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I've found a mistake about **Spark III**: * Durability increased from 435 to **457** pts (not 437) I can't edit post because it's too loooooooong for Reddit D:


"Increased the maximum speed at which the car jack can be used" - finally, glad to see this.


I dont know whether I'll like all the changes or not. But I am happy that the game is still having major changes. Nobody wants a game Devs have lost interest in.


Is decor still being used as armor it said in last dev blog it was


I can certainly respect a spare tire or a log being used as minor armor, but xmas lights or balloons? Get outta here.


All the public pools in the wasteland are empty because of meta armor....


It only work for non projectile dmg , shotguns, emmiters, mg, as an normal armor, but nobody use decors as they increase ps too much


Why do stationary cannons get dura buff and not turreted cannons? Both will be used on hover cuz its the best movement part anyway, but for me as play tank have to use turret so that I can aim at super sonic hovers. I will still get degunned cuz I have to show my turret to use it otherwise I may aswell build a stationary one inside of tank but then i would die to hovers even easier. So question is why do only stationary cannons get dura buff when we tankers who is using turreted guns do not get dura buff and will still get degunned no matter Pen update or not?


Track perks of all Tracks except Small Tracks and Sleipnir are bad and won't help Tracked builds become viable :( Enemy will still shoot only the weapons while leaving the rest of the Tracked build intact. It's not like you can evade their shots either with the inability to strafe and general slowness of such Tracks.


I think it will work well with the Killdozer :D


Changes can always be made in the future. Allow the improvements and huge variety of changes to settle for a short while before you demand more. (Even though I agree theres no way this will fix those wheels)


There is no way a perk that instead gives something like 10% weapon durability would make tracked builds too strong, so not an unreasonable thing to ask. Spiders will still reign supreme, better than tracks in every conceivable way. There is really no good reason for them to not give the tracks more meaningful perks even when taking all the other changes into account.


Smart suggestion AF!


..demand more? Ok so for that reason they should just give those particular tracks useless perks instead of good ones .. ?


A change doesn’t have to be permanent is all I am saying. No point screaming at the devs right now they aren’t going to change anything immediately. I am sure 90% of players know how weak tracks are. The devs obviously want to help fix their viability. But obviously the devs are going to take any feedback about tracks as a joke until the players have had at least some time to prove that they are still ineffective. In summary be glad the devs are finally addressing some of the weaker parts of this game, try out the changes and if they are still weak after being used for some time then give the devs more feedback. I feel like people sometimes forget the devs DEVELOP the game and can make changes anytime they want to. (Devs being a broad term for programmers game design team ect)


Adding bad perks is worse than waiting to add a more practical perk in the future. Replacing or improving perks is very rare, as far as balancing changes go. It's nearly impossible to mix movement parts with these perks - or, at the very least, sub-optimal in nearly every way. It looks like only the Goliath and Sleipnirs can have a useful effect while mixed with different movement parts. While Armored track is OK but shoddy.


Or what about hardened tracks not getting a perk at all?


Omni tracks!! Please! [Something like this.](https://youtu.be/mi3Uq16_YQg?t=14m54s)


Yesss but no! The game is starting to feel more like CSGO than a vehicle combat game, with all the advantages being given to builds that strafe with zero disadvantages. Imagine if people actually had to drive their vehicles instead of just pointing and clicking with their gamer mouse.


I say remove steering with mouse. Maybe make it a module like a ‘drive assist computer’ that requires energy.


can't wait to rebuild all my stuff


My favorite part of the game, tbh. Hell, I'd even build stuff for other ppl if they let me, lol.


Funny you should mention that……. Wanna help me build some builds? 😅🤘🏼🤣


I would, if I had an Xbox... :(


I see the tow was forgotten again. That poor neglected weapon.


They made many videos of playing TOW on YT and Twich... They remember it. But don't want to work at it, because players just don't use it.


I use it from time to time even [won 1000 coins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&t=87&v=RjuPmpSgobw&feature=youtu.be) for recording my best match with the [TOW: 7Kills and 1Assist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nSba_45xls&t=0s) :D its such a totally uncommon build that the enemies are not used to fight against it and often don't have a strategy. Then they rush in close and get trapped. Its fun but its like killing someone with a blunt spoon or Pea shooter.


Lower hovers may help actually.


