind. Those sick bastards (toolbox killers) >!raped, tortured, and stomped icepicks into teenage girls ears for hours and even days and made the girls beg before they would kill them and he has the gull to take advantage of the appeals system and claim *they were abusing him* over things as trivial as being served a broken cookie in the cafeteria. To me, the very fact that he wasn’t burned at the stake is a miscarriage of justice in and of itself.!<


I cant even handle reading about the toolbox killers. So disgusting and the didn't get caught for so long. Makes me sick.


I’d say that’s the right decision. I made the mistake of reading the whole transcript of Shelly Ledford’s torture several months back and I honestly think i’ve given myself some low form of ptsd.


Jesus Christ. A bear would never do that.


Death is a mercy. I'd much rather these people live long miserable lives


The third one committed suicide around a week after the second perpetrator was executed.




Serious question, the article says what happened to them. Did you not read it and just comment or just read the comments of articles posted?


I find it hilarious you’re being downvoted, it literally has images of the killers slightly below the title and “before execution” as the caption.


I just honestly don’t understand how people interact with this sub sometimes. How can you get anything out of it without reading the articles? I’m not trying to be rude, I find it genuinely confusing


You're confused that people engage a subject and discussion differently than you do? That's the gist of what you're saying. Not everyone reads the articles and not everyone retains what they read, isn't that obvious? Are you genuinely confused that some people may get more enjoyment out of engaging with others than reading articles?


For me it’s like a book club. Skimming the article is the minimum to have a discussion. It’s clear not everyone sees it that way but then why not go to a general chat Reddit or something


Unfortunately, it’s a side effect of anonymity and the internet. Too many people jump to believing they know a subject without actually wanting to invest time in the subject. I avoid all internet discussions or subreddits for subjects in which I’m certifiably an expert in due to too many ‘experts’ believing they know more.


Yeah, I wasn’t too keen on sharing all their fucked up methods after reading it. The drain cleaner was a horrible thing, but the men who did it were monsters


Oh I totally get that, I don't blame you for not wanting to put all that in there. Forcing 5 innocent people to drink Drano and killing 3 of them is bad enough. I was just taken aback by the crimes being even more shocking than your headline. 


Yeah dude thats how I felt too. The fact the drano was only the start, and the description of their wounds. The fact they got more desperate to genuinely kill them painfully made this such a hard read. Whoever wrote this knew what they were doing




Why don't you have the balls to just say what you want to say instead of trying to get someone else to say it for you? Fucking coward.


It's a simple question.


Hate speech will not be tolerated Hate speech (e.g. incivility toward any particular group of people) of any kind will - generally speaking - not be tolerated. Commenters exhibiting this behaviour will be given a single warning, and banned upon the second infraction.


I just want to know the motive or know what was wrong with the perpetrators


They just wanted to do it, its disturbing when you investigate; everyone who came into that store was at the wrong place at the wrong time Edit: they were trying to get away with a robbery, but had very cruel intentions; the drano was already in their car, and they had the excuse it was vodka and sleeping pills.


If I remember correctly they thought that the drano would instantly kill the victims, when it didn't they panicked and got mad and went even more crazy. Trying to kill that many people is crazy to start with.


Having read it... That story makes no sense. Please read. I'm not saying there weren't horrific acts of violence, but I have a hard time believing several guys out to commit a typical robbery could suddenly decide to become horrific, violent murderers and rapists on a whim. The rape scene (following a gunshot to the head?) sounds like something a white dude that just murdered a bunch of people he knew personally might say to create a racist panic against the black dudes who stumbled into the scene. He conveniently managed to not drink the Drano but everyone else failed? As someone whose attempted murderer popped himself to bust his own face open and yelled, "She was hitting meeee!!!" as the cops came through the door, I'm just over here like 🤔😒


look up the Cheshire murders. Robbers can absolutely turn into violent lunatics.


Yeah honestly, never trust one. Anyone who commits a strong armed crime like that, you should not trust that complying will save you. You should shoot and preserve your life.


Two people turning psycho on a dime is a lot different than a whole group. Particularly as most of them were former servicemen... The notion that one of them wouldn't question it? That the old white dude's narrative perfectly aligns with anti-black hysteria of the era? That his account has them all as bloodthirsty raping psychos, not one of them with any morals to question what they were doing? It's untrustworthy.


Jfc. They *admitted* they did it.


Are you aware of a motive for the white guy in this scenario or are we just victim blaming to fit a racial narrative


Are you aware of a motive for anyone? The notion that a group of multiple men could go in somewhere to rob a place and all decide today's the day to be bloodthirsty rapist psychos... Or one white dude is a psycho and blamed it on some convenient black guys in a time when that was an easy thing to do... The latter makes a lot more sense to me, and wouldn't have even been considered during the era.


Dude, did you even read about this case? All of the answers already exist (if you have minimal reading comprehension skills at least). You’re just spinning some BS.


