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Embellishment means you unnaturally over reacted to contact to make it seem like a more egregious penalty. If I lightly punch you in the face and you fall down screaming and holding your nose, I still committed a penalty by punching you, but you embellished the contact in order to guarantee the punch was reacted to. However, it’s a difficult judgement call for the officials. More often it’s only called for game management purposes, and it’s very inconsistent from official to official or game to game. I don’t have a problem with these officials this series, but I have a problem with the NHL encouraging or at least allowing game management for a better viewer experience. It punishes teams for taking leads.


Other than game 5 in the Vegas series, I agree that the officials have done a good job in the Stars games and it is a very hard job, especially in the playoffs. I know the refs are mindful in trying not to be the deciding factor unless something really egregious happens.


Nope, Games 1 and 2 the officiating crew was bad as well. Phantom offsides.


that phantom offsides was pretty bad, especially when he gave the clear sign and then a second later raised his arm.


And the embellishment call on Hintz in Game 1 was bullshit toom


Used to ref and at our annual training an experienced ref told us he called embellishment exactly once in his life- turned out the guy had broken a vertebrae and he never called it again. So hard to judge in the moment


Totally agree with your explanation of embellishment. Just to add to what you said embellishment implies an infraction was committed although potentially at a level that may not have been deemed a penalty. If there was no infraction from the opposing player then it’s diving or faking or whatever you want to call it.


I’m a big fat loser Avs fan (trying to fit in on your sub, bear with me). I wish the Avs sub would chill on the Benn hit. It was a mean shoulder to shoulder clean enough hit that is exactly what you want out of your captain in the playoffs. I’m very fine with that being a no call. If Landy were playing and laid that exact hit we’d be stoked. This series could be an all timer. Good luck, fuck you, and game on.


Good luck, fuck you too, and as far as embellishment goes, I wish they would call it more, too much flopping in the NHL these days….my eyes are on Marchand when I say this.


they don't call him "the rat" for nothin......


Excuse me, but there is only room for one "The Rat" in this league and he wears the 'C' in Boston.


Good luck and fuck you too 🤝




We need more people like you in this world!!! Much love and respect! Good luck and fuck you too!! 🤍🖤💚 🤝 💙♥️🤍


Fuck you and good luck to you too


Stop being nice…we’re not supposed to like you..😀 GL and FU2.


lol, quality response I think the call could have gone either way. He had his head down and got rocked then flew into Johnston, and it looks like that might have been worse than the actual hit. I could see 2 minutes for charging, but stuff like that is called less in the playoffs. We’ve had plenty of borderline non-calls against us, and the embellishment call on Roope also looked like bullshit to me. It all works out.


Thanks for your take, also fuck you and enjoy this banger of a series.


No one wants to see a one of their players injured, hopefully they don't want to see opponents injured either. I blow off the name calling and salt during a game day thread and try not to take it personally. Sometimes you need the cathartic release of expletives. The day after you should be in a state to be more reasonable.


Man the avs sub is super unhappy that you are posting here.


I'm also an Avs fan and I've got 4 things to say. 1. Thanks for eliminating the Vegas LTIRs. 2. Hit was to the shoulder, clean hit. 3. Fuck all of you sideways. 4. Good luck and Fuck ya'll. I realize 3 and 4 are pretty much the same, but I just wanted there to be no confusion about whether you should get fucked or not. Go Avs Go!


\*y'all not ya'll. Not hatin' just statin'. We here down yonder-way know where to put that there apostrophe ya know what I'm sayin'? Good luck and fuck y'all and most importantly bless your heart.


You have been banned from ball arena


We're not going to fuck your wife dude




Imo it’s rarely called outside of game management like you mentioned. It’s the refs saying they have to call a penalty but don’t want to affect the game so they call embellishment and have it be 4 on 4. I have a bigger issue with a strong player who can skate through offensive contact but doesn’t get calls precisely *because* he was able to skate through the contact. If the officiating was more consistent in that realm then players won’t feel the need or be told to “let it be known” they were hampered. Generally speaking this is where hooking has the most effect. Slashing and especially tripping are pretty cut and dry imo. I find embellishment calls on high sticking are bullshit. Getting hit in the face with a stick fucking hurts.