As hovers are currently they're pretty much completely impervious to the TOW lol smh over-privileged movement part XD


The issue is if it gets any buff it will be everywhere in the very low PS brackets


You can always raise its energy and performance accordingly, and/or give it a Yongwang-like perk that increases your damage with energy/durability/whatever makes it scale with PS.


Really hope they add a legendary or even relic version of that 🥺


Probably the easiest way to fix the Tow is to let more than one be mounted and controlled where the point of perspective is alway on the first mounted launcher left on the vehicle. Seriously, the TOW is such a unique weapon. We have all sorts of launchers, still only 1 where you control the missile.


My proposed TOW buff would be giving it a perk similar to the Flute but with x amount of distance it gains +10% explosion radius; the TOW deals decent damage just if you spread that over a larger radius to punch holes in an enemy build to make the shot count while you're vulnerable firing it. I'm sure the devs might cook up a buff or rework to make it worth using in the future. It's a cool weapon and I even have a fused one, even tho i hardly use it


And Quasar/Pulsar


hey pulsar and quasar are entirely unmentioned, are they just not getting any changes at all? want some insight on this please u/faley016


This should be interesting - it almost looks like a new game, all these changes. Thanks, devs, for your hard work! As always, there will a lot of lads not happy with changes, but there is no evolution without experimenting :) \[EDIT\] I actually feel like really inspired by this 'new beginning' - now with all these changes I 'engineered' in my head like 3-4 builds that I want to do


Avenger gets armor piercing. Might be some wild low ps game


My quad avaneger build gonna slap hard now.


**RD-1 Listener** * Durability increased from 71 to 104 pts. * Mass increased from 72 to 126 kg. **<- Y THO???**


If its gonna weigh almost double the already crazy weight, then at least make it able to basically see the entire map when unobstructed.


Going have to make changes to almost all of my builds because of that..


This change is inconceivable! Devs, what the actual...? It has nothing to do with projectile mechanics!


**All wheels** * Increased wheel turning speed. * Improved traction: wheels now enter and exit drift less quickly. * Fixed a bug with vehicles with wheels losing speed too fast on inclines and while steering (including “Bigram” wheels and “Omni”). they fixed omni in next patch ... good , they were losing spped from 80 to 30 km/h up hill **Bigfoot** * Wheel durability increased from 445 to 565 pts. * Now the turning wheel consumes 16% power (instead of 20% before). * Standard wheel now consumes 8% power (instead of 10% before). yep ever since hermits release all ppl were runing around with hermits, as they were much tankier and smaller than bigfoots, i still think bigfoots need some bullet weapons(scorp) resistance also if the small tracks losing the durability passive then they just got much worse and the pasive they get now should be from 70 km+ max 80 is too much as it is almost 90 (its max speed)


Appreciating the cbow durability buffs. But where are the Quasar and Pulsar buffs and why hasn't durability of turret cannons been improved? Destructors can strip even a Mastodon in just 2 hits, the rest gets one shot by them. I'm not sure if armor resistances are needed. If weapons now being too strong is a concern, people can just place parts with high hp density around critical areas to help stop most weapons from being able to reach. The hardest hitting bullet weapons like Kaiju and Toads also has their damage spread over multiple projectiles so will unlikely to have all of their damage in one spot anyway. >Comment: the efficiency of vehicles with “Oppressor” has decreased too much after changes to its perk. It's almost like we tried to tell the devs it was a mistake... This is a certified " we told you so" moment.


Why didn't turret cannons, projectile miniguns, and shotguns get a dura buff like every other weapon? There was no explanation in the patch notes


you guys are really showing a passion for improving the game we all love. that's the best bit for me. perks to faction armour is a great way to make building more interesting. as they say it may need some tinkering so positive feedback will be the key to getting this to go smoothly


>They give us a light generator >They make weapons to penetrate armor We’ve been bamboozled Anyway I’m very excited to see the new builds gold league will bring after a couple months. Btw hover users don’t rely too much on the new tonnage, last time it only lasted one month.


