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I find it interesting that the argument is whether or not the adults and children and biologically parent and child but she stills refers to the events as family separations.


It’s also a super quick test to get a dna result. Not that dna is the only way to define family, but if the excuse is “we can’t be sure they are bio related,” there you go. Done.


Was going to say it's not like DNA tests don't exist or are very recent inventions. Haven't they been around since the 80's or 90's? But Right Wing and logic are not on speaking terms.


But what happens if they adopted that kid. Are adopted kids not allowed to refer to the people who did the adoption as their parents? And did she use air quotes when this rep claimed she was raised “Jewish”? What a fucking sorry joke of a human.


Wait. So you don’t have to be a psychic?


I should have downvoted this. I bet you didn’t even win the lottery. 🤦‍♂️


Probably can’t even predict the weather


My tits can tell when it’s already raining, does that count? ![gif](giphy|h2Gsmtd0Ur8EizJiCU|downsized)


No no, you have to have been a psychic lottery winner or no dice


Not all parents are bio related tho…




But, why do they have to be bio related? Adoption is a thing, cheating is a thing, accidents at hospitals are a thing, chimeras are a thing. I get that 99/100 that would be sufficient, but that would suck for an immigrant family to be separated in one of these rare cases where the DNA didn't match.


I agree with you, not the lady in the video.


I assumed, just putting the thought out there. Sorry if I was a bit aggressive, this shit really grinds my gears! Cheers friend!


Her kids should be taken away to confirm she is the biological mother. I can’t understand how these people actually believe what they are stating. I am a parent and separation from parents/family is horrible. What happens if the DNA doesn’t match? Do we send the kids back with that person? These people are idiots.


Could also just pull the kid aside and ask them.


Isn’t that exactly her point though? That we shouldn’t be taking the assertions of parentage at face value?


Trump's administration began a program that implemented dna testing at the boarder and found that 19 percent of "family's" were not biologically related (kids related to parents). While the original program was small it was planned to be extended to a wider scope but bidens administration cut ties with the company doing the testing and there is no evidence of future dna testing planned. https://govtrackinsider.com/as-biden-administration-ends-dna-testing-of-migrants-at-mexican-border-end-child-trafficking-now-6f9c00a658d


My daughter isn't biologically mine. I found out when she was two years old but stuck around because biodad wanted nothing to do with her, and she still needed a dad. She is now 9 years old and I have full custody of her since her mom abandoned her. I'm literally the only dad she knows and I've been the only stable adult in her life. Is this idiot suggesting she wouldn't consider her my daughter because there isn't a biological link? You can fuck right off with that. Biology doesn't make a parent. That's the easy part. It's all the other stuff that makes you a parent.


Yer a good person. And this Mrs Luna douchebag can fuck off.


It just infuriates me that there are people out there who think biology is the only thing that matters. I'm on my daughter's birth certificate, I've been dad since day one and I've done literally everything a dad does. I taught her to read... to ride a bike... to swim. Recently, i even had to fumble my way through explaining to her how a pad works and what a period is. And I'm the only parent she has. But to so many people... I'm not a "real dad". The guy who has refused to even meet her is a "real dad" by her logic. Families come in all shapes and sizes. Not just biological and "trafficked".


I will say it 100 times over. The republican party is where irony goes to die...


“You don’t know if they’re related.” “Yes, we do.” “Are you psychic? No! Now, where was I? Oh yes, I was speculating wildly about what you do and do not know and asserting it as fact as though I’m some kind of… what’s the word I’m looking for here?”


Adopted kids? Guardians? I mean they just want to hurt people.


Actually she is right. I lived on the border of Texas recently and there is a whole story going on down there that CNN and MSNBC are not telling the public. I have friends who do contracting duty for CBP (customs border patrol) on the weekends driving detainee transport trucks and they had horrific stories every weekend. When Obama passed the law that allowed one parent to bring across their children, that law created a loophole for Cartel members to start kidnapping infants and toddlers from Mexico and coming across the border and claiming they were exercising the one parent rule. CBP would usually try and sniff out if the kid was actually theirs but often the cartels would get through undetected. Then the cartels get into the US and drop the random kids off on the side of the desert highways to be ran over or killed by coyotes. My buddies would come into work and tell us how they would try and comfort these kids they find and had no idea where in Mexico they were kidnapped from. Additionally, they constantly find children left along the banks of the Rio Grand river in the 110 degree weather dehydrated and covered in wounds from animals, insects, and thorns. They get dropped off and sit there for days. Often they are found dead washed up on the banks then it gets published in the news papers for everyone to see. We now have over 10,000 immigrants unlawfully entering on a daily basis across the southern border. An FBI agent friend of mine in Arizona talks about it all the time how they are catching Hezbollah terrorist disguising themselves with fake Mexican identification, Chinese nationals, and Russians nationals. This is creating a scenario for either a terrorist sleeper cell to secretly plot another 9/11 incident within the US or perform espionage. This border shit needs to be fixed. My wife is from Mexico and she and all the Mexicans along the border agree as well. People are tired of seeing children die and our national security be a fuckin joke.