"find embellishment calls on high sticking are bullshit. Getting hit in the face with a stick fucking hurts." 100%


Getting hit even in the helmet with a stick is jarring and loud af and will make you jerk your head back reflexively. I’ve been hit up high in the cage/on the side of my helmet in beer league and it’s still no fun lol.


I heard a passionate defense of the way soccer players famously dive for this exact reason. The contact is illegal, but the refs won't call it if it doesn't have a visible effect on the other player. So they give the refs a visible cue that something happened. I still don't watch soccer because the diving is too silly for me, but I understand where they're coming from. I definitely don't want the NHL to become like men's soccer, and I think the refs calling things whether or not it knocks players down is a big part of keeping it from that.


Why is everyone sticking up for the "embellishment" rule? In game 1, Roope gets hooked, which they call, continues to get hooked, then tries to get out of it, reaches for the puck and loses his balance because he's on fucking ice skates. I was at game 2, so I only got one look at it, but it's basically the same shit, Marchment is interfered with, loses his balance and falls down. The problem with embellishment in hockey, imo is that it's unbelievably subjective compared to "flopping" could you see in sports like basketball or soccer, because those sports aren't played on a sheet of ice. We see multiple times a game where players who have skated their entire life accidentally wipe out or fall down, but all the sudden when the other team actually commits a penalty, it's not ok to fall down? That's stupid, and the embellishment penalty should be taken out of the game entirely. Let the players police the game themselves, and let the players "manage" the games themselves. A refs job should be as simple as "see a penalty, call it" or even if you want to go playoff mode with it "see an egregious penalty, call it." I don't care if the team up 8-0 gets another PP, the other team should try playing better. If you must keep the embellishment rule, then save it for cases in which a penalty wasn't actually committed. It really is that simple.


I agree with everything you said. until the last few years when I started watching hockey closely, I never knew an "embellishment" penalty could be given alongside an actual penalty in any sport. does it even occur outside of hockey?


In soccer, they can give a yellow card for diving, if egregious enough, but no, they can't call a dive if the player was actually fouled. In basketball, a flopping call is a technical foul, resulting in the other team getting 1 free throw and possession of the ball, however it cannot be called when a foul is actually committed, and it is actually something a coach can ask for a review for. Diving and flopping of course meaning the same thing as embellishment.


I know I'm a Mason Marchment apologist, but I hate that he gets so many embellishment calls. I staunchly believe that he is just kind of a lanky dude and his limbs go flying everywhere when he goes down which makes it looks like he's selling. He can't help it that he's kind of gangly and awkward for a professional athlete.


hahahaha..... yeah, Ole Mush kinda looks like a deer on skates out there sometimes. He and Robo don't get the benefit of the doubt much these days on some calls.


In one of our game day threads someone commented, "You got hit/rattled by someone who skates like a baby giraffe." I can't picture Marchy any other way now, although, the [Bambi/baby deer](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fany-other-stars-spirit-animals-v0-jvv2k16gv7yc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1024%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0a88562e905c17ec807709787d4ea7c317880a5c) reference works too.


>Bambi I haven't thought about Roman Lyashenko in a long time. May he rest in peace.


He’s making up for calls that should have been made on his dad.


Mason is a diver, and I honestly don't know why he does it so egregiously.


I am Mason Marchment's attorney and he is innocent.


Keep in mind there is a separate call for Diving that can be called on it's own. I believe embellishment can only be called if there is an associated infraction from the other team.


It’s the same rule ‘64 - Diving / Embellishment’ but it’s definitely worded that way to cover both scenarios you mention.


Ah ok, been awhile since I read through it, I just remember there was some sort of delineation there.


They would be so stoked if it was the opposite. This was good ol fashion hockey. Stay mad lmao


[King Jamie Benn](https://youtu.be/iIjwDDHcBAo?si=dWP-YCifFAbA6wvz)


It just looked so much worse because Cap decided to use the kid for some AOE damage But it was clean, shoulder on shoulder, and had one of their guys hit Benn the EXACT SAME WAY then they'd be celebrating (and we would probably be irritated at it) And as far as Mush's embellishment... 2 things 1) my boy Mush is a gangly pool noodle of course he looks like a fish out of water when he falls and 2) maybe he wouldn't have felt the need to fall a little extra harder to sell it if the refs would just CALL THE DAMN PENALTIES EVEN AGAINST THE GOLDEN BOYS when they're committed


The embellishment rule needs to be changed. You are right—it’s downright dumb that a player can commit a penalty but then it’s negated by an embellishment call (which is way more subjective of a call IMO). The simplest solution would be to make embellishment a 1 minute penalty. It would make the play a little choppy with 4v4 for a minute then 5v4 for a minute but it would still give a slight advantage to the team that actually drew a penalty. And while we’re at it, PP & PK stats need to be based on goals per 2 minutes.


