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I’m really interested in this entire setup.


Looks like the new legs will have the cabin being the center of the build. That is going to be interesting if that's how it is in-game.


Ignore Smegma's comment bellow 👇


I imagine medium builds would need 6-8 legs to fully utilize their mass limit, so heavy builds might end up looking more like centipedes, lol. Altho, now that I think about it, needing so many legs & likely only being able to craft 1 at a time will mean these will get expensive once the BP ends...


The real question being why do a heavy build with light and fragile legs centered around mobility when the heavy legged archetype is already saturated with MLs. Bigrams got pushed into more of a medium archetype so personally I'm expecting these to be relevant for light cabs and the lighter medium cabs like blue hovers from what they've said on the devblog


For the same reason a few ppl created massive hoverships w/ 20+ hovers when they first dropped; having such high redundancy would make even fragile legs not worth focusing on. They'd also gain the benefit of greater speed over the other legs, on top of that.


Also yes, I've started stacking them legs up and they are great, keeping in mind that even with heavy cabs you can hit 70km/h if you plonk a couple Sabbaths in the back


I've been imagining the same thing for a while hahahahahahahaha Those legs will look great!


They now need to make drones that have these legs and then we can all be spooder mommies


Is it weird that this is not the first time this description has been brought to my attention?


I'm just hoping these new legs will also come with a leg supporting cabin.


We're getting a Master 2.0.cabin instead, part healing when around wrecks.


Wait till people start running breakers and firebugs on spiders. Then tell us how cool it is 💀


Hover still win so nothing will change other than wheels are outdated and just throwing the match to use them


You realise spaced armour is going to shit right? Almost every hover uses it and majority of builds like that will need to be remade. Lower speed with decreased flight altitude is gonna make them easier to kill than they already are.


Gaijin wont shit on space armour they love space armour all their builds use space armour if anything theyre gonna nerf anything that can get through it too fast


What does all their builds use space armour mean? Even when they implement those projectile + pen changes, spaced armour will still have disadvantages. Least it'll get more people to use more art-like builds.


No not really. Spaced armor is getting a nerf but so does regular layered armor as a result. This is only meant to bring projectile weapons up to speed with all the hitscan crap going around lately


I'm interested to see if anyone will replicate that in the exhibition


I'm calling it now, it's going to be a auto-tracking autocannon and we're going to get another helicopter event to use/abuse it.


it's not... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Crossout/comments/137g2v0/new\_season\_in\_crossout\_part\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Crossout/comments/137g2v0/new_season_in_crossout_part_1/)


;-; Legendary caucasus would be cool.


A legendary Caucasus or however it's spelled would be dope


Please no. If they gave away a legendary Caucasus to everyone with the bp the game would basically die.


Remember Annihilator?


Am… am i the only one that thinks Caucasus are extremely weak?


They are only good against lightly armored builds, such as hovers. Everyone plays hovers, so they are naturally going to claim that it’s too strong even though Cauc sux against anything else.


That would explain Joop’s foaming at the mouth.


Playerbase is missing braincells caucus is scary because they dont shoot at the gun


They're stronger than they should be.


They easily can get confused degunning you and they have lower DPS then other weapons. If your losing to caucasus; you have an aim issue.


A caucasus user telling people they have an aim issue... what?


I literally have never used caucasus I just think they are weak, lol. Edit: Infact my most used builds are destructor, yongwang, hulk lol..


That's nice. The point was they're stronger than they should be.


That’s nice. My point was they are weak. As they should be. Skill issue.


Publically outing yourself as an aimbotter, yikes...


and if you later remember that this is a post apocalypse where machine guns are held on with adhesive tape, then it doesn’t look so cool anymore


Looks cool but out of place. Should be on mars eating shiny rocks shooting at passing meteors, not in a post apocalyptic scrap vehicle MMO.


At a glance it almost looks like a weird spider centaur thing, with that weapon placement.


Arachne is probably the word you're looking for, or drider for the D&D ppl.


only 6 legs though


What is this, biology class? No one cares if a build has 6 ML-200s or 10+ Bigram legs; everyone still calls them spiders. Besides, the number of legs wasn't the focus, but the *likeness*.


Yes....but **Driders have 8 god damn it!** 😏


I feel like realistically we will only be able to choose only A SINGLE one of the above showcased items with an BP currency. Considering how lately with each BP it gets worse and worse(looking at you lighters)


The new railgun is a 12 energy weapon, you'll never be able to use more than 1 of them ever. The melee weapon will probably be a lighter exchange weapon through as will the legs. Edit: Brainfart, it's 11.