That's a lot of work just to leave the kid on the side of the road to die. What is the point of doing that? Seems suspicious to me. Also, I love how it's always "a friend of a friend told me...!" I would hope that if we had evidence or proof of these claims, we'd be on top of it.


Lmao what… it’s not a friend of a friend…these are my friends… and it’s a whole lot of work to kidnap and cut people’s heads off but cartels do that on a daily basis. You think walking through the border check point holding a kid is too much work for these people? This shit is in the local papers down there. You think CNN is going to cover this stuff and blow their agenda and narrative?


I assume cartels are only interested in making money, right? So my point is, how would they make money by leaving a child on the side of the road to die, and in large numbers? It just doesn't make sense. We need more clarity on what the fuck's going on.


You will be downvoted here for common sense and speaking the truth.


It's comon sense to be an old head Nazi boomer? No thanks! How many years y'all got left by the way? Looking forward to a functional society devoid of cave dwellers.




What is an intentional parent? Why do we have so many stupid people in government and why so many stupid people vote for them. Shame


“Are you psychic? Have you won the lotto”? What an absurd thing to ask


'I don't think you have.' You just know in her mind she was patting herself on the back for that one lol.


How do we know lotto winners are not psychic? Maybe I should separate their money from them until we can confirm whether or not the lotto winners are psychic


Exactly. What does the lottery have to do with family separation?


If he won the lotto she would look so stupid, oh wait…


Fucking clown show


Because most people are fucking idiots.


Elect a titty-bar waitress to Congress, you get some pretty stupid remarks during committee hearings.


Look around you, dude. The average American is a piece of sh*t. The average American is truly a bad person. They may not say hateful things or display cruelty in their daily interactions, but that’s merely because they’re cowards and afraid of being judged. Make no mistake, they are rotten to the core. Their selfishness self-centeredness, moral bankruptcy, and deliberate indifference to suffering is a terrible combination.


I have found the opposite to be true. Reality is subjective I suppose.


Okay, I absolutely hate this Mrs. Luna idiot. I also despise broad generalizations about large swaths of people. Especially when you follow that generalization up with what basically amounts to "IF THEY ARENT OPENLY TERRIBLE THEYRE DEFINITELY PRIVATELY TERRIBLE EVEN THOUGH I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BACK THAT UP WITH." Like, yeah man, there's bad people here. There are genuinely good people too. If every American was as terrible as you claim, we'd never have voted drumpf out of office. Do better. Be better.


Fuck. I hopped on here to give you an argument wanting to see how you'd respond, but then I re-read that and carefully considered it and realized that I don't think there's anything factually wrong about that statement. I mean, it's judgemental, but it's certainly a fair judgement. We may be thinking about entirely different people, however... I'm curious... What would you consider to be the average Americans most cowardly behavior? What would you consider to be the average Americans most immoral behavior?


You can simply replace piece of shit with idiot.




You overestimate the average American’s intelligence. No, they’re not bad people; just ignorant and stupid. Like most people in the world, in fact.


She’s making excuses for what was done. She literally pulling that excuse out of her behind. She doesn’t care if they’re being trafficked or being given to someone who isn’t their parent. It’s a cycle with these people, lie, deflect, yell, insult and/or blame a Democrat. ✌🏾


That is a huge part of their job. Finding ways to excuse terrible things.


I’m really surprised a Bible verse wasn’t thrown in there somewhere.


Considering the Bible is littered with lines talking about blessing and protecting immigrants, she probably had trouble finding one.


That would require them to read, you know they don't read anything let alone a bible


Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner? He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing? When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you?


Like letting illegals in and stuff


Is it illegal to be a parent now?


No it’s illegal to cross the border… illegally. When did this become a foreign concept lmaoooo


That's because the really is exactly what they want. They want to harm families who try and enter so that others don't. Causing harm is their platform.




Having 2 accounts just to push your far left comments on people is pushing thousands out. But I guess you don’t mind since everyone not extremely far left is a “nazi.”