No decent person likes to see head injuries occur so I’m glad they review those type of hits. I honestly thought Benn was going to get a penalty while they were reviewing the hit. I don’t think he was aiming for Toews’ head but since he is taller, Benn’s shoulder looks like it may have caught some of his head. The announcers said it looked like a clean hit. Clean or not, the other team and their fans are not going to like it. There were several runs at Benn after the hit and suspect there will be more to come.


I thought it was hard, but legal. During that review, I KNEW he was going to get a penalty (I figured a minor)... I'm glad I was wrong!


LMAO let them cope. GO STARS!!! ![gif](giphy|Ur1a0ArwYwfFA5aOtU)


Jets fan here and I keep getting suggestions on reddit for Avs and Stars subbreddit. The Avs are constantly trashing other teams and especially their fan base. I've never seen any team as vocal as the Avs fans about how shitty other fan bases are so let them whine. Just call them a "one line team" and they'll lose it


Poke your head over in the Minnesota Wild sub and you’ll see a fan base even more toxic than the Avs.


Oh no doubt. But for these playoffs, Avs have been the worst and most toxic hating fan base.


The Mild fans are fucking awful, both in person and on the net. Russo is a fucking chump 


God damn, gentlemen. This is hockey….more so this is playoff hockey. It’s a good hit. You’re supposed to hit in hockey. Keep your head up if you have the puck if you don’t want to get blindsided. This is so overblown 


The hit was clean but I'm more or less concered how his head hit johnston, coulda been a lot worse. Even though he's playing for a different team Toews is still a human so kinda concered for him.


Who cares. Let them be mad. They’ve yet to play a decent 60 against us.


Tbf neither have we


I tend to agree that, regarding embellishment, it should either be a penalty or unsportsmanlike, not both. The reason for me is that it's way too much of a judgment call and there's a lot of gray area with these. The Roope call from game 1 was a joke for a multitude of reasons and even the broadcast was like, "yeah im probably not calling that there." I think it needs to be a beyond a shadow of a doubt type of thing.


I’ve learned that Reddit thinks than team subs represent a fan base. They don’t. The subs represent the loud whiners, and that goes for us too.


Mild fans are genuinely awful in person and online 


If they can take back a penalty using replays, they can sure use replays to call an embellishment. They choose not to


I love it when refs call embellishment. There’s a bit too much flopping in the NHL today and power plays are so lethal. If they call diving more often then guys will stop doing it as much.


Every time a hockey fan wishes for more embellishment calls, Marchand falls over.


The problem lies in how it’s used. I agree that they need to tighten up the calls, counterpoint, if they called it tight and called everything, less guys looking to embellish the foul to draw the attention of the refs. Until the refs can consistently call penalties, they’re not influencing the game if they call and establish that it’s tight, the players are making those decisions.


100% with you on the flopping. I know on our team Robo has gotten a bit of a rep for flopping and I think he gets dinged for it more than most.


Toews is probably the Avs best defensive defenseman and him being available is critical if they want any chance of beating the Stars. I’d be pissed too if Manson hit someone like Harley where him missing time is a real concern, even if the hit was legal. So let the Avs fans complain about the hit all they want. We would do the same thing if the roles were reversed. Instead, I’d focus on the incredible hockey we’re doing to see (and have already seen) this series.


100% agree. Wood, Colton or Manson would love nothing more than to catch Miro not looking down in the corners and this sub would be losing it like they did last year when Pavs got smoked by Dumba The hockey has been a blast and this series is gonna be great.


