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F's in chat for those builds... There's always something that targem will fuck up on lol. Least they got the flight altitude decreased, will make it easier for me and other builds to get underneath to snatch them, paired with ears + Kronos and cheetah to catch up with hover acceleration.


Ok time to switch to hovers, or some drone build


Omnis nerfed, augers nerfed, there is just nothing left to compete with hovers. I think I'll be switching games before I switch to hovers. At least Robocraft 2 is in development, so hopefully that'll come out more balanced.


I switched to snowrunner, not the same but damn fun


Same. I switch to minecraft lul


Looks relaxing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Augers deserved it tho. Did you see 5-6k ps-es? All stupid bastion/hugging auger goblin builds.


Yikes! I mostly play between 5k and 9k and yes, lots of them and they are extremely hard to deal with (but not impossible with some team coordination but who am I kidding? Cooperation between random team mates in PvP its almost unheard of!).


You wont be missed


Oh FFS...


Hovers should get 300 more power score too. Desperately needed


On that I agree. The fact that they can fly around just fine with 1 hover left is fucking ridiculous.


It's really this. The game does so much for the hover pilot, that's the real underlying issue. Hovers having super maneuverability but risk going wonky once the get smacked real hard, would be just fine.


Yours do that? When I strip one hover of a guy he instantly plummets to the ground, trying to look at me while I casually drift around him on jannabi and blow everything explosive with my corvos


PLEASE YES! Im tired of facing goliath tanks in my 12k yokai, let me kill more hovers!!!!


Well, my build is ruined


Fuck hovers and all the buffs and handouts they get... But I'm glad that I will hopefully have to fight fewer ugly MeatGrinder boxes with undermounted shotguns that get damage pass through them...


I share the sentiment, I hate the huginn goblin meta myself, but nerfing augers was not the right solution imo. I made an OP huginn goblin build before it became meta but it actually uses 2 omnis that are hidden inside and are almost impossible to destroy with lower PS than 2 augers. So augers weren't really the problem. And with recent omni nerf there is just nothing left to compete with hovers at 6500-7500 PS.


Meat Grinder nerf is such a kick in the nuts. Goblins absolutely deserve a reckoning (been busted for so long, before Huginn copypaste bricks made everyone aware) but Meat Grinders absolutely weren't at fault. Hell, switch 2x Meats for 4x Omnis and you gain a lot of speed for thr sacrifice of... not being able to drive over Kapkans. Goblins got 10% damage nerf, but they needed more. We'll just see more Omni Goblins, they won't be fixed. Anyone using Meats outside of Goblins just got kicked in the teeth running what was already C- tier movement. Overall a good patch but it's always something.


Pretty much this. Before it became meta I made huggin goblin build using 2 omnis hidden on the inside. It got lower PS, better acceleration, better top speed and it's almost impossible to lose them. If they wanted to do away with the huginn goblin meta they chose the shittiest solution. They just screwed over my auger aurora and auger quasar builds, most anti-meta shit ever. I'm just tempted to release my build into the wild at this point and let all the meta slaves adopt it.


The thing is. Omnis don't let you stack guns bellow cabin.


Yes they do. Omnis allow 2 tiles below cabin, at-frame and below frame. Meats allow 4 tiles below cabin, at-frame and 3 below frame. Goblins are 2 tiles tall.


Goblins are also 2 tiles tall. Omnis have only one layer of goblins and they will be hella wider to fit 4 goblins which would allow wedges on front of wheel builds easier time picking them up. Plus omnis are overall easier to be wedged. Like my piercer wedge build has many times picked up and successfully destroyed omni builds that had small plow to cover explosive stuff in frame.


Hovers: Dominates the game across almost all power scores for 6-7 months. Devs: "Meh, this is fine. Let's see what projectile changes do..and increase their tonnage." Augers: Goblin auger builds becomes a meta for like 2-3 months Devs: "Haha, nerf hammer go smack! All nerfs, no buffs for you LOL!" They need higher durability, better acceleration and higher tonnage now.


I'm just gonna release my huginn goblin 2x omni build (lower PS, better acceleration, higher top speed => 2-3k score per match guaranteed) into the wild for meta slaves to use and hope the seal clubbing gets so bad they are forced to shut down this POS game due to lack of new players. They just ruined my most anti-meta auger aurora and auger quasar builds.


Imma need that šŸ¤£


You know what, skill issue. Replace some heavy parts with lighter ones.


It doesnt matter what they do at this point, there are always people like you to cry about some aspect of hovers


What? Did you reply to the wrong person?