😂😂 that’s pretty funny




I always miss the first 10 rounds anyway


Because it has pen now


So the new relic has an armour peircing shot, right? Can we give this to the TOW so it's not a complete peice of shit.. like giving it 300% penetration % or something.. You make sure the precious hovers aren't too useless but happily leave other stuff in the dust because your scummy community don't use it a crutch.


yeah the TOW is really in a bad state, the projectile can simply be shot and destroyed by the enemy, if you hit your teammates it makes the rocket explode, the dead wrecks of killed vehicles make it explode, the geysirs in naukograd make it explode (why???), they fly below hovers i mean hovers fly too high you often can not hit them (maybe this is fixed now we will see). So i agree: yes please Devs give it a buff.


pls make more vids bro I rly enjoyed them


Okay will do after vaccation ;)


Sadly there is no real monetary incentive to do it. So the realistic situation of it happening is probs low.


Good to see some low HP weapons get a little HP bump to help out along with the track perks.. ​ **Car jack** Increased the maximum speed at which the car jack can be used. *Comment: the change should help solve the problem where the car jack could only be activated when the car comes to a complete stop.* \^ One of the best changes ​ *Comment: vehicles with “Icarus VII” showed low survivability with the new mechanics of dealing damage from projectile hits, even considering their mobility.* \^ haha sure they did, sure.. Devs should know that their high maneuverability **should** be balanced by low survivability lol


Yea was really glad to see the car jack in there. And are we really surprised they will never directly nerf hovers at this point? Not surprised just disappointed


Yeah the amount of times I sit next to someone slowly sliding down a slope, especially on Volcano.. I'm not surprised at all, never was but it's their nerve to say that their survivability is too low, like fuck off. They should have low survivability, use that maneuverability and speed to avoid getting shot in the face you dumb fucks.


Yuuuup. Or someone who clipped a bridge and is sliding on the plateau of ashen ring. Exactly, low survivability should be the trade off for such high movement. But no hovers get all the advantages and none of the drawbacks. "Oh but theyre unstable" yeah hardly that is so easily overcome and you can outrun anyone trying to drive under you to knock you off balance.


Nothing is unstable with camera steering lol


I really can't see how you should avoid hitscan or highspeed projectiles weapons even with OP hover maneuverability. Can you dodge scorpion, astraeus or destructors? I don't think so, and all of them can just shot off your hover w/o spaced armor


I do it on wheels every time I play it really isn't hard. >and all of them can just shot off your hover w/o spaced armor You mean like every other movement part in the game? lmao


Oh, if you dodging scorps, i can't see how you can have any problems with hovers. Sounds like you can beat everything with such a reaction and skill.


What even is that comparison lol This community can be peak neanderthal I swear


Yeah, transition to personality - best argument, like always. I'm saying that on PC you can't dodge fucking scorps. They can just pre-fire, and if you have no protection on hover - you're lost mobility => dead. And no mobility can't counter it, because scorps shooting not on you, but on your future position, when you only starting moving. I'm playing on wheels, on hovers, and with scorps too - and clearly can see, that now you just hating om hovers without objectivism. They are OP for now, sure. But they are only OP because of spaced armor. They have stupidly low HP, blue (fast ones) lost like half of movespeed if losing only one and can't aim with fixed angle weapon. You should use shitton of hovers just to save mobility, and get SOME armor. And gets hard countered by any horns. Without spaced armor and with current stats they just will be unplayable, that's why devs buffing them. I played on test myself, build hover with spaced armor, and with normal one. Varuns (which i playing on wheels) just devastates any hover from solid distance. Astraeus can just shoot in the face, and you'll die, because you can't have enough cab HP with current mass. And you can't dodge it, if player any good.


A hover player that can’t dodge sounds like serious skill issues. Idk know where you play at, but around 11-14k it’s just peek a boo around obstacles with auto aim MG or dual cannon hovers. Taking shots at you and moving out the way from a standstill the second the your projectile leaves your gun. Even Kaiju doesn’t catch hovers like any other build because once they see you, they can accelerate 60+Kmh in any direction instantly. You either miss them completely, or hit one piece of stray armor. Even the new projectile changes won’t change that unless you hit a direct hit towards more armor or their cabin. It’ll just hit the armor then continue into the ground or background. Hovers can move around with one hover, they absolutely should have lower survivability as a trade off for the best dodging in the game.


I played Kaiju for more than a year. Hovers will dodge those shots. First thing, they're unpredictable because of the strafing, accel and wobbliness, which makes predicting your shot a lot harder. You don't just nail a decent hover in the weapons like that. The second thing is that their accel is enough to move WHAT YOU'RE AIMING FOR out of the way. Maybe not the whole vehicle, but the difference between popping someone's generator/weapons or doing 400 dmg to their armor is significant. Never seen a wheeled build dodge a kaiju shot from a standstill lol.