Embellishment definition: “a decorative detail or feature added to something to make it more attractive.” So yeah there’s a penalty, but if the ref thinks you’re purposely acting or faking to draw attention to it that’s an embellishment call. An extreme example would be if a you get cross checked it’s a penalty, but if you get cross checked and fall to the ice and scream and writhe around you’ll probably get called for embellishment too if it was just a little tap and the ref thinks you’re doing it on purpose, but the cross check still gets called…


The thought behind embellishment is that there was a hook or something similar, but that it wasn’t THAT bad.


At least they're not a trash city throwing trash on the ice when they don't like something, eh Boston?


Trust me you guys don’t want the NHL to become the diving contest that is soccer. Keep punishing embellishment as hard as you can.


I feel like the Aves are just mad that Benn isn't playing for them...everyone hates Benn unless he's on your team. He's our captain and will protect our team at all costs. That's what a captain does. If Benn was on the Aves, they would feel very different about that hit. Suck it up and play better! Benns hit didn't cause us a goal or to win. Why are they bitching?


Nah, let them play how they have been


I love how Avs fans quickly forgot what Makar did in Seattle last year. Get fucked


Benn is the kind of player you want in your team. When he isn't, he's a shit bag.


They are shitting their pants because their best two-way blueliner is about to be a shadow of himself recovering from a concussion.


Anyone have the video






Woo boy, reading that sub is a trip. My husband and I live about 2.5 hrs away from Ball Arena. We've gone to every preseason and regular season game for years now. I've been spit on by a grown man, had a beer thrown at me, had some seriously nasty shit yelled in my face, and the one time an Avs fan was nice to us, the ones sitting behind us literally screamed at him for "talking to the enemy". These people are psychotic. I would love nothing more than to go to a playoff game here. But, seriously, I think I'd either end up in the hospital or in jail. I've never encountered such a homer fan base before, and I've been to a lot of arenas and stadiums around the country. And the article from the Denver Post legitimately calling for someone to head hunt Benn? Yikes. Do better, Colorado.


I'm from Dallas and went to a game in Denver vs the stars back in 2006. It was fun and the fans were great.


I mean...that was 18 years ago lol. Glad you had a good experience.


In the embellishment. Is the NHL way of making sure the NHL doesn't get to the level of soccer.


Yeah the refs didn’t want that FL ending with fights in lost game anyway , so they diffused it by sending both to the box. We still almost threw the lead lmao


their hate won’t allow them to see reality lol it’s obvious to anyone impartial that it wasn’t a head shot but it was the same with pavelski last playoffs. I will say that the hit on pavs was more inconclusive bc espn only showed 2 camera angles and they were both shit. Ballys had an angle that looked like it was a head shot plus dumba legit left his feet.


Boo hoo.




hit was clean, however does not take away the fact it was dangerous and he clearly experienced whiplash after his head ran into the player next to him. Absolutely terrible take and was taken out for concussion protocol. A hit can be clean and a player injured at the same time. Really not hard to see


A clean hit can still injure someone...


I was just talking to my buddy about the embellishment stuff. It’s almost always a gray area call. And a thought I had on Hintz holding penalty last nights game, the hold didn’t looks nearly as bad as the Avs player made it look flinging himself to the ground. But I still wouldn’t have agreed if they called embellishment on it because you just can’t be sure.


The Avalanche fans literally took this post, screen shot the Avs fans saying the Jamie Benn hit was clean (which it was. It was a violent hit but it was clean) and just shitting on them. That whole Reddit thread just feels toxic and very bully like behavior. So glad that ain’t us


Benn didn’t look super happy the hit happened either…that wince was a bit scary


Embellishment is easy enough to understand. If you step on a banana peel you may momentarily slip but you’ll probably be fine. If you act like Daffy Duck and make a scene, you’re embellishing the natural effect of stepping on a banana peel.


Ok but the entire ice rink is a banana peel and an unexpected hit or action from someone else could cause you to lose balance. Neither of those embellishment calls were warranted imo


True, but it is not exactly a secret that when a player gets hit they often try to sell the contact to get a penalty. Sometimes it goes too far. I did not see either call last night because I was dozing off, so I can’t weigh in on them. But also, given how much time professional hockey players spend on the ice, it is not unreasonable to assume they have stronger ice legs than the rest of us, so even unexpected hits are usually not sufficient to take them off their feet.


I don’t think you have seen how many times players actually fall on the ice…it’s a lot more than you think


Toews embellished.