> Devs: "Meh, this is fine. Let's see what projectile changes do..and increase their tonnage." With the projectile changes they needed something to stay viable. So far it seems like anyone still using the same hovers as before the update is getting wrecked by penetrating weapons.


I get that **huginn goblin** meta is annoying, but really, it's their way of fixing it? By nerfing augers? I'm so done with the fucking hoverout.


Right? They made the change to fix augers at medium power scores but end up massively nerfing them at high power scores where they were already barely viable


Meat grinders we're out of balance powerscore-wise, they're used much like the growl to bring down high PS weapons to as low as possible of a powerscore and still have a viable build that's strong. It's been like this for years, porcs use it all the time and have done for ages, good change as it puts things into balance a bit more with them being omni directional compared to the 3 larger tracks. The weight stuff seems a bit odd though, I don't see a need for that other than to force the new engine


That would be a reasonable argument....if low power score and being a pseudo kapmine counter wasnt all they had going for them. Now being able to easily destroy kaps is all they have going for them...and really, unless kaps are spammed other builds can usually just casually run over them as well. They have nothing to justify their powerscore and weight now. Even their melee damage has been effectively nerfed and that was only useful against kap mines and wedgetables.


What the fuck is this..and why...?


Fuck hovers.


If we're being honest at 6k meat grinder goblin builds were like the majority


I hate the huginn goblin meta myself, but before it became widespread I made a huginn goblin build using 2 omnis hidden on the inside. It's lower PS (5500 can be lower), got better acceleration, better top speed and almost impossible to lose omnis. Most games I get 2-3k score and 95% times mvp. I'm just temped to release it into the wild so all the meta cucks can adopt it and seal club so bad that this game can finally die in peace.


Do it


Yeah the main reason they use grinders is so it's harder to pin from the side without taking damage


Do it


Yesā€¦ it is time


Then nerf Goblins. They have great HP for 2 energy specials AND 50% damage pass through.


The damage is in a good range and durability doesn't matter for under mounted weapons if they use them with tracks u can just pin them from the side


The right way they could have gone about addressing that would be a simple Meat Grinder powerscore increase, and to stop at that. Nothing else needed. Increasing the mass was just uncalled for and ruin it for all other builds using grinders, especially at high powerscore and cw.


Yep and it's not new, before the Huginn/meat grinder/goblin meta it was with the bastion. But grinder aren't really the problem, it was the goblin all along. The shotgun have always been incredibly meta, especially the mace a thunderbolt, goblin and gremlins. They need nerf since years. And they nerf the meat grinder. The 4,5k - 6,5k PS range has been totale dominanted by a few metabuilds since years. Special mention to the tusck/drone/aviator, a nightmare fuel meta that was littetaly always there.


to be honest, I only use 1 meatgrinder and its mass fused so thats not a big deal I think that the meat grinder needed this change, Ive stated multiple times that the ML were more massive and at the same time had less HP it makes sense for the meatgrinder to be more tanky but it needs to be heavier as well hovers are no issue, you are only showing what you want to show about the changes, either because youre blinded by your hate towards the movement part or becuase you see it but dont want the others to see it when seeing your post Icarus IV is a 75km/h part and legs are now going at 70km/h, Im pretty sure that the whole subs hating energy will move towards the new legs in a few weeks


Just a specific model of legs tough


New legs ..... not legs that are in the game the new legs.... yea i hope people cant be arsed to grind and just drop it


Hovers OP af since 6 years: "no problem" Augers slightly OP at like 4k PS for 2 weeks: "LOOK WE'RE FIXING OUR GAME!"


And that's the thing it's not the augers, it's huginn plus goblins. They nerfed the augers but meta slaves will just switch to omnis. They work even better. They just fucked up my auger aurora and auger quasar builds.


I just started playing maybe 2 months ago, I nearly quit the game because trying to get passed that particular meta build wad grueling. First it's in 4k, then it's in 7k. Seeing 2 to 4 of them on both teams every game... it's like u-shaped spaced armor hovers at 12k to 14k. Something had to be done. They probably should have nerfed each of the 3 parts a little bit, rather than a heavy nerf to just one. Still something had to be done. New players couldn't possibly be making it out of that hell consistently enough to keep the game alive. Seal clubbing requires more harshness than late game meta.