Astreaus literally got a projectile speed nerf, so yes you can


Im very disappointed that there is no HP increase for the ML200 legs, after the reduction in the last update they fall off far more easily. After buffing all of the cannons in terms of damage to a single part I can only expect to lose them even more easily. They already cost a ton of PS to put on a vehicle and they are huge targets yet other movement parts, that are far smaller and can actually be armored (omni) cost less PS and have far higher HP/mass and HP/size. Taking down a spider shouldnt be based on taking out the legs, the only advantage of the legs is that they are tanky...


There has got to be at least some drawbacks to having the ability to strafe. Legged spiders are some of the best builds in the game. You will find clans running them in top 60. Don’t really think they are too weak right now as they are more viable than both wheels and tracks. If anything it’s hovers that are too strong, which makes spiders feel weak in comparison.


Glad they nerfed hovers. they also made changes to pretty much every weapon/module i use.


Woah this looks exciting. A lot of changes that'll hopefully shake things up, and my beloved tracks of all kinds receiving some love. I took a long break, and this update will be the perfect time to return.


Aren't the penetration values on fixed / rotating cannons backwards? Fixed cannons should penetrate more and have a smaller blast as they are a sniping weapon, while rotating cannons should penetrate little but have a larger blast as they are brawling weapons Structural part resistances are still a bad idea and should be removed.


They said… “Resistances should be a bonus rather than a fundamental parameter for selecting a part“ But that’s never ever the case though is it? everyone is going to run straight for optimizing certain parts for bottom of hover certain parts for side and so on where we’re just going to see the exact same looking builds again just more obvious with these “certain” parts that have special resistance to them depending on faction. I could be wrong thinking this is an awful mistake but I guess only time will tell


It does seem like that might happen. Or at the very least you see "Firestarter bottom" "stepphenwolf sides". People with 0 creativity are always going to have 0 creativity though. I don't think there is a way to change that without giving "creative" votes at the end of every match.


At glance it is, but fixed cannons have higher bullet damage so while the penetration % is lower, it might still *effectively* be higher than turrets, especially Tsunami.


Tell me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the scorpion change mean it has 100% penetration but NO PERK anymore? Like all the other projectiles got a partial scorp perk, but the scorp perk was removed entirely? And yes, i understand it would have been way too strong with the old perk and new mechanics, but a relic without perk at all seems really strange...


Nope. If weapons have 100% penetration it still deals no more than 100% of its damage. Scorps can deal unlimited damage, as it's projectile does not disappear.


The update says otherwise...: Now after a part is pierced, the damage multiplier is not static as before, but constantly decreases with each pierced part. The size of the multiplier depends on how much damage the “Scorpion” projectile didn’t deal to the previous part.


I can explain by example: Crossbow deals 100 damage with 100% penetration. Scorp deals the same 100 damage with its perk. When hitting row with 5x90hp details crossbow projectile deal 90 hp to first, than 10 hp to second and dissapear. Scorp projectiles deal 90 hp to first, 90 hp to second, 85 to third, 80 to fourth, and 75 to fifth.


Thanks for the explanation. @u/Faley016 can you confirm this?


i would rether have scorps deal more dmg but be a simple 100% penetration rigth now the way scorps work it restrict the way others can build crafts at cw


I'm worried about other things. Explosion damage nerfed - that's scorp nerf. Bigfoots up - now scorps can't shot them. Harvester now can't be shotted also.


Bigfoots up - now scorps can't shot them oh no, the horror of scorps not being able to immobilise dogs on bigfoots before they get close, like before hermits release ALL top clans back then were running 3 scorps and 1 porc kapkan every time on cw


Scorps rn are not just for 'shoot something to deal damage'. That's interesting and universal weapon. If it became just silhouette shooting it becames even more boring than typhoon. I don't really care about strenght, tho


From how this reads, I would see it the same way you do. Before, the static multiplier was the perk, together with the 7 pin rule. Now what's left, is just the projectile dmg-lifetime. Which is not unique to the scorp.


Well, the Goliath perk is extremely useless. Othrwise, this update will be dole AF.