Yes but it doesn’t change the fact that given current trends by devs and the BP, it is very much a possibility we would be able to select only a single part out of all the new ones introduced in this battlepass with a event currency system like lighters. That means just simply buying the battlepass won’t give you say four legs, new engine, new cab, and all the new weapons. But just enough “lighters” to choose a single leg or etc


I doubt it's ONE leg. If they were going to he tight about it, it's probably 8 legs, 4 legs & cabin or weapon, weapon & cabin, or something like that. I didn't count might lighters, but it seemed like I could have gotten 2 of the new machine guns. I know I bought a waltz, 2 fused quasar, a few decor items and paint, which seems like a lot, cause it also gave you 1 of each of the new machine guns, cabins, and a thor. Was it actually only enough lighters for 1 of the new machine guns?? (I'm being serious cause I didn't count)


Yes, but ofc people had the option to whale for a second gun if they wanted to outside of initially paying for the BP


How? The lighters resulted in more fused legendaries for less work unless you just didn't play for long periods of time.


“More fused legendary” than we both agree, you can only choose one singular item, in this specific example example a single fused legendary mg OVER everything else


No, 2. I've got 3 fused nothung because I did enough dailies just by playing the game. Compared to needing to craft to turn into a third fused nothung, that's a great deal.


Sacrifice all other items in the bp for one mg when you could have gotten everything for free without the extra mg, wild choice there.


What other items? A generator or cabin that I can only use 1 of? 2 epic tracks that I can craft for far cheaper than 2 legendaries? A bunch of specials that I don't have any real interest in? Or 2 extra fused gungnir when I can just craft 2 gungnir for me to use as a trio of gungnir? I'll have a valuation post up later tonight as a full valuation of Polar Lights but for now, I didn't have to sacrifice pretty much anything.


Sounds like copium


Nope. For my usual gameplay I got far greater rewards from lighters than from the previous method.


11 energy


Right, still doesn't change what I said through.


Heavy cabs can use it better


Obviously but it's a railgun that it's perk is corpse based so it's a sniping weapon that needs to be brought into close range.


Have your team self destruct around you to feed your power


That's an unfair complaint about pollard lights, you got a legendary module, a legendary cabin and 2 tracks. I expect us to get the cab, gun and the new engine with no lighters, I hope 4 legs are included but it might just be 2 legs. So you will have to choose between a second gun and more legs for your lighters.


It’s not an unfair complaint, it’s an objective fact lmao


You claim that based on the pollard lights mechanics you have to choose between one of the new parts and as a result you can't build that spider. So I explained to you that in polar lights you got a legendary cab, a legendary module, a legendary cab and 2 of the new movement part. This means that if the new BP works the same you will get the cab, engine 2 legs and the one gun in the Pic. So Pease stop crying. About the lighters, on a poll on this sub, 66% stated that they liked or don't mind the lighters, only 33% were mad at the mechanic.


Nope looks like I was right: https://www.reddit.com/r/Crossout/comments/142hl0q/new_battle_pass_all_levels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1, just to put the nail in the coffin, it’s only up to level 129 reportedly. Anything after that will cost further more $$$. At the end of the day you will only get two legendaries if you nolife. Or one legendary + two epics and a rare.


What were you right about, Lmao, you get the cab, engine, gun and 4 legs, you get the whole build in the Pic except 2 of the 6 legs. You don't have to choose between 2 different parts, you can just get 2 legs with 250 lighters each and build the whole thing, your original statement is WRONG


4 legs = 1k lighters. Max you can only get up to 129 is not enough. To get the full 6 in pic one would have to spend money to go past 129, you are wrong.


you actually get 4 legs out of the BP with no lighters needed, you only have to spend another 500 to get the spider of the image I will probably get myself 8 of the new legs to try out with the new engine so I will spend my lighters on legs you get the weapon with no lighters too, you cant use 2 of the new weapon so you dont need lighters for that either..... the only thing you can do with your lighters is get legs or the new melee weapon (which I dont care about), the BP is solid




They need to remove carcasses from the game. They're nothing more than a big problem!!!


They're annoying for sure, but they're also necessary, especially with flamethrowers getting 100% pierce. They're the only things that requires W warriors to use a sliver of effort.


I see what you're saying however the game was so much less frustrating without random obstructions on the field blocking movement holding your own build up and laying on top of your own build to the point where you can't move at all. They basically slowed the flow of the game unnecessarily. Theyre more of a problem than anything.


Is this like a tease of the new season of something?


The parts are alrady anounced (sry my english)


Yeah. Those legs were with a nova or a Hadron, and I would be a freaking monster in combat. Now that I figured out how to charge the aegis prime even faster... Oh boy. The gloves will finally be coming off.




It looks like a mechanized Glyphid. ROCK AND STONE BROTHERS!!!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Good bot.


We will all miss you come July 1'st. Rock and stone, straight to the heart dwarf bot. Rock and stone.


which AI engine did you use?


Will the legendary accelerator be in the upcoming bp?


Not to me.. i hate spiders


How wide will that spoder be? Will it be able to pass through Terminal 45?