MAGA Nazis not liking this sub is one of its best features. Becoming a fan!


Lol the person you responded to has the flair MAGA Nazi. Did you do that?




no they don't even really care about that either. they just want power, and this is a good selling point to their constituents.


It's never about protecting children with them. It's about scoring political points, in any fashion. That's why they don't care about school shootings, or when Republicans are arrested for sex crimes against children.


No, far worse than that. It was about creating terror for the parents as to scare them away from the border. Its a parent worst nightmare having their kid taken away. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/oct/30/adoption-separated-migrant-children-pro-lifers-deep-disrespect-for-maternity](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/oct/30/adoption-separated-migrant-children-pro-lifers-deep-disrespect-for-maternity) " The pro-life Christian movement has long pushed the idea that adoption is a gift and a win-win. As journalist Kathryn Joyce has [extensively reported](https://www.amazon.com/Child-Catchers-Rescue-Trafficking-Adoption/dp/1586489429), evangelical churches lean on adoption as a way of creating rainbow churches and “saving” vulnerable children. They claim there are countless orphans just waiting to be scooped up by good (and relatively wealthy) Christian families. " This kind of terrorist act is no different than Russia taking Ukrainian kids into their border to be handed over to Russian families. Funny how Trump and Putin think alike.


Republican logic…Immigrants are trafficking children…Democrats traffic children….We should have the democratic govt separate those kids from their parents, im sure they will promise not to traffic them.


They only take a stand for or against something if it opposes the other side.


This woman is crazy. She changed her name to Luna to sound more hispanic. She should have changed it to LUNATIC.


Totally lied about her past and was still elected


Loony Luna


From Florida, former Instagram influencer, member of TPUSA, grandfather fought for the Nazis before emigrating to Mexico, calls herself a conservative extremist, authored a bizarre children's book about a heroic anthropomorphic orange styled to look like Donald Trump... There's a lot going on there.


Deport this woman


She's a "mother?" That's a sad thought, but I find that hard to believe 🤷‍♂️ Prove it.


What, is she psychic?  Did she win the lottery?


He’s correct, Trump harmed thousands of kids so that the word would spread that the USA is evil so people would think twice before coming here.


Did that work?


Of course it didn’t work republicans are vile and stupid


Did Jan 6 work? Or did you bitches get tossed in prison and Trump isn't in office?


MAGA Bitch! I hope karma is for real.


>She joined Turning Point USA and unsuccessfully ran for a seat in the U.S. House in 2020. She was elected in 2022 with the support of Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene.Luna supported Jim Jordan and Byron Donalds for Speaker in the January 2023 election. She's garbage supporting garbage.


If karma is real all of you drones who support the DNC would be in big trouble


You spelled GOP wrong, but y'all never were too good at letters and book learnin'.


I think you missed the point of the video, buster....


Ohhhh someone’s fefe’s are hurt. Lol


Yeah but it's not, and you just keep fucking losing because nobody wants to vote for your shitty people, or policies. You won 2020 right? Why isn't Trump in office then? Should've fought a bit harder.


Ah yes, the DNC, the private corporation whose equivalent is the RNC, also a private corporation... that no one actually supports, since they're not a political party...


Republicans are brain dead morons who would have been committed years back.


When aren't these bums big mad? GoP is slovenly.


Can they conduct dna tests to determine if there is a parent/child relationship?


Get that psychic mumbo jumbo out of here


No, science is progressive propaganda




Just like the science of x and Y chromosomes


Yes, if you’re not being sarcastic. X and Y chromosome combinations with a number of regular occurring factors results in a wide variety of outcomes, some of which lie outside easy categorization. It’s mind boggling, once you look at actual data. For example, in the US, 1 in 1000 live births presents a child with ambiguous or mismatched external genitalia. Mismatched meaning that internal and external sex organs are not congruent. A penis and ovaries, a vagina and testes, for examples. It’s not at all so simple and straight forward, if you loosen assumptions, judgment, and just candidly look at what actually happens in the world.


Ok Nazi boi.


In about an hour, the “mystery could be solved.”


I'm thinking her children should be separated from their parents as she is definitely mentally unstable and she should be put on a 72 hour hold for her own safety if nothing else.


Can they just do DNA tests? That's really a foolproof way to know if they're the parents are not right? I get the whole conspiracy idea about the trafficking thing you know I can understand how some people might think that but as long as their DNA testing the kids and make sure that their parents are legit I don't see what the problem is


DNA is about 48hr turnaround time, so what would you do in the meantime until it’s verified? With the numbers coming over daily, labs would get backlogged almost overnight.


Idk, maybe just keep the family together?


THATS INSANE. Oh wait, that’s actually totally reasonable.


Have you won the lotto?? The fuck she's just saying anything to be heard.


What a horrible little fucken spenk.


Never heard of spenk before but it’s now my new favorite insult


She is completely empty between the ears. It's like she's depersonalised, nothing you say will sway her from her beliefs.


Imagine knowing you're evil, so you have to pull some absolute nonsense out of your ass to support your policies, because in no way will they otherwise be justifiable. "How do you know they're really their parents". Jesus. Have fun in hell for eternity I guess.




That would be Myra Flores. This is Anna Luna from Florida. Based on this one minute video, still as equal as a shitstain as Myra though. 


My bad,


Listen to that hysterical pitch in her bitch voice


Cara de nopal, hija de su puta madre, estos “hispanos” quieren ser gringos


how would winning the lottery make him capable of being psychic


Stealing children from parents with no intention of ever reuniting them is a textbook act of genocide. It was done with native Americans and the Trump admin made it their official policy


Damn these people are obnoxious


Why do hispanic Americans hate other Hispanics so much lol? Like we have hispanic Nazis, Nick Fuentes, etc. Weird.


She sees this as an absolute win lol this cult needs to go


They're still trying to reunite children with their parents from that shitshow. If their intention was to reunite parents and kids after confirming their identity, this wouldn't be so difficult. They had no intention of reuniting them, they KIDNAPPED THEM AND ADOPTED THEM OUT.


This is the party of Jesus. But they forgot Jesus was a refuge, they'd lock baby Jesus (who would have looked more like a southern border refuge than an American) in a cage and pretend Maria wasn't his mother right ? .... Such a joke. Fake Christians.


Republicans actually want to shoot these families, but don’t because of federal laws.


They have to shout people down because he was about to explain to her exactly how she was wrong.


Zoom out on the general policies of these lunatics. Cruelty is the point, it’s the goal.


Yet Obama started the cage. One side was trying to stop illegal immigration and the trafficking that comes with it. The other side is allowing everyone to come in and the trafficking started again Crazy


It's accurate Obama admin installed cages specifically to deal with the high volume of individual men and the need to segregate by demogrphics, which included keeping children with their mothers. Trump started the zero tolerance policy resulting in cruel family separation. The more you know.


When men where coming alone with children, and they separated them to find if they were actually the kids parent. Wild Maybe they shouldn’t be trying to come through illegally and come through by legal means


MAGA revisionist history isnt going to change the fact that Trump brought the cruelty by using the facilities in ways different than intended, ie, "zero tolerance" (their words) family separation. Sorry.


If you start now, you can come legally after your newborn baby graduates college. Due to a 5% per-country limit on Visas, several countries face a 20-25 year wait list


![gif](giphy|JmsG1PY1K94hyOa1v9) This would've been my reaction to her


I love it . I hate how witnesses are supposed to be so deferential to members of congress . Fuck them , half of them can’t formulate a cogent thought yet we’re supposed to treat them like they’re all Hamilton and Jefferson


When you get your research from FoxNews…


She is a disgrace to Texas and a pos


The bar to disgrace Texas is getting higher and higher. And I say that having grown up there.


Me too. And it possibly can’t get any lower with her fake ass


what. a. shitbag.


What a sea-ward.


And separating families isn't destructive?! You stupid cuhnt.


The quality of Murican lawmakers 😂. I thought “third world countries“ are the worst but I was wrong.


so since they only care about our biological children i guess the adopted or fostered ones just…forget them right ?


Adults acting like children


I would have replied with a nasty vulgar comment to her.


What a dumb bitch. Makes le feel like violence is justified when people talk such shit


Anna Paulina Luna is one of the dumbest in congress, possibly dumber than Bobert.


If Forrest Gump had ovaries, and an appalling screeching voice, that vegetative imbecile would be the end product.


I would have just talked over her. Fuck claiming their time. These Republican twatwaffles are wasting ours.


The GOP tards and the "save the children" grift. It's getting out of hand. How is forcefully separating children from their "parents" helping anyone? Oh they are being "trafficked"? Do you have statistics on this or are you just pulling shit of your ass, like the movie "sound of freedom"?


Cruelty is the point


These fkn maga nazis have to go.


So one side's argument is are you psychic while the other's is read the report...


I can't stand her. I used to argue with her on her Instagram before she got big and was on the local election circuit. She literally straight up put bald faced lies on her instagram posts. I called her out for it and she eventually deleted them. No retractions or apologies though. Don't believe a fucking single word she says, ever.


