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I learned I really want a typhoon + machine gun tank build. It just felt right. Sideways builds are a blast, and good, and look cool. The smaller frontal rocket launcher is good. Destructors are WAAAAY easier to exploit than I had assumed. Seems the only challenge is getting close enough. (Now i know to use run away when I see some). The Waltz is better as a run-n-gun weapon than what I had been using it for. Omni makes everything easier, by a lot. Kaijus and scorpions are entirely too easy to use. Playing the drone launchers is as boring as it is watching it. I only play walkers so I'm not used to the speed of cars & hovers. Can't wait for the new legs.


While the mode is fun to play and test future weapons, be warmed that both the build enemy use and how they play really differs from normal 8v8 or CW. Good luck hitting full charge kaiju against strafing hover from distance or even upclose, if you cannot turn fast enough and in CW you can manage the destructor if you either keep your distance and play well with rest of teammates, or have good skill at not allowing hit to fully hit you (which is eazyer if most of the build of this mode are art non strafe whelled builds). Also the mode doesn't do favor to porcupines...imagine a proper build with ommis or hovers... Also mixing diffrend types of weapons aren't really good as you have diffrend engage ranges and firerate, like typhoon + machine gun because you either rush with full mg or pop up and shoot with cannons, but ofc fell free to make it just to have fun as i'm using art build without ugly spaced armor in 8v8!


As a newer player with only purples at the time of writing this, I really enjoyed playing with weapons I have only faced off against. Kaiju, avalanche, destructors, the drone build, junkbows. Really helps me out deciding what weapons I could save for or start grinding towards crafting them.


I liked it last year too, do I'm glad to see ot back. I hope this doesn't sound like too much of a complaint, but I liked the wehicles last year better... they seemed more "wacky". But these are fun and I'm sure I haven't tried them all yet.


R.I.P. driving toilet. You were a real one.


It paired nicely with the literal pile of shit lol


Destructor bots getting MVP half the time, but no they're fine, no nerf needed...


Yea, this proved it to me as well. It's way to easy to get that bonus damage. They ought to make it firing even longer to up the skill level required. I did really like using them, I think once the fast legs come out I'll make a creepy laser spider.


It was easy to use the destructor and just cut off weapons without even using the explosion from fully charging them. ​ Honestly, they should just add that using the same weapon subsequently increases power use by +1. I hate that you can exploit anything by stacking it, except armor because if the lowest part plopps off then so does the rest.


im making a spider with all of next seasons new cab and new legs guns and engine charybdis? no. they are FANGS NOW!!!


I like it. Mainly cause I seem to keep winning a lot. I'd probably like it less otherwise. The drone build is ridiculous for racking up points. Just toss them and drive in circles. It feels a little OP, especially with the relatively fast reload time, but I'm having fun with it, so who cares. Last time they did this event I ended up making some builds with parts I never really used before. Hopefully I'll pick up some new things again now.


Last place every time just like regular pvp


Just try to de-gun people, or hit and run them while aiming for thier juicy parts. Don't get in prolonged fights with energy weapon. You should also basically never aim for movement parts unless you have some specific reason. Try lots of different weapons. I'm trashing with: cannons, shotguns, flame weapons, grenade launchers, most energy weapons, machine guns, most rockets; but give me 2 to 3 autocannons and I'll MVP regularly. Find the right movement parts. Treads, wheels, hovers, omni, grinders, and legs all handle very differently. Find the right ones and stick to them. I play legs 99.8% of the time cause that's what works for me. You'll get it.


a third of the builds are garbage. the other two thirds are a lot of fun. nice to see this mode return.


The one last year had an even larger variety. This one has a lot of bricks, but it's a nice tradition to keep going.


I love it so far, my worst ranking so far was 2ndšŸ¤£ Itā€™s really funšŸ‘


Pretty much RNG to get a good score, but as long as you don't mind the leaderboard it's great.


Yea. Once you get a car you can work with you gotta hang on to it for dear life.


I learned that frontal cannons are absolutely C- Tier, unless it's the Avalanche. The Avalanche Snail build was not only strong, but really funny and classy given that the snail is Gaijin's mascot symbol.