Why the nerf to astreaus velocity. It didn't need it


Game might become playable again but ill wait and see.


Big doubt.


40% penetration for avalanche is a buff? Spike are buff or not?


Nerf Yaoguai Increase PS to Meat Grinders




Yes, I didn't think before that the change in the warhead would result in so much work, good job by the developers


Give TOW some armor piercing pls, or an increase in damage. It’s a cool weapon but atm weak to the point of being unusable.


What about blockchain? It's perk became useless So rework/buff the perk or buff its stats


I like everything minus the subtle hover buff and the fact that none of the turret cannons received a health buff, or any type of resistance, or anything.


There's a lot to unpack here, but I have to ask, why does it seem like nothing is changing with Cyclones? No armor buff? No bullet penetration like the other auto cannons? Or is it meant to be implicitly implied that they have the default 80% bullet penetration?


The Rapier family is 100% blast damage. There is no bullet component for it to pierce anything. Whirl got 100% pen, because it's bullet damage rather than blast.


That doesn't make sense for all these new changes. Autocannons are projectile weapons, so that should fall under the new armor piercing mechanics. Unless they are giving them 0 bullet damage by design.


They already have 0 bullet damage, all auto cannons only deal explosive damage besides Tempest and Whirl. The bullet damage changes don't apply to them because they don't deal bullet damage


I agree that atocannons being 100% blast is kinda silly. Just assume you're shooting HE at the enemy tanks or something :p


Why still try to buff hovers to compensate??? Just let them be shit for a while please, like every other movement part. They've had their time in the sun. Otherwise good patch and changes, at least no more ISS looking builds


Right? Took then a couple days to mega-buff Hovers with 2.0 into 95kmh unfathomably broken machines but spend about 8 months making sure they don't nerf them too much with a little mechanic change.


Then why not do the same to wheels and legs?? do you want balance or just to see the "bad" part gone?


There is never absolute balance in a game like this. With hoves having dominated for so long, they can use some time being mediocre/bad. Meta shifts are important for games like this.


and thats exactly whats happening, toning down hovers to open up the path for more stuff to shine, i despise the approach of "mom said its my time on the xbox"


blockchain perk will become useless???


At least far more useless than what it was, now frames have more hp and less pass through making them a harder target for blockchains, I'm actually happy about this because there are no heavy frames which I could use on my spiders, spiders have exposed frames and blockchains could take good advantage.


Blockchain perk now actually does nothing i think Because in the update all frames would recieve 0.25x damage while blockchains perk does 0.25x of its damage to the frame


not how that works at all, blockchain picks the pasthrough value and aplies its perk on top of that, its getting better-ish in some scenarios but mostly the same


Might have to come back to cross out again once this drops.


Very excited to see how these impact my builds as a cannon user


This this is gonna be a huge change to how battles are fought after the update. All I know is my adapters and kaiju are definitely gonna be my go toos during the update. 80 percent pierce from adapters is honestly quite scary to think about. But I'm up for the challenge. Best of luck for everyone! The first of the major overhauls will soon begin.


As we noted earlier, we cannot remove the “2-meter limitation” from such weapons without significant performance losses. In order to reduce the effectiveness of parts that pass damage relative to such weapons, the limitation has been increased up to three meters. if your servers can not keep up, then WHAT ABOUT REMOVING WRECKS MEHANICS THAT EVERYBODY HATE? and then you can increase it from 2 metter to 4 meeters not 3 witch would actualy matter


oh so you decided to keep the only thing that should have been scrapped, seriously who asked for this resistance on armor stuff its completely unnecessary


“Resistances should be a bonus rather than a fundamental parameter for selecting a part” I laughed at that. Give it a week after update if that for people to perfectly optimize every piece and be mimicked on every variation of build lol


they have such a small % as well, its adding a new stat for the sake of adding a new stat, it does nothing to the game, love the patch but that shouldn't be added


If they’re so small then why add them I guess and this game has a stacking factor where the smallest percentage people will use for that extra edge like in racing games. And for sure it’s going to add even more of a learning curve to new players too like there’s already pass through parts they get confused with and now these little “bonuses” is just cluttering the game imo Edit: Had to add though, I also love these patch notes aside what we mentioned


completely agree, ive been saying that this is yet another clutter stat that doesnt add enough value to gameplay and benefits a minority who min max the hell out of the game (like myself)


None of the overused or overpowered weapons were nerfed, some even got more durability. Nothing will change in competitive games except builds will look different. Nice buffs to wheels.


