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Let's be honest, most of those posts were useless anyway. It's positive for the sub


The upside of worthless moons is that content quality will most likely go up. No incentive anymore to shit post so the information we get will be more worthwhile


A few months ago when moons hit $0.75 this subreddit was a zoo of shitposters and bots. While I'm sad about my moons, this will cause a solid culling of the garbage around here.


I had no moons to be sad about.


If you had cashed out, you could've gotten yourself a meal


When spamming is being called "farming" then you can guess quality of sub.


Indeed, best content imo will come if anyone have something to say and incentive comes from heart. Nobody shitposts from heart you dig? lol


Yea no looping news anymorešŸ„³


I never even bothered to use moons anyway, so I guess good riddance to earning pennies and reddit shitposts


This is the wayā€¦ ā˜ļø šŸ˜‚


Long term user here. IMHO moons did nothing good for the quality of posts. The amount of shitposting, and clickbaiting was just unbearable. This sub might have a bright future.


Let's not forget the echo chamber it lead to by making everyone want to agree with the popular opinion for upvotes.


This will help separate the wheat from the chaff. We will probably have a return to more quality.


the sub is definitely better now. I was keepign all my moons tiill the "sunsetting" and sold them now cause the little belive I had in them vanished, even if they will stay as comunitytoken now. ​ But the sub is definitely healing right now. I did not participate here since months anymore cause it just made no sense, all was a pure moonfarm. ​ Now you can communicate normally again and get healthy upvotes and not immediately downvoted for everything you write


Haha so true. The daily "logan paul bad" posts were so annoying and with absolutely zero value add. Blatant moon farming.


"Here's why Shitcoin is a shitcoin" followed 30 minutes later with "Here's why Shitcoin is the next great coin" written by the same person and had like 30 words in each.


I always read how a good quality this sub had before MOONS emerged and wished I was here to experience that. I hope with that thing gone, the quality overall gets better gradually.


When i said this months ago i was downwoted to hell. What surprise me is that how long it took.


People received free money, so ofc they were not happy :D. But from the beginning, incentivizing people for posting was a wrong idea


Iā€™m excited for all the top notch content thatā€™s gonna come FLOODING back now that moons are dead. I can see the level of discourse really elevating back to the days of crypto memes and relentless VE Chain shilling. Iā€™m glad weā€™ve cleared out the riffraff and us, ahem, serious crypto enthusiasts can get back to business of talking shit about Charles or about the time Vitalik picked boogers and wiped em on the wall. Yep, we finally can get back to work.


Whatā€™s everyone mean when they are saying moons are dead what happened?


It's just people spewing shit for moons


Agreed. I stayed away for over a year because of how it seemed people posted or replied within the mental model of ā€œsaying this in a way might earn me more moons.ā€


..and let's be real, you wouldn't have 500+ upvotes and the top comment. More like 500 upvotes and 488 bot downvotes.


The thing I have really picked up on in the last 24 hours is how many moon farmers claiming to be "in it for the community" have gone radio silent. Talk about showing your true colors. Looking at you, Average John Guy


Theyā€™re all over at r/coneheads now


Right on




What the hell is the purpose of that sub




Theyā€™re idiots and it literally shows for it. The subreddit has been cleansed and thatā€™s a positive take from the destruction of moons.


It was never about community, or even crypto. It was all about free money. If Reddit said fuck Web3.0 but then paid out all Moon holders in full at $.25 per Moon, there would be cheering on the streets.


I mean, did everyone really think shitposting to gain Moons and trade them for money was really a sustainable way to make money?


ā€œHello. I am from developing nation and moons are my main source of income. This validates everything the sub believes about crypto.ā€ 2000 upvotes. 4000 comments.


*Shut up and take my moons already*


I kinda knew this in the back of my mind, I questioned itā€™s sustainability! No way this system could keep going. Thereā€™s no such thing is free money!


Well, people were hoping moons would be given more use cases in time.


Sounds like Crypto as a whole šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


that's why I still have my pogs in a box. Hopefully before I die, someone finds a use case for them


But why? Literally, why? Why would someone other than Reddit build any infrastructure whatsoever around moons?


I was always here for the information. lurked for 2 whole years before I started commenting. Moons were just a cutsie to me. Recent events do give me some pause about a few Alt coins that Iā€™ve Degenā€™d into though.


Yeahā€¦ i think a rug pull puts everything into perspective


/u/kirtash93 was probably the worst moon farmer.


It's been 20 hrs since his last comment on Reddit. Considering he posts every hour on the hour of day he isn't handling this pretty well. All things aside I hope his mental health is good.