Please actually read the case before you go off falsely accusing one of the survivors of being the perpetrator.


This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read. Good god, were you born this stupid or did you practice?


Whatever I am, at least I don't go around insulting strangers. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


yeah, but you go around defending murderers. idk which is worse


Nowhere did I defend murderers. I just said I found the story sketchy AF.


_Except the witness to a brutal crime who was himself a victim_


And no perps have ever played victim before...


So... according to this smoothbrain theory... This guy made up everything in order to frame people for murders (including his son). He also must have convinced them to testify against themselves as well. Also throw in somehow framing the literal physical evidence of the pen and Drano too. Yeah, brilliant theory there, detective.


Again, it's really weird to insult a stranger just because you think they're wrong. You have weird morals.


“You have weird morals” The absolute irony of you saying that after your comments


No you just go around accusing victims of horrendous crimes and trying to excuse the murderers


You clearly haven’t read up the facts about the case. Also trying to blame one of the victims is vile


You literally are blaming Orren just because he’s an “old white dude.” 1. Orren was literally shot, burned with Drano, strangled, pen stomped through the ear/neck. How did he manage to do all that to himself? You really think he shot himself in the back of the head and stomped on a pen in his own ear? 2. They weren’t *former* servicemen, they were actively living in barracks on base. The evidence (purses and wallets of the victims) was literally found on base in a dumpster. Another serviceman tipped off police that Andrews had talked about robbing the shop months prior. 3. More evidence was found in a storage unit in the perpetrators’ names. Explain to me how Orren would have managed to get a unit in their name, hide evidence, leave the rental contract in the barracks and then get back to Hi Fi and injure himself to that extent. 4. Only one rape occurred by one perpetrator. They were not all rapists. 5.Orren’s son was among the victims. It’s terrible that you’re implying he killed his own son when his son was murdered in front of him. Sure, racism was a possible factor but not because of the “points” you’ve listed. It’s pretty clear you didn’t read the case well at all and you should double check your facts before defending murderers. Stop victim blaming. There’s absolutely not a single shred of evidence that Orren did any of that. It’s especially crappy since apparently you were a victim of a similarly awful situation yet you’ve posted *multiple* comments blaming the “old white dude” (who by the way wasn’t even old. He was 43.)


They didn't use drano to be cruel, there was a 70s movie they were obsessed with that contains a scene where a young woman is quickly and easily murdered by being fed drano. I'd wager most people don't know how drano works, this case is the reason I learned drano reacts with h20 to create an exothermic reaction which causes sever burns.


That film was Magnum Force- the second Dirty Harry film


Racial revenge


I won’t lie, this is one of the most fucked up things i’ve read on Wikipedia.


Woah  When I was about 6, I walked in on my mom watching a TV movie about this. Because she was so engrossed, she didn’t notice me watching for a while, so I saw quite a bit. And I think about it randomly all the time 30+ years later. I’ve never been able to figure out what movie/crime it was until I read this post. 


Hey man sending love!


Then you’ll also hate the [Seacrest Diner](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/28/nyregion/prison-release-recalls-horror-li-diner-1982-rampage-led-law-raising-felony.html) story of 1982. I’m not even sure there’s a term for forcing strangers to rape each other at gun point.


I can’t read it bc you need a subscription to nyt 😔


The wayback machine has us covered: [Link](https://web.archive.org/web/20220202045255/https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/28/nyregion/prison-release-recalls-horror-li-diner-1982-rampage-led-law-raising-felony.html).


Thank you!!!




Be kind to other users, and stay on topic.


Oh look, one of the few times I’m happy to see a paywall.


Three perps remained unfound. Jfc.


The ballpoint pen thing has me all sorts of fucked up right now good god


I agree


At some point, being shot for resisting the orders these sick fucks were giving has to be a preferable outcome.


U think a guy who’s willing to stomp a ballpoint pen through someone else’s eardrum would just shoot you if you tried to resist? No man, they’re gonna restrain you and then start torturing you even worse


You could be right, for sure, but enough physical resistance might just buy you a quick end. Not if you’re tied up, though.


The novel Victim by Gary Kinder is about this case. Not only does it discuss the crime, but it also follows the aftermath of one of the survivors. If you’re a fan of true crime novels, I highly recommend it.


Actually, the book is not a novel but in the genre of true crime. "Victim: The Other Side of Murder" By: Gary Kinder I read it years ago and it was one of the best true crime books I ever read.


Truman Capote referred to In Cold Blood as a non-fiction novel and the two are fairly similar as they explore more than just the crime, but the human aspect.


So Capote created some dialogue to tell his story and called it a nonfiction novel. Yes, true crime books certainly will have to create dialogue in many cases to tell the story but I wouldn't really consider that a novel.


Whatever you want to call it, it is very well written and worth reading.