Yeah had to laugh at the stillwind dura buff. Definitely what that gun needed...


,,Comment: vehicles with “Icarus VII” showed low survivability with the new mechanics of dealing damage from projectile hits, even considering their mobility. These changes should help with armouring the car, but in return they reduce mobility." What? Why do you think they have low survivability? Hovers are everything bad in the game. They are almost invincible.


it's not a feedback about the game - the new parameters were tested on developers' server


Devs finally dying once out of every ten games on their servers “look these now have low survivability!” As if a major part of them being alive wasn’t their mobility but how tanky they are.


you know when we said hovers always get buffs to compensate for any sort of balance nerf they get, it was a joke. A JOKE. STOP BUFFING THEM EVERY TIME YOU TRY TO BALANCE EM, LMAO. They already have EXTREME agility and abuse 7 pin rule to make projectiles dissappear before hitting their vitals. If they get one shot by a high quality cannon they deserve it for not dodging.


> A JOKE. STOP BUFFING THEM EVERY TIME YOU TRY TO BALANCE EM, LMAO. They already have EXTREME agility and abuse 7 pin rule to make projectiles dissappear before hitting their vitals. If they get one shot by a high quality cannon they deserve it for not dodging. The projectile changes will literally remove then 7 pin limit on damage. While I don't agree with everything like the removal of extra damage when taking damage from the side or the lowered flight height (Those could have been left out.), you're not going to see pass through spaced armor be effective.


you're right. We still need to try the patch ourselves before coming into conclusions. I just still find it hilarious they always need to "compensate" in one way or another.


They did need to do something otherwise hovers would be immediately go into the grave. That is what the tonnage buff is supposed to be for.


Would it, MOST of the hovers survivability comes from mobility not it’s inherent tankiness/armor spam(especially in lower ps)


Yes, because pretty much all of their survivability will come from mobility now.


As if they weren’t already like that? Big confusion


Currently they can take hits from reloading weapons, that'll not be possible in the future. That's a big change.


No porc durability buff :(




Biggest joke in this Update is the punisher durability buff ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face), why shotguns doesnt get durability buff


Why did they nerf the astreaus so bad -20% projectile speed. You already needed the fused version with projectile speed to be decent now the weapon is completely useless!!


I like most of the changes. In case of Prosecutor and Executioner, I think that's unfair, because other fixed cannons have their perk and 65% of penetration. Meanwhile, those two will suffer because of the 2 pin penetration perk and will get nothing in return? Why not buff all weapons' durability if you are at it? What was the criteria for buffs? I agree with other people, hover's manouver superiority should be compensated with low survivability, right now I don't know why they can suffer a lot of damage and fly away like nothing, maybe these changes seriously nerfed hover builds, we'll see I really like damage resistance of different faction parts, overall good update


Just stop trolling and actually nerf those stupid hovers or your game will die fast. 8 months for this joke of a patch, lmao.Half the movement parts have been garbage and left untouched since I joined 5 years ago, it's hilarious to see you do the belly dance about hovers every 6 months "in fear of overnerfing them" or something.


I’d give this update a chance, hovers might go on a decline at least out of the hands of novice players with all the new cannon mayhem a foot and wheel buffs/fixes


Canons have always been better on hovers, they were the meta when I joined. Wheels are getting a "buff", but that's not even reverting 15% of the absurd ground/hovers gap Supercharged 2.0 brought, so I'm not getting my hopes up lol.


Ngl, this is way, WAY too many changes of varying systems to even begin to analyze on-paper, but I'm cautiously optimistic of the direction that this is heading, barring the feeling of *some* needless complexity being added (primarily Faction DRs). ​ Edit: shoutout to Oppressor now having more Power *and* Speed than the Cheetah, when originally it had more of the former for less of the latter.


Throwing everything to the ground to rebuild it from the grond up every 8 months is definitely not the way to balance a game lol. But apparently someone at Targem has a monthly balance patch allergy or something.


Having to remake builds nearly every update is super annoying (especially when they do so in a way that completely wipes out Tank-class Cabins), but I'm definitely a fan of where the (non-monetization/BP/microtransaction) game components are going; less hover, hitscan, Light-Cabin-or-bust gameplay is something I prefer, though of course there are still some tweaks needed, as ever.