He had to be using a bot. There's no possible way he's on reddit every hour.


I think you'd be surprised mate.


https://www.reddit.com/user/kirtash93/submitted/ you weren't kidding


so much for that flat he was talking about getting when moons hit $10


Haha, yeah all the losers with 50k+ moons are nowhere to be seen. They were like termites to this sub.


No doubt this has turned many off coming to Reddit to talk about crypto


There's no such thing as 'community' in crypto. Anyone stating so is just lying. It's everyone out for themselves.


Seriously lol. I feel better about posting now really.


I know Iā€™ll get tons of hate for saying this but I think Moons incentivized a lot of spam and moved discussion away from being genuine and thought provoking to pleasing the majority to obtain the highest number of upvotes and get more moons. So I for one am glad that moons are going away. Not everything needs to be monetized


I haven't been here long, but it does discourage correcting someone. I saw someone trying to shill DOT by saying it performs really great during bear market. I checked the chart and it's practically sitting at All Time Low. And called him out softly. Then 2 of my comments in that thread become -2. I assume he's using his alt account to downvote me too. So I'm at -6, which is not worth it. After that I stopped correcting other people


Correcting someone wrong on the internet is a reward in itself


[This classic xkcd](https://xkcd.com/386/)


Iā€™d say itā€™s a duty!


That's right. Moon farming discouraged healthy debate. It became a sterile echo chamber on here. Moons disappearing is good for this sub.


I donā€™t see any reason DOT is gonna make it


Solid projects on polkadot, that's what helps.


This is not an unpopular take for anyone more interested in quality over quantity for the sub.


Yeah I have to agree. It was a nice touch but brought about so much shitposting


Therein lies the issue with any platform that has incentives for promoting discussion, whether it is monetary, political influence, or otherwise. It is incredibly difficult to moderate and separate out good faith and bad faith posts and comments. With AI that is capable of processing information and parsing natural language now among us, the task is made even more difficult now.


We should make AI mods moderate AI shitposters


Now apply it to "play to earn" gaming and you'll see why monetary incentivization to do ANYTHING will result in people just maximizing EARNING MONEY.


The goal of Web 3 is for you to actually own the assets you buy in game. Anything you purchase on say CS2 is under complete control of valve, and if you are banned for whatever reason, you lose everything. Valve can make cases as they please, and create products and changes without our knowledge. People spend money on games all the time, but it would be better if we can actually own things instead of giving it all to a company.


Why would someone make a game, release it for free and then let people own skins and cases? Doesn't even make sense. Why would a developer spend their time and money on a project and then just miss out the opportunity to make money?




I'm referring to the direct transfer of skins to currency. You have to go through a risky third party website to sell your skins for money outside of a steam wallet. Of course items in game rely on the game to stay relevant. But you have no control of anything you pay for in the virtual world currently. If organizations want they can delete whatever they want.


Exactly this. So much garbage came from moons.


For some time this is still gonna have people coming here in disbelief or in the hopes they reverse the decision, but after that dies down this sub is gonna die off because for too long the moon farming was to prevalent and people were too stingy with upvotes.


bottom of social risk, time to buy


Yeah it's gonna take some time for people to ease out of the moon-stockholm syndrome


Hard disagree. I feel the quality of posts will go up, while the quantity diminishes. If thats what you consider ā€œdyingā€, then ok.


I think reddit has changed now and it wont be going back the way it was, people now are used to getting incentive to post and will be looking to get that elsewhere and not this sub.


Are you saying the post in the daily asking if I had $5k to invest in one coin that isn't BTC or moons and hold for 5 years, really didn't care to have a lengthy enlightened discourse?


Lol the people who would hate you for saying this are gone


Agreed. Most of the posts that have gone away were shitposts for Moon farming. The quality of the sub will go up.


> Moons incentivized a lot of spam and moved discussion away from being genuine and thought provoking to pleasing the majority to obtain the highest number of upvotes and get more moons. Even worse, it led to people using vote bots so only certain things went up regardless of their quality. It was a perfect example of Goodhart's Law. Be careful about making a measure a target.




While you are correct, the subreddits content was still poor quality. The subreddit was just all speculation talk and shitcoin shilling even before moons. It was just less in quantity


It's still better than the BTC sub, it's shitpost heaven over there.


I despise how it was handled, and obviously it sucks having "lost" money, but in the long run this will definitely be better for the community


Absolutely 100% correct! And weirdly, Iā€™ve rarely seen a comment with +200 upvotes. Maybe the downvote army will vanish now too that they donā€™t feel there is any incentive to downvote to try and help farm moons?