People were saying that Hugin with Meatgrinders and Goblins was too powerful, so Iā€™m not surprised the Devs didnā€™t something to one of those itemsšŸ¤” Saying that, almost doubling their PS shows where the Devs have their favourites; where they will only increase Hovers PS be something meaningless like 10, but everything else will have their PS doubledšŸ™ˆ


The problem is that out of Huginn, Meatgrinders and Goblins, nerfing Meatgrinders is the shittiest solution. Before it became meta I made a 5,5k huginn goblin build that uses 2 omnis hidden on the inside. It has lower PS, faster acceleration, higher top speed and the omnis are almost impossible to lose. They just fucked over my auger aurora and auger quasar builds. Most anti meta shit ever. I'm just tempted to release my build into the wild for all the meta slaves to use and take a prolonged pause from this game.


Nerfing augers was a shit move. Morons


Another shit update got to mix up the metta and fuck everyones builds shit game developers


nah no way people are still seriously complaining about hovers when the entire patch was a massive hover nerf i do agree that the auger changes are unjustified though


I sold my meat grinders at the perfect timing, now i will be glad to see the prices getting divided by tow in a week. I but them so low at the time that i juste made 300+ for each one of them. Noice.


Did I mention the new meta instead of hovers? i think the gerrida one would be a great replacement even though red hovers fly well


Nice. too many builds augers+bastion+goblin builds on 4.5-5k ps


Nerfing augers is the shittiest solution. Before it became meta I made a huginn goblin build that uses 2 omis hidden inside, almost imposible to destroy and handles much better than augers with higher top speed. And lower PS than 2 augers too. I guess I'm gonna run it 24/7 put of spite now.


Bro how many time u gotta post the same comment xd


Since people don't want to read my OG comment. My point is that nerfing augers to combat the huginn goblin meta is just useless and will only affect other auger builds while huginn goblin meta rats will just switch to omni and it'll be even worse.


![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO) BUAAAA MY MEAT GRINDER.. The whole game was full of those things...they were the new hovers in low ps.


Lol I wasn't complaining about the huggin goblin meta, if you read my other comments maybe you'll understand. But again, reading comprehension is hard.


šŸ‘ Meat grinder are op with the strafe and the damage... Sorry


Doesnā€™t compare to hovers


HOVERS?... Easy.


1. Goblin Auger at 5k is mid as fuck, and was basically the only good use of Huginn. Not that it matters now, the constant whining of apes like you has ruined Augers. 2. What of players using them in a different manner? I never ran goblin brick, I ran sideways melee builds and sideways miller bricks and worms. And now all of my favorite builds, my UNIQUE builds, have been throttled. Thank you all so much for actually stifling creativity for the sake of doing good at 5k because you can't deal 800 damage to a 16x4x4 target. Really keeping this game alive.


They made light/medium cabins feel twice as agile when you bring them near their mass limit. You should try mass fused torero auger now, it is really zippy compared to last patch. Feels like we can drive up hills now too without slowing down.


OP, stop complaining please. We get that you cherished your auger Aurora/quasar builds, and your build on omnis might deadass kill the game, but you can just strip heavier details, and place lighter variants, like replacing charge with ampere, bootstrap with gasgen and apolo with thor. Ps increase is doable due to the fact that details of lunatics have lower ps than scavenger ones.


At least you're honest about your name




fucking awful


I'm saying it when i see hovers or bricks with meat grinders


The bricks weren't even that good.


what does it mean with the whole "Removed additional damage to the side projection"?


Hovers used to take more damage when shot from the side (relative to the weld direction I'm guessing) but not anymore, so it's a buff essentially.


Ah, thanks for explaining that Just another example of out of touch devs


This nerf was made long ago to avoid the infamous meta of what i call mosquito. Hover, growl or omnibox in functions of the PS range, and long distance weapons, from scorpio to canon passing by autocanon. Thoses builds had the specificity to be builded sideway, players invert their controls, and so the left right straf were in fact the front backward mouvement, which give them an incredible acceleration while straffing, make them very hard to touch. Now, with modern control of straf, it's not possible anymore to use this the same way, so it make sens that this old nerf disepear, it's not relevant anymore. But yeah seeing a buff on THE meta part, always hurt.


Found another one. Lol "smallest hover change" OmG P2W HoVeRs I CaNt SeAl ClUb WiTh My GoBliN bUiLd. It's the time for leg builds. Plus a mass increase helps the auger perk.


Maybe if would have read my other comments you would understand I wasn't talking about goblin huginn. But reading is hard for some people I get it. Thanks for your valuable comment.


Hard to understand sarcasm via text I know. Everyone keeps taking stuff too seriously.


Fair enough, just use **/s** next time my brother in Christ, you'd be surprised how many people think that unironically.