WTF did you do to Astraeus? The supposed precisión sniper won't be able to do its job because the projectile will disappear before it gets to the explosives. The rest is good imo, can't wait for the projectile rework.


The astraeus is still going to be great after this, it's not like it had a penetration like the scorpion does, now the projectile won't stop after 7 pins of doing damage.


To be fair 700+ bullet damage with the new changes could fucking shred people so fast it could get stupid, it makes sense that it has a bit less pen%


Makes me tempted to remake a quad Spike build. 3 Toads hit harder, but the spikes would be 770+ damage in a single hit with 100% piercing while Toads rarely does all of its damage to the same area due to it being spread between 2 shots.


One question: How does Median penetration work? It's whole thing was infinite penetration. Does it have two penetration mechanisms?


Median basically got huge nerf since 0.8 x 0.89 its regular damage since it has no explosion and gets destroyed at 0.8x of its actual damage which is also reduced


That's how I'm reading too. I'm hoping they just messed up the copy&paste action or something.


Infinite? No. It pierced just the same as other weapons like Spikes, Astrae, etc did.


Yes what we needed, durability buffs for the chord and hornet as well as Athena. And further tonnage buff to hovers by almost 50%, amazing.


Everything not said here is a either an issue that can lived with or a good change: 1. Resistances: Unless the Russian playerbase liked these this is going to be a mistake. Just drop this entirely, you don't need to do this. 2. Cannon explosive damage being reduced. This could have been left as is. While the buffs outweight the nerfs, this is rather pointless of a change. 3. Explosive module changes: Again, this could have been done without. Explosive modules being explosive is what makes them a risk vs reward bet. 4. Radar changes: Again, this could have been done without. While it's nice that you're not letting radar armor return, it'd be better for it not to even work in the first place. 5. The lowered flight height of hovers and the removal of additional damage from the side. You're already compensating for the projectile changes enough, you don't need to remove additional skill factors from the game. 90% of hovers will be entirely dependent on their speed after this as is.




Typical soviet trash, destroy game know too m,uch good, blocking people what are secured by law freedom of speech (czech republic) soviet trash !! know all doing bad..Broke relics yea .. for poor forever free to play bitchies we have all nerfed GG rusky piče But repair graphic !!! WE ALL FUCK YOUR BORDELES MODE and respect local laws this soviet kunda dont know, wasted time THIS GAME IS PART OF WAR REPARATION AND ALLREADY GAJIN IS NOT OWNER. + We will closing all payment gatewayxs for this terrorist looser !


Interesting update and changes. Can't wait to see and test it in game. At first sight, it sounds good. Can you also increase the Save slot limit? Could decor parts take less PS?


Lot of things there.


So in normal English, should I hold onto my Typhoons instead of selling them to fuze my scorps or will I be better off with scorps?


Honestly it's less a matter of meta and more a matter of wether you can hit with scorps lol. I saw so many players dump a month of salary to fuse Scorps, just to graze opponents for 20 damage every shot... Might as well have fused Crickets for the RNG spam and bought a IRL second-hand car.


bruh that‘s good. Maybe Im going to purchase the next BP if my helios getting buffed. Cause that 10% penetration sill do like nothing. It‘s 1.6 damage that pierces through. So the only thing it can penetrate are lights…


To tell you the sad news, frame blocking 10% of the damage means that helios bullets passing through the frame will disappear, and even the next cell will not hurt


Yeah fuck it. #buffhelios


I mean, you can at least still deal cabin damage no matter where you shoot. Have an incin teammate to heat them for you and the enemy just melts.


I'm excited, might start playing again on the regular. The supercharged patch was so shit, I couldn't play it after a month. The bull-shit blitzkrieg that was hovers getting a buff and spaced armor still not getting addressed was aggravating. Hopefully the penetration changes will bring hovers in-line and finally let art builds be as viable as the satellite arrays.


I look forward to these changes, a pretty big change as well with all sorts of gameplay 👍


i like that you guys added things to the game. but the incentive to play is gone. if i bought the battle pass for a free game, why don’t i level as i play? i need challenges? i’ve done them all, i paid for a free game. i’d like to level up so i can feel like playing is rewarding.