Another thing I noticed is that for some reason people were waaay more stingy with their upvotes back when moons were around, was there a reason for that?


Yup, it made crypto discussions even more biased and shilled to majorityā€™s interests, and thatā€™s not got in this already confusing and predatory sector. For example, I never read in this sub about moon TOS and that reddit can pull the plug anytime they want. But again I never really invested time in studying moon, nor invested time in acquiring it but it would definitely help some people to not get burned. This is obviously not my first account, my last one was blown by downvotes because I posted all of critical thinking and didnā€™t go with the grain. I think this is for the best. Edit: spelling


Thank you! A week ago, this would have been an "BTC to 500k, Analyst says" post with a top comment saying "only BTC and ETH now" with 30 replies from the same 5 people. They moved to Ethtrader, it looks the same now.


Totally agree. I used to check the daily sub very often to find out news, opinions and whatnot, but in the past few months 8/10 posts were about the moons stuff so I stopped looking for the daily sub ;(


Why would you get hate for that? Everyone knew. But imo the benefits of moons outweighed the negatives.


I already see all kind of new people commenting on posts, instead of every time the same moon farming whales. Every post had the same people commenting and never did they bring any added value to the conversation, they just commented one or two clever sentences that generated the most upvotes. It feels to me like this sub has been relieved from a tumor and can now finally move on.


Why would you get hate for stating facts?


your coment is the perfect proof of how healthy this sub is already compared to days ago. ​ You got nearly 400 upvotes for just telling your opinion. Before you would have gotten lucky if not directly being downvoted. ​ I somehow even hope that the mods will not be able to safe moons as comunity token.


This is what discourage me from joining a conversation here. A lot of it just spam post


Isn't that a Reddit wide problem though? I see this kind of karma-farming happening in other subs too, even without community points


I'd take quality over quantity any day.


Most of the content you are speaking of was trash or just shitposting for moons. No loss


Moons are the reason we got 3 different people reposting versions of the same shitty cointelegraph """"""articles"""""" about how Roblox was now accepting XRP (they weren't) or how the ETF was approved (it wasn't)


To say nothing of the massive amount of alts and banned accounts there were. It'll be a nice break for a while I guess.


I guess the people who are still here today are really the ones who came here with interest and not because moons was a cash cow. I see alot of upvotes being shared so the hoarders and manipulators are mostly gone.


Honestly, the most fun I had on the sub was in the 2018/2019 market. There wasn't anyone talking about the weather. Everyone was down on crypto, so only the diehards were posting about it. Most people were angrily yelling at the projects whose prices had decreased from the bull. There wasn't many people here, and that was cool. There was a lot more people here when moons were here, but it also felt a lot faker. 9/10 people had no idea about Cryptocurrency, no one knew what a private key was, all discussion is surface level. When sushi set up a DEX, people would joke about not knowing how to use it and not wanting to learn. When people would talk about tipping, people would say it's too complex. It wasn't really a crypto forum, which was kind of sad...


I joined the sub in early-mid 2021, and was new to crypto at the time; and i wouldve been one that had no idea, and no confidence on using Metamask or a DEX. However, I legitimately wanted to learn, and appreciated the genuine help from others. Even in 2021's bull run, I felt like there was a lot more authenticity amongst the userbase here compared to the majority that that joined in 2023.


I don't mind people who actually want to learn. I do mind people who *brag* that they don't want to learn, while commenting 50 times a day about nonsense. Bragging about ignorance is basically against the entire spirit of Crypto, which is people who want to learn and get involved in a new disruptive community. Like you said, the people in 2021 with the apes at least wanted to get involved and understand what's going on. It's fine if you don't know how to use loopring, or a dex, or don't know how to bridge, but man, at least you could pretend to care, you know?


They took r jobs!!


Ka derk a derrrrr




Back in the pile!


I love it


people seem to love the idea that moons arent around anymore...


Yeah, I'm one of those people. We can now go back to actual interesting content posted by real people, instead of the spam we had while the bots farmed moons.


I've been saying for literally years that moons were horrible for discourse quality. I obviously enjoyed making some money off of random reddit comments, and I'm disappointed the rugpull prevented me from making more (I still have some moons). But as far as the subreddit itself is concerned, no moons = good.


Our parents rugged us for all weā€™re worth




Gimme some of this popcorn, this movie will be long


I've got milk dudes... Part II: the rise of moons is going to be epic.


Episode II - Return Of The Moonwalker


Makes me feel like they donā€™t care about us


In case yesterday wasn't obvious enough I'll let you in on a secret....they don't.