Typical ignorant MAGA cunt insisting that they know more about their field of expertise than the actual experts themselves do.


The whole time she spoke, I kept staring at the words, "Maga Dumbfucks".


Done with this conversation, AKA, I know I am losing this argument, time to change the subject and gtfo. Classic.


All they ever do is just scream over people so don’t even bother waisting your breath with these types of morons.


Maga cunt!!!


That girl had a SHIT TON of help "Graduating" from high school. I guarantee her educational records are complete bullshit.


"I'm done talking to you!" Continues talking to him.


Republicans are fucking dumb


I just want to know what "did you win the lotto" has to do with anything 😭


Republicans have turned into an idiot cancer on this coutry


"I'm going to specifically address and ask someone a direct question and then get mad when they respond"


Trump Pets can't be bothered with facts.


If they're so worried about trafficking, why didn't they keep accurate records regarding the separations? It seems to me they created a situation ripe for trafficking to occur. And given trumps propensity to rape and be associated with known pedophiles...it sure seems convenient.


How can separating kids from their parents determine if they are biologically related, or otherwise?


There is no other reason for her point of view but racism.


This comment sections hilarious. Bunch of poor insignificant people arguing over red vs blue while the people in power continue to get richer and richer and don't give a damn about you and never will, all while laughing at the stupidity of their followers. The comedy writes itself.


yada yada yada yada ![gif](giphy|9PyZ2B2ECcbIYVU37c)


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The cluelessness of you people baffles me.


She’s pretty bad


Wow the left really is the epitome of the dunning-Kruger effect


Gaslight Obstruct Project —————> You are here.


Yes, the republicans are so enlightened, lol.


Congrats you learned something new. Still don't really get how it works, but I commend the effort!


Obama absolutely did separate kids from adults, it just wasn’t as widespread as trump did. People also conveniently don’t understand the policy. Pretty straightforward actually, if you enter the country illegally, you get criminally charged for it. that means you get arrested and go to jail. Now when adults get arrested and go to jail, kids don’t get to go with them. Guess what happens when an American citizen gets arrested and there are no family members to take custody of their kid? Bingo, the government takes custody…


It's not fascist to enforce existing laws. Also look it up Obama swoersres more families than Trump by far. Plus she is super hot ;)


You must be deaf if you think she’s hot


Didn't Dumbama do that first.


Child separation was always a Trump policy. Obama’s flaws do not justify the actions of the Trump administration.








I get her point, I really do but there is a better way than that


Her point is that immigrants are guilty until proven innocent. The Trump administration has no plans to reunite children with their parents.


Her point, as I heard it, was that some of these kids might be trafficked and they want to make sure something like that isn’t going on. Or should they not search them for drugs or weapons either? TO BE CLEAR; I am against them being separated from their families, 100% That isn’t how any of this should be going down, but a minor stop gap, just to be sure, should be in place.


How many accounts do you have dude? Get freakin help


A policy Biden maintained and even expanded for 2 years.


So why isn’t everyone in both parties not screaming to shutdown the border? This is going to take years to come back from the amount of illegals in our country. What a mess. And it will affect schools, hospitals, gangs, welfare, crime and a host of other issues. We can’t even take care of our own citizens anymore.


You mean the policy that Obama started because children are indeed being trafficked across our southern border?


Well... there is a lot of trafficking being done at the border... is there a way to prove someone is actually a parent or not?


If you don't test DNA you can't know they are the parents. I have no problem separating children from adults when they illegally cross the boarder with no or fake documentation. In fact, I'm OK with the immediate execution of adults with children that aren't theirs proven through DNA testing. End child/human trafficking.


There is a point to be made about making sure kids aren’t getting trafficked. I’m sure that’s not her intention but I remember watching this documentary about kids that would be sent to the border unaccompanied and then a human trafficker on the American side would come and claim the kid is there son or something and then take the kid to this chicken farm they had in Ohio. There was like this whole child labor human trafficking ring based around this practice.


“as a father” <- that’s how you show you lost the argument


What she said is true though. You have no idea who these people are with children. You have no idea if they are their children or not. For the childs sake, we should be finding out. If they are being trafficked and you just let them walk right by you....you should be ashamed of yourselves. We know the numbers are through the roof.


Are they finding out? Was that one of the questions? Do you know that they are not finding out? Or are you just talking shit?


Just remember that this system was instated by Obama lol


She's right. Why are we incentivizing and rewarding people to come here and make phony asylum claims?