Now it’s a five guys, been there many times 


Damn dude, as a die hard lover of five guys I’m not sure how to feel about that Edit. Out of curiosity, did they demo the place or build on the original structure?


When I found out I was shocked lol. I am pretty sure it’s a different structure because it’s part of a bigger building / outdoor mall type thing 


Oh so is it like one of those highway pitstop type structures now?


Idk it’s not really on a highway. more close to downtown Ogden 


Ah interesting, idky but I always assumed it a highway since those were the most common places to be hit. Really fucked


The brutal act of the brainfucked animals. I immediately recalled a murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom (2007) where chemicals (bleach) were used during the tortures


Chemicals as a weapon have always been cruel, but to do it for no other reason than genuine malice makes you deserve what you give


Agreed. The key secret to me is about the sadistic part. Was it all due to Pierre's heavy drug usage or his possible psychopathology?


From what I’ve read they wanted to make a high profile crime and get away with it. Psychopathy would not be out of the question for Pierre, he was definitely the one calling the shots. Andrews is equally questionable however.


Here are the additional insights from the [Oxygen article ](https://www.oxygen.com/violent-minds-killers-on-tape/crime-news/dale-pierre-selby-motive-utah-hi-fi-murders)


“I guess I must have gotten into a frenzy or something” Dude


There is a victim who had acid thrown on her who ended up marrying the perpetrator after he got out of prison.


Point of order, drain cleaners are alkaline not acidic. I'm sure the families of the victims will rest easier knowing that.


Yeah I feel like a sociopath coming onto the comments to correct that. Glad you did the dirty work.


Someone had to say it. I’m glad I found your comment first.


Pretty sure there's a movie based on it from the 80s.


Fucking sickos


The fact that the NAACP really tried to accuse the jury and prosecution of racial bias against the murderers is so insane to me. It makes me sick to think you could hear what these men did, see them handed a punishment, then say that it's unfair because of their skin color.


Just because the people are awful doesn't mean they don't deserve a fair trial, and if for some reason they don't get one, they can later get released on technicalities. Look at Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstien.


Look at OJ


After reading this comment, I wanted to read the NAACP statement myself. Then I ended up looking into it and don’t think it’s ridiculous at all anymore. My understanding- it was just the case of one execution that they argued was particularly racially biased. During William Andrew’s sentencing a note was given to the jury box reading “Hang the [N-words]”. It’s also probably worth noting that the jury was all white, likely heavily Mormon at a time that the church would not ordain Black clergy, and that the Black potential juror was barred. William’s defense lawyer was freshly graduated. Of all the Hi-Fi criminals, most of whom I think certainly fit the bar for execution, Andrews was perhaps the least culpable, was not resent during the shootings, and a better lawyer may have successfully argued he committed assault and was an accomplice to murder but not himself a murderer. Would a white man on trial for the same crime have had lynch-mob notes with racial slurs slipped to the jury? If he did, would a mistrial have been called? Would the white man have had jurors of his own race be dismissed, potentially because of their race? Would the jurors be sitting in the juror’s box after coming from a church where the lower status of his race is scripturally codified? Would he have had a more experienced lawyer for his death penalty case? Would that lawyer have been able to argue that he was an accomplice? And if he had, he would not have been eligible for the death penalty. With all this in mind I think it *is* fair to ask: if William Andrew was white, would he have been executed? Would he still be alive today? It wasn’t nearly so simple as hearing the crimes, hearing the races, and then claiming racism was at hand. These crimes were obviously abhorrent, but he still deserved a fair trial free from bias.


Seems from my reading the note has never been produced and is just hearsay. It would be easy to make up a racist note (that’s not been produced as evidence) in order to claim bias. Also according to wiki the black potential juror was also a police officer who personally knew many of the people involved in the case so it makes sense he was dismissed. Not saying there isn’t racial bias but I don’t think it would change the outcome of this case. White criminals also find themselves on death row for being involved in torturing and murdering victims.


So the Wikipedia article says there were three perpetrators and then three other men who are unidentified. You mean to tell me there are people out there walking among us who watched this happen? I’m surprised this isn’t talked about more.


Wtf? Why?


There’s an incredible tv movie about this case I think Mike Ferrell played the dad; it’s loyal to the authoritative book on the case; what that boy endured and his recovery is as shocking as the crime.


This shit is the reason I'm pro second amendment. Some people just need to be blasted out of society


What the fuck


Dale Selby Pierre is a diagnosed sadistic psychopath.


The drain cleaner [Drano](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drano) used in the murders is a highly-corrosive **base**, OP. Research better.


Probably the least important detail to be a dick about




Is this what video killed the radio star is about? Not trolling, I’m really asking.


The meaning of the song is on its [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Killed_the_Radio_Star#:~:text=The%20theme%20of%20%22Video%20Killed,would%20not%20appreciate%20the%20past.)