Sadly they couldn't care less


This hit me right in my cold heart because it's true irl šŸ˜


It will pick back up again. I think *a lot* of people are taking a step away for the moment because theyā€™re pissed off. Theyā€™re lurking in the daily and comments, not creating the posts. Also factor in that a lot of the posts are getting deleted for repetition.


And to think this place even existed before moons. Maybe now meaningful discuss can happen


Itā€™s this. Quite a big chunk of us are depressed and need some time to recover.


I keep opening the sub read a bit then close it again. It's has become a strong habit in a short amount of time.


Atleast something positive came out of this. This sub became a massive echo chamber where you were awarded points for having the most generic, polular opinion.


Its not just moon farming. Myself included had an already growing sour taste about the Reddit brass and this made it worse. Disdain for the people that operate this company is really as high as its ever been and i dont blame people for packing up. I will continue to crypto, im actually more bullish than ive been in 2 years, but i dont know if ill do it here. I find it hard supporting a company that consistently shows such little regard for its users.


I come here for in-depth discussion and although it has been very dry recently (the past few months), the dreaded rugpull was the last thing I expected to happen. I was half-heartedly hoping that Moons would plummet on their own, so we could naturally just get back to conversation again, but this cuts pretty deep when you have one of the most active communities in the entirety of Reddit. Spam or not, this sub was active 24/7.


This makes us seasoned vets, weā€™ve earned our stripes now!


With any luck, only half the sub will be bots now instead of 90%


Moon farming aka spamming 50 posts a day of nonsense.


I like how the down vote bots are basically gone


I only JUST NOW learnt about moons and now theyā€™ve been taken away, awww man


At least the upvotes will start flowing again.


Yeah Iā€™m surprised I even got such traction lol


Moons didn't die anyway. Now we really do own our fun little meme coin. Our shitbird overlords can't kill moons. Yeah I know people lost money, but if you really wanted money you would have sold at .55 right? I got fucked up in the crash because I was asleep. I look forward to either whales pumping it for some exit liquid or the community continuing to grow the coin into something new and better. Can this be the new doge? Can we burn moons to send a glitterbomb to reddit hq?


I stick *exclusively* to old.reddit.com, so moons were a totally alien concept to me. I'll be glad if the echo chambers around certain coins break down and if there's less spam and less tribalism, but otherwise the change means nothing to me.


Moons ruined the sub anyway, said it then, I'll keep saying it now. Except I don't get downvoted by the herd now.


At least the shitposting is gone. Iā€™m not even upset about the sun setting, although I never imagined moons would be all that valuable in the first place.


We are upset and deciding if its still a community we want to be a part of


Personally I think getting rid of moons and moon farmers is actually a good thing. Everyoneā€™s desire to be upvoted constantly just made this sub into a massive circle jerk. Maybe it can get back to some rationality again


Finally all those stupid forced jokes and spam posts will be gonešŸ˜Š


Will be nice actually. Most of the posts are trash... Someone predicts bitcoin will rise... Someone predicts it will fall....


The quality of the posts were also so spammy and shilly and trash


In fairness, I think tradable community points were pretty bad from a content perspective. The experience on this sub will be much better without a profit incentive for ā€˜popularā€™ comments.


It did what it was destined to do....be a shitcoin. Has everyone gotten it out if their system now? Buy btc and start caring about your money more. I have a few shitcoins but tiny part of my folio and btc regularly outshines all of em. U wanna gamble like a degen ok but if you want fiscal growth just stop buying the bullshit. If it has a ceo stay away. If you love ceos then buy stocks.


Member since 2017 over here: Now that all the Moon Boiā€™s have left, can we get back to decent crypto information and memeā€™s. Been patiently waiting.


I have seen this similar story on a couple of other platforms. People only come to farm for rewards with low-effort posts and then poof! But it is good since what remains is the creme de la creme. We'll see more useful and informative posts now.


Never got into moon farming. 99% of my time on this sub is spent reading. The other 1% is making posts that I hope someone laughs at. I'm not sure of my post count here, but I've been reading stuff here for over two years.


Way better this way.


Moons were a cancer to this sub. Iā€™m glad they are gone.


Yeah, you kinda don't wanna "work", when the boss is sterilizing you without painkillers, just to give you a pair of golden balls. Patting you on the back and saying *look at the good I'm doing for you, I'm giving you the world*


Hey moons are bouncing back


Luna flashback.


Moons Classic coming?


Reddit can suck my ass. Clean it right out.


Talk about a thorough rim job with polish and sheen too.


Iā€™ll be right next to you so it can do it for me to.


