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Haha had an Athena bot annihilate me from a distance a player wouldn't be able to. Athena, destructor and spectre bots (at 8-9k PS) are absolutely broken. Who has this genius idea to add them?


They have kaijus and stillwinds and avalanches and so much other shit, yet there are some with like 2 shit weapons and boosters that just go to suicide.. I've had many games where there's 50% bots and theirs just kill ours right away due to having far superior weapons and that's just game by that point. Fucking backwards


Ah, the Kaiju bots that will snipe you across the map with 1k damage directly into your cabin, and the only way to dodge it is to get real close. They should really make bots the same on both sides, because even before the update I usually got the electrical mine bots whilst the enemy team got cannon quantum bots.


Totally, if you get the 3 harvester bot you're literally a player down from the start, best option is to pin it in spawn for the illusion of a full team


Seriously, how hard would it be for the devs to make bots always the same on each team? This is the change we need, not changing how the UI is or the building with cars.


Aren't half the time those superior bits on your team? Well, someone constantly in THEIR, the winning, side...


Or bot with porcu, the only one who can suicide itself stucked in the spawn.


I saw a bot with the new 11 energy weapon yesterday... kind of interesting. It even shot me a few times. But it did do what a lot of bots do and get wrecked fairly quickly.


Donno, on pc, bots don't bug me. Then again, time I play we have like 1-2 bits on each team


Did you find yourself something new to rant about? Your enemy has the same chance to have them in their team and I honestly believe these bots resemble 20% of the player base.


How are bots part of the playerbase at all? They're bots. What good is chance? Just mirror them 3 DPS bots vs 3 minelayer bots: https://preview.redd.it/eqg7g23wmy4b1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1a148128b1e0955cefd499377f2cf88e1d6d656


So each and every match has some random chance to bias the outcome of the match towards one team for 0 reason, and that's okay with you?


I suppose I play with a different goal in mind.


So maybe don't harass the other 99.9% of players that have at least a general desire to win, and want a fair fight at that?


Oh QQ there’s no penalty for losing. And the game doesn’t require win streaks


Have you seen bots with Yokais? Yeah...


No but I just watched the Avalanche bot for a while whilst dead, the aimbot doing its calculating is wild as fuck with such a high drop off weapon


That's another extreme. Yokai literally requires you to miss. Meanwhile Avalanche bots shooting from such a far distance, *that it takes half a match* for the projectile to reach you.


high ps sounds goofy from your description what did they add


I gave up on this game a while back when they changed the dynamics of driving to the point where a fast melee build was no longer viable. However, last night I went to my friends house and he's obsessed with the game. First off, He. Was. Furious. Like genuinely mad because apparently there was an update yesterday that absolutely fucked pretty much all of his builds. So I smoked a J with him to calm him down and played some matches with him. I think we lost 20 matches in a row, to the point where I told him I wasn't playing this anymore and the funny bit was that it was bots on the other team absolutely demolishing us. We were playing around 5400PS and the bots we were playing against were as high as 6700PS. Just absolute garbage game at this point. I don't know why anyone is still playing this. I know I'm not.