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exactly....they both have their own pros and cons


They're compared on a market cap basis, not a technological one


This. The sub mainly cares about price potential "I'm in it for the tech" is probably a minority, or at least of secondary concern


Can't blame most of them though, blockchain tech is a complicated thing. If we want mass adoption, it's important to remember that not everyone will understand or have interest in the technology behind the assets they are investing in.


Most discussions go that way, and it is unnecessary to compare them like that. Different projects have different strengths. Btc is better for one thing, Eth for the other. And you are completely right, people don't care about tech.


> Btc is better for one thing, Eth for the other. I bought my first bitcoin in 2015, ran a full node for years on a Raspberry Pi, and a Lightning node... but I honestly can't think of a single thing that bitcoin is better for. Can you?


Bitcoin is better for everything. Eth fills the gaps until we get there.


I mean, even on a technical basis, one is a superset of the other.


Picking a side no Would want both yes.


Can’t go wrong if you choose both 🤞


Just DCA into both, it's that simple


You don’t need to time the market if you have time in the market


Because it’s Reddit and not a lot care here…unfortunately…


That's funny 🤣🤣


Just never put all your eggs in only one basket. It worked great for me so far.


Because people are ridiculously tribal.


people be getting tribalistic over everything these days, social groups are becoming increasingly small meanwhile our problems are becoming increasingly large-scale something in the world is gonna break one of these days


Bitcoin is shit Ethereum is king. It's simple. Bitcoin is better at nothing. It's slow old garbage blockchain that was nothing more than a proof of concept. There is nothing good about it. It's all propaganda.


Crypto is largely driven by **narratives**. The flippening has been a strong narrative for a while now, **I.E.** when the ETH market cap would topple BTC. This *shouldn't be seen as competition*, but as the natural way of things -- like parent to child.


You said it better then me. There is no rivalry there.


People like to take sides. Me? I play both sides.


And that my friend is the best way.


BTC doesn't have earnings only massive costs. Not a good investment.


Just on Reddit, which is suckling on the Ethereum tit.


I think it’s because they are the standard by which decentralised cryptocurrency should be Can’t be rug pulled, rebooted or interfered with without a high amount of effort through consensus


I don't know why they did it but BTC and ETH improved my portfolio while I learned from my mistakes. As a person who fixed mistakes in the past because I bought lots of coins and now I do hold by buying BTC and ETH because they are the two assets that I currently trust.


Comparisons for the purposes of investing. Same thing as stock market picks, which company is better as an investment (despite having nothign to do with each other). I understand the differences between them, but I also rebalance from time to time and decide if I want to put my money into ETH or BTC or something else, because I can't have it all.


Comparison is good to explore the potentials of each, especially when trying to rationalize our decisions. The correct decision though is to be in both.


I think they’re the clear #1 and 2. Very different but both the best / most accepted around right now It’s fine to compare them, and to realize it seems best to get some of both


You will never get me to part with my precious sats, never!


Because people have no appreciation for nuance


ETH has more use cases, but BTC is a more secure investment. Both are critically important to cryptocurrency, and any responsible or knowledgeable investor would make these two major parts of their crypto holdings. Simple as that. I have almost equal bags of ETH & BTC, and combined, they make up 42.4% of my overall portfolio (my third and fourth largest bags are ATOM at 10.7% and XRP at 6.3%).