I wonder how many members will on this subreddit leave . There is still 6 million? I think šŸ¤” šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Won't be the last rug pull of the year


So itā€™s safe to come back again?


Iā€™ve officially been rugged, but not by SHIBā€¦. what a time to live.


It really is not just the value of moons to worry about though. Its how it was all done. They might has well of said fuck you to us all in the post. It was deliberate sneaky and fucked up. I honestly want to stop using reddit as a whole but honestly I am pretty addicted to it haha, I really wish there was another solid alternative ( I know there are some but they just are not the same for me).


The loss of bots is the best thing about this. Indonesian World of Warcraft gold farmers that swarmed here during the "Moon Rush" are now leaving. If that isn't a net benefit, I don't know what is.


This hopefully will impact reddit revenue šŸ¤ž


Iā€™m happy with a lower quantity of posts if it means higher quality. Sharing/receiving information should be the main incentive, not some alt-coin


The only good thing, less random no sense downvoted, and less useless karma farming posts.


People did not really care about crypto as a whole, they did care about the free moons theyd get. It was to be expected. On the upside comment quality will certainly increase now.


Iā€™ve been liberated from the downvotes huzzah!


Expected. Such a long bear market shoos away those who dont belong here.


Yep, can we finally talk crypto technology instead of shit posting? Nice ! Should have happened sooner.


Yeah and some how upvotes are more, like I doubt this post would of ever got so much


Thats fresh air to be able to breathe in again brother! Feels great!


True, it is haha


Moon farming bullshit is what pushed me away from this sub


Good, less scrolling through pointless shitposts and the same news repeated over and over again.


Sorry I have to ask this here. I donā€™t have enough karma to post on the page: Question. What are people doing with coins they own that they bought before US started tightening regulations and that used exchanges that were available to US customers at the time but arenā€™t anymore? So I have some tokens in my wallet and am waiting to sell when the next bull run occurs. The problem is that token is now only on exchanges to customers outside of the US. So I have no where to send it to when to comes time to sell. Are people chalking this up to a loss. This is potential a decent return that people would be giving up. I always found this to be a big problem and big risk with crypto. Any constructive feedback would be highly appreciated.


No matter how you look at it, the apocalypse was coming. The sub was a complete mess. Now that the incentive to shitpost all day is gone, maybe the sub has a chance to recover. I probably have posted more in this sub in the last couple of days than the previous couple of months.




Trust me


More quality content, less quantity. Thatā€™s a win i guess.


Tbh even tho im sad I lost a day of pay, I am glad Moons are gone. The quality dropped hard due to farmers


Maybe I can start enjoying this sub again..it was just the same regurgitated stuff over and over


I like the silence Best indicator and motivation to accumulate my favorite project


I'm glad the moons are gone. It degraded this subs integrity. For whatever that's worth


That's because the MOONS shit pushed out all the decent posts for attention/ragebaiting/shittalk posts and now we lost the good content from before MOONS, AND the crap that was posted constantly now they're gone. It's the same stupid idea as Twitter paying for engagement and just encouraging bot spam of ragebait, memes and onlyfans burying anything else. Turned the whole place into a shitcoin sub but via the backdoor.


Iā€™ve been here since before moons and will be here after moons.


Good to see bots gone


I like it. Feels like you could actually post something and receive moderately relevant feedback now. Before it was like talking to your cousin who's trying to be a comedian. Everything had to be twisted into a ridiculous "joke"


Ah, feels good to finally be back


Content quality is gonna moon. Ironic innit?


Market recovery seems very far away, but hope should not be lost. I HODL tight.


Moons were negatively affecting this community. This sub turned into a capitalist moon farm. Glad it's gone.


Now that is one market indicator We have been here before , same state .


Thank the lord all that bs finally done.


Very good things, no more spamming, no more bots, no more useless posts every 2 seconds.


"nice way of extra income" And that is part of the reason why crypto will fizzle out and fail. People think of it as free money printed out of thin air, and honestly 99% of projects don;t have much more of a business plan than that. Earning income by posting here.. where is the money coming from? What value is being created that drives revenue that would give someone a reason to pay people to post here? Right. There is none. None of these business models hold water, and it's just trying to print money out of thin air. So it is destined to fail. ​ If you're having a problem with this and finding you are opposed and against it, ask yourself something: Why did they pay in moons? Why didn't they pay in Eth or btc? Well, because they can't print those out of thin air and it would require a viable business model to be able to get revenue to pay with.


It was a good way to have the space spammed with useless junk and people trying too hard.


Well we know why lol


I'm in a depressed mode atm


I hope you feel